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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-05-08EGit v3.0.0.201305080800-m7v3.0.0.201305080800-m7Matthias Sohn2-2/+2
2013-05-03Fix line endingsMatthias Sohn6-434/+433
2013-05-03Check target of linked resources in action handler isEnabledFrançois Rey2-0/+140
2013-04-24Remove unnecessary usage of the internal FileRepository classRobin Rosenberg18-52/+53
2013-04-17Move CoreText to internal packageRobin Stocker1-1/+1
2013-04-12Try to fix unstable MergeToolTestRobin Stocker1-0/+4
2013-03-22Eliminate file handle leaksLaurent Goubet5-4/+19
2013-03-21Increase timeout in GitRepositoriesViewFetchAndPushTestRobin Stocker1-3/+3
2013-03-19Bump EGit version to 3.0.0 and require JGit 3.0.0Robin Rosenberg21-33/+33
2013-03-11Merge "Fix warning in ui.test's Eclipse class"Robin Rosenberg1-4/+3
2013-03-09Fix warning in ui.test's Eclipse classRobin Stocker1-4/+3
2013-03-09Fix unstable DecoratableResourceAdapterTestRobin Stocker1-65/+13
2013-03-07Move UIText and UIIcons to the internal packageRobin Rosenberg38-42/+42
2013-02-13Prepare 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2-14/+14
2013-02-13Prepare post buildsMatthias Sohn2-2/+2
2013-02-13EGit v2.3.0.201302130906v2.3.0.201302130906Matthias Sohn2-2/+2
2013-02-12Auto-share projects located in a git repository by defaultMatthias Sohn1-1/+2
2013-02-12Auto-ignore derived resourcesMatthias Sohn1-0/+8
2013-02-11Change table in commit dialog to filtered treeGunnar Wagenknecht2-3/+23
2013-02-06Add checkbox to Import Projects page for nested project searchRobin Stocker1-1/+1
2013-02-06Prepare post 2.3 rc1 buildsMatthias Sohn2-4/+4
2013-02-06EGit v2.3.0.201302060400-rc1Matthias Sohn2-4/+4
2013-02-01[sync] Fix performance problem with GitModelCache#getChildrenRobin Stocker2-2/+33
2013-01-20[syncView] Use JobJoiner in test to ensure synchronize is doneRobin Stocker1-8/+8
2013-01-18[syncView] Improve message when tree item is not found in testsRobin Stocker1-3/+10
2013-01-18Fix unstable GitRepositoriesViewTest.testImportWizardGeneralProjectRobin Stocker1-5/+3
2013-01-14[repoView] Add Show In support for resourcesRobin Stocker3-4/+4
2013-01-13Merge "Use compiler settings from JGit (mostly)"Robin Rosenberg3-7/+111
2013-01-07Make Synchronize view UI tests stableRobin Stocker4-232/+163
2013-01-07Use compiler settings from JGit (mostly)Robin Rosenberg3-7/+111
2013-01-05Wait for index diff cache before calling merge tool in UI testRobin Stocker1-1/+5
2013-01-03Fix broken UI testsMatthias Sohn1-1/+1
2012-12-22Run "click context menu" synchronously where possible in testsRobin Stocker14-52/+94
2012-12-22Add UI test for "Merge Tool" action with "use HEAD" optionRobin Stocker3-4/+102
2012-12-20Prepare 2.3.0 buildsMatthias Sohn2-14/+14
2012-12-08[sync] Update tracking branch when pushingRobin Stocker2-2/+90
2012-12-05Try to make repositories view tests more stableRobin Stocker2-21/+26
2012-12-05Merge "Fix generics warnings with OSGi classes"Matthias Sohn1-8/+7
2012-12-05[sync] Fix usage of activeShell() in testsRobin Stocker1-5/+4
2012-12-04Fix generics warnings with OSGi classesRobin Stocker1-8/+7
2012-11-28Try to make FetchAndMergeActionTest more stableRobin Stocker2-42/+17
2012-11-28Try to fix unstable UI test GitRepositoriesViewFetchAndPushTestRobin Stocker2-15/+129
2012-11-28Increase timeout for UI testsRobin Rosenberg1-1/+1
2012-11-15Make GitRepositoriesViewRepoDeletionTest more reliableRobin Stocker1-3/+7
2012-11-14Increase default SWTBot timeout to 20 secondsRobin Stocker1-1/+1
2012-11-04Suppress discouraged access warnings in testsRobin Stocker3-1/+4
2012-11-02InstanceScope() and DefaultScope() constructors are deprecatedTomasz Zarna2-2/+2
2012-10-27Allow users to push to upstream when committing in the staging viewAndré Dietisheim1-1/+1
2012-10-08Hard wrap should insert line breaks after user finishes editingMarkus Keller1-19/+18
2012-09-19Prepare 2.2.0 buildsMatthias Sohn2-14/+14

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