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authorMathias Kinzler2010-08-10 07:33:07 +0000
committerChris Aniszczyk2010-08-10 16:45:22 +0000
commit96faaecf12d7e42fb2058b583472b4b733e08594 (patch)
treefeb86553548cefcaee881c691b220ba8dd3511e7 /org.eclipse.egit.ui/src/org/eclipse/egit/ui/
parent5c9453527f157ae344e1fa15ffa7b378ab912665 (diff)
Git History View: cleanup and usability
This change is intended as first step to imporove the usabily of the Git History View. From the end user perspective, the following changes are noticeable: 1. there is a new toolbar button "Show all versions for the resource" which makes the "resource mode" explicit (in other words, we now have four radio buttons insted of three where selection of no button at all would represent the fourth option) 2. "Wrap comments" and "Fill paragraphs" is only available when the context menu is opened on the comment viewer 3. The file-specific menu entries (compare, open) were promoted to the top of the context menu if a file is selected Internally, all the "popupMenu" contributions were removed and replaced with command contributions and the corresponding actions were refactored out of the GitHistoryView class into handlers in order to improve maintainability. Change-Id: I318476873c0142e18e3cf8928ea693f3adaba1ab Signed-off-by: Mathias Kinzler <> Signed-off-by: Chris Aniszczyk <>
Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.egit.ui/src/org/eclipse/egit/ui/')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.egit.ui/src/org/eclipse/egit/ui/ b/org.eclipse.egit.ui/src/org/eclipse/egit/ui/
index 044e8733da..51f6b97d82 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.egit.ui/src/org/eclipse/egit/ui/
+++ b/org.eclipse.egit.ui/src/org/eclipse/egit/ui/
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
-AbstractHitoryViewCommandHandler_CanNotGetCommitMessage=Can not get a single commit from the current selection
-AbstractHitoryViewCommandHandler_NoRepositoryMessage=Could not obtain RepositoryMapping
+AbstractHistoryCommanndHandler_NoInputMessage=Could not get the current input from the history view
Activator_refreshingProjects=Refreshing git managed projects
Activator_refreshJobName=Git index refresh Job
Activator_repoScanJobName=Repository Change Scanner
@@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ SelectRemoteNamePage_RemoteNameTitle=Remote Name
SelectRemoteNamePage_SelectRemoteNameMessage=Select a remote name
SelectResetTypePage_PageMessage=The content of {0} will be replaced with the content of {1}
SelectResetTypePage_PageTitle=Reset {0}
-SetQuickdiffBaselineAction_setQuickdiffBaseline=Set Quickdiff Baseline
SharingWizard_windowTitle=Configure Git Repository
SharingWizard_failed=Failed to initialize Git team provider.
@@ -84,20 +82,17 @@ GitDocument_errorLoadTree=Could not load tree {0} for {1} corresponding to {2} i
GitDocument_errorRefreshQuickdiff=Failed to refresh quickdiff
GitDocument_errorResolveQuickdiff=Could not resolve quickdiff baseline {0} corresponding to {1} in {2}
GitHistoryPage_compareMode=Compare Mode
-GitHistoryPage_CompareVersions=Compare with each other
-GitHistoryPage_CompareWithWorking=Compare with &Working Tree
GitHistoryPage_errorLookingUpPath=IO error looking up path {0} in {1}.
GitHistoryPage_errorParsingHead=Cannot parse HEAD in: {0}
GitHistoryPage_errorReadingHeadCommit=Cannot read HEAD commit {0} in: {1}
GitHistoryPage_fileNotFound=File not found
GitHistoryPage_notContainedInCommits=File {0} is not contained in the commits: {1}
GitHistoryPage_openFailed=Opening Editor failed
-GitHistoryPage_CreatePatch=Create &Patch...
GitHistoryPage_FileNotInCommit={0} not in {1}
+GitHistoryPage_ShowAllVersionsForResource=Show all versions for the resource
GitProjectPropertyPage_LabelGitDir=Git directory:
@@ -293,15 +288,13 @@ RefSpecPage_annotatedTagsFetchTags=Always fetch tags, even if we do not have the
RefSpecPage_annotatedTagsNoTags=Never fetch tags, even if we have the thing it points at
QuickDiff_failedLoading=Quick diff failed to obtain file data.
-QuickdiffBaselineOperation_baseline=Cannot set quickdiff baseline
ResetAction_errorResettingHead=Cannot reset HEAD now
ResetAction_repositoryState=Repository state: {0}
ResetAction_reset=Resetting to {0}
ResetCommand_ResetFailureMessage=Reset failed
-ResetQuickdiffBaselineAction_resetQuickdiffBaseline=Reset Quickdiff Baseline
-ResetQuickdiffBaselineHeadParentAction_0=Reset Quickdiff Baseline
+ResetQuickdiffBaselineHandler_NoTargetMessage=No reset target provided
ResetTargetSelectionDialog_ResetConfirmQuestion=Resetting will overwrite any changes in your working directory.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
ResetTargetSelectionDialog_ResetQuestion=Really reset?

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