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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-09-07Add better diagnostics for uses constraint violations.I20130910-2000I20130910-0800I20130909-2000I20130908-2000Thomas Watson9-40/+73
2013-09-06Externalize Strings.I20130906-2000Thomas Watson24-77/+156
2013-09-06Consolidate NLS messages.Thomas Watson11-100/+58
2013-09-06Move Msg messages class to org.eclipse.osgi.internal.messagesThomas Watson30-33/+31
2013-09-06Move Tokenizer to org.eclipse.osgi.internal.utilThomas Watson5-7/+7
2013-09-06Bug 416729 - BundleFileWrapperFactoryHook.wrapBundleFile needs Location paramThomas Watson2-9/+25
2013-09-05Bug 416654: Ensure system bundle context servicesInUse field provisionedI20130905-2000BJ Hargrave2-12/+15
There was a corner case where a hook would need to be notified before the system bundle had used BundleContext.getService. This would result in the system bundle context servicesInUse field not being initialized when the hook notification occurred. The code would then NPE when attempting to synchronize on the null servicesInUse value. The change refactors the code to provision the servicesInUse field into a method. The ServiceRegistry constructor then calls this method to ensure the field is provisioned in the system bundle context before any hooks are notified. Signed-off-by: BJ Hargrave <>
2013-09-05Bug 416365 - Debugger opens Java file which is not on classpath instead of ↵Thomas Watson1-4/+3
class file with attached source
2013-09-03Bug 416097 - Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState(false) returns unresolved ↵I20130904-2000I20130903-2000I20130903-1410Thomas Watson1-0/+11
State - Fix timing issue in test
2013-08-30Bug 416073 - Optimize Storage.listEntryPaths for wildcards and recursion.I20130903-0900I20130831-1500I20130830-2000Thomas Watson2-7/+7
Minor tweaks: - Change PluginConverterHook to use getBundleFile() to avoid confusion on which bundle file it was using - Change ZipBundleFile to use LinkedHashSet to preserve order.
2013-08-30Bug 416073 - Optimize Storage.listEntryPaths for wildcards and recursion.John Ross20-200/+232
The first optimization consisted of adding an additional method to BundleFile with the following signature: abstract public void getEntryPaths(String path, boolean recursive) This allows the bundle file to return all descendants under the specified path rather than only its children. In turn, this allowed for the removal of the loop in Storage.listEntryPaths that made multiple calls to the bundle file for the same data. The second optimization was to replace List with a Set in BundleLoader.listResources and Storage.listEntryPaths to achieve constant lookup time for contains(). A LinkedHashSet was used to maintain the original ordering. As part of this work, a bundle file decorator class (BundleFileWrapper) was introduced in order to shield clients from future changes to BundleFile. As a result of these changes, org.eclipse.equinox.transforms and org.eclipse.equinox.weaving in rt.equinox.bundles required updates. Fixed synthetic access compiler warning in BundleLoader. Removed all @since 3.2 annotations from package Refactored SignedBundleFile so that BundleFileWrapper did not need to accept a null bundle file in the constructor. Fixed a failure in DiscardBundleTests caused by not being able to setLastModified on a file locked by the framework.
2013-08-30Bug 416097 - Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState(false) returns unresolved ↵Thomas Watson6-357/+256
2013-08-30Bug 415941 - Set 'code.ignoredWarnings' for test bundles in order to useThomas Watson1-0/+1
global build settings
2013-08-29Bug 412850 - Need eclipse.inf in osgi.tests to avoid signing inner jarsI20130829-2000Thomas Watson1-25/+4
2013-08-28Bug 416056 - Updating from I20130820-0800 to I20130827-0800 restarted many ↵I20130828-1800Thomas Watson1-7/+13
times with exceptions - Fix by ignoring IllegalStateException when framework is shutdown
2013-08-28Bug 416056 - Updating from I20130820-0800 to I20130827-0800 restartedThomas Watson2-1/+71
many times with exceptions - Add a testcase
2013-08-27Check to make sure there is a valid bundle file at update time.I20130828-1000Thomas Watson1-0/+2
2013-08-27Bug 415956 - Starting eclipse with the security manager enabled is slowThomas Watson2-5/+28
and unusable
2013-08-27Bug 415951 - NPE in System.setSecurityManagerThomas Watson1-1/+1
2013-08-27Bug 412850 - Need eclipse.inf in osgi.tests to avoid signing inner jarsThomas Watson1-2/+0
2013-08-27Bug 412850 - Need eclipse.inf in osgi.tests to avoid signing inner jarsThomas Watson1-0/+26
2013-08-26Check to make sure the framework is active when performing start level ↵I20130827-0800Thomas Watson1-0/+7
2013-08-26Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for ↵Thomas Watson2-1/+14
unresolve and resolve - Need prevent recursive start from resolve operation.
2013-08-26Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for ↵Thomas Watson2-4/+36
unresolve and resolve - Need to release the started lock and recheck for resolution by another thread
2013-08-25Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for ↵Thomas Watson1-2/+4
unresolve and resolve - Improve error message for failure to acquire lock
2013-08-25Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for ↵Thomas Watson1-11/+21
unresolve and resolve
2013-08-25Bug 415800 - Improve on error message for resolution when starting a bundleThomas Watson10-141/+186
2013-08-22Bug 415464 - 13 compile warnings in official buildThomas Watson1-8/+10
2013-08-22Check to make sure there is a valid bundle file at install timeThomas Watson2-3/+5
2013-08-22Bug 415668 - Installing bundles from multiple threads can lead to issuesThomas Watson1-12/+19
locking the bundle ID
2013-08-21Bug 415464 - 13 compile warnings in official buildThomas Watson2-6/+5
2013-08-21Avoid runtime exception when zip file cannot be opened.Thomas Watson1-1/+3
2013-08-21Bug 415621 - Reinstate the osgi.compatibility.eagerStart.LazyActivation settingThomas Watson2-5/+10
2013-08-20Bug 415527 - Need to make sure gosh.args are set appropriatelyThomas Watson2-8/+12
(--nointernactive --noshutdown)
2013-08-20Bug 415517 - Dynamic import fails with fragments that haveThomas Watson4-4/+49
Import-Package payload
2013-08-20Bug 415483 - System bundle headers must include extra system packagesThomas Watson1-0/+64
for Export-Package
2013-08-20Bug 415447 - Unable to obtain system.bundle by Platform.getBundleThomas Watson2-1/+15
2013-08-14Bug 406946 - resolution of osgi.install.area fails in windowsI20130820-0800Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2013-08-12Bug 411718 - ConcurrentModificationException in ↵I20130813-1330I20130813-1200I20130813-0800Thomas Watson1-5/+7
2013-08-12Bug 412228 - Framework.waitForStop doesn't reliably time outThomas Watson5-3/+70
- add test case
2013-08-12Bug 413723 - testPeriodicPersistence is failing regularly on linuxJohn Ross1-17/+9
Fixed issue where it was possible for equinox instances to be orphaned while still running. The test now simply waits for a reasonable period of time rather than using a retry loop.
2013-08-09Bug 414153 - During framework init resolutions should be scoped to the ↵Thomas Watson2-12/+32
system bundle
2013-08-09Bug 413723 - testPeriodicPersistence is failing regularly on linuxJohn Ross1-5/+27
Provide a buffer, if needed, after the first period elapses to ensure the first equinox instance has time to persist the bundle.
2013-08-09Bug 414252 - Git ignore "target/" directory created by Maven during a buildThanh Ha1-0/+3
Signed-off-by: Thanh Ha <>
2013-08-09Bug 414724 - osgi.locking configuration setting is ignored and java.nioThomas Watson3-8/+17
locking is always used
2013-07-31Bug 414070 - Add tests to verify shutdown sort orderI20130807-2000I20130807-0800I20130806-2000I20130806-0800I20130805-2000I20130805-0800I20130804-2300Thomas Watson10-17/+109
2013-07-30Bug 414065 - Shutdown raises many Framework ERRORsThomas Watson1-3/+9
2013-07-29Bug 413879 - Parallel resolving lets dynamic import conflict with itself I20130730-0800Thomas Watson1-14/+24
- fixed by checking to see if another thread has done the work before trying to resolve
2013-07-29Bug 413879 - Parallel resolving lets dynamic import conflict with itself Thomas Watson1-0/+90
- Add new testcase
2013-07-29Binaries v20130729-1029Silenio Quarti24-24/+24

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