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1 files changed, 246 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/osgi/bundles/ b/osgi/bundles/
index 439d553d1..adcd76031 100644
--- a/osgi/bundles/
+++ b/osgi/bundles/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.felix.service.command.CommandSession;
import org.apache.felix.service.command.Converter;
+import org.apache.felix.service.command.Descriptor;
import org.apache.felix.service.command.Parameter;
import org.eclipse.ecf.console.AbstractCommand;
import org.eclipse.ecf.core.IContainerManager;
@@ -46,20 +47,30 @@ import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
import org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.RemoteConstants;
@Component(immediate = true, property = { "osgi.command.scope=ecf", "osgi.command.function=listexports",
- "osgi.command.function=lex", "osgi.command.function=listimports", "osgi.command.function=lim",
- "osgi.command.function=unexport", "osgi.command.function=une", "osgi.command.function=unimport",
- "osgi.command.function=uni",
- "osgi.command.function=rsadebug",
- "osgi.command.function=rsexport",
- "osgi.command.function=rsimport" }, service = { RSACommand.class, Converter.class })
+ "osgi.command.function=lexps", "osgi.command.function=listimports", "osgi.command.function=limps",
+ "osgi.command.function=unexportservice", "osgi.command.function=unexpsvc",
+ "osgi.command.function=unimportservice", "osgi.command.function=unimpsvc", "osgi.command.function=rsadebug",
+ "osgi.command.function=exportservice", "osgi.command.function=expsvc", "osgi.command.function=importservice",
+ "osgi.command.function=impsvc", "osgi.command.function=updateservice",
+ "osgi.command.function=updsvc" }, service = { RSACommand.class, Converter.class })
public class RSACommand extends AbstractCommand implements Converter {
- private static final boolean DEBUGON = Boolean
- .parseBoolean(System.getProperty("", "true"));
+ private static final String DEFAULT_EXPORT_CONFIG = System.getProperty(
+ "", "ecf.generic.server");
+ private static final boolean DEBUGON = Boolean.parseBoolean(
+ System.getProperty("", "true"));
+ private static final String EXPORT_LINE_FORMAT = System.getProperty(
+ "", "%1$-37s|%2$-45s|%3$s");
+ private static final String IMPORT_LINE_FORMAT = System.getProperty(
+ "", "%1$-37s|%2$-45s|%3$s");
private IContainerManager containerManager;
private IIDFactory idFactory;
private RemoteServiceAdmin rsa;
+ private BundleContext context;
+ private ServiceRegistration<?> debugReg;
void bindContainerManager(IContainerManager cm) {
@@ -102,6 +113,114 @@ public class RSACommand extends AbstractCommand implements Converter {
return this.rsa;
+ private List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference> getExports() {
+ List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference> results = new ArrayList<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference>();
+ for (org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ExportReference er : getRSA().getExportedServices())
+ results.add((RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference) er);
+ return results;
+ }
+ private List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference> getImports() {
+ List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference> results = new ArrayList<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference>();
+ for (org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ImportReference er : getRSA().getImportedEndpoints())
+ results.add((RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference) er);
+ return results;
+ }
+ public Object convert(Class<?> desiredType, Object in) throws Exception {
+ if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference.class && in instanceof String)
+ return getExportReferenceForIdOrContainerId((String) in);
+ else if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference.class && in instanceof Long)
+ return getExportReferenceForServiceId((Long) in);
+ else if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference.class && in instanceof String)
+ return getImportReferenceForIdOrContainerId((String) in);
+ else if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference.class && in instanceof Long)
+ return getImportReferenceForServiceId((Long) in);
+ return null;
+ }
+ private String formatExportReference(RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference er, int level, Converter escape) {
+ EndpointDescription ed = (EndpointDescription) er.getExportedEndpoint();
+ if (ed == null)
+ return null;
+ return formatReference(EXPORT_LINE_FORMAT, ed, ed.getContainerID().getName(), ed.getServiceId(), level, escape);
+ }
+ private String formatReference(String lineFormat, EndpointDescription ed, String containerId, long serviceId,
+ int level, Converter escape) {
+ if (ed == null)
+ return null;
+ switch (level) {
+ case Converter.PART:
+ return null;
+ case Converter.LINE:
+ return formatLine(lineFormat, ed.getId(), containerId, serviceId);
+ case Converter.INSPECT:
+ return formatEndpoint(ed);
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private String formatImportReference(RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference ir, int level, Converter escape) {
+ ID localContainerID = ir.getLocalContainerID();
+ if (localContainerID == null)
+ return null;
+ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
+ ServiceReference ref = ir.getImportedService();
+ if (ref == null)
+ return null;
+ return formatReference(IMPORT_LINE_FORMAT, (EndpointDescription) ir.getImportedEndpoint(),
+ localContainerID.getName(), (Long) ref.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_ID), level, escape);
+ }
+ private String formatEndpoint(EndpointDescription ed) {
+ EndpointDescriptionWriter edw = new EndpointDescriptionWriter();
+ StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+ try {
+ edw.writeEndpointDescription(sw, ed);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return null;
+ }
+ return formatLine("%s", sw.toString());
+ }
+ public String format(Object target, int level, Converter escape) {
+ if (target instanceof RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference)
+ return formatExportReference((RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference) target, level, escape);
+ else if (target instanceof RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference)
+ return formatImportReference((RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference) target, level, escape);
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Activate
+ void activate(BundleContext context) {
+ this.context = context;
+ if (DEBUGON)
+ debugOn();
+ }
+ @Deactivate
+ void deactivate() {
+ debugOff();
+ }
+ synchronized void debugOff() {
+ if (debugReg != null) {
+ debugReg.unregister();
+ debugReg = null;
+ }
+ }
+ synchronized void debugOn() {
+ if (debugReg == null)
+ debugReg = this.context.registerService(
+ org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.RemoteServiceAdminListener.class,
+ new DebugRemoteServiceAdminListener(), null);
+ }
private RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference getExportReferenceForIdOrContainerId(String exportRefId) {
for (RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference r : getExports()) {
EndpointDescription ed = (EndpointDescription) r.getExportedEndpoint();
@@ -162,44 +281,54 @@ public class RSACommand extends AbstractCommand implements Converter {
return null;
- public static final String EXPORT_LINE_FORMAT = "%1$-37s|%2$-45s|%3$s";
- public static final String IMPORT_LINE_FORMAT = "%1$-37s|%2$-45s|%3$s";
+ @Descriptor("List RSA exported services")
public List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference> listexports(CommandSession cs) {
consoleLine(cs, EXPORT_LINE_FORMAT, "Endpoint Id", "Exporting Container ID", "Exported Service Id\n");
return getExports();
- public List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference> lex(CommandSession cs) {
+ @Descriptor("List RSA exported services")
+ public List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference> lexps(CommandSession cs) {
return listexports(cs);
- public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference listexports(RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference r) {
+ @Descriptor("Details about a single RSA exported service")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference listexports(
+ @Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the exported service") RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference r) {
return r;
- public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference lex(RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference r) {
+ @Descriptor("Details about a single RSA exported service")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference lexps(
+ @Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the exported service") RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference r) {
return r;
+ @Descriptor("List RSA imported services")
public List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference> listimports(CommandSession cs) {
consoleLine(cs, IMPORT_LINE_FORMAT, "Endpoint Id", "Importing Container ID", "Imported Service Id\n");
return getImports();
- public List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference> lim(CommandSession cs) {
+ @Descriptor("List RSA imported services")
+ public List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference> limps(CommandSession cs) {
return listimports(cs);
- public RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference listimports(RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference r) {
+ @Descriptor("Details about a single RSA imported service")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference listimports(
+ @Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the exported service") RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference r) {
return r;
- public RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference lim(RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference r) {
+ @Descriptor("Details about a single RSA imported service")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference limps(
+ @Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the exported service") RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference r) {
return r;
- public String unexport(String endpointId) {
+ @Descriptor("Unexport an RSA exported service")
+ public String unexportservice(@Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the exported service") String endpointId) {
RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportRegistration reg = getExportRegistrationForId(endpointId);
if (reg != null) {
@@ -208,11 +337,13 @@ public class RSACommand extends AbstractCommand implements Converter {
return endpointId + " not found";
- public String une(String endpointId) {
- return unexport(endpointId);
+ @Descriptor("Unexport an RSA exported service")
+ public String unexpsvc(@Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the exported service") String endpointId) {
+ return unexportservice(endpointId);
- public String unimport(String endpointId) {
+ @Descriptor("Unimport an RSA imported service")
+ public String unimportservice(@Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the imported service") String endpointId) {
RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportRegistration reg = getImportRegistrationForId(endpointId);
if (reg != null) {
@@ -221,173 +352,91 @@ public class RSACommand extends AbstractCommand implements Converter {
return endpointId + " not found";
- public String uni(String endpointId) {
- return unimport(endpointId);
+ @Descriptor("Unimport an RSA imported service")
+ public String unimpsvc(@Descriptor("The Endpoint Id of the imported service") String endpointId) {
+ return unimportservice(endpointId);
- private List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference> getExports() {
- List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference> results = new ArrayList<RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference>();
- for (org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ExportReference er : getRSA().getExportedServices())
- results.add((RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference) er);
- return results;
- }
- public List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference> getImports() {
- List<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference> results = new ArrayList<RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference>();
- for (org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ImportReference er : getRSA().getImportedEndpoints())
- results.add((RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference) er);
- return results;
- }
- public Object convert(Class<?> desiredType, Object in) throws Exception {
- if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference.class && in instanceof String)
- return getExportReferenceForIdOrContainerId((String) in);
- else if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference.class && in instanceof Long)
- return getExportReferenceForServiceId((Long) in);
- else if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference.class && in instanceof String)
- return getImportReferenceForIdOrContainerId((String) in);
- else if (desiredType == RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference.class && in instanceof Long)
- return getImportReferenceForServiceId((Long) in);
- return null;
- }
- private String formatExportReference(RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference er, int level, Converter escape) {
- EndpointDescription ed = (EndpointDescription) er.getExportedEndpoint();
- if (ed == null)
- return null;
- return formatReference(EXPORT_LINE_FORMAT, ed, ed.getContainerID().getName(), ed.getServiceId(), level, escape);
- }
- private String formatReference(String lineFormat, EndpointDescription ed, String containerId, long serviceId,
- int level, Converter escape) {
- if (ed == null)
- return null;
- switch (level) {
- case Converter.PART:
- return null;
- case Converter.LINE:
- return formatLine(lineFormat, ed.getId(), containerId, serviceId);
- case Converter.INSPECT:
- return formatEndpoint(ed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- private String formatImportReference(RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference ir, int level, Converter escape) {
- ID localContainerID = ir.getLocalContainerID();
- if (localContainerID == null)
- return null;
- @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
- ServiceReference ref = ir.getImportedService();
- if (ref == null)
- return null;
- return formatReference(IMPORT_LINE_FORMAT, (EndpointDescription) ir.getImportedEndpoint(),
- localContainerID.getName(), (Long) ref.getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_ID), level, escape);
- }
- private String formatEndpoint(EndpointDescription ed) {
- EndpointDescriptionWriter edw = new EndpointDescriptionWriter();
- StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
- try {
- edw.writeEndpointDescription(sw, ed);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- return formatLine("%s", sw.toString());
- }
- public String format(Object target, int level, Converter escape) {
- if (target instanceof RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference)
- return formatExportReference((RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference) target, level, escape);
- else if (target instanceof RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference)
- return formatImportReference((RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference) target, level, escape);
- return null;
- }
- private BundleContext context;
- private ServiceRegistration<?> debugReg;
- @Activate
- void activate(BundleContext context) {
- this.context = context;
- if (DEBUGON)
- debugOn();
- }
- @Deactivate
- void deactivate() {
- debugOff();
- }
- synchronized void debugOff() {
- if (debugReg != null) {
- debugReg.unregister();
- debugReg = null;
+ @Descriptor("Toggle whether RSA debug output is output to console")
+ public String rsadebug() {
+ synchronized (this) {
+ return rsadebug(debugReg == null);
- synchronized void debugOn() {
- if (debugReg == null)
- debugReg = this.context.registerService(
- org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.RemoteServiceAdminListener.class,
- new DebugRemoteServiceAdminListener(), null);
- }
- public String rsadebug(boolean on) {
+ @Descriptor("Set whether RSA debug output is output to console")
+ public String rsadebug(@Descriptor("Whether to turn debug on or off") boolean on) {
String msg = null;
synchronized (this) {
if (debugReg == null) {
if (on) {
msg = "RSA debugging ON";
- } else
- msg = "RSA debugging already on";
+ } else
+ msg = "RSA debugging already off";
} else {
if (debugReg != null) {
msg = "RSA debugging OFF";
} else
- msg = "RSA debugging already off";
+ msg = "RSA debugging already on";
return msg;
- public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference rsexport(CommandSession cs, @Parameter(names = { "-s", "--serviceid" }, absentValue = "") long serviceid,
- @Parameter(names = { "--properties", "-p" }, absentValue = "") Map<String,?> map) {
+ @Descriptor("Export a service via Remote Service Admin")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference exportservice(CommandSession cs,
+ @Descriptor(" of service to export") long serviceid, @Parameter(names = {
+ "-props" }, absentValue = "") @Descriptor("Map of service properties for exporting the service") Map<String, ?> map) {
ServiceReference<?> ref = null;
try {
- ServiceReference<?>[] refs = context.getAllServiceReferences(null, "("+Constants.SERVICE_ID+"="+String.valueOf(serviceid)+")");
+ ServiceReference<?>[] refs = context.getAllServiceReferences(null,
+ "(" + Constants.SERVICE_ID + "=" + String.valueOf(serviceid) + ")");
if (refs == null || refs.length < 1)
- cs.getConsole().println("Cannot find service with id="+String.valueOf(serviceid));
+ cs.getConsole().println("Cannot find registered service with" + String.valueOf(serviceid));
ref = refs[0];
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
return null;
- Map<String,Object> op = new HashMap<String,Object>(map);
+ // Create map given map from console
+ Map<String, Object> op = (map == null) ? new HashMap<String, Object>() : new HashMap<String, Object>(map);
if (!op.containsKey(RemoteConstants.SERVICE_EXPORTED_INTERFACES))
op.put(RemoteConstants.SERVICE_EXPORTED_INTERFACES, "*");
if (!op.containsKey(RemoteConstants.SERVICE_EXPORTED_CONFIGS))
- op.put(RemoteConstants.SERVICE_EXPORTED_CONFIGS, "ecf.generic.server");
+ // Now export service with reference and overriding properties
Collection<org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ExportRegistration> regs = getRSA().exportService(ref, op);
- for(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ExportRegistration reg: regs) {
- Throwable t = reg.getException();
- if (t != null)
- t.printStackTrace(cs.getConsole());
- else {
- RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference er = (RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference) reg.getExportReference();
- if (er != null)
- return er;
+ // Should always return >= 1 registration
+ if (regs != null)
+ for (org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.ExportRegistration reg : regs) {
+ Throwable t = reg.getException();
+ if (t != null)
+ t.printStackTrace(cs.getConsole());
+ else {
+ RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference er = (RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference) reg
+ .getExportReference();
+ if (er != null) {
+ cs.getConsole().println("" + String.valueOf(serviceid)
+ + " successfully exported with endpoint description:");
+ return er;
+ }
+ }
- }
return null;
- public RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference rsimport(CommandSession cs, @Parameter(names = { "-e", "--endpointdescriptionurl" }, absentValue="") String endpointurl) {
+ @Descriptor("Export a service via Remote Service Admin")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference expsvc(CommandSession cs,
+ @Descriptor(" of service to export") long serviceid) {
+ return exportservice(cs, serviceid, null);
+ }
+ @Descriptor("Import a remote service via Remote Service Admin. If -e is used, the given endpoint URL is read to read the EndpointDescription. If not used, an EndpointDescription is expected from the console input (e.g. copy and paste)")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference importservice(CommandSession cs,
+ @Descriptor("Optional URL indicating location of an Endpoint Description (EDEF format)") @Parameter(names = {
+ "-e", "--endpointdescriptionurl" }, absentValue = "") String endpointurl) {
InputStream ins = null;
URL url = null;
if ("".equals(endpointurl)) {
@@ -417,18 +466,18 @@ public class RSACommand extends AbstractCommand implements Converter {
// Close the input stream if this was from a url
- if (url != null)
+ if (url != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
ByteArrayInputStream bins = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toString().getBytes());
EndpointDescriptionReader r = new EndpointDescriptionReader();
org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription[] eds = null;
try {
- eds = r.readEndpointDescriptions(bins);
+ eds = r.readEndpointDescriptions(bins);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@@ -444,11 +493,51 @@ public class RSACommand extends AbstractCommand implements Converter {
return null;
} else {
RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference ir = (RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference) reg.getImportReference();
- if (ir != null)
+ if (ir != null) {
+ EndpointDescription ed = (EndpointDescription) ir.getImportedEndpoint();
+ if (ed == null) {
+ cs.getConsole().println("Cannot get endpoint description for imported endpoint");
+ return null;
+ }
+ cs.getConsole().println("Endpoint id=" + ed.getId() + " with"
+ + ir.getImportedService().getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_ID) + " successfully imported:");
return ir;
- else
+ } else
return null;
+ @Descriptor("Import a remote service via Remote Service Admin. If -e is used, the given endpoint URL is read to read the EndpointDescription. If not used, an EndpointDescription is expected from the console input (e.g. copy and paste)")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ImportReference impsvc(CommandSession cs,
+ @Descriptor("Optional URL indicating location of an Endpoint Description (EDEF format)") @Parameter(names = {
+ "-e", "--endpointdescriptionurl" }, absentValue = "") String endpointurl) {
+ return importservice(cs, endpointurl);
+ }
+ @Descriptor("Update the properties of a remote service via Remote Service Admin")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference updateservice(CommandSession cs,
+ @Descriptor("Endpoint Id of remote service to update") String endpointid,
+ @Descriptor("Map of properties for update") Map<String, ?> map) {
+ RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportRegistration ereg = getExportRegistrationForId(endpointid);
+ if (ereg == null) {
+ cs.getConsole().println("Cannot find export with endpointid=" + endpointid);
+ return null;
+ }
+ RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference eref = (RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference) ereg.getExportReference();
+ if (eref == null) {
+ cs.getConsole().println("The remote service with endpointid=" + endpointid + " has been closed");
+ return null;
+ }
+ ereg.update(map);
+ return eref;
+ }
+ @Descriptor("Update the properties of a remote service via Remote Service Admin")
+ public RemoteServiceAdmin.ExportReference updsvc(CommandSession cs,
+ @Descriptor("Endpoint Id of remote service to update") String endpointid,
+ @Descriptor("Map of properties for update") Map<String, ?> map) {
+ return updateservice(cs, endpointid, map);
+ }

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