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path: root/jpa
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-04-01Added commenttle1-0/+4
2009-04-01Removed eclipselink.jar propertytle1-1/+1
2009-04-01Refactored required jar testingtle2-36/+67
2009-04-01removed unnecessary castingkmoore3-9/+6
2009-04-01[269581] - replaced calls to internal classes with calls to new API interfacespfullbright51-113/+477
2009-04-01Fixed extraVMargs property.tle2-6/+2
2009-03-31[264233] - moved eclipselink downloadable libraries to dali web spacepfullbright1-0/+15
2009-03-31250321- eclipselink jpa jar needed for eclipselink teststle4-15/+46
2009-03-31270191 - change platform from 'EclipseLink' to 'EclipseLink 1.0.x'kmoore2-7/+7
2009-03-31[241575] - project clean does a model rebuildpfullbright1-7/+65
2009-03-27updated commentpfullbright1-2/+2
2009-03-25removed unused importspfullbright4-6/+2
2009-03-25269229 - Override default schema is not persisted. Also fixed override defaul...tle1-0/+3
2009-03-24235428 - Dali expects inner classes to be listed using '.' instead of '$' in ...kmoore30-33/+167
2009-03-24[269256] - changed isOwnedBy(RelationshipMapping) implementationpfullbright10-74/+45
2009-03-23269217 - unable to edit discriminator columnkmoore1-2/+2
2009-03-23269591 - exception with turkish locale, need to do english locale translation...kmoore1-1/+2
2009-03-20258337 - cleaning up disabling/enabling of joincolumns panels againkmoore3-78/+58
2009-03-20269100 - change superclass and DiscriminatorValue import addedkmoore1-1/+8
2009-03-20[266898] - Added resource listener check for added/opened projectpfullbright1-1/+2
2009-03-20231437 - ui for table generators did not include all options for orm entity-m...kmoore4-131/+495
2009-03-19[268898] - join table now not added to resource when switching to default joi...pfullbright3-3/+3
2009-03-19[268409] - refactored virtual xml join tablespfullbright6-49/+33
2009-03-19expanded on Karen's fix for strategy add/remove orderingpfullbright9-18/+10
2009-03-19Removed unnecessary callpfullbright1-1/+1
2009-03-19269393 - fixing problem with enbabled state of join-columns panelskmoore2-15/+15
2009-03-17268409 - fixing invalid validation errors in orm.xml, for M6 we are just comm...kmoore3-2/+7
2009-03-16268868 - 1-many using mappedBy, switch to joinColumns and an exception occurskmoore4-8/+13
2009-03-16bug 263252 - removed jpa preferences page and associated preferencespfullbright8-289/+7
2009-03-16fixed entity gen copyright statements and replaced references to internal org...kmoore38-42/+74
2009-03-16268417 - contribution from Danny Ju plus some formatting changeskmoore4-339/+475
2009-03-16fix for bug 267258pfullbright1-0/+1
2009-03-16268572 - uncomment the setting of the updater to the asynchronous updaterkmoore1-1/+1
2009-03-16fixed bug 268621pfullbright1-3/+3
2009-03-16268548 - contribution from Danny Ju - removed the velocity loggingkmoore1-2/+11
2009-03-16bug 268422 - contribution from Danny Ju - I also removed unnecessary casting ...kmoore1-12/+13
2009-03-13Adding templates folder to build.nhauge1-1/+2
2009-03-13move access combo after joining strategy section, this makes it match with th...kmoore3-3/+3
2009-03-13whoops, missing the joining strategy compositekmoore1-1/+1
2009-03-13whoops, missing the joining strategy compositekmoore1-0/+2
2009-03-13251293 - latest contribution for entity generationkmoore21-282/+320
2009-03-13Update for new entity gen code.nhauge1-1/+2
2009-03-12fix for bug 268409 - join table strategy now answers correctly whether it may...pfullbright1-1/+1
2009-03-12fix for bug 268414 - many to many correctly answers if it is relationship ownerpfullbright1-1/+1
2009-03-12267260 - forgot an extra check in the validation, don't want to validate the ...kmoore1-1/+1
2009-03-12removed unused message, was causing NLS missing message warningkmoore1-1/+0
2009-03-12more layout cleanupkmoore12-125/+68
2009-03-12268370 - cleaning up layout issueskmoore3-27/+8
2009-03-12handle when target entity does not resolvepfullbright3-3/+12

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