C/C++ Indexer Problem Reporting

C/C++ Index Problem reporting places a problem marker on the editor and adds an item to the error list for each preprocessor or semantic problem reported by the parser. Note that the markers will only show up the next time the file is indexed.

Note: This feature is not recommended for large projects.

Preprocessor Problems

In order for search and search related features to work properly, it is imperative that include paths are set up properly so that the parser can find source files and index them. If you suspect that your search results are lacking, you can turn on the preprocessor problem markers. These will place a marker on the line that has the preprocessor problem.

This includes:

Semantic Problems

The problem markers can also indicate semantic errors in your code.

The errors flagged include:

Related concepts
C/C++ search
C/C++ Indexer
C/C++ Indexer Opening or Closing a project
C/C++ Indexer Progress Bar

Related tasks
Selection Searching for C/C++ elements
Enable/Disable the C/C++ Indexer
C/C++ Indexer Problem Reporting
C/C++ Indexer - Indexer Timeout
Setting Source Folders

Related reference
Search, C/C++ Preferences window
C/C++ search page, Search dialog box
C/C++ Project Properties, Managed, Indexer
C/C++ Project Properties, Standard, Indexer


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