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authorMatthias Sohn2012-11-29 00:10:26 +0000
committerMatthias Sohn2013-01-09 00:23:36 +0000
commitc63c5cc603c051e7af738a6c23b0028b94c7785a (patch)
tree68cea0603bcdf245d61be4ad0c2f10625505b70e /tools/egit-developer-tools.p2f
parent66626798f7929578847a42c77123ce0c689cfcef (diff)
Simplify Eclipse setup for EGit developers
This provides a quick way to install the tools typically used by JGit/EGit contributors. In addition it provides an alternative to using a target platform for provisioning 3rd party dependencies required to compile and test JGit and EGit. Using a target platform is more accurate as it allows to separate the dependencies of the workbench used for development from the one used for testing. But using a target platform is typically slower since PDE tries to communicate with p2 repositories listed in the target platform. In order to install dependencies and plugins typically used by EGit developers click "Import... > Install > Install Software Items from File" and select this p2f file, then select the bundles you want to install and click OK. Change-Id: I84709b302297e8ad9fb8c1b11d2edb85c7f03c57 Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/egit-developer-tools.p2f')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/egit-developer-tools.p2f b/tools/egit-developer-tools.p2f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f34ac530e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/egit-developer-tools.p2f
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?p2f version='1.0.0'?>
+<p2f version='1.0.0'>
+ <ius size='24'>
+ <iu id='org.apache.commons.compress' name='Apache Commons Compress Plug-in' version='1.3.0.v201212111400'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <!-- TODO replace this with an S- or better R-build as soon as a new one is available
+ we are using a private copy of an I-build since no S or R-build was available when
+ releasing jgit 2.2, see -->
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='org.apache.log4j' name='Apache Jakarta log4j Plug-in' version='1.2.15.v201012070815'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='org.kohsuke.args4j' name='Args4j' version='2.0.12.v200910131500'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='org.hamcrest' name='Hamcrest Library of Matchers' version='1.1.0.v20090501071000'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='org.mockito' name='Java Mocking and Stubbing Framework' version='1.8.4.v201102171835'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='Jetty - Bundles: all the jetty bundles' version='7.6.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='Eclipse EGit' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='EGit Mylyn' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='EGit Plug-in Import Support' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='Eclipse JGit' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='Eclipse JGit Command Line Interface' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='J2SE-1.5 Execution Environment Description' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='JavaSE-1.6 Execution Environment Description' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='JavaSE-1.7 Execution Environment Description' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='EclEmma Java Code Coverage' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='FindBugs Feature' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='Mylyn Tasks Connector: Bugzilla' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='2'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='Mylyn Reviews Connector: Gerrit' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='SWTBot for Eclipse Forms Testing (incubation)' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='SWTBot for Eclipse Testing (incubation)' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='SWTBot for GEF Testing (incubation)' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='SWTBot for SWT Testing (incubation)' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='SWTBot IDE Features (incubation)' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ <iu id='' name='SWTBot JUnit Headless launchers for Eclipse (incubation)' version='0.0.0'>
+ <repositories size='1'>
+ <repository location=''/>
+ </repositories>
+ </iu>
+ </ius>

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