/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 Technical University of Denmark. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Patrick Koenemann, DTU Informatics - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.test.util; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.diff.metamodel.ComparisonResourceSnapshot; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.diff.metamodel.ComparisonSnapshot; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.diff.metamodel.DiffElement; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.ChangeGroup; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.IndepChange; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.MPatchModel; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.UnknownChange; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.apply.generic.util.InternalReferencesTransformation; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.apply.generic.util.MPatchDependencyTransformation; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.apply.util.MPatchResolver; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.apply.util.MPatchValidator; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.common.util.CommonUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.emfdiff2mpatch.util.TransformationLauncher; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.extension.IModelDescriptorCreator; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.extension.ISymbolicReferenceCreator; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.extension.MPatchApplicationResult; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.extension.ResolvedSymbolicReferences; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.extension.MPatchApplicationResult.ApplicationStatus; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.extension.ResolvedSymbolicReferences.ValidationResult; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.symrefs.OclCondition; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.symrefs.SymrefsPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.symrefs.util.OCLConditionHelper; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.transform.util.GroupingTransformation; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.mpatch.util.ExtEcoreUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Diagnostician; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.EObjectCondition; /** * Common test operations (test logic) for multiple test cases. * * @author Patrick Koenemann (pk@imm.dtu.dk) * */ public class CommonTestOperations { /** * This performs the following test cycle for a given model: *
  1. Compare the changed with the unchanged version using emf compare *
  2. Transform the emfdiff to mpatch *
  3. Compute dependency graph for the mpatch *
  4. Resolve mpatch to unchanged version of the model *
  5. Apply mpatch to unchanged version of the model *
  6. Use emf compare to calculate differences between changed version of the model from the parameters and the * model version to which the differences have been applied *
  7. The latter comparison must not differ! If it does, the test fails and the differences are given in the assert * log. *
* * @param unchanged * The URI of the unchanged version of a model. * @param changed * The URI of the changed version of a model. * @param symrefCreator * The symbolic reference creator used for this transformation. * @param descriptorCreator * The model descriptor creator used for this transformation. */ public static void applyMPatchAndValidate(String unchanged, String changed, ISymbolicReferenceCreator symrefCreator, IModelDescriptorCreator descriptorCreator) { final String info = "symrefCreator: " + symrefCreator.getLabel() + ", descriptorCreator: " + descriptorCreator.getLabel(); // prepare models final MPatchModel mpatch = createMPatch(unchanged, changed, symrefCreator, descriptorCreator, info); ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // get new resource to not conflict with original models! final EObject rightModel = CompareTestHelper.loadModel(unchanged, resourceSet).get(0); final EObject leftModel = CompareTestHelper.loadModel(changed, resourceSet).get(0); // apply the differences and validate the result against the leftModel createAndApplyMPatch(mpatch, rightModel, leftModel, null, info); } /** * Create MPatch from URIs and check that it is not null. No other checks are performed. * * @param unchanged * The URI of the unchanged version of a model. * @param changed * The URI of the changed version of a model. * @param symrefCreator * The symbolic reference creator used for this transformation. * @param descriptorCreator * The model descriptor creator used for this transformation. * @param info * Additional information to print in assert messages. * @return The calculated MPatch. */ public static MPatchModel createMPatch(String unchanged, String changed, ISymbolicReferenceCreator symrefCreator, IModelDescriptorCreator descriptorCreator, String info) { // prepare models final MPatchModel mpatch = CompareTestHelper.getMPatchFromUris(changed, unchanged, symrefCreator, descriptorCreator); assertNotNull("Preceeding transformation failed! Make sure mpatch can be produced for: " + unchanged + " and " + changed + " and " + info, mpatch); return mpatch; } /** * Check the application of differences by comparing the result with a given model, usually the changed version from * which the mpatch was created from. There should be no differences between these two - if there are, then the test * fails and the differences are given in the assert log message. * * (So this is the self-checking part of the test case, to make Fowler happy :o) [Refactoring, Fowler]) * * @param appliedModel * A model to which differences have been applied. * @param originalChangedModel * The changed version of the model from which the differences have been created. */ public static void checkAppliedModel(EObject appliedModel, EObject originalChangedModel, String info) { // compare with target model and check whether they differ final ComparisonSnapshot differences = CommonUtils.createEmfdiff(appliedModel, originalChangedModel, false); final Collection violations = CommonUtils.analyzeDiff(differences, CommonUtils.DIFF_ORDERINGS); assertTrue("difference application was not successful! " + info + " - Violations: " + violations, violations.isEmpty()); } /** * The following steps are performed here: *
  1. Group the given mpatch *
  2. Add dependency graph to the given mpatch *
  3. Perform initial symbolic reference resolution of the given mpatch to the model given in the parameters *
  4. Copy the given model and apply all differences on the given model. *
  5. Compare the changed model with the copy using EMF Compare *
  6. Return that {@link ComparisonSnapshot} created by EMF Compare which contains a review of all applied * differences *
* * Optionally, each step can be measured in time - if you don't want to measure the time, set the parameter to * null. The current system time is put into a field in the array: *
  1. Starting time *
  2. Time after grouping *
  3. Time after difference calculation *
  4. Time after symbolic reference resolution *
  5. Time after creating a copy of the given model *
  6. Time after difference application *
  7. Time after comparing the model copy with the changed model *
* So make sure the given array has at least length 7! * * @param mpatch * Ungrouped (!) mpatch. * @param model * A model to which the mpatch should be applied. * @param expectedModel * The expected result of the difference application. * @param times * An array in which the times are stored. May be null. * @param info * Show additional information about the test case in the assert message, e.g. the use of particular * creators for the transformation. * @return A review of all applied changes. */ public static ComparisonSnapshot createAndApplyMPatch(MPatchModel mpatch, EObject model, EObject expectedModel, PerformanceTimes times, String info) { if (times != null) times.tick(); // start timing doTransformations(mpatch, times, info); final ResolvedSymbolicReferences resolved = resolveAndValidate(mpatch, model, times, info); final EObject newModel = applyMPatchToModel(mpatch, model, resolved, times, info); final ComparisonResourceSnapshot emfdiff = compareChangedAndUnchangedModels(model, newModel, times, info); checkAppliedModel(model, expectedModel, info); checkBinding(resolved.getMPatchModelBinding(), info); if (times != null) times.setCheck(); // final check return emfdiff; } /** * Validate an eObject using the EMF Validation Framework ({@link Diagnostician}). * * @param eObject * An eobject to validate. * @param info * Some addition information for the assert messages. */ public static void checkBinding(EObject eObject, String info) { // validate the given element using the emf validation framework! final Diagnostic diagnostic = Diagnostician.INSTANCE.validate(eObject); assertNull("Validation was not successful! (" + info + "): " + eObject, diagnostic.getException()); assertEquals("Validation was not successful! (" + info + "): " + eObject + "\n" + getMessage(diagnostic), Diagnostic.OK, diagnostic.getSeverity()); } /** * Compare the two given models and return their differences as an emfdiff. * * @param changedModel * The changed version of a model. * @param unchangedModel * The unchanged version of the model. * @param times * For performance check (optional, can be null). * @param info * Additional information for assert Strings. * @return An emfdiff containing all differences between these two model versions. */ public static ComparisonResourceSnapshot compareChangedAndUnchangedModels(EObject changedModel, EObject unchangedModel, PerformanceTimes times, String info) { // run emf compare again to return review all applied differences final ComparisonResourceSnapshot emfdiff = CommonUtils.createEmfdiff(changedModel, unchangedModel, false); if (times != null) times.setChanges(); // final comparison // check the modified source model final EObject appliedModel = CommonUtils.getModelFromEmfdiff(emfdiff, true); // get left model assertNotNull("Model with applied diff must not be null! (" + info + ")", appliedModel); assertEquals("The model to which we applied the diff must be our original model! (" + info + ")", changedModel, appliedModel); return emfdiff; } /** * Create a copy of the given model and apply the MPatch to it. Then, check whether the application was successful * by check the {@link MPatchApplicationResult}. * * @param mpatch * The MPatch to apply. * @param model * The model to which the MPatch should be applied. * @param resolved * The resolution of symbolic references. * @param times * For performance check (optional, can be null). * @param info * Additional information for assert Strings. * @return A copy of original model. Note that the MPatch was applied to the parameter * model! */ public static EObject applyMPatchToModel(MPatchModel mpatch, EObject model, ResolvedSymbolicReferences resolved, PerformanceTimes times, String info) { // create a new target model - a copy as the 'right' model, whereas the original is the 'left' model final EObject newModel = EcoreUtil.copy(model); final ResourceImpl newModelResource = new ResourceImpl(); newModelResource.getContents().add(newModel); newModelResource.setURI(model.eResource().getURI()); if (times != null) times.setCopy(); // model copy time // apply differences *with* calculating the binding! final MPatchApplicationResult result = TestConstants.DIFF_APPLIER.applyMPatch(resolved, true); if (times != null) times.setApply(); // diff application time // since we apply the diff to the unchanged model, we require all changes to be applied successfully! assertTrue("There are changes which failed (" + info + "): " + result.failed, result.failed.isEmpty()); assertTrue("There are changes with unsufficient cross-reference restore (" + info + "): " + result.crossReferences, result.crossReferences.isEmpty()); assertEquals("Diff application result is not successful (" + info + ")!", ApplicationStatus.SUCCESSFUL, result.status); return newModel; } /** * Resolve the given MPatch to the given model and validate the resolution using the {@link MPatchValidator}. * * @param mpatch * The MPatch to resolve. * @param model * The model to which the MPatch should be resolved. * @param times * For performance check (optional, can be null). * @param info * Additional information for assert Strings. * @return The resolution. */ public static ResolvedSymbolicReferences resolveAndValidate(MPatchModel mpatch, EObject model, PerformanceTimes times, String info) { // resolve symbolic references final ResolvedSymbolicReferences resolved = MPatchResolver.resolveSymbolicReferences(mpatch, model, ResolvedSymbolicReferences.RESOLVE_UNCHANGED); if (times != null) times.setResolve(); // resolution time // validate all resolved references final List invalidResolution = MPatchValidator.validateResolutions(resolved); assertTrue("The following changes did not resolve correctly (" + info + "): " + invalidResolution, invalidResolution.isEmpty()); if (times != null) times.setValidate(); // validation time return resolved; } /** * Perform the following transformations: * * * @param mpatch * The MPatch to transform. * @param times * For performance check (optional, can be null). * @param info * Additional information for assert Strings. */ public static void doTransformations(MPatchModel mpatch, PerformanceTimes times, String info) { // restructure differences, add dependencies, and replace internal references try { final int groups = GroupingTransformation.group(mpatch); if (times != null) times.setGroups(); // grouping time assertTrue("We need at least one group after restructuring!", groups > 0); MPatchDependencyTransformation.calculateDependencies(mpatch); if (times != null) times.setDeps(); // dependency calculation time InternalReferencesTransformation.createInternalReferences(mpatch); if (times != null) times.setRefs(); // internal reference creation time } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Grouping or dependency calculation failed (" + info + "): " + e.getMessage()); } } private static String getMessage(Diagnostic diagnostic) { String msg = diagnostic.getMessage(); for (Diagnostic d : diagnostic.getChildren()) { msg += "\n" + d.getMessage(); } return msg; } /** * Check whether outModel contains an mpatch and that is has count (ungrouped) changes in * total. * * @param mpatch * It is supposed to be the result of {@link TransformationLauncher#transform(List, StringBuffer)}. * @param count * The expected number of changed which is contained in the result. */ public static void checkForDifferences(MPatchModel mpatch, int count) { // ignore unknown changes and groups here! int counter = 0; for (IndepChange change : mpatch.getChanges()) { if (!(change instanceof UnknownChange || change instanceof ChangeGroup)) { counter++; } } assertEquals("MPatch does not contain " + count + " elements as expected!", count, counter); } /** * This first performs an initial resolution of symbolic references in the given diff. Then, the * MPatchValidator is used to check whether all symbolic references resolved correctly and whether the state before * the changes can be found in the given model. * * @param mpatch * MPatch. * @param model * A model for which the reference resolution should be performed. */ public static void validateSymbolicReferenceResolution(MPatchModel mpatch, EObject model) { try { // resolve symbolic references ResolvedSymbolicReferences mapping = MPatchResolver.resolveSymbolicReferences(mpatch, model, ResolvedSymbolicReferences.RESOLVE_UNCHANGED); assertNotNull("Result of symbolic reference resolution must not be null!", mapping); // validate resolution final List invalid = MPatchValidator.validateResolutions(mapping); final List refs = CommonUtils.filterByValue(mapping.getValidation(), ValidationResult.REFERENCE); final List applied = CommonUtils.filterByValue(mapping.getValidation(), ValidationResult.STATE_AFTER); final List state = CommonUtils.filterByValue(mapping.getValidation(), ValidationResult.STATE_INVALID); if (!invalid.isEmpty()) { final String msg = "Resolution fail!%\nAlready applied: %s%\nInvalid state: %s%\nNot resolved: %s%\nOther reasons: %s"; invalid.removeAll(refs); invalid.removeAll(applied); invalid.removeAll(state); fail(String.format(msg, applied.toString(), state.toString(), refs.toString(), invalid.toString())); } } catch (Exception e) { fail("Symbolic reference resolution failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Perform grouping on the given mpatch and compare the resulting number of groups with the given parameter. * * @param mpatch * Ungrouped (!) mpatch. * @param count * The expected number of groups created. */ public static void groupingAndCheckForGroups(MPatchModel mpatch, int count) { try { final int groups = GroupingTransformation.group(mpatch); assertTrue("Number of groups does not match!", count == groups || count + 1 == groups); String diagnostic = CompareTestHelper.validateMPatch(mpatch); assertNull(diagnostic, diagnostic); } catch (final Exception e) { fail("Restructuring failed. Cause: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check the validity of all ocl expressions by parsing them. * * @param mpatch * MPatch. */ public static void checkOclExpressions(MPatchModel mpatch) { // get all ocl conditions from the mpatch final List oclConditions = ExtEcoreUtils.collectTypedElements(mpatch.getChanges(), Collections.singleton(SymrefsPackage.Literals.OCL_CONDITION), true); // iterate over them for (EObject eObject : oclConditions) { if (eObject instanceof OclCondition) { OclCondition oclCondition = (OclCondition) eObject; // check whether we can create a condition for them (i.e. the condition is parseable) final EObjectCondition condition = OCLConditionHelper.getWhereCondition(oclCondition); if (condition == null) OCLConditionHelper.getWhereCondition(oclCondition); assertNotNull("The OCL expression could not be processed: " + oclCondition.getExpression(), condition); } else fail("If you see this message, ExtEcoreUtils.collectTypedElements does not work correctly!"); } } /** * Test the resolutino of symbolic references by first creating the emfdiff and then mpatch of the two given models, * and then trying to resolve all symbolic references on the unchanged version of the given models. Hence, this must * be unique! * * @param unchangedUri * The unchanged version of the test model. * @param changedUri * The changed version of the test model. * @param symrefCreator * The symbolic reference creator for the transformation. * @param descriptorCreator * The symbolic reference creator for the transformation. */ public static void checkSymbolicReferenceResolution(String unchangedUri, String changedUri, ISymbolicReferenceCreator symrefCreator, IModelDescriptorCreator descriptorCreator) { // prepare models final MPatchModel mpatch = CompareTestHelper.getMPatchFromUris(changedUri, unchangedUri, symrefCreator, descriptorCreator); assertNotNull("Preceeding transformation emfdiff2mpatch failed with symrefCreator: " + symrefCreator.getLabel() + " and descriptorCreator: " + descriptorCreator.getLabel(), mpatch); // we need to introduce internal references here! InternalReferencesTransformation.createInternalReferences(mpatch); ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // get new resource to not conflict with original models! final EObject rightModel = CompareTestHelper.loadModel(unchangedUri, resourceSet).get(0); // the real check whether everything was correctly resolved validateSymbolicReferenceResolution(mpatch, rightModel); } }