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authorThomas Wolf2017-06-14 17:36:03 +0000
committerThomas Wolf2017-06-18 11:44:14 +0000
commit34ce4d240ae48e30b601b9bd2ac02a5e0ebc537b (patch)
tree7196f137407d68359217d3193528dec8a7ce219c /icons
parent1bf3ccac3b17a9dabf8b228526ee774094dc2d3e (diff)
Staging view: add toolbar buttons to stage/unstage all files
The buttons do not appear in the contextual action tooltip. The contextual actions operate on a selection, whereas the new "stage/unstage all" actions also operate on unselected files. Including it in the tooltip would give a confusing UI. Also, if this action were in the tooltip, a slight mis-click would stage/unstage not only the selected files but all of them. Although that would not be a severe problem (the changed files are selected after the operation in the target viewer, so undoing a "stage all" is as easy as using "unstage seleted files"), let's try to avoid this. Bug: 518213 Change-Id: I127dae880c28f851b078736a7940dc698ab42faa Signed-off-by: Thomas Wolf <>
Diffstat (limited to 'icons')
2 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
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