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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-10-06Bug 360153 - Add project prefs to force unix LF on new text files.Thomas Watson1-0/+2
2011-09-28Remove +x on non-executable filesBJ Hargrave5-0/+0
2011-09-28bug354655 - improved the behaviour when setting non-existing regions as defau...Borislav Kapukaranov3-9/+16
2011-09-28bug354655 - Added default assign region to the RegionDigraph APIBorislav Kapukaranov5-15/+48
2011-09-02Bug 349944 - [region] [rfc 174] Implement New Bundle Collision Hookv20110905-2106Thomas Watson4-7/+163
2011-09-01Bug 356529 - [region] VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE javadoc statesThomas Watson1-1/+5
2011-05-24Bug 346682 - [region] no check for duplicate BSN/version is done on Watson1-9/+0
2011-05-20Bug 346127 - [region] Installing bundles by passing only a URL string works o...Thomas Watson2-43/+20
2011-05-04Bug 344567 - [region] all singletons are treated as non-singletonsv20110503Thomas Watson1-6/+12
2011-05-03Clean up warningsThomas Watson15-115/+107
2011-05-02Bug 344347 - [region] linear search to find a bundle's region hurts performanceThomas Watson3-45/+40
2011-05-02update copyrightsThomas Watson3-2/+12
2011-04-26Bug 342979 - [region] copy and replace should have a consistency checkv20110426Thomas Watson3-89/+80
2011-04-25optionally import equinox packages.v20110425Thomas Watson4-27/+79
2011-04-25[region] copy and replace should have a consistency checkThomas Watson2-5/+64
2011-04-25remove unnecessary synchronization.Thomas Watson1-3/+1
2011-04-21Bug 343570 - [region] Need a way to access the hooks associated with a digraphv20110421-1700Thomas Watson3-15/+87
2011-04-20Bug 343182 - [region] check for bundle associated with another regionv20110421Thomas Watson3-50/+56
2011-04-19Bug 343315 - [region] mbeans should have a frameworkUUID attributeThomas Watson2-27/+21
2011-04-19change persistent name to equinox.Thomas Watson1-4/+3
2011-04-19Bug 343285 - [region] refactor to equinox package namesv20110419Thomas Watson46-2571/+2579
2011-04-18Bug 343131 - Region mBeans are still registered after framework stopv20110418Thomas Watson2-22/+63
2011-04-18Bug 342857 - [region] Optimise region digraph for traversalThomas Watson1-111/+0
2011-04-18bug 342857: optimise region digraph for traversalGlyn Normington1-275/+294
2011-04-15Bug 343019 - [region] starting from persistent digraph is not workingThomas Watson2-20/+8
2011-04-15fix warning in Watson1-1/+1
2011-04-15Bug 342889 - [region] add API to copy and replace a digraphv20110415Thomas Watson2-18/+52
2011-04-14Add javadoc to the public type FilteredRegion.Thomas Watson1-1/+13
2011-04-13Initial check in of region digraph to equinox.Thomas Watson37-0/+3649

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