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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-04-18removed unnecessary map file entriesslewis1-5/+0
2008-04-04Removed constraint on 3.4 version of org.eclipse.uislewis1-1/+1
2008-04-04Updated p2_workaround map for org.eclipse.ecf.protocol.bittorrent pluginslewis1-1/+1
2008-04-04Removed org.eclipse.bittorrent files, changes feature.xml for core feature us...slewis1-7/+7
2008-04-02Removed httpclient provider from p2_workaroundslewis1-7/+0
2008-03-31changed to require 4 ecf bundlesslewis1-5/+7
2008-03-31Removed version identifier for ecf map file entriesslewis1-4/+4
2008-03-31Change to ecf map file entries to refer to 0.0.0slewis1-4/+4
2008-03-31Fix for ecf bundles GET map file entriesslewis1-4/+4
2008-03-31Fix for 3.1.0 -> 3.0.1 for httpclientslewis1-1/+1
2008-03-29map filep2_workaround_v20080329_1550slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-29*** empty log message ***p2_workaround_v20080329_1546slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-29root workaroundv20080329-1516slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-29changed orbit bundle versionsv20080329-1515slewis1-5/+5
2008-03-29map fileslewis1-1/+1
2008-03-29map fileslewis1-1/+1
2008-03-29fix to map filev20080328-1338slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-29Changes to p2_workaround branch to allow for building ECF zip and update site...slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-28Changes to p2_workaround branch to allow for building ECF zip and update site...slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-28Changes to p2_workaround branch to allow for building ECF zip and update site...slewis1-4/+5
2008-03-28Changes to p2_workaround branch to allow for building ECF zip and update site...slewis1-28/+0
2008-03-27Added null checks to some accesses within jmdns for robustnessv20080328-1632slewis1-1/+6
2008-03-27Fixes for jmdns synchronization issues.slewis5-15/+93
2008-03-26Fix for bug 224095slewis1-3/+1
2008-03-26Applied remaining patches from 222811.slewis4-0/+4
2008-03-26Applied remaining patches from 222811.slewis1-0/+1
2008-03-26Fix bug 222868 - [MSN] When E-mail is not specified and the password is enter...rsuen1-19/+15
2008-03-26Fix for bug 223484slewis1-1/+2
2008-03-26Added adapter manager implementation for RosterItem.getAdapter and AbstractRo...slewis2-0/+12
2008-03-26Fix for bug 223484slewis1-2/+7
2008-03-26Fix for bug 223484slewis1-1/+4
2008-03-26Fix for bug 223484slewis1-3/+7
2008-03-26Fix for bug 223484slewis1-5/+20
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-15/+0
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-18/+9
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-3/+1
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-8/+8
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-2/+2
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-9/+9
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-2/+2
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-7/+7
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-2/+2
2008-03-24Fixes for bug 223178 (removing bundle-version constraints that prevent ECF ui...slewis1-3/+3
2008-03-24Update to 2.0.0 version numberv20080324-0800slewis1-1/+1
2008-03-24Update to 2.0.0 version numberslewis1-1/+1
2008-03-24Enhancements/contributions from bug 222866. Also updated versions to 2.0.0 f...slewis6-89/+60
2008-03-24Enhancements/contributions from bug 222866. Also updated versions to 2.0.0 f...slewis9-56/+84

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