Primary Key Generation information

This table lists the fields available in the Primary Key Generation area in JPA Details view for ID mapping types.

Property Description Default
Primary Key Generation These fields define how the primary key is generated. These fields correspond to the @GeneratedValue annotation. Generated Value
  • Auto
  • Identity – Values are assigned by the database's Identity column.

  • Sequence – Values are assigned by a sequence table (see Sequence Generator).

  • Table – Values are assigned by a database table (see Table Generator).

  Generator Name Unique name of the generated value.
Table Generator These fields define the database table used for generating the primary key and correspond to the @TableGenerator annotation.

These fields apply only when Strategy = Table.

  Name Unique name of the generator.
  Table Database table that stores the generated ID values.
  Primary Key Column The column in the table generator's Table that contains the primary key.
  Value Column The column that stores the generated ID values.
  Primary Key Column Value The value for the Primary Key Column in the generator table.
Sequence Generator These fields define the specific sequence used for generating the primary key and correspond to the @SequenceGenerator annotation.

These fields apply only when Strategy = Sequence.

  Name Name of the sequence table to use for defining primary key values.
  Sequence Unique name of the sequence.


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ID mapping


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