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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-11-11254818 - basic UI for basic-collection, basic-map, and transformation mapping...kmoore1-0/+17
2008-10-29renamed Converter -> CustomConverter, refactored EL converters to add abstrac...pfullbright1-33/+34
2008-10-28246120 - resource and context model support for converters on type mappings a...kmoore1-7/+19
2008-10-28resource and translator support for change trackingpfullbright1-3/+17
2008-10-27249505 - more converters support on attribute mappings, conversion-values on ...kmoore1-12/+20
2008-10-25added eclipselink-orm resource model for converters and corresponding transla...kmoore1-3/+43
2008-10-24bug 245429 - added eclipselink orm expiry time of day supportkmoore1-1/+2
2008-10-23ecore changes for eclipselink orm resource model attribute mappings to have i...kmoore1-7/+21
2008-10-21245429 - eclipseilnk-orm.xml support for existence-checkingkmoore1-6/+8
2008-10-20Added mutable to eclipselink orm basic/id/version mappingspfullbright1-11/+11
2008-10-17ecore change, rename CoordinationType to CacheCoordinationTypekmoore1-2/+2
2008-10-17ecore change, added XmlCacheHolderkmoore1-22/+26
2008-10-17ecores changes for cachingkmoore1-0/+39
2008-10-17added customizer to the embeddable resource modelkmoore1-0/+1
2008-10-16added a XmlCustomizerHolder object to the resource modelkmoore1-6/+5
2008-10-16added resource model for private owned, join fetch, and mutable; removed util...pfullbright1-2/+22
2008-10-16changed customizer resource modelkmoore1-2/+8
2008-10-16resource model for eclispelink-orm customizerkmoore1-1/+4
2008-10-16added read-only support to mapped-superclass in the eclipselink-orm.xmlkmoore1-0/+1
2008-10-16added readOnly to eclipselink orm resource model and context modelpfullbright1-0/+10

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