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BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
326228Fix compatibility with newer OSGi APIMarkus Alexander Kuppe11 years
331383Merge branch 'master' into 331383Markus Alexander Kuppe12 years
421063bug 421063: Implementation of IPv6 to jslp Mohammad Jamal MohiUddin10 years
424059Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 424059slewis10 years
Release_2_0Changed prefs and organized imports to eliminate * importsslewis15 years
Release_2_1Added import for o.e.e.core.util.Proxytkubaska15 years
Release_3_0Fix for warning messagesslewis15 years
Release_3_1Fixes for unused externalized stringsslewis15 years
Release_3_3RESOLVED - bug 319126: [RemoteSvcs] Wildcard causes IRemoteServiceContainerAd...mkuppe14 years
Release_3_4RESOLVED - bug 277573: [RFC119] Make remote service identifiable in service r...Markus Alexander Kuppe13 years
bug404763Work to make work with bothslewis11 years
bug409787Move rest.feature version match to 1.0 rather than 1.0slewis10 years
bug421569Added NoRegistryContainerFactoryTestslewis10 years
bug464817Added UuIDTest to org.eclipse.ecf.tests.core forslewis9 years
bug483025Change javadoc version to 3.12.0slewis8 years
bug508640Added partial support for not using extension registry inslewis7 years
change/34754/1Update/fix by to scp contribution by J Langley as per bugslewis10 years
masterECF has moved to Github( months
osgir7Update to support console commands on karafslewis6 years
rfc1.1Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into rfc1.1slewis10 years
slewis.rosgi.wsAdding slewis launch configsslewis9 years

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