
This document describes how you can use scripts to generate code from an Ecore model. The script can be either a regular shell script that invokes Eclipse headless applications or an Ant script that invokes the task provided by this plugin.

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Ecore and Generator Applications

The application provided by this plugin generates the ecore and genmodel files from models defined using EMF.

Ecore application details

To generate the actual Java code you will need to use a second application, provided by the "org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore" plugin.

Generator application details

In order to run these or any other Eclipse application, you need to execute the following command (without the line breaks):

  -data <full path to a workspace - ideally an empty directory>
  -application <application ID>
  <application arguments>

In Windows you should execute eclipsec instead of eclipse in order to have access to the application's console output.

The directory "examples/library/build" has shell scripts that generate the code for the model provided. If you have any questions after reading and experimenting with it, look at the applications's javadoc for more details. Also, check the application's class "getUsage()" method for the list of possible arguments.

Ecore Ant Task

The Ecore task details are:


This is the usual command line to run an Ant script using a headless Eclipse instance (remove the line breaks):

  -data <full path to a workspace - ideally an empty directory>
  -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner
  -buildfile <full path to your script>

In Windows you should execute eclipsec instead of eclipse in order to have access to the Ant build script console output.

You can also use the Eclipse UI to execute an Ant script containing an EMF task. This can be done by right-clicking the script and selecting Run As > Ant Build... > JRE > "Run in the same JRE as the workspace".

The directory "examples/library/build" has an Ant script that generate the code for the model provided. The task's javadoc has lots of information you may find useful.