2006-05-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 133964: getBinary() method in CDebuggerTab always returns null. * CDebuggerTab.java 2006-05-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the new static methods from AbstractCLaunchDelegate to the new utility class. * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java + LaunchUtils.java 2006-04-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 134581: Unable to set advanced debugger options. * CDebuggerTab.java 2006-03-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Made some generic methods static. * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2006-03-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the extraction of the stop symbol to the launch. * LocalCDILaunchDelegate.java * LocalRunLaunchDelegate.java 2006-03-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Reversing previous changes. The existing "verifyProgramPath" method can be used. * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2006-03-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants The new "getExecutable" method is added to replace deprecated "getProgramFile". * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2006-03-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for Bug 93777: Postmortem and Local launch need a default preference for selected debugger. * CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java * CDebuggerTab.java * CoreFileDebuggerTab.java 2006-02-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for Bug 126025: CApplicationLaunchShortcut call to DebugUITools.saveAndBuild invokes workspace wide build unnecessarily. Applied patch from Andrew Ferguson (ARM). * CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2006-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants NPE in CDebuggerTab when attaching to a target. * CDebuggerTab.java 2006-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants The "ICDebuggerPage" interface and "AbstractCDebuggerPage" class are added. All extensions of the "CDebuggerPage" extension point must implement "ICDebuggerPage". * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2006-01-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 124519: CDT launch shortcuts ignore Common Tabs "Launch in background" option. Applied patch from Andrew Ferguson (andrew.ferguson@arm.com). * CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2006-01-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 123997: launching subclasses of AbstractCLaunchDelegate causes progress information to be lost. Applied patch from Andrew Ferguson (andrew.ferguson@arm.com). * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2006-01-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 118894: Allow stopping at other locations other than main(). Applied patch from Ken Ryall (Nokia). * LaunchMessages.properties * CDebuggerTab.java 2006-01-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Reversing changes made to fix bug 107571. The fix for bug 119683 covers this problem too. Inferior process shouldn't be shown as a part of the attach session. * LocalCDILaunchDelegate.java * LocalAttachLaunchDelegate.java 2006-01-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 119683: long messages during launch cause gdb to timeout, launch to fail. + LocalCDILaunchDelegate.java * LaunchMessages.properties * plugin.xml 2006-01-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 120509: CDebuggerTab invokes wong initialization code (in addition to right code). * CDebuggerTab.java * CoreFileDebuggerTab.java 2006-01-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * CArgumentsTab.java * CMainTab.java 2005-12-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * LaunchUIPlugin.java * CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2005-12-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 109526: Support Eclipse-LazyStart and deprecate Eclipse-AutoStart. * MANIFEST.MF 2005-12-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 121474: NPE in CDebuggerTab. * CDebuggerTab.java 2005-09-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants The "Debugger" tab of the launch configuration dialog is too wide. * CDebuggerTab.java 2005-09-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup: replaced "new Boolean" by the static Boolean objects (Java 1.4). * CDebuggerTab.java 2005-09-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 108636: mi level selection option should be moved to the gdb page. * CDebuggerTab.java 2005-08-31 Alain Magloire Fix Pr 107571: Part of this fix is to add the inferior process in the session * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalAttachLaunchDelegate.java 2005-08-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 66446: Use the debugger path as a debugger process label. Deprecated the "renderDebuggerProcessLabel" method. * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2005-07-18 Alain Magloire New combo to choose the MIVersion. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDEbuggerTab.java 2005-07-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix PR 103207: New Icon for the TwoPaneElement in the binary search * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java 2005-07-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 103522: Launcher: Stop at main checkbox is covered with default launch dialog size. Moved the "Stop in main" and "Advanced" buttons on the line below. * CDebuggerTab.java 2005-06-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 89276: Typo in org.eclipse.cdt.launch/plugin.xml. * plugin.xml 2005-05-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 91374: CDT launch should set ATTR_PROCESS_TYPE. * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * LocalRunLaunchDelegate.java 2005-05-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 87556: Post-mortem debug fails silently if core file is inaccessible. Applied patch from Joanne Woo (Monta Vista). * CoreFilePrompter.java * CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * LaunchMessages.properties 2005-05-18 David Inglis Fixed bug 39581 & part of 46746 * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * LocalAttachLauchDelegate.java * LocalRunLaunchDelegate.java * LocalAttachLaunchDelegate.java * LocalAttachLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * LocalRunLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java + CMainAttachTab.java * CMainTab.java 2005-05-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 80175: Replace the CDT source lookup by the source lookup provided by Eclipse platform. Removed the old source lookup related classes and interfaces. * CoreFileLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * LaunchMessages.properties * LocalAttachLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * LocalRunLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java - CSourceLookupTab.java 2005-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 80175: Replace the CDT source lookup by the source lookup provided by Eclipse platform. * CoreFileLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * LocalAttachLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * LocalRunLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * plugin.xml 2005-04-07 David Daoust Update icons 2005-02-24 Alain Magloire Fix for PR 86443 * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchMessages.properties * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CArgumentsTab.java 2005-02-03 David Inglis Fixed PR#84361 * src/org/elipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/AbstractCDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CoreFileDebuggerTab.java 2005-01-19 Alain Magloire PR 82930 * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CPropertyTester.java 2004-12-20 Alain Magloire PR 81321 * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CPropertyTester.java 2004-12-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants The last character is missing in the launch configuration name generated from the binary file name. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java 2004-11-17 David Inglis Change to use IBinaryObject instead of IBinayExecutable * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalAttachLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalRunLaunchDelegate.java 2004-11-11 Alain Magloire Fix for PR 78441 * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CPropertyTester.java * plugin.xml 2004-11-1 David Inglis Use status handlers to prompt for launch input (process id and core file). * plugin.xml * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalAttachLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/CoreFilePrompter.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/ProcessPrompter.java 2004-11-01 David Inglis getEnvironmentAsProperty was not using new getEnviroment(). * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2004-10-22 David Inglis Added variables support to arguments, environment and working directory. * plugin.xml * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalRunLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchMessages.properties * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LocalRunLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/WorkingDirectoryBlock.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CArgumentsTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/MigratingCEnvironmentTab.java 2004-10-18 Alain Magloire Adjust to changes in CDI * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalRunLaunchDelegate.java 2004-10-18 David Inglis Update to new ICDIDebugger interface deprecating old Added seperate launch configuration for attaching to pid * lots of files changed 2004-10-17 Alain Magloire Remove deprecated method in CDI adjust the implementation. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java 2004-10-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the launch configuration preference for the register bookkeeping. * LaunchUIPluginResources.properties * CDebuggerTab.java 2004-08-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changes in the "Debugger" tab of the launch configuration dialog. Replaced the "Run in debugger/Attach to running process" radio button by the "Attach to running process" check box. Added the "Advanced" button that opens the "Advanced options" dialog. The "Automatically track the values of variables" check box is moved to the dialog. The "CoreFileDebuggerTab" class is implemented as an extension of "CDebuggerTab". * LaunchUIPluginResources.properties * AbstractCDebuggerTab.java * CoreFileCLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * CDebuggerTab.java * CorefileDebuggerTab.java renamed to CoreFileDebuggerTab.java 2004-08-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Warning cleanup. * CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2004-08-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Contextual launch shortcuts cleanup. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-08-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Warning cleanup. * AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2004-08-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 70442: Debugger launch configuration not updating properly. * AbstractCDebuggerTab.java 2004-07-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced the decprecated target factory methods. * CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java 2004-07-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 69977: TVT3.0: Non-externalized strings in Launching Debug. Applied patch from Tanya Wollf. * CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java * LaunchUIPluginResources.properties 2004-06-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 60872. Accessibility: Run/Debug configuration dialog has duplicate mnemonics. Warning cleanup. * LaunchUIPluginResources.properties * CEnvironmentTab.java * CMainTab.java 2004-05-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the rendering method for debugger processes. * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchUIPluginResources.properties 2004-05-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 66015: I18N: English "Debug Console" in Debug and Console views. Warning cleanup. * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchUIPluginResources.properties * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2004-06-08 Alain Magloire Make sure when something goes wrong before getting out the launch sequence to terminate the session. * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclise/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java 2004-04-23 David Inglis fix for https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59680 * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CPropertyTester.java * plugin.xml 2004-04-19 Alain Magloire Core Model interface throws Exception * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMaintab.java 2004-04-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Do not remove debugger process from launch. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java 2004-03-25 David Inglis getProcessList can throw a CoreException now. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java 2004-03-01 James Ciesielski Marked those strings that are non-translatable as such and externalized those strings that can be translated. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/AbstractCDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/CoreFileCLaunchConfigurationTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchUIPlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/WorkingDirectoryBlock.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchUIPluginResources.properties * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CArgumentsTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CEnvironmentTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CLaunchConfigurationTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CorefileDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CSourceLookupTab.java 2004-02-18 Alain Magloire filterClass contribution to be able to use the "Run" context menu shortcut. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2004-02-18 Alain Magloire Remove deprecated Eclipse-2.0 calls; * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2004-02-18 Alain Magloire Added image to the label provider * icons/obj16/exec_obj.gif * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchImages.java 2004-02-17 Alain Magloire Use a TwoPanel dialog when we attach more user friendly. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java 2004-02-17 Thomas Fletcher Fix to address PR 52085. We allow the user to import a text file formatted as key=value pairs. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CEnvironmentTab.java 2004-02-12 Thomas Fletcher Fix to address PR 39580. Since we can't do anything short term about the scalability of the initial loading of the CModel, give the user a chance to select the binary directly by browsing the project. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java 2004-02-02 Thomas Fletcher Improve the previous fix to use a TwoElementPane dialog to properly differentiate between elements by target architecture and path. Enhanced the ability to extend this short-cut with OEM specific labelling. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2004-01-07 Alain Magloire Fix # 49652 You could not see a difference with binaries of the same name but different location. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2003-12-18 Alain Magloire Possible NPE, PR 49146 * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java 2003-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 49051: Launcher: Debugger tab: variable tracking. * CDebuggerTab.java 2003-12-16 Alain Magloire Choose a debugger base on the Eclipse platform * plugin.xml * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationlaunchShortcut.java 2003-10-27 Fixed 46129 AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the initialization of 'SourceLookupBlock'. * CSourceLookupTab.java 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the 'org.eclipse.debug.core.sourceLocators' extension from the launcher. * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the dependency to 'org.apache.xerces'. * plugin.xml * .classpath * .project 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved 'DefaultSourceLocator' from the 'org.eclipse.cdt.launch' plugin and merge it with 'CUISourceLocator'. Removed the 'org.eclipse.cdt.launch.internal.ui.sourcelookup' package. * DefaultSourceLocator.java: moved to the 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui' plugin. 2003-11-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CSourceLookupTab.java: Dispose 'SourceLookupBlock' when disposing 'CSourceLookupTab'. 2003-11-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CSourceLookupTab.java: "Search for duplicate source files" option support. 2003-10-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java: use 'MultiStatus' instead of 'Status' in the 'abort' method. 2003-09-22 David Inglis Add help context IDs to plugin and associate ids to each launch tab control. src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchUIPlugin.java src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/ICDTLaunchHelpContextIds.java src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CArgumentsTab.java src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CEnvironmentTab.java src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CSourceLookupTab.java src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CorefileDebuggerTab.java 2003-08-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/sourcelookup/DefaultSourceLocator.java Check if the project saved in the launch configuration equals to the project set in the source lookup tab. 2003-07-28 Tom Tromey * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java (loadDebuggerComboBox): Sort entries by name. from 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/sourcelookup/DefaultSourceLocator.java Refactoring: moved the 'CDebugUtils' class to the 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core' package - the methods of this class are mostly used in UI plugins. 2003-07-22 David Inglis * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/AbstractCDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CorefileDebuggerTab.java Refactor getName & getImage up into AbstructCDebuggerTab fixed problem with selecting a debugger for a core file from a unknown project platform. 2003-07-22 David Inglis * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java Use project name for configuration naming when no binary selected 2003-07-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/sourcelookup/DefaultSourceLocator.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CSourceLookupTab.java Fixed initialization problems. 2003-07-17 Thomas Fletcher * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/sourcelookup/DefaultSourceLocator.java Applied source locator patch to expand the scope of source lookups. Patch from Mikhail Khodjaiants 2003-07-09 Thomas Fletcher * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/LaunchImages.java Filled out this class which previously wasn't loading images ... now it is. 2003-07-03 David Inglis * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java Fixed https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=39583 2003-06-26 David Inglis * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java Added variable book-keeping option in config. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CLaunchConfigurationTab.java (getContext) Returns an ICElement even if CDescriptor does not exsist. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java Use BusyIndicator when getting binary list from project fixed problem with prefilling a new config when the project did not have a CDescriptor 2003-04-17 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortCut.java: fix Typo. 2003-03-27 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java: Refactor of ICRoot to ICModel adjust the code. 2003-03-19 David Inglis Fixed bug with not showing C Project lists with the launch config, when C UI Plugins was not created yet. 2003-03-18 Alain Magloire * plugin.xml * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java: Change the texts for "C Local Application". 2003-02-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants The generation of launch configuration shouldn't fail if project is not set or project name is empty. * DefaultSourceLocator.java * CSourceLookupTab.java 2003-02-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants New 'Source Lookup' tab. * plugin.xml Added dependency on the 'org.apache.xerces' plugin and the 'sourceLocator' extension. * plugin.properties Name for the source locator. * CoreFileCLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * LocalCLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java Added the 'Source Lookup' tab. * DefaultSourceLocator.java Implementation of 'IPersistableSourceLocator'. * CSourceLookupTab.java Implementation of 'ILaunchConfiguartionTab'. 2003-02-07 David Inglis Refactor LaunchConstants into debug.core and make setting source locator happen before debug target it created. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/AbstractCDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/CoreFileCLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/internal/ui/WorkingDirectoryBlock.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/sourcelookup/DefaultSourceLocator.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CArgumentsTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CEnvironmentTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CLaunchConfigurationTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CMainTab.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/ui/CorefileDebuggerTab.java 2003-02-06 Alain Magloire * src/.../launch/internal/ui/WorkingDirectoryBlock.java (geLaunchConfiguration): (updateLaunchConfigurationDialog): New method to change the scope for inner classes. * src/.../launch/ui/CArgumentsTab.java (updateLaunchConfigurationDialog): New method changing the scope for inner classes. * src/.../launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java (updateLaunchConfigurationDialog): New method changing the scope for inner classes. * src/.../launch/ui/CMainTab.java (updateLaunchConfigurationDialog): New method changing the scope for inner classes. * src/.../launch/ui/CorefileDebuggerTab.java (handleDebuggerChange): New method changing the scope for inner classes. 2003-02-06 David Inglis * src/.../launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java * src/.../launch/ui/CMainTab.java Change to use WorkbenchLabelProvider 2003-01-29 David Inglis * src/.../launch/internal/ui/LaunchUIPluging.java (getShell) change so that it will always return a shell. 2003-01-28 Alain Magloire * src/.../launch/internal/CApplicationLaunchShortCut.java (getCLaunchConfigType): Change to protected. 2003-01-16 David Inglis * src/.../launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java made 'revert' work properly within the debugger tab. 2003-01-16 David Inglis * src/.../launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java add check for program existance on disk before launch * src/.../launch/internal/ui/AbstractCDebuggerTab.java * src/.../launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java * src/.../launch/ui/CorefileDebuggerTab.java Fixed http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=29532 2003-01-06 Alain Magloire * build.properties: Patch from Judy Green. 2003-01-06 Alain Magloire Add support for variable substitution: HOME=/foo MYHOME=${HOME}/bar MYHOME --> /foo/bar Furture work: provide the shell brace expansion. * src/.../launch/internal/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java (expandEnvironment): Expand variable values containing format ${..}. * src/.../launch/internal/LocalCLaunConfiguratDelegate.java (exec): Use expandEnvironment(). (launch): Use expandEnvironment(). 2002-12-17 David Inglis * src/.../launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java(setDefaultSourceLocator): new method * src/.../sourcelookup/DefaultSourceLocator.java:new class add method for delegate to call to set a default source locator. 2002-12-03 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java(exec): Change the signature to take Properties for the environment get the default environment and add it to new environment to it. Use ProcessFactory to run the Application, with the new environment array. 2002-11-23 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/ui/CApplicationLaunchShortcut.java (searchAndLaunch): Bail out with a message if no binaries. 2002-11-22 Alain Magloire * src/.../AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java (getProgranName): Now static. * src/.../internal/ui/LaunchUIPlugin.java.java (errorDialog): New method. * src/.../internal/ui/CApplicationLauchShortcut.java.java : New File provides shortcut to start C applications. * plugin.xml: Implement extenxion point shortcut. 2002-11-22 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/ui/LaunchUIPlugin.java (startup): On startup add a listener to DebugPlugin for debug events. (shutdown): remove the listener. (handleDebugEvents): For Termination events do a refresh on the project. 2002-11-21 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/ui/WorkingDirectoryBlock.java (setDefaultWorkingDir): Set the workspace directory default to be the Project. * src/.../internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java (launch): Use the new function getWorkingDirectory(), it does more check by calling verifyWorkingDirectory(). * src/.../AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java (getEnvironmentArray): implemented. (getWorkingDirectory): New method, call verifyWorkingDirectory(); (verifyWorkingDirectory): New method, does more checking. (getWorkingDir): Deprecated and calls getWorkingDirectory(). (getWorkingDirectoryPath): New method. (getCProject): Now static. (getProjectName): Now static 2002-11-21 Judy N. Green * src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch/AbstractCLaunchDelegate.java (verifyCProject): If we cannot get the ICProject with the config, we get the project and see if it exists and/or it is closed. The appropriate error is now displayed, rather than reporting that the project does not exist when it does exist, but is closed. 2002-11-14 Thomas Fletcher * src/.../launch/ui/CMainTab.java Updated error condition to catch closed projects. 2002-11-13 Thomas Fletcher * src/.../launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java Updated punctuation. 2002-11-13 David Inglis * src/.../launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java * src/.../launch/ui/CLaunchConfigurationTab.java * src/.../launch/ui/CorefileDebuggerTab.java Added support for supported cpus on a debugger and filters list based on selected IBinary. Default debugger selection is not the first exact matching debugger for the specified platform. 2002-11-06 David Inglis * src/.../launch/ui/CMainTab.java * src/.../launch/ui/ClaunchCOnfigurationTAb.java fixed problem with preselection of project/program for new configurations 2002-11-04 David Inglis * src/.../launch/ui/CDebuggerTab.java * src/.../launch/ui/CMainTab.java change "local" to "native" and support "*" as a wildcard for platform. 2002-11-04 David Inglis * src/.../launch/internal/ui/LocalCLaunchCOnfigurationTabGroup.java don't filter tab list based on mode since the configuration is shared with debug mode. 2002-11-01 David Inglis * src/.../launch/internal/CoreFileLaunchDelegate.java * src/.../launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigur.ationDelegate.java use new newDebugTaget methods in CDebugModel 2002-10-23 David Inglis * /src/.../launch/internal/CoreFileDelegate.java * /src/.../launch/internal/LocalCLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java create new IProcess for debug console from CDISession and pass to newDebugTarget methods