Basic mapping

Use a Basic Mapping to map an attribute directly to a database column. Basic mappings may be used only with the following attribute types:

To create a basic mapping:

  1. In the JPA Structure view, right-click the field to map. Select Map As > Basic. The JPA Details view (for attributes) displays the properties for the selected field.

  2. Use this table to complete the remaining fields on the JPA Details view.

    Property Description Default
    Entity Map Hyperlink Defines this mapping as a Basic Mapping.

    This corresponds to the @Basic annotation.

    Column The database column mapped to the entity attribute. See "Column" for details. By default, the Column is assumed to be named identically to the attribute and always included in the INSERT and UPDATE statements.
    Table Name of the database table.
    Fetch Defines how data is loaded from the database. See "Fetch Type" for details.
    • Eager

    • Lazy

    Optional Specifies if this field is can be null. Yes
    Temporal Specifies the type of data. See "Temporal" for details.
    • Date

    • Time

    • Timestamp

    Lob Specifies if this is a large objects (BLOB or CLOB). See "Lob" for details.

Eclipse adds the following annotations to the field:

@Column(name="<COLUMN_NAME>", table="<COLUMN_TABLE>", 
    insertable=<INSERTABLE>, updatable=<UPDATABLE>)
@Basic(fetch=FetchType.<FETCH_TYPE>, optional = <OPTIONAL>)


Related task

Mapping an entity


Related reference

JPA Structure view
JPA Details view (for attributes)


Related concept

Understanding OR mappings
Understanding EJB 3.0 Java Persistence API