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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-11-29update OSGi APIs.v20101129Thomas Watson7-362/+435
2010-11-29Bug 330905 - Problem with persisting bundles state after install when eclipse...Thomas Watson5-8/+20
2010-11-19testAndrew Niefer1-1/+1
2010-11-19Bug 330133 - [launcher] Add mechanism for ignoring user specified config.ini ...v20110321-2120v20101119Thomas Watson1-6/+25
2010-11-19Bug 329922 - StreamHanderFactory should be very careful to not throw errors o...Thomas Watson1-0/+3
2010-11-19Bug 330666 - [uses] issue with merging and culling the solution setThomas Watson1-1/+2
2010-11-16bug 330280 - add hpux gtkv20101116Andrew Niefer1-0/+2
2010-11-16bug 330280 - add hpux gtkAndrew Niefer13-1/+321
2010-11-16bug 330280 - add hpux gtkAndrew Niefer1-0/+3
2010-11-12bug 329940: Detect and handle recursive calls for the same bundle to ServiceF...v20101115BJ Hargrave5-0/+35
2010-11-10Use correct error codes for framework log entries.Thomas Watson4-14/+14
2010-11-09Update OSGi APIsThomas Watson6-57/+45
2010-11-09Bug 329805 - Compiler warnings in N20101108-2000 buildThomas Watson2-7/+4
2010-11-05Bug 329455 - Implement security checks for CapabilityPermissionv20101109Thomas Watson6-14/+47
2010-11-05Bug 329542 - Resolver should read osgi.resolver.preferSystemPackages from sta...Thomas Watson1-1/+5
2010-11-01Bug 328508 - Add support to Require-Bundle for arbitrary matching attributes ...v20101101Thomas Watson12-49/+179
2010-11-01Bug 328795 - [Webapp] Possible security issue with JSP code exposure.Thomas Watson1-8/+15
2010-11-01Bug 328795 - [Webapp] Possible security issue with JSP code exposure.Thomas Watson6-4/+91
2010-10-22Bug 318640 - BundleLocalization#getLocalization() sometimes return null, but...v20101022Thomas Watson1-6/+7
2010-10-20Bug 309968 - Avoid call to File.isDirectory() to improve the performance of ...Thomas Watson1-1/+24
2010-10-20bug 328080 - Launcher needed for 32bit AIX GTK portAndrew Niefer1-1/+1
2010-10-19bug 328080 - Launcher needed for 32bit AIX GTK portv20101019Andrew Niefer1-1/+1
2010-10-19bug 328080 - Launcher needed for 32bit AIX GTK portAndrew Niefer11-1/+222
2010-10-19Bug 324753 - [perfs] Regression on several OSGI component testsThomas Watson3-11/+15
2010-10-18319123: mozillav20101018Andrew Niefer1-1/+1
2010-10-18Bug 327675 - Support framework UUIDThomas Watson3-1/+328
2010-10-14Bug 327794 - Implement new origin for installed bundle eventThomas Watson4-12/+74
2010-10-14Bug 325634 - Add package o.e.osgi.framework.eventmgr to Supplement bundleThomas Watson6-1292/+0
2010-10-14Bug 327677 - Support for allowing duplicate bundle installationsThomas Watson1-1/+2
2010-10-14Bug 325634 - Add package o.e.osgi.framework.eventmgr to Supplement bundleThomas Watson1-2/+3
2010-10-14Bug 327697 - Update to R4.3 APIs for compendium services.Thomas Watson76-7/+7
2010-10-14 Bug 327763 - Javadoc warning in N20101013-2000Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2010-10-13 Bug 327697 - Update to R4.3 APIs for compendium services.Thomas Watson7-1/+1
2010-10-13Bug 326707 - [RFC 159] Support in core for WeavingHookThomas Watson22-79/+849
2010-10-11Bug 327477 - change BundleWiring#listResources to return Collection instead ...v20101011Thomas Watson15-74/+85
2010-10-11Bug 326918 - ServiceReference#isAssignable wrongly returns falseThomas Watson1-0/+8
2010-10-08bug 319123 - mozilla : Application becomes unresponsive when code completion ...Andrew Niefer1-34/+38
2010-10-07Bug 326011 related changes - triggers only come from bundles in the INSTALLED...Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2010-10-04 Bug 326502 - Tons of errors after plug-in importv20101004Thomas Watson1-0/+9
2010-10-04increment version to leave room for 3.6.xAndrew Niefer1-1/+1
2010-10-04*** empty log message ***Andrew Niefer1-1/+1
2010-10-04bug 325294 - check program dir before working dirAndrew Niefer2-5/+5
2010-10-04update OSGi APIs.Thomas Watson32-92/+204
2010-10-01Bug 326790: Performance improvement to CopyOnWriteIdentityMap for iterating o...BJ Hargrave2-78/+238
2010-10-01bug 326709 - build launcher for gtk.aix.ppc64v20101001Andrew Niefer12-6/+334
2010-10-01 Bug 323012 - Performance regression in org.eclipse.osgiThomas Watson1-1/+3
2010-09-29Bug 323426 - Implement BundleWiring(s) supportThomas Watson1-8/+18
2010-09-29Bug 323426 - Implement BundleWiring(s) supportThomas Watson1-3/+8
2010-09-29Update to latest OSGi APIs.Thomas Watson21-368/+493
2010-09-28 Bug 323426 - Implement BundleWiring(s) supportThomas Watson16-128/+500

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