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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-04-13Bug 491565 - 38 pom files specify <executionEnvironment>Thomas Watson1-1/+0
2016-04-08Bug 490273 - Move tests to JUnit 4Thomas Watson1-3/+0
2016-02-22Bug 488050 - [http servlet] enableI20160223-0800Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2016-01-20Bug 470000 - Remove (or reduce) dependency on aspectj bundlesThomas Watson1-2/+2
2015-08-19Bug 471835 - Build succeeds, even when "old" parent pom is referred toMarkus Keller1-12/+22
2015-07-02Bug 469765 - Prep for 4.6 (Neon) and 4.5 (Mars) maintenance buildsThomas Watson1-2/+2
2014-10-09Bug 401784 - Support jetty 9I20141021-0800I20141014-0800Thomas Watson1-5/+0
2014-10-08Bug 401784 - Support jetty 9Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2014-06-19Bug 436736 - Prep for 4.5 (Mars) and 4.4 maintenance buildsI20140729-0800I20140722-0800I20140715-0800I20140708-0800I20140701-0800Paul Webster1-2/+2
2014-03-19Bug 430708 - Circularity between the features in the framework and bundles re...Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-01-27Bug 420725 - Inconsistencies in how executable binaries are copied to rootsI20140128-0800Thomas Watson1-1/+0
2013-10-23Bug 418663 - Remove org.eclipse.equinox.log.test from official build.John Ross1-0/+2
2013-06-20Bug 411169 - Update parent POMs for LunaPaul Webster1-2/+2
2013-03-27Bug 403970 - Update rt.bundles and rt.framework parent versionsThomas Watson1-6/+16
2013-03-21Bug 348045 - Problem with packages exported from servletbridgeThomas Watson1-0/+8
2013-02-25Bug 394831 - [cbi] Platform parent should be renamedThomas Watson1-2/+2
2012-12-10Bug 396094 - Merge in CBI patches from 4.2.2 into 4.3 (pom changes) forv20121210-201919I20121218-0800I20121214-0730I20121213-1200I20121212-2000I20121212-0800I20121211-2000I20121211-0800I20121210-2000Thanh Ha1-0/+4
2012-09-12Bug 389050 - Don't build org.eclipse.equinox.httpThanh Ha1-0/+4
2012-09-12Bug 386040 - Clarify status of jetty 5, 6 and 8 modulesKrzysztof Daniel1-0/+4
2012-09-12Bug 383072 - problem with parentsKrzysztof Daniel1-0/+1
2012-05-22Bug 379748 - Pull request for Equinox from CBIv20120522-1841Thomas Watson1-0/+102

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