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Diffstat (limited to 'jpa/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.core/src/org/eclipse/jpt/core/internal/context/java/')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jpa/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.core/src/org/eclipse/jpt/core/internal/context/java/ b/jpa/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.core/src/org/eclipse/jpt/core/internal/context/java/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..401ba1dfdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpa/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.core/src/org/eclipse/jpt/core/internal/context/java/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
+ * and is available at
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Oracle - initial API and implementation
+ ******************************************************************************/
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.core.internal.ITextRange;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.core.internal.context.base.ITable;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.db.internal.Schema;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.Filter;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.NameTools;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.StringTools;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.EmptyIterator;
+import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.FilteringIterator;
+public abstract class AbstractJavaTable extends JavaContextModel
+ protected String specifiedName;
+ protected String defaultName;
+ protected String specifiedCatalog;
+ protected String defaultCatalog;
+ protected String specifiedSchema;
+ protected String defaultSchema;
+// protected EList<IUniqueConstraint> uniqueConstraints;
+ protected AbstractJavaTable(IJavaJpaContextNode parent) {
+ super(parent);
+ }
+ protected void initializeFromResource(Table table) {
+ this.defaultName = this.defaultName();
+ this.defaultSchema = this.defaultSchema();
+ this.defaultCatalog = this.defaultCatalog();
+ this.specifiedName = table.getName();
+ this.specifiedSchema = table.getSchema();
+ this.specifiedCatalog = table.getCatalog();
+ }
+ protected abstract Table tableResource();
+ protected abstract String annotationName();
+ public String getName() {
+ return (this.getSpecifiedName() == null) ? getDefaultName() : this.getSpecifiedName();
+ }
+ public String getSpecifiedName() {
+ return this.specifiedName;
+ }
+ public void setSpecifiedName(String newSpecifiedName) {
+ String oldSpecifiedName = this.specifiedName;
+ this.specifiedName = newSpecifiedName;
+ tableResource().setName(newSpecifiedName);
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.SPECIFIED_NAME_PROPERTY, oldSpecifiedName, newSpecifiedName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * internal setter used only for updating from the resource model.
+ * There were problems with InvalidThreadAccess exceptions in the UI
+ * when you set a value from the UI and the annotation doesn't exist yet.
+ * Adding the annotation causes an update to occur and then the exception.
+ */
+ protected void setSpecifiedName_(String newSpecifiedName) {
+ String oldSpecifiedName = this.specifiedName;
+ this.specifiedName = newSpecifiedName;
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.SPECIFIED_NAME_PROPERTY, oldSpecifiedName, newSpecifiedName);
+ }
+ public String getDefaultName() {
+ return this.defaultName;
+ }
+ public String getCatalog() {
+ return (this.getSpecifiedCatalog() == null) ? getDefaultCatalog() : this.getSpecifiedCatalog();
+ }
+ public String getSpecifiedCatalog() {
+ return this.specifiedCatalog;
+ }
+ public void setSpecifiedCatalog(String newSpecifiedCatalog) {
+ String oldSpecifiedCatalog = this.specifiedCatalog;
+ this.specifiedCatalog = newSpecifiedCatalog;
+ tableResource().setCatalog(newSpecifiedCatalog);
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.SPECIFIED_CATALOG_PROPERTY, oldSpecifiedCatalog, newSpecifiedCatalog);
+ }
+ /**
+ * internal setter used only for updating from the resource model.
+ * There were problems with InvalidThreadAccess exceptions in the UI
+ * when you set a value from the UI and the annotation doesn't exist yet.
+ * Adding the annotation causes an update to occur and then the exception.
+ */
+ protected void setSpecifiedCatalog_(String newSpecifiedCatalog) {
+ String oldSpecifiedCatalog = this.specifiedCatalog;
+ this.specifiedCatalog = newSpecifiedCatalog;
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.SPECIFIED_CATALOG_PROPERTY, oldSpecifiedCatalog, newSpecifiedCatalog);
+ }
+ public String getDefaultCatalog() {
+ return this.defaultCatalog;
+ }
+ public String getSchema() {
+ return (this.getSpecifiedSchema() == null) ? getDefaultSchema() : this.getSpecifiedSchema();
+ }
+ public String getSpecifiedSchema() {
+ return this.specifiedSchema;
+ }
+ public void setSpecifiedSchema(String newSpecifiedSchema) {
+ String oldSpecifiedSchema = this.specifiedSchema;
+ this.specifiedSchema = newSpecifiedSchema;
+ tableResource().setSchema(newSpecifiedSchema);
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.SPECIFIED_SCHEMA_PROPERTY, oldSpecifiedSchema, newSpecifiedSchema);
+ }
+ /**
+ * internal setter used only for updating from the resource model.
+ * There were problems with InvalidThreadAccess exceptions in the UI
+ * when you set a value from the UI and the annotation doesn't exist yet.
+ * Adding the annotation causes an update to occur and then the exception.
+ */
+ protected void setSpecifiedSchema_(String newSpecifiedSchema) {
+ String oldSpecifiedSchema = this.specifiedSchema;
+ this.specifiedSchema = newSpecifiedSchema;
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.SPECIFIED_SCHEMA_PROPERTY, oldSpecifiedSchema, newSpecifiedSchema);
+ }
+ public String getDefaultSchema() {
+ return this.defaultSchema;
+ }
+// public EList<IUniqueConstraint> getUniqueConstraints() {
+// if (uniqueConstraints == null) {
+// uniqueConstraints = new EObjectContainmentEList<IUniqueConstraint>(IUniqueConstraint.class, this, JpaJavaMappingsPackage.ABSTRACT_JAVA_TABLE__UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS);
+// }
+// return uniqueConstraints;
+// }
+ // ********** ITable implementation **********
+ public ITextRange nameTextRange(CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ ITextRange textRange = tableResource().nameTextRange(astRoot);
+ return (textRange != null) ? textRange : this.parent().validationTextRange(astRoot);
+ }
+ public boolean nameTouches(int pos, CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ return tableResource().nameTouches(pos, astRoot);
+ }
+ public ITextRange schemaTextRange(CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ ITextRange textRange = tableResource().schemaTextRange(astRoot);
+ return (textRange != null) ? textRange : this.parent().validationTextRange(astRoot);
+ }
+ public boolean schemaTouches(int pos, CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ return tableResource().schemaTouches(pos, astRoot);
+ }
+ public ITextRange catalogTextRange(CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ return tableResource().catalogTextRange(astRoot);
+ }
+ public boolean catalogTouches(int pos, CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ return tableResource().catalogTouches(pos, astRoot);
+ }
+ protected void setDefaultName(String newDefaultName) {
+ String oldDefaultName = this.defaultName;
+ this.defaultName = newDefaultName;
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.DEFAULT_NAME_PROPERTY, oldDefaultName, newDefaultName);
+ }
+ protected void setDefaultCatalog(String newDefaultCatalog) {
+ String oldDefaultCatalog = this.defaultCatalog;
+ this.defaultCatalog = newDefaultCatalog;
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.DEFAULT_CATALOG_PROPERTY, oldDefaultCatalog, newDefaultCatalog);
+ }
+ protected void setDefaultSchema(String newDefaultSchema) {
+ String oldDefaultSchema = this.defaultSchema;
+ this.defaultSchema = newDefaultSchema;
+ firePropertyChanged(ITable.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_PROPERTY, oldDefaultSchema, newDefaultSchema);
+ }
+// public IUniqueConstraint createUniqueConstraint(int index) {
+// return createJavaUniqueConstraint(index);
+// }
+// protected abstract JavaUniqueConstraint createJavaUniqueConstraint(int index);
+ protected void update(Table table) {
+ this.setSpecifiedName_(table.getName());
+ this.setSpecifiedSchema_(table.getSchema());
+ this.setSpecifiedCatalog_(table.getCatalog());
+ this.setDefaultName(this.defaultName());
+ this.setDefaultSchema(this.defaultSchema());
+ this.setDefaultCatalog(this.defaultCatalog());
+ //this.updateUniqueConstraints(table);
+ }
+ protected abstract String defaultName();
+ protected String defaultSchema() {
+ if (entityMappings() != null) {
+ return entityMappings().getSchema();
+ }
+ return persistenceUnit().getDefaultSchema();
+ }
+ protected String defaultCatalog() {
+ if (entityMappings() != null) {
+ return entityMappings().getCatalog();
+ }
+ return persistenceUnit().getDefaultCatalog();
+ }
+// /**
+// * here we just worry about getting the unique constraints lists the same size;
+// * then we delegate to the unique constraints to synch themselves up
+// */
+// private void updateUniqueConstraintsFromJava(CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+// // synchronize the model join columns with the Java source
+// List<IUniqueConstraint> constraints = this.getUniqueConstraints();
+// int persSize = constraints.size();
+// int javaSize = 0;
+// boolean allJavaAnnotationsFound = false;
+// for (int i = 0; i < persSize; i++) {
+// JavaUniqueConstraint uniqueConstraint = (JavaUniqueConstraint) constraints.get(i);
+// if (uniqueConstraint.annotation(astRoot) == null) {
+// allJavaAnnotationsFound = true;
+// break; // no need to go any further
+// }
+// uniqueConstraint.updateFromJava(astRoot);
+// javaSize++;
+// }
+// if (allJavaAnnotationsFound) {
+// // remove any model join columns beyond those that correspond to the Java annotations
+// while (persSize > javaSize) {
+// persSize--;
+// constraints.remove(persSize);
+// }
+// }
+// else {
+// // add new model join columns until they match the Java annotations
+// while (!allJavaAnnotationsFound) {
+// JavaUniqueConstraint uniqueConstraint = this.createJavaUniqueConstraint(javaSize);
+// if (uniqueConstraint.annotation(astRoot) == null) {
+// allJavaAnnotationsFound = true;
+// }
+// else {
+// this.getUniqueConstraints().add(uniqueConstraint);
+// uniqueConstraint.updateFromJava(astRoot);
+// javaSize++;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ @Override
+ public IJavaJpaContextNode parent() {
+ return (IJavaJpaContextNode) super.parent();
+ }
+ public ITextRange validationTextRange(CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ ITextRange textRange = tableResource().textRange(astRoot);
+ return (textRange != null) ? textRange : this.parent().validationTextRange(astRoot);
+ }
+ public org.eclipse.jpt.db.internal.Table dbTable() {
+ Schema schema = this.dbSchema();
+ return (schema == null) ? null : schema.tableNamed(this.getName());
+ }
+ public Schema dbSchema() {
+ return this.database().schemaNamed(this.getSchema());
+ }
+ public boolean hasResolvedSchema() {
+ return this.dbSchema() != null;
+ }
+ public boolean isResolved() {
+ return this.dbTable() != null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Iterator<String> candidateValuesFor(int pos, Filter<String> filter, CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ Iterator<String> result = super.candidateValuesFor(pos, filter, astRoot);
+ if (result != null) {
+ return result;
+ }
+// for (IUniqueConstraint constraint : this.getUniqueConstraints()) {
+// result = ((JavaUniqueConstraint) constraint).candidateValuesFor(pos, filter, astRoot);
+// if (result != null) {
+// return result;
+// }
+// }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * called if the database is connected
+ * name, schema, catalog
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Iterator<String> connectedCandidateValuesFor(int pos, Filter<String> filter, CompilationUnit astRoot) {
+ Iterator<String> result = super.connectedCandidateValuesFor(pos, filter, astRoot);
+ if (result != null) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (this.nameTouches(pos, astRoot)) {
+ return this.quotedCandidateNames(filter);
+ }
+ if (this.schemaTouches(pos, astRoot)) {
+ return this.quotedCandidateSchemas(filter);
+ }
+ if (this.catalogTouches(pos, astRoot)) {
+ return this.quotedCandidateCatalogs(filter);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> candidateNames() {
+ Schema dbSchema = this.dbSchema();
+ return (dbSchema != null) ? dbSchema.tableNames() : EmptyIterator.<String> instance();
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> candidateNames(Filter<String> filter) {
+ return new FilteringIterator<String, String>(this.candidateNames(), filter);
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> quotedCandidateNames(Filter<String> filter) {
+ return StringTools.quote(this.candidateNames(filter));
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> candidateSchemas() {
+ return this.database().schemaNames();
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> candidateSchemas(Filter<String> filter) {
+ return new FilteringIterator<String, String>(this.candidateSchemas(), filter);
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> quotedCandidateSchemas(Filter<String> filter) {
+ return StringTools.quote(this.candidateSchemas(filter));
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> candidateCatalogs() {
+ return this.database().catalogNames();
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> candidateCatalogs(Filter<String> filter) {
+ return new FilteringIterator<String, String>(this.candidateCatalogs(), filter);
+ }
+ private Iterator<String> quotedCandidateCatalogs(Filter<String> filter) {
+ return StringTools.quote(this.candidateCatalogs(filter));
+ }
+ public String qualifiedName() {
+ return NameTools.buildQualifiedDatabaseObjectName(this.getCatalog(), this.getSchema(), this.getName());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void toString(StringBuilder sb) {
+ super.toString(sb);
+ sb.append(qualifiedName());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String displayString() {
+ return qualifiedName();
+ }

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