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Diffstat (limited to 'jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/jpa/db/tests/internal/platforms/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/jpa/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/jpa/db/tests/internal/platforms/
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- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.jdbc.IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.rte.ICatalogObject;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.ArrayTools;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.Column;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.ForeignKey;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.Schema;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.Table;
- * MySQL
- *
- * Notes:<ul>
- * <li>We can only get database objects from the database associated with our
- * connection profile.
- * <li>We can reference objects across multiple databases, so they are sorta like
- * schemas....
- * <li>Foreign keys must be defined as table-level constraints; they cannot be
- * defined as part of the column clause.
- * <li>Case-sensitivity and -folding is whacked on MySQL....
- * </ul>
- */
-public class MySQLTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public MySQLTests( String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "MySQL JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.MySQL JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.mysql.4_1.driverTemplate";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "MySql";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "4.1";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDefaultJDBCURL() {
- return "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "MySQL_4.1";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "MySQL 4.1 JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected Properties buildDTPConnectionProfileProperties() {
- Properties p = super.buildDTPConnectionProfileProperties();
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DATABASE_NAME_PROP_ID, this.getDatabaseName());
- return p;
- }
- private String getDatabaseName() {
- return this.getUserID(); // by convention...
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- return true; // seems to work...
- }
- public void testDatabase() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- // DTP: MySQL has a single schema with the same name as the database
- Schema schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed(this.getDatabaseName());
- assertNotNull(schema);
- assertSame(this.getDefaultSchema(), schema);
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testTable() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.dropTable("foo_baz");
- this.dropTable("baz");
- this.dropTable("foo");
- this.dropTable("bar");
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBarDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBazDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooBazDDL());
- // the MySQL database does NOT refresh - see bug 279721...
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- // ...refresh the single schema instead
- ((ICatalogObject) getDTPSchema(this.getDefaultSchema())).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultSchema();
- // foo
- Table fooTable = schema.getTableNamed("foo");
- assertEquals(3, fooTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- // if the tables are created with MyISAM as the backing store
- // there will be no foreign keys
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- Column pkColumn = fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn();
- assertEquals("id", pkColumn.getName());
- Column idColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("id");
- assertSame(pkColumn, idColumn);
- assertEquals("INT", idColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertSame(fooTable, idColumn.getTable());
- assertTrue(idColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertEquals("int", idColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- Column nameColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("name");
- assertEquals("VARCHAR", nameColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", nameColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- Column barColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("bar_id");
- assertEquals("INT", barColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(barColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertFalse(barColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- ForeignKey barFK = fooTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next(); // there should only be 1 foreign key
- assertEquals(1, barFK.getColumnPairsSize());
- assertEquals("bar", barFK.getAttributeName());
- assertNull(barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("bar"));
- assertEquals("bar_id", barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("primaryBar"));
- assertSame(fooTable, barFK.getBaseTable());
- assertFalse(fooTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertSame(schema, fooTable.getSchema());
- // BAR
- Table barTable = schema.getTableNamed("bar");
- assertEquals(2, barTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, barTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertEquals("id", barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn().getName());
- assertFalse(barTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertEquals("BLOB", barTable.getColumnNamed("chunk").getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("byte[]", barTable.getColumnNamed("chunk").getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertTrue(barTable.getColumnNamed("chunk").isLOB());
- assertSame(barTable, barFK.getReferencedTable());
- // FOO_BAZ
- Table foo_bazTable = schema.getTableNamed("foo_baz");
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, foo_bazTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.joinTableNameIsDefault());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.getColumnNamed("foo_id").isPartOfForeignKey());
- this.dropTable("foo_baz");
- this.dropTable("baz");
- this.dropTable("foo");
- this.dropTable("bar");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- private String buildBarDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE bar (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" chunk BLOB").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE foo (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" name VARCHAR(20),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" bar_id INTEGER,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" CONSTRAINT BAR FOREIGN KEY (bar_id) REFERENCES bar(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" name VARCHAR(20)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE foo_baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" foo_id INT,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" baz_id INT,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" FOREIGN KEY (foo_id) REFERENCES foo(id),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" FOREIGN KEY (baz_id) REFERENCES baz(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /**
- * On Windows, table names get folded to lowercase by default;
- * even if the name is delimited (apparently).
- */
- public void testTableLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.dropTable("test1");
- this.dropTable("TEST2");
- this.dropTable("`TEST3`");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test1 (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE TEST2 (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE `TEST3` (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- // the MySQL database does NOT refresh - see bug 279721...
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- // ...refresh the single schema instead
- ((ICatalogObject) getDTPSchema(this.getDefaultSchema())).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultSchema();
- Table test1Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("test1");
- assertNotNull(test1Table);
- // if 'lctn' is 0 (UNIX), the table name is case-sensitive
- int lctn = this.getLowerCaseTableNamesFromDatabase();
- String test2Identifier = (lctn == 0) ? "TEST2" : "test2";
- Table test2Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier(test2Identifier);
- assertNotNull(test2Table);
- String test3Identifier = (lctn == 0) ? "`TEST3`" : "`test3`";
- Table test3Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier(test3Identifier);
- assertNotNull(test3Table);
- this.dropTable("test1");
- this.dropTable("TEST2");
- this.dropTable("`TEST3`");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- protected int getLowerCaseTableNamesFromDatabase() throws SQLException {
- // the underscore is a wild character on MySQL, so we need to escape it
- ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> rows = this.execute("show variables like 'lower\\_case\\_table\\_names'");
- Map<String, Object> row = rows.get(0);
- return Integer.valueOf((String) row.get("Value")).intValue();
- }
- /**
- * MySQL preserves the case of column names, delimited or not;
- * but they are <em>not</em> case-sensitive when used in SQL.
- * Delimiters are useful for reserved identifiers and special characters.
- */
- public void testColumnLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.dropTable("test");
- // lowercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- // the MySQL database does NOT refresh - see bug 279721...
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- // ...refresh the single schema instead
- ((ICatalogObject) getDTPSchema(this.getDefaultSchema())).refresh();
- Table table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("name"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("name"));
- this.dropTable("test");
- // uppercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (ID INTEGER, NAME VARCHAR(20))");
- // the MySQL database does NOT refresh - see bug 279721...
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- // ...refresh the single schema instead
- ((ICatalogObject) getDTPSchema(this.getDefaultSchema())).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("ID"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("NAME"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("name"));
- this.dropTable("test");
- // mixed case
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (Id INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(20))");
- // the MySQL database does NOT refresh - see bug 279721...
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- // ...refresh the single schema instead
- ((ICatalogObject) getDTPSchema(this.getDefaultSchema())).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("Id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("Name"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("name"));
- this.dropTable("test");
- // delimited
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (`Id` INTEGER, `Name` VARCHAR(20))");
- // the MySQL database does NOT refresh - see bug 279721...
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- // ...refresh the single schema instead
- ((ICatalogObject) getDTPSchema(this.getDefaultSchema())).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("Id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("Name"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("name"));
- boolean quotes = this.getANSIQuotesFromDatabase();
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("`Id`"));
- if (quotes) {
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Id\""));
- }
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("`Name`"));
- if (quotes) {
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Name\""));
- }
- this.dropTable("test");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- protected boolean getANSIQuotesFromDatabase() throws SQLException {
- ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> rows = this.execute("SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode");
- Map<String, Object> row = rows.get(0);
- String sql_mode = (String) row.get("@@SESSION.sql_mode");
- String[] modes = sql_mode.split(",");
- return Boolean.valueOf(ArrayTools.contains(modes, "ANSI_QUOTES")).booleanValue();
- }
- private void dropTable(String tableName) throws Exception {
- this.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName);
- }

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