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authorLeo Ufimtsev2018-01-18 01:45:53 +0000
committerAlexander Kurtakov2018-01-18 10:00:34 +0000
commit5282e51a49c640f347e112faa9b2305ff5ed4111 (patch)
tree94269df599f1c3a7989ed232128095ecf2684fa9 /features
parent0f594b4f96e383e0f8802a000fe4bfabfead093e (diff)
Bug 528414 (swtWaylandLauncher) Part 2: Replace x11 with gdbus
eclipseGtk.c overhaul replacing x11 machinery with gio's gdbus for wayland support. Results: - Launcher works on wayland - All x11 is gone (at least for gtk3). - Files no longer separated via colons. - Verified on Wayland (and x11). - Also added a makefile to accelerate future development efforts and make it more obvious on how to test launcher. Technical notes: - Old machinery used to set windowProperty via x11 atoms, files were separated via colons ':'. This had issues with local urls'. - New machinery checks if there is a session on: org.eclipse.swt and if so, it passes files via a gdbus array with each file being a separate item. (I.e, colons not used anymore). - The mutex/launcher window stuff was all related to x11. gdbus doesn't use that anymore, locks are internall to gtk/glib. - A few additional minor fixes/patches (code style etc...). Test Strategy: - Below were done on both Wayland and X11: - Fedora 27, Gtk3.22. (Probably works on gtk2, but not tested). 1) Open eclipse with file(s) : ./eclipse /tmp/myfile1 [OK] ./eclipse /tmp/myfile1 /tmp/myfile2 [OK] 2) Open multiple eclipses at the same time: [OK] ./eclipse /tmp/myfile1 /tmp/myfile2 & ./eclipse /tmp/myfile3 /tmp/myfile3 3) Open eclipse. Once opened, run launcher again to pass files. [OK] ./eclipse ... ./eclipse /tmp/myfile 4) Open eclipse with launcher flag: ./eclipse --launcher.openFile /tmp/myfile1 Bug: Change-Id: I73ab1e8b603deee803693f022f0c4c90ea3c43c9 Signed-off-by: Leo Ufimtsev <>
Diffstat (limited to 'features')
8 files changed, 245 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipse.c b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipse.c
index 4ff218722..9ab57f740 100644
--- a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipse.c
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipse.c
@@ -1103,6 +1103,12 @@ static void getVMCommand( int launchMode, int argc, _TCHAR* argv[], _TCHAR **vmA
/* If the user specified "-vmargs", add them instead of the default VM args. */
vmArg = (userVMarg != NULL) ? userVMarg : getArgVM( (launchMode == LAUNCH_JNI) ? jniLib : javaVM );
+#ifdef LINUX
+ // Append flags needed for SWT to understand it's started from launcher to provide things like dbus support.
+ vmArg = concatArgs(vmArg, gtkPlatformJavaSystemProperties);
adjustVMArgs(javaVM, jniLib, &vmArg);
/* Calculate the number of VM arguments. */
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipseOS.h b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipseOS.h
index 0b2b6a782..14035c30a 100644
--- a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipseOS.h
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/eclipseOS.h
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ extern _TCHAR** initialArgv; /* argv originally used to start launcher */
extern _TCHAR* eeLibPath; /* library path specified in a .ee file */
extern int secondThread; /* whether or not to start the vm on a second thread */
+#ifdef LINUX
+extern char* gtkPlatformJavaSystemProperties [];
/* OS Specific Functions */
/** Display a Message
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f9906e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Building
+To build:
+ ./
+This will read the relevant make files.
+To clean:
+ ./ clean
+# Developer notes:
+To inject into a test eclipse instance for testing:
+ cp eclipse (eclipseDir)/eclipse
+ cp (eclipseDir)/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.<ws>.<os>.<arch>*/
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.c b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.c
index 65f1b0c8a..e26e48a4d 100644
--- a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.c
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-#include <sys/filio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@@ -34,10 +32,6 @@
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef HPUX
-#define SEM_FAILED (void *)-1
/* Global Variables */
char* defaultVM = "java";
char* vmLibrary = "";
@@ -46,188 +40,186 @@ char* shippedVMDir = "jre/bin/";
/* Define the special arguments for the various Java VMs. */
static char* argVM_JAVA[] = { NULL };
+ * Define arguments that are required/used by platform (e.g SWT) to function properly on gtk. (via Java's System.getProperty(..)).
+ * These should not affect JVM itself (e.g flags shouldn't set things like memory usage of the JVM).
+ *
+ * Note, these may re-occur in *.product (i.e eclipse.ini) such that "java -jar launcher" would work (e.g a child eclipse).
+ * See bug 528414.
+ *
+ * For swt.dbus.init, see bottom of method (SWT/Gtk)
+ */
+char* gtkPlatformJavaSystemProperties [] = { "-Dswt.dbus.init", NULL};
/* Define local variables . */
-static long splashHandle = 0;
+static GtkWidget* splashHandle = 0;
static GtkWidget* shellHandle = 0;
-static sem_t* mutex;
-static Atom appWindowAtom, launcherWindowAtom;
static _TCHAR** openFilePath = NULL; /* the files we want to open */
static int openFileTimeout = 60; /* number of seconds to wait before timeout */
-static int windowPropertySet = 0; /* set to 1 on success */
-static struct sigaction quitAction;
-static struct sigaction intAction;
-/* Local functions */
-static void catch_signal(int sig) {
- //catch signals, free the lock, reinstall the original
- //signal handlers and reraise the signal.
- sem_post(mutex);
- sem_close(mutex);
- sigaction(SIGINT, &intAction, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGQUIT, &intAction, NULL);
- raise(sig);
+static int filesPassedToSWT = 0; /* set to 1 on success */
+static const int FILEOPEN_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;
+/** GDBus related */
+static const gchar GDBUS_SERVICE[] = "org.eclipse.swt";
+static const gchar GDBUS_OBJECT[] = "/org/eclipse/swt";
+static const gchar GDBUS_INTERFACE[] = "org.eclipse.swt";
+GDBusProxy *gdbus_proxy = NULL;
+gboolean gdbus_initProxy ();
+gboolean gdbus_testConnection();
+gboolean gdbus_FileOpen_TimerProc(gpointer data);
+gboolean gdbus_call_FileOpen ();
+ * Deals with opening files passed to eclipse. e.g: ./eclipse /myfile
+ *
+ * return 1 = Files passed to eclipse. Don't spawn another instance.
+ * 0 = Launch a new eclipse instance, will try to pass files to eclipse once instance is launched.
+ */
+gboolean reuseWorkbench(_TCHAR** filePath, int timeout) {
+ openFileTimeout = timeout;
+ openFilePath = filePath;
-typedef int (*LockFunc)();
-int executeWithLock(char *name, LockFunc func) {
- int result = -1;
- int lock = -1;
- struct sigaction action;
+ if (initWindowSystem(&initialArgc, initialArgv, 1) != 0)
+ return -1;
- mutex = sem_open(name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO, 1);
- if (mutex == SEM_FAILED) {
- //create failed. Probably lock is already created so try opening the existing lock.
- mutex = sem_open(name, 0);
- }
- if (mutex == SEM_FAILED)
- return -1; //this is an error.
- // install signal handler to free the lock if something bad happens.
- // sem_t is not freed automatically when a process ends.
- action.sa_handler = catch_signal;
- sigaction(SIGINT, &action, &intAction);
- sigaction(SIGQUIT, &action, &quitAction);
- while ((lock = sem_trywait(mutex)) != 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN) {
- //couldn't acquire lock, sleep a bit and try again
- sleep(1);
- if (--openFileTimeout > 0)
- continue;
- }
- break;
+ if (!gdbus_initProxy()) {
+ _ftprintf(stderr, "Launcher Error. Could not init gdbus proxy. Bug? Launching eclipse without opening files passed in.\n");
+ return 0;
- if (lock == 0)
- result = func();
- sem_post(mutex);
- sem_close(mutex);
- //reinstall the original signal handlers
- sigaction(SIGINT, &intAction, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGQUIT, &quitAction, NULL);
- return result;
+ // If eclipse already open, just pass files.
+ if (gdbus_testConnection()) {
+ return gdbus_call_FileOpen();
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise add a timer that will keep trying to pass files to eclipse for a few minutes until it succeeds or times out.
+ // Note, the while loop in launchJavaVM() ensures the launcher doesn't quit before the timer expired.
+ gtk.g_timeout_add(FILEOPEN_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MS, gdbus_FileOpen_TimerProc, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
-/* Create a "SWT_Window_" + APP_NAME string with optional suffix.
- * Caller should free the memory when finished */
-static char * createSWTWindowString(char * suffix, int semaphore) {
-#ifdef SOLARIS
- /* solaris requires semaphore names to start with '/' */
- char * prefix = semaphore != 0 ? _T_ECLIPSE("/SWT_Window_") : _T_ECLIPSE("SWT_Window_");
- char * prefix = _T_ECLIPSE("SWT_Window_");
- char * result = malloc((_tcslen(prefix) + _tcslen(getOfficialName()) + (suffix != NULL ? _tcslen(suffix) : 0) + 1) * sizeof(char));
- if (suffix != NULL)
- _stprintf(result, _T_ECLIPSE("%s%s%s"), prefix, getOfficialName(), suffix);
- else
- _stprintf(result, _T_ECLIPSE("%s%s"), prefix, getOfficialName());
- return result;
+ * Initializes variables/structures for dbus connectivity to org.eclipse.swt.
+ * Can be called multiple times, only first time initializes, other times just return early (1).
+ *
+ * DO NOT USE TO TEST CONNECTION. Use dbus_testConnection() instead.
+ *
+ * return: 0 (false) bug, something that shouldn't fail failed. This can happen if dynamic function calls failed or gdbus is not available etc..
+ * 1 (true) proxy configured.
+ */
+gboolean gdbus_initProxy () {
+ if (gdbus_proxy != NULL)
+ return 1; // already initialized.
+ // Function 'g_type_init()' is not needed anymore as of glib 2.36 as gtype system is initialized earlier. It is marked as deprecated.
+ // It is here because at the time of writing, eclipse supports glib 2.28.
+ // It is dynamic to prevent compile warning. But should be removed once min glib eclipse version >= 2.36
+ gtk.g_type_init();
+ GError *error = NULL; // Some functions return errors through params
+ gdbus_proxy = gtk.g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, GDBUS_SERVICE, GDBUS_OBJECT, GDBUS_INTERFACE, NULL, &error);
+ if ((gdbus_proxy == NULL) || (error != NULL)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Launcher error: GDBus proxy init failed to connect %s:%s on %s.\n", GDBUS_SERVICE, GDBUS_OBJECT, GDBUS_INTERFACE);
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ _ftprintf(stderr, "Launcher error: GDBus gdbus_proxy init failed for reason: %s\n", error->message);
+ gtk.g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
-static int setAppWindowPropertyFn() {
- Window appWindow;
- Atom propAtom;
- _TCHAR *propVal;
- //Look for the SWT window. If it's there, set a property on it.
- appWindow = gtk.XGetSelectionOwner(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, appWindowAtom);
- if (appWindow) {
- propAtom = gtk.XInternAtom(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, "org.eclipse.swt.filePath.message", FALSE);
- //append a colon delimiter in case more than one file gets appended to the app windows property.
- propVal = concatPaths(openFilePath, _T_ECLIPSE(':'));
- gtk.XChangeProperty(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, appWindow, propAtom, propAtom, 8, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)propVal, _tcslen(propVal));
- free(propVal);
- windowPropertySet = 1;
+ * Test if we can reach org.eclipse.swt dbus session.
+ *
+ * return 0 (false) No connection.
+ * 1 (true) org.eclipse.swt listens to calls.
+ */
+gboolean gdbus_testConnection() {
+ if (!gdbus_initProxy())
+ return 0;
+ GError *error = NULL; // Some functions return errors through params
+ GVariant *result; // The value result from a call
+ result = gtk.g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(gdbus_proxy, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.Ping", 0, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, /* Proxy default timeout */ -1, NULL, &error);
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ gtk.g_error_free(error);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (result != NULL) {
+ gtk.g_variant_unref (result);
return 1;
+ _ftprintf(stderr, "ERROR: testConnection failed due to unknown reason. Bug in eclipseGtk.c? Potential cause could be dynamic function not initialized properly\n");
return 0;
-/* set the Application window property by executing _setWindowPropertyFn within a semaphore */
-int setAppWindowProperty() {
- int result;
- char * mutexName = createSWTWindowString(NULL, 1);
- result = executeWithLock(mutexName, setAppWindowPropertyFn);
- gtk.XSync(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, False);
- free(mutexName);
- return result;
-/* timer callback function to call setAppWindowProperty */
-static gboolean setAppWindowTimerProc(gpointer data) {
- //try to set the app window property. If unsuccessful return true to reschedule the timer.
+ * Timer callback function.
+ *
+ * Try to pass files to eclipse. If eclipse not up yet, try again later.
+ *
+ * Timer ends when it returns false. (Files passed to eclipse or timeout).
+ */
+gboolean gdbus_FileOpen_TimerProc(gpointer data) {
+ if (openFileTimeout == 0)
+ return 0; // stop timer.
- return !setAppWindowProperty() && openFileTimeout > 0;
-int createLauncherWindow() {
- Window window, launcherWindow;
- //check if a launcher window exists. If none exists, we know we are the first and we should be launching the app.
- window = gtk.XGetSelectionOwner(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, launcherWindowAtom);
- if (window == 0) {
- //create a launcher window that other processes can find.
- launcherWindow = gtk.XCreateWindow(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, gtk.XRootWindow(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, gtk.XDefaultScreen(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY)), -10, -10, 1,
- 1, 0, 0, InputOnly, CopyFromParent, (unsigned long) 0, (XSetWindowAttributes *) NULL);
- //for some reason Set and Get are both necessary. Set alone does nothing.
- gtk.XSetSelectionOwner(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, launcherWindowAtom, launcherWindow, CurrentTime);
- gtk.XGetSelectionOwner(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, launcherWindowAtom);
- //add a timeout to set the property on the apps window once the app is launched.
- gtk.g_timeout_add(1000, setAppWindowTimerProc, 0);
- return 0;
+ if (gdbus_testConnection()) {
+ gdbus_call_FileOpen();
+ filesPassedToSWT = 1;
+ return 0; // stop timer.
- return 1;
+ return 1; // run timer again.
-int reuseWorkbench(_TCHAR** filePath, int timeout) {
- char *appName, *launcherName;
- int result = 0;
+ * Call fileOpen method in SWT. Note, in SWT, see fileOpen GDBusMethod is defined in
+ * This call can be called multiple times if Eclipse hasn't launched yet.
+ *
+ * Return: FALSE (0) Call did not work. Probably eclipse not fired up yet. (try again later)
+ * TRUE (1) GDBus call completed successfully.
+ */
+gboolean gdbus_call_FileOpen () {
+ if (!gdbus_initProxy())
+ return 0;
- if (initWindowSystem(&initialArgc, initialArgv, 1) != 0)
- return -1;
+ // Construct GDBus arguments based on files passed into launcher.
+ GVariantBuilder *builder;
+ GVariant *paramaters;
+ builder = gtk.g_variant_builder_new ((const GVariantType *) "as"); // as = G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY
- openFileTimeout = timeout;
- openFilePath = filePath;
- //App name is defined in SWT as well. Values must be consistent.
- appName = createSWTWindowString(NULL, 0);
- appWindowAtom = gtk.XInternAtom(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, appName, FALSE);
- free(appName);
+ int i = -1;
+ while (openFilePath[++i] != NULL) {
+ gtk.g_variant_builder_add (builder, (const gchar *) (const GVariantType *) "s", (const gchar *) openFilePath[i]); // s = G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING
+ }
- //check if app is already running. Just set property if it is.
- if (setAppWindowProperty() > 0)
- return 1;
+ paramaters = gtk.g_variant_new ("(as)", builder);
+ gtk.g_variant_builder_unref (builder);
- /* app is not running, create a launcher window to act as a mutex so we don't need to keep the semaphore locked */
- launcherName = createSWTWindowString(_T_ECLIPSE("_Launcher"), 1);
- launcherWindowAtom = gtk.XInternAtom(gtk_GDK_DISPLAY, launcherName, FALSE);
- result = executeWithLock(launcherName, createLauncherWindow);
- free(launcherName);
- if (result == 1) {
- //The app is already being launched in another process. Set the property on that app window and exit
- while (openFileTimeout > 0) {
- if (setAppWindowProperty() > 0)
- return 1; //success
- else {
- openFileTimeout--;
- sleep(1);
- }
+ // Send a message
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GVariant *result;
+ result = gtk.g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(gdbus_proxy, "FileOpen", paramaters, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, /* Proxy default timeout */ -1, NULL, &error);
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ gtk.g_error_free (error);
+ return 0; // did not work. Eclipse probably not up yet. Try again later.
+ } else {
+ if (result != NULL) {
+ // Because this not straight forward, below is an example of how to retrieve string return value if needed in the future.
+ // Note, arguments are packaged into a tuple because we deal with gdbus in dynamic way.
+ // gchar *str;
+ // g_variant_get(result, "(&s)", &str);
+ gtk.g_variant_unref(result);
- //timed out trying to set the app property
- result = 0;
+ return 1; // worked.
- return result;
/* Get current scaling-factor */
-float scaleFactor ()
+float scaleFactor () {
float scaleFactor = 1;
GdkScreen * screen;
double resolution;
@@ -238,9 +230,9 @@ float scaleFactor ()
scaleFactor = (float)(resolution / 96);
return scaleFactor;
/* Create and Display the Splash Window */
-int showSplash( const char* featureImage )
+int showSplash( const char* featureImage ) {
GtkWidget *image;
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, *scaledPixbuf;
int width, height;
@@ -284,7 +276,7 @@ int showSplash( const char* featureImage )
gtk.gtk_window_set_position((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
gtk.gtk_window_resize((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), gtk.gdk_pixbuf_get_width(scaledPixbuf), gtk.gdk_pixbuf_get_height(scaledPixbuf));
- splashHandle = (long)shellHandle;
+ splashHandle = shellHandle;
return 0;
@@ -295,7 +287,7 @@ void dispatchMessages() {
jlong getSplashHandle() {
- return splashHandle;
+ return (jlong) splashHandle;
void takeDownSplash() {
@@ -308,8 +300,7 @@ void takeDownSplash() {
/* Get the window system specific VM arguments */
-char** getArgVM( char* vm )
+char** getArgVM( char* vm ) {
char** result;
/* if (isJ9VM( vm ))
@@ -320,8 +311,7 @@ char** getArgVM( char* vm )
return result;
-JavaResults* launchJavaVM( char* args[] )
+JavaResults* launchJavaVM( char* args[] ) {
JavaResults* jvmResults = NULL;
pid_t jvmProcess, finishedProcess = 0;
int exitCode;
@@ -352,7 +342,9 @@ JavaResults* launchJavaVM( char* args[] )
sleepTime.tv_sec = 0;
sleepTime.tv_nsec = 5e+8; // 500 milliseconds
- while(openFileTimeout > 0 && !windowPropertySet && (finishedProcess = waitpid(jvmProcess, &exitCode, WNOHANG)) == 0) {
+ // Ensure we don't quit the launcher until gdbus_FileOpen_TimerProc() finished or timed out.
+ // If making any changes to this loop, ensure "./eclipse /myFile" still works.
+ while(openFileTimeout > 0 && !filesPassedToSWT && (finishedProcess = waitpid(jvmProcess, &exitCode, WNOHANG)) == 0) {
nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
@@ -363,6 +355,5 @@ JavaResults* launchJavaVM( char* args[] )
/* TODO, this should really be a runResult if we could distinguish the launch problem above */
jvmResults->launchResult = WEXITSTATUS(exitCode);
return jvmResults;
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.h b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.h
index 9d76885ea..6619515c3 100644
--- a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.h
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtk.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
-struct GTK_PTRS {
+struct GTK_PTRS {
short not_initialized;
void (*gtk_container_add) (GtkContainer*, GtkWidget*);
gint (*gtk_dialog_run) (GtkDialog *);
@@ -37,13 +37,19 @@ struct GTK_PTRS {
void (*g_object_unref) (gpointer);
guint (*g_timeout_add) (guint, GSourceFunc, gpointer);
void (*g_error_free) (GError *);
+ void (*g_type_init) ();
+ GDBusProxy* (*g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync) (GBusType, GDBusProxyFlags, GDBusInterfaceInfo *, const gchar *,const gchar *, const gchar *, GCancellable *, GError **);
+ GVariant * (*g_dbus_proxy_call_sync) (GDBusProxy *, const gchar *, GVariant *, GDBusCallFlags, gint, GCancellable *, GError **);
+ GVariantBuilder * (*g_variant_builder_new) (const GVariantType *);
+ void (*g_variant_builder_add) (GVariantBuilder *, const gchar *, const gchar *);
+ GVariant * (*g_variant_new) (const gchar *, GVariantBuilder *);
+ void (*g_variant_builder_unref) (GVariantBuilder *);
+ void (*g_variant_unref) (GVariant *);
#ifdef SOLARIS
GString* (*g_string_insert_c) (GString *, gssize, gchar);
GdkDisplay* (*gdk_display_get_default) ();
- Display* (*gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay) (GdkDisplay*);
GdkPixbuf* (*gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file) (const char*, GError **);
GdkPixbuf* (*gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple) (const GdkPixbuf*, int, int, GdkInterpType);
int (*gdk_pixbuf_get_width) (const GdkPixbuf*);
@@ -51,17 +57,8 @@ struct GTK_PTRS {
GdkScreen * (*gdk_screen_get_default) ();
double (*gdk_screen_get_resolution) (GdkScreen *);
- Window (*XGetSelectionOwner) (Display*, Atom);
- void (*XSetSelectionOwner) (Display*, Atom, Window, Time);
- void (*XChangeProperty) (Display*, Window, Atom, Atom, int, int, unsigned char *, int);
- Window (*XCreateWindow) (Display*, Window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, Visual*, unsigned long, XSetWindowAttributes*);
- void (*XSync) (Display*, Bool);
- int (*XDefaultScreen) (Display*);
- Window (*XRootWindow) (Display*, int);
- Atom (*XInternAtom) (Display*, _Xconst char*, Bool );
-#define gtk_GDK_DISPLAY gtk.gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay(gtk.gdk_display_get_default())
extern struct GTK_PTRS gtk;
#define FN_TABLE_ENTRY(fn, required) { (void**)& gtk.fn, #fn, required }
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtkInit.c b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtkInit.c
index ccfea8b54..25bcf14f4 100644
--- a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtkInit.c
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/eclipseGtkInit.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
@@ -49,11 +49,25 @@ static FN_TABLE gtkFunctions[] = {
/* functions from libgdk-x11-2.0 or*/
static FN_TABLE gdkFunctions[] = {
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(gdk_display_get_default, 1),
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay, 1),
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(gdk_screen_get_default, 1),
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(gdk_screen_get_resolution, 1),
+/* functions from*/
+static FN_TABLE gioFunctions[] = {
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync, 1),
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_dbus_proxy_call_sync, 1),
+ { NULL, NULL }
+/* functions from*/
+static FN_TABLE glibFunctions[] = {
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_variant_builder_new, 1),
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_variant_builder_add, 1),
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_variant_new, 1),
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_variant_builder_unref, 1),
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_variant_unref, 1),
+ { NULL, NULL }
/* functions from libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 */
static FN_TABLE pixFunctions[] = {
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file, 1),
@@ -69,25 +83,13 @@ static FN_TABLE gobjFunctions[] = {
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_object_unref, 1),
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_timeout_add, 1),
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_error_free, 1),
+ FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_type_init, 1),
#ifdef SOLARIS
FN_TABLE_ENTRY(g_string_insert_c, 1),
-/* functions from libX11 */
-static FN_TABLE x11Functions[] = {
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(XGetSelectionOwner, 1),
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(XSetSelectionOwner, 1),
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(XCreateWindow, 1),
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(XChangeProperty, 1),
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(XRootWindow, 1),
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(XDefaultScreen, 1),
- FN_TABLE_ENTRY(XInternAtom, 1),
- { NULL, NULL }
static int loadGtkSymbols( void * library, FN_TABLE * table) {
int i = 0;
void * fn;
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ int loadGtk() {
/* Disable GTK scaling*/
setenv("GDK_SCALE", "1", 1);
- void *gdkLib = NULL, *gtkLib = NULL, *objLib = NULL, *pixLib = NULL, *x11Lib = NULL;
+ void *gioLib = NULL, *glibLib = NULL, *gdkLib = NULL, *gtkLib = NULL, *objLib = NULL, *pixLib = NULL;
char *gtk3 = getenv("SWT_GTK3");
if (gtk3 == NULL || strcmp(gtk3,"1") == 0) {
@@ -167,15 +169,17 @@ int loadGtk() {
objLib = dlopen(GOBJ_LIB, DLFLAGS);
pixLib = dlopen(PIXBUF_LIB, DLFLAGS);
- x11Lib = dlopen(X11_LIB, DLFLAGS);
+ gioLib = dlopen(GIO_LIB, DLFLAGS);
+ glibLib= dlopen(GLIB_LIB, DLFLAGS);
memset(&gtk, 0, sizeof(struct GTK_PTRS));
if ( gtkLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gtkLib, gtkFunctions) != 0) return -1;
if ( gdkLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gdkLib, gdkFunctions) != 0) return -1;
+ if ( gioLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gdkLib, gioFunctions) != 0) return -1;
+ if ( glibLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gdkLib, glibFunctions) != 0) return -1;
if ( pixLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(pixLib, pixFunctions) != 0) return -1;
if ( objLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(objLib, gobjFunctions) != 0) return -1;
- if ( x11Lib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(x11Lib, x11Functions) != 0) return -1;
/* Initialize GTK. */
if (gtk.gtk_init_with_args) {
@@ -205,16 +209,18 @@ int loadGtk() {
objLib = dlopen(GOBJ_LIB, DLFLAGS);
pixLib = dlopen(PIXBUF_LIB, DLFLAGS);
- x11Lib = dlopen(X11_LIB, DLFLAGS);
+ gioLib = dlopen(GIO_LIB, DLFLAGS);
+ glibLib= dlopen(GLIB_LIB, DLFLAGS);
/* initialize ptr struct to 0's */
memset(&gtk, 0, sizeof(struct GTK_PTRS));
if ( gtkLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gtkLib, gtkFunctions) != 0) return -1;
if ( gdkLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gdkLib, gdkFunctions) != 0) return -1;
+ if ( gioLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gdkLib, gioFunctions) != 0) return -1;
+ if ( glibLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(gdkLib, glibFunctions) != 0) return -1;
if ( pixLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(pixLib, pixFunctions) != 0) return -1;
if ( objLib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(objLib, gobjFunctions) != 0) return -1;
- if ( x11Lib == NULL || loadGtkSymbols(x11Lib, x11Functions) != 0) return -1;
return 0;
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/make_linux.mak b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/make_linux.mak
index a1f0dc14a..1167a6329 100644
--- a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/make_linux.mak
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/make_linux.mak
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
+# Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
@@ -41,12 +41,13 @@ DLL_OBJS = eclipse.o eclipseGtk.o eclipseUtil.o eclipseJNI.o eclipseShm.o eclips
-#LIBS = `pkg-config --libs-only-L gtk+-2.0` -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpthread -ldl -lX11
+#LIBS = `pkg-config --libs-only-L gtk+-2.0` -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpthread -ldl
LIBS = -lpthread -ldl
-DGTK_LIB="\"\"" -DGDK_LIB="\"\"" \
-DGTK3_LIB="\"\"" -DGDK3_LIB="\"\"" \
- -DPIXBUF_LIB="\"\"" -DGOBJ_LIB="\"\"" -DX11_LIB="\"\""
+ -DPIXBUF_LIB="\"\"" -DGOBJ_LIB="\"\"" \
+ -DGIO_LIB="\"\"" -DGLIB_LIB="\"\""
LFLAGS = ${M_ARCH} -shared -fpic -Wl,--export-dynamic
CFLAGS = ${M_CFLAGS} ${M_ARCH} -g -s -Wall\
-fpic \
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/makefile b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cd1a6b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature/library/gtk/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ ./
+ ./ clean
+# For devs:
+# Convienience target to move the launcher and the relevant *.so into your development eclipse folder for testing/verification.
+# Typically, you can download the latest integration build from here:, and use it as your dev eclipse.
+ # You should define "DEV_ECLIPSE" to be the directory of your testing eclipse, containing the 'eclipse' executable.
+ # I.e the output of 'pwd' (Note: without trailing forward slash).
+ # export DEV_ECLIPSE="/home/YOUR_USER/Downloads/eclipse-SDK-I20180115-2000-linux-gtk-x86_64/eclipse"
+ cp eclipse ${DEV_ECLIPSE}/
+ cp eclipse_*.so ${DEV_ECLIPSE}/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_*/

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