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<p><a id="BABDFHDA" name="BABDFHDA"></a></p>
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<h1>Creating a new project</h1>
<p><a id="sthref6" name="sthref6"></a>This quick start shows how to create a new JPA project.</p>
<ol type="1" start="1">
<p>Select <span class="gui-object-action">File &gt; New &gt; Project</span>. The New Project dialog appears.</p>
<p>On the <span class="gui-object-title">New Project</span> dialog, select <span class="gui-object-action">JPA &gt; JPA Project</span> and click <span class="gui-object-action">Next</span>. The Create a Java Project dialog appears.</p>
<div class="figure"><a id="sthref7" name="sthref7"></a>
<p class="titleinfigure">New JPA Project</p>
<img src="img/new_jpa_project_dialog.png" alt="New JPA Project dialog." title="New JPA Project dialog." /><br /></div>
<!-- class="figure" --></li>
<p>On the <span class="gui-object-title">Create a JPA Project</span> dialog, enter a <span class="gui-object-action">Project name</span> (such as <code>QuickStart</code>).</p>
<p>Select your <span class="bold">Target Runtime</span> (such as <code>Apache Tomcat</code>) and click <span class="bold">Next</span>. The Project Facets dialog appears.</p>
<p>Verify that the Java Persistence facet is selected and click <span class="bold">Next</span>. The JPA Facet dialog appears.</p>
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<p class="notep1">Note:</p>
You must configure your project to use Java version 5.0 (or higher). See <a href="getting_started001.htm#BABEFHCD">"Requirements and installation"</a> for more information.</td>
<br /></div>
<!-- class="inftblnote" --></div>
<p>On the JPA Facet dialog, select your database connection (or create a new connection), JPA implementation library (such as TopLink Essentials), define how Dali should manage persistent classes, and click <span class="bold">Finish</span>.</p>
<div class="figure"><a id="sthref8" name="sthref8"></a>
<p class="titleinfigure">JPA Facet Dialog</p>
<img src="img/jpa_facet_dialog.png" alt="JPA Facet dialog." title="JPA Facet dialog." /><br /></div>
<!-- class="figure" --></li>
<p>Eclipse adds the project to the workbench and opens the JPA perspective.</p>
<div class="figure"><a id="sthref9" name="sthref9"></a>
<p class="titleinfigure">Project in Package Explorer</p>
<img src="img/quickstart_project.png" alt="Package Explorer showing the JPA project." title="Package Explorer showing the JPA project." /><br /></div>
<!-- class="figure" -->
<p>Now that you have created a project with persistence, you can continue with <a href="getting_started004.htm#BABFGDDG">Creating a Java persistent entity</a>.</p>
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