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2009-07-27This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'v200907270000'.v200907270000nhauge1184-213009/+0
2009-07-27more renames - eclipselink Core and UIkmoore299-2503/+2513
2009-07-24created some abastract UI compositeskmoore23-557/+1073
2009-07-23cleaning up compiler warningskmoore2-4/+3
2009-07-23removed unused methodskmoore1-10/+0
2009-07-23cleaning up things discovered with FindBugs and a few compiler warningskmoore6-27/+15
2009-07-23removed unsued importkmoore2-2/+0
2009-07-23created JavaCascade and OrmCascade interfaces and moved the implementations t...kmoore10-10/+101
2009-07-23exporting new packageskmoore1-0/+7
2009-07-23renamed methods in EclipseLink1_1JpaFactorykmoore19-67/+67
2009-07-23rename Caching to EclipseLinkCachingkmoore25-168/+168
2009-07-23broke this in my many attempts to figure out the test failures. switching it...kmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-23updated reference to EclipseLink1_1MappingFileWizardkmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-23more refactorings: ui, eclipselink core, and some generic 2.0 changeskmoore330-2933/+2933
2009-07-22more class renames and movingkmoore109-238/+318
2009-07-22removed unnecessary importkmoore1-1/+0
2009-07-22using factory to build ormQueryContainerkmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-22added buildOrm*Converter methods to JpaFactorykmoore7-15/+45
2009-07-22scratch that last commitkmoore1-12/+7
2009-07-22added a buildJavaNullConverter method to JpaFactorykmoore6-22/+25
2009-07-21committing the changes from RefactoringPart1.xml scriptkmoore210-1364/+1364
2009-07-21cleaning up some string references to EclipseLink classes that don't exist yetkmoore2-4/+4
2009-07-21cleaning up some warningskmoore5-21/+17
2009-07-21cleaning up some string references to EclipseLink classes that don't exist yetkmoore14-16/+15
2009-07-17refactor java resource model implementation and tests classeskmoore13-19/+23
2009-07-17package rename to jpa2kmoore306-1925/+1927
2009-07-16fixed translators, added Translator.END_TAG_NO_INDENTkmoore5-5/+30
2009-07-16accidentally changed the base-type of the eclipselink orm content type. this...kmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-16Reverting last change so I can release this project.nhauge3-22/+17
2009-07-16Reverting last change so I can release core.tests project.nhauge1-2/+1
2009-07-16Version updates for 3.0 M1.nhauge17-20/+26
2009-07-16uncommenting tests for HEAD, we don't want to release thesekmoore7-31/+25
2009-07-15commenting out a few remaining build test failures, they do not fail locally ...kmoore2-6/+3
2009-07-15change contentType extension point back to non-deprecated onekmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-15switch to Integer.valueOf as suggested by findbugskmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-15commenting out build test failureskmoore2-19/+11
2009-07-13[280143] use default schema identifier if default schema does not existbvosburgh28-188/+224
2009-07-11reversing that expiriment, not surprisingly it didn't workkmoore4-11/+35
2009-07-11yet another expiriment in gettings tests to pass in the buildkmoore6-37/+13
2009-07-10clean up DTPUtilbvosburgh6-61/+15
2009-07-10reworked CallbackChangeSupportbvosburgh3-126/+385
2009-07-10even more changes to figure out our test failures in the buildkmoore7-27/+80
2009-07-10removing unused dependencieskmoore15-95/+56
2009-07-10cleaning up warningskmoore3-9/+11
2009-07-10fixed compiler and FindBugs warningsbvosburgh1-9/+14
2009-07-09add the default join column when you override the association override. It i...kmoore3-14/+42
2009-07-09fixed translator mistakekmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-09removed unused importkmoore1-1/+0
2009-07-09more changes to figure out our test failures in the buildkmoore1-1/+1
2009-07-09fixed compiler and FindBugs warningsbvosburgh29-109/+103

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