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Diffstat (limited to 'features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/motif/eclipseMotif.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/motif/eclipseMotif.h b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/motif/eclipseMotif.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 26b807b8a..000000000
--- a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/motif/eclipseMotif.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-#include <Xm/XmAll.h>
-#include <X11/X.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-#include <X11/Shell.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
-struct MOTIF_PTRS {
- Bool (*XineramaIsActive) (Display*);
- XineramaScreenInfo* (*XineramaQueryScreens) (Display*, int*);
- Widget (*XmCreateDrawingArea) (Widget, String, ArgList, Cardinal);
- Widget (*XmCreateLabelGadget) (Widget, char *, Arg *, Cardinal);
- Widget (*XmCreateMainWindow) (Widget, char *, ArgList, Cardinal);
- Widget (*XmCreateMessageDialog)(Widget, String, ArgList, Cardinal);
- Widget (*XmMessageBoxGetChild) (Widget, unsigned char);
- void (*XmStringFree) (XmString);
- XmString (*XmStringGenerate) (XtPointer, XmStringTag, XmTextType, XmStringTag);
- void (*XtAddCallback) (Widget, String, XtCallbackProc, XtPointer);
- Widget (*XtAppCreateShell) (String, String, WidgetClass, Display*, ArgList, Cardinal);
- void (*XtAppNextEvent) (XtAppContext, XEvent*);
- XtInputMask (*XtAppPending) (XtAppContext);
- void (*XtAppProcessEvent) (XtAppContext, XtInputMask);
- void (*XtDestroyWidget) (Widget);
- Boolean (*XtDispatchEvent) (XEvent*);
- void (*XtGetValues) (Widget, ArgList, Cardinal);
- Widget (*XtInitialize) (String, String, XrmOptionDescRec*, Cardinal, int*, char**);
-#ifdef AIX
- Widget (*eclipseXtInitialize) (String, String, XrmOptionDescRec*, Cardinal, int*, char**);
- Boolean (*XtIsManaged) (Widget);
- void (*XtManageChild) (Widget);
- int (*XtMapWidget) (Widget);
- void (*XtPopup) (Widget, XtGrabKind);
- void (*XtRealizeWidget) (Widget);
- Widget (*XtSetLanguageProc) (XtAppContext, XtLanguageProc, XtPointer);
- void (*XtSetMappedWhenManaged)(Widget, Boolean);
- void (*XtSetValues) (Widget, ArgList, Cardinal);
- void (*XtUnmanageChild) (Widget);
- XtAppContext (*XtWidgetToApplicationContext) (Widget);
- Window (*XtWindowOfObject) (Widget);
- Screen * (*XDefaultScreenOfDisplay)(Display*);
- int (*XFree) (void*);
- int (*XFlush) (Display*);
- Status (*XGetGeometry) (Display*, Drawable, Window*, int*, int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*);
- int (*XMapWindow) (Display*, Window);
- char * _XmStrings;
- char * XtShellStrings;
- char * XtStrings;
- WidgetClass *applicationShellWidgetClass;
-extern struct MOTIF_PTRS motif;
-#define motif_XtDisplay XtDisplay
-#define motif_XtSetArg XtSetArg
-#define motif_XtWindow XtWindow
-#define motif_XtIsTopLevelShell XtIsTopLevelShell
-#define motif_XtIsRealized(object) (motif.XtWindowOfObject(object) != None)
-#define motif_XtMapWidget(widget) motif.XMapWindow(XtDisplay(widget), XtWindow(widget))
-#define _XmStrings motif._XmStrings
-#define XtShellStrings motif.XtShellStrings
-#define XtStrings motif.XtStrings
-/* macro resolves to { (void**)&, "foo" }, use it to initialize FN_TABLEs */
-#define FN_TABLE_ENTRY(fn) { (void**)&motif.fn, #fn }
-typedef struct {
- void ** fnPtr;
- char * fnName;
-extern int loadMotif();

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