
The central EGit and JGit builds run on the JGit/EGit Hudson instance

Prerequisites for the Maven build are




Mailing Lists

If you're interested in following builds, please check out the following mailing lists:

Maven Build

Complete build sequence for a clean build (assuming $M2_HOME/bin is on the path and local Maven repository at ~/.m2/repository):

[~/src/jgit] $ mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[~/src/jgit] $ mvn -f org.eclipse.jgit.packaging/pom.xml clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[~/src/jgit] $ cd ../egit

[~/src/egit] $ mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...

The EGit build uses the JGit p2 repository to resolve jgit dependencies. For local builds the build assumes that egit and jgit source trees are located under a common parent folder. If this is not the case the path to the jgit p2 repository has to be injected via system property:

[~/src/egit] $ mvn clean install -Djgit-site=file:/path/to/org.eclipse.jgit.updatesite/target/site

The hudson build on uses (for SNAPSHOT builds):

[~/src/egit] $ mvn clean install -Djgit-site=

If you wan to build EGit for the specific Neon (4.6) platform, consider using the egit-4.6 target platform:

[~/src/egit] $ mvn -Dtarget-platform=egit-4.6 clean install

For EGit version 4.6, egit-4.5 (Mars, Eclipse 4.5), egit-4.6 (Neon, Eclipse 4.6), and egit-4.7 (Oxygen, Eclipse 4.7) are available. In addition egit-4.7-staging refers to the Oxygen staging repository.

Upon a successful build, a p2 update site should be generated inside egit/org.eclipse.egit.repository/target/repository. If not, make sure the target platform has been downloaded from within Eclipse (Windows>Preferences>Plug-in Development>Target Platform). The default target platform defined in the maven build is currently Eclipse 4.6. If you skip setting the system property target-platform the target platform for Eclipse 4.6 will be used.

JGit Bazel Build

Since Gerrit migrated its build from buck to Bazel a Bazel build was also implemented for JGit. The change will enable building both Gerrit and JGit from sources in the same build.

bazel build :all
bazel test //...
bazel test --test_tag_filters=api,dfs,revplot,treewalk //...

Note that the Bazel build does not yet support building JGit OSGi bundles, Eclipse features and the p2 repository which are required to install JGit in Eclipse.

FindBugs and PMD

As part of the build, JGit and EGit run FindBugs and PMD to find issues.

Checking for JGit API Changes using API Baseline

The JGit projects have API tooling enabled. In order to use PDE API tools to get assistance with maintaining API changes and additions you need to set an API baseline:

Automated Signing and Publishing

EGit and JGit builds running on the JGit/EGit Hudson are automatically signed (using the CBI eclipse-jarsigner-plugin) and published to the folder

master branch:         /home/data/httpd/
latest stable branch:  /home/data/httpd/

Signing (old method, replaced by automated procedure)

To sign the EGit build, you need to have ssh access to and the ability to run /usr/bin/sign

At the moment, Chris Aniszczyk (caniszczyk) and Matthias Sohn (msohn) have signing privileges.

The first step is to ensure you're in a place you can sign on

cd /home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/commonBuild

Next you run the signing command (Usage: /usr/bin/sign <file> <mail|nomail> [outputDir]) on a zip of the EGit repo...

sign /home/data/users/caniszczyk/egit-0.8

After that, you can publish the zip that is generated with the signing information.

Contribution to Release Train

The release train contribution for JGit and EGit is maintained in the git repository


in the file


The release train build is coordinated on the cross-project-issues-dev mailing list