2005-08-30 Alain Magloire New test for PR 109202 (written by Devin Steffler) * ui/org/eclipse/cdt/ui/tests/tex/selectiontests/CPPSelectionTestsDOMIndexer.java 2005-06-08 Alain Magloire Move to the IContentTypeManager framework: PR 86645 * src.org.eclipse/cdt/ui/tests/DOMAST/DOMAST.java 2005-03-13 Bogdan Gheorghe Updated references to IndexManager to reflect new indexing framework. 2005-02-03 Tanya Wolff Fixed some content assist regression tests. Added Regression tests (content assist, refactoring) to automated suite for nightly builds * ui/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests/AutomatedSuite.java * ui/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests.regression/ContentAssistRegressionTests.java 2004-12-17 Tanya Wolff Added more Content Assist Regression tests 2004-12-10 Alain Magloire No need for TestBufferTest test, it is now in JFace. 2004-11-16 Andrew Niefer - created package ui/org.eclipse.ui.tests.regression - moved ContentAssistRegressionTests to it and created a RefactoringRegressionTests - created a RegressionTestUISuite 2004-11-08 Mikhail Voronin New tests for help extension. * ui/org/eclipse/cdt/ui/tests/chelp/CHelpProviderTester.java * ui/org/eclipse/cdt/ui/tests/chelp/CHelpTest.java * ui/org/eclipse/cdt/ui/tests/chelp/CHelpTestInfoProvider.java 2004-11-02 Tanya Wolff added content assist regression tests *ui.tests.text.contentassist/ContentAssistRegressionTests.java 2004-05-11 Andrew Niefer Renamed CompletionFailedTest_ScopedReference_ConstructorDefinition to CompletionTest_VariableType_NestedPrefix Modified expected results for CompletionTest_ConstructorReference 2004-04-30 Hoda Amer Added CompletionFailedTest_ScopedReference_ConstructorDefinition Added CompletionTest_ScopedReference_NonCodeScope 2004-04-12 Hoda Amer Updated CompletionFailedTest_ScopedReference_NoPrefix_Bug50152, renamed it to CompletionTest_ScopedReference_NoPrefix and moved it out of the failed tests folder. 2004-04-07 John Camelon Updated CompletionFailedTest_ConstructorReference_Bug50808, renamed it to CompletionTest_ConstructorReference and moved it out of the failed tests folder. Updated CompletionFailedTest_TypeDef_Bug52948, renamed it to CompletionTest_TypeDef_Prefix and moved it out of the failed tests folder. Renamed CompletionTest_TypeDef_Bug52948 it to CompletionTest_TypeDef_NoPrefix. Updated CompletionTest_SingleName_Parameter and renamed it to CompletionTest_FunctionReference_Prefix. Updated CompletionFailedTest_FunctionReference_Bug50807, renamed it to CompletionTest_FunctionReference_NoPrefix and moved it out of the failed tests folder. 2004-04-07 John Camelon Updated CompletionFailedTest_ScopedReference_Prefix_Bug50152, moved it out of failed tests package and renamed it to CompletionTest_ScopedReference_Prefix_Bug50152. Updated CompletionFailedTest_TypeDef_Bug52948, moved it out of failed tests package and renamed it to CompletionTest_TypeDef_Bug52948. Updated CompletionFailedTest_ScopedReference_NoPrefix_Bug50152 to show Hoda/Andrew what is still broken. 2004-03-08 Hoda Amer Added one failed test: CompletionFailedTest_TypeDef_Bug52948 2004-03-03 John Camelon Updated failed test to fail in new way as Content Assist feature work continues on ... 2004-01-30 John Camelon Updated CompletionFailedTest_MacroRef_NoPrefix_Bug50487, renamed it to CompletionTest_MacroRef_NoPrefix and moved to passed test package. Updated CompletionFailedTest_MacroRef_Prefix_Bug50487, renamed it to Y and moved to passed test package. 2004-01-29 Hoda Amer -Added CompletionTest_SingleName_Parameter test to success tests. -Changed BaseTest to check if the expected values exist in the proposed values instead of checking that the expected values exactly match the first part of the proposed values 2004-01-29 John Camelon Updated CompletionTest_ArgumentType_Prefix_Bug50642, renamed it to CompletionTest_ArgumentType_Prefix and moved to passed test package. Updated CompletionTest_ArgumentType_Prefix2_Bug50642, renamed it to CompletionTest_ArgumentType_Prefix2 and moved to passed test package. Updated CompletionTest_ArgumentType_NoPrefix_Bug50642, renamed it to CompletionTest_ArgumentType_NoPrefix and moved to passed test package. Updated CompletionTest_ArgumentType_NoPrefix2_Bug50642, renamed it to CompletionTest_ArgumentType_NoPrefix2 and moved to passed test package. 2004-01-29 Hoda Amer Added two more tests, namely Function_Reference and Constructor_Reference. Moved tests starts resources all to one directory. 2004-01-28 John Camelon Updated and renamed CompletionFailedTest_NewTypeReference_NoPrefix_Bug50711 to CompletionTest_NewTypeReference_NoPrefix, moving it to the success tests directory. Updated and renamed CompletionFailedTest_NewTypeReference_Prefix_Bug50711 to CompletionTest_NewTypeReference_Prefix, moving it to the success tests directory. 2004-01-28 John Camelon Updated CompletionTest_SingleName_NoPrefix to include internal macro definitions. 2004-01-27 John Camelon Updated COMPLETION_PARSE clients to use SINGLE_NAME_REFERENCE rather than STATEMENT_START. Renamed and updated CompletionTest_StatementStart_NoPrefix to CompletionTest_SingleName_Method_NoPrefix. Renamed and updated CompletionTest_StatementStart_Prefix to CompletionTest_SingleName_Method_Prefix. Renamed and updated CompletionFailedTest_ExceptionReference_NoPrefix_Bug50640 to CompletionTest_ExceptionReference_NoPrefix and moved to passed tests folder. Renamed and updated CompletionFailedTest_ExceptionReference_Prefix_Bug50640 to CompletionTest_ExceptionReference_Prefix and moved to passed tests folder. Renamed and updated CompletionFailedTest_NamespaceRef_NoPrefix_Bug50471 to CompletionTest_TypeRef_NoPrefix and moved to passed tests folder. Renamed and updated CompletionFailedTest_NamespaceRef_Prefix_Bug50471 to CompletionTest_TypeRef_Prefix and moved to passed tests folder. Renamed and updated CompletionFailedTest_ClassReference_Prefix_Bug50621 to CompletionTest_ClassReference_Prefix and moved to passed tests folder. Renamed and updated CompletionFailedTest_ClassReference_NoPrefix_Bug50621 to CompletionTest_ClassReference_NoPrefix and moved to passed tests folder. 2004-01-27 Hoda Amer More Completion JUnit tests. 2004-01-26 Hoda Amer More Completion JUnit tests. 2004-01-23 Hoda Amer More Completion JUnit tests. 2004-01-22 John Camelon Updated CompletionFailedTest_FieldType_NoPrefix_Bug50344 and moved from failed tests. 2004-01-21 Hoda Amer Renamed completion tests to be more meaningful. 2004-01-21 Hoda Amer Added more JUnit tests for Content Assist 2004-01-19 Hoda Amer Added a JUnit test case for completion on Macros with function style. 2004-01-16 Hoda Amer Added More success JUnit tests. Added two failed JUnit tests. 2004-01-15 Hoda Amer Moved Content Assist testing to the UI.tests plugin Started a new framework of JUnit tests for content assist. Added Content assist tests to the AutomatedSuite test of the UI.tests plugin 2003-07-17 Peter Graves Remove the usage of the assert, as it's a reserved keyword in Java 1.4 (Bugzilla 40377) 2003-07-15 Peter Graves Clean up some left over stuff that was moved into org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests, and fixed the test.xml to point to the correct test suite. 2003-06-25 John Camelon Create new interface and support for calculating lineNumber/offset mapping. Updated IASTClassSpecifier for qualified name query. Began structuring expressions and declarators in Parser for ISourceElementRequestor. Updated other packages to use new interfaces. Updated automatedtests/torture test to use new line number information. 2003-06-24 John Camelon Updates for ISourceElementRequestor - elaborated types & enumerations. 2003-06-23 John Camelon Updated Factory infrastructure, constructors, etc. Introduced Preprocessor class for transitive closure calc. client. 2003-06-20 Sean Evoy Moved the ManagedBuildInfo extension point to the plugin file in org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests 2003-06-17 Brent Nicolle Added Interface tests of IStructure.java. 2003-06-17 Victor Mozgin Added DeclaratorsTests.java (invocation in AllCoreTests). Added DeclaratorsTests.cpp to org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.tests.resources. 2003-06-16 Vladimir Hirsl Added /build, /parser, /failures and /suite directories to the library. Copied resources from /model/org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.tests.resources to /model/org/clipse/cdt/core/model/tests/resources/cmodel. Added class AISResultPrinter to format test results. Class AutomatedIntegrationSuite now implements IPlatformRunnable. 2003-06-16 Victor Mozgin Added testOldKRFunctionDeclarations() to DOMTests. Added testKRFunctionDeclarations() to TranslationUnitTests. 2003-06-14 Victor Mozgin Moved testBugSingleton192() from LokiFailures to DOMTests. Added testPointersToMembers() and testPointersToMemberFunctions() to DOMTests. Added testBug36290() and testBug36931() to DOMTests. 2003-06-13 John Camelon Added Class/Base infrastructure to public interfaces & requestor callback. Moved many internal interfaces to external packages. Organized imports. 2003-06-13 Victor Mozgin Renamed NullParserCallback into NullSourceElementRequester in AutomatedFramework. 2003-06-13 John Camelon Merged ParserSymbolTable branch back into HEAD. 2003-06-12 John Camelon Get rest of JUnit tests working, will merge back to HEAD branch. 2003-06-12 John Camelon Introduction of ASTFactory strategy, some restructuring of packages and interfaces. 2003-06-11 Victor Mozgin Old Java TestCase.txt and TestCase2.txt for partioning testing have been replaced with C/C++ files. Modified AutomatedIntegrationSuite.java so it doesn't produce JUnit warning anymore. All tests in org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests should pass now. 3003-06-11 Peter Graves Update the test.xml to get the location of org.eclipse.test from a property if set. If the property is not set, it will default to the old value. 2003-06-11 Victor Mozgin Added TortureTest to test CDT C++ parser with GCC testsuites. GCC testsuites are not included. 2003-06-10 John Camelon Futher pursuit of the golden hammer, symbol table integration. 2003-06-10 Brent Nicolle Added some Interface tests of (IInclude, IMacro, IStructure). Made sure all the Test Suites have names in the JUnit hierarchy. 2003-06-09 John Camelon First step in replacing IParserCallback with ISourceElementRequestor. 2003-06-09 Victor Mozgin Moved testBug36769() from ACEFailedTest.java to DOMTests.java. Removed ACEFailedTest.java as it is empty now. Added DOMTests.testBug36769B(). 2003-06-09 Victor Mozgin Moved testBug36932() from DOMFailedTest.java to DOMTests.java. Added DOMTests.testBug36932B() and DOMTests.testBug36932C(). 2003-06-09 Victor Mozgin Moved testBug36701() from ScannerFailedTests.java to ScannerTestCase.java. Renamed it to testBug36701A() and fixed it. Added ScannerTestCase.testBug36701B(). 2003-06-07 Victor Mozgin Moved testBug36766A(), testBug36766B() & testBug36766C() from STLFailedTests.java to DOMTests.java. Renamed them to testBug36766and36769x(), as they cover both PRs. Added testBug36766and36769D() - test for templated destructor. 2003-06-05 John Camelon Moved testBug23478A() & testBug23478B() from failed tests to TranslationUnitTests.java. Removed TranslationUnitFailedTests.java as it was empty. 2003-05-29 Andrew Niefer Modified tests to support eType & PtrOp changes in core Added ParserSymbolTableTest::testTemplateParameterAsParent Added ParserSymbolTableTest::testTemplateInstanceAsParent Added ParserSymbolTableTest::testTemplateParameterDefaults Added ParserSymbolTableTest::testTemplateParameterAsFunctionArgument started ParserSymbolTableTest::incompletetestTemplateSpecialization 2003-05-26 John Camelon Rollback PST/Parser integration. 2003-05-13 Andrew Niefer Modified ParserSymbolTableTest to use new interface 2003-05-08 Andrew Niefer Added ParserSymbolTableTest::testMarkRollback 2003-05-06 John Camelon Further integration of SymbolTable into Parser, some refactoring. 2003-05-05 John Camelon/Andrew Niefer Added CrossReferenceTests to ParserTestSuite to test symbol-table/DOM interworking. 2003-05-05 Andrew Niefer Rewrote ParserSymbolTableTest to reflect structural changes to the symbol table. 2003-05-01 Andrew Niefer Updated FractionalAutomatedTest to use threads Modified ScannerTestCase::testBug36287 Added ScannerTestCase::testBug37011 Added ScannerTestCase::testOtherPreprocessorDefines 2003-04-28 John Camelon Moved testBug36730() & testBug37019() from DOMFailedTests to DOMTests. 2003-04-28 Andrew Niefer Added DOMFailedTest::testBug37019 Added DOMFailedTest::testBug36932 Added ScannerFailedTest::testBug37011 2003-04-28 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testOrder(). 2003-04-28 Peter Graves * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/BinaryTests: Updated to remove a few small errors, and deal with some changes to the core CDT 2003-04-27 John Camelon Added testBug36932() to DOMTests. Moved testBugFunctor758() from LokiFailures to DOMTests. Moved testBug36704() from DOMFailedTest to DOMTests. Moved testBug36699() from DOMFailedTest to DOMTests. Moved testBug36691() from DOMFailedTest to DOMTests. 2003-04-25 Andrew Niefer Moved ACEFailedTest::testBug36771 to DOMTests Moved DOMFailedTest::testBug36714 to DOMTests Updated ScannerTestCase::testBug36816 2003-04-25 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36852(). Added DOMTests::testBug36764(). Moved DOMFailedTests::testBug36702() to DOMTests(). 2003-04-24 John Camelon Moved fixed tests from FailedTests to DOMTests. Added DOMTests::testBug36799(). Cleaned up tests to reduce amount of code necessary to maintain these things. 2003-04-24 John Camelon Moved fixed tests from FailedTests to DOMTests. Added LokiFailures.java to failed tests directory. 2003-04-24 Andrew Niefer Added AutomatedFramework.java Added FractionalAutomatedTest (which derives from AutomatedFramework) Refactored AutomatedTest to derive from AutomatdFramework Added ScannerTestCase.testBug36816 Added ScannerTestCase.testBug36255 2003-04-24 John Camelon Fixed Java 1.3 compliance issue w/AutomatedTest.java Fixed False failure in HelloWorld.java. 2003-04-21 John Camelon Updated DOMTests::testBug36247(). Moved testBug36692(), testBug36703(), testBug36708(), testBug36707(), testBug36689() and testBug36690() from DOMFailedTests to DOMTests and updated them. 2003-04-20 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36551(). Adjusted AutomatedTest to turn on line numbering. Added DOMFailedTests and 11 failed test cases. 2003-04-17 Andrew Niefer Added ScannerTestCase::testBug36695() Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36521 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36521() Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36509 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36509() Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36475 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36475() Updated ScannerTestCase::testBug36047 Updated ScannerTestCase::testBug36045 2003-04-17 John Camelon Updated DOMTests::testBug36600(). Updated LineNumberTest::testDOMLineNos(). Added DOMTests::testBug36559(). 2003-04-17 Andrew Niefer Added AutomatedTest Added resources.cFiles Added resources.cppFiles 2003-04-16 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36532(). Added DOMTests::testBug36432(). Added DOMTests::testBug36594(). Added DOMTests::testBug36600(). Added DOMTests::testArrayOfPointerToFunctions(). 2003-04-15 John Camelon Added ScannerTestCase::testBug36434(). Added ScannerTestCase::testMultipleLines(). Added ParserTestSuite. Added LineNumberTest. Updated CModelElementsTests to set the Nature of the C++ project appropriately. 2003-04-15 Andrew Niefer Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36047 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36047 Added ScannerFailedTest::testBug36475 2003-04-13 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testPointersToFunctions. 2003-04-11 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36247(). 2003-04-11 Andrew Niefer Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36316 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36316 Added ScannerFailedTest::testBug36047 Added ScannerTestCase::testNestedRecursiveDefines 2003-04-10 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36237(). 2003-04-09 John Camelon Removed all the old Code Model Builder source that was no longer being used (NewModelBuilder.java, etc.). Moved all the files in parser.util directory to the dom. Organized imports. Added DOMTests::testTemplateDeclarationOfMethod(). Added DOMTests::testBug36250(). Added DOMTests::testBug36240(). Added DOMTests::testBug36254(). 2003-04-09 John Camelon Updated ScannerTest::testBug36045(). Added ScannerTest::testBug36287(). Added DOMTests::testBug36288(). 2003-04-06 Andrew Niefer Added ParserSymbolTableTest::testOverloadRanking() 2003-04-04 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/util/VerifyDialog.java: Remove some warnings. 2003-04-03 John Camelon Updated ScannerTest::testSimpleIfdef() for bug36019. Updated ScannerTest::testNumerics() for bug36020. Added ScannerTest::testBug36045(). Updated DOMTests::testTemplateDeclaration() for template grammar updates. 2003-04-01 Andrew Niefer ParserSymbolTableTest. modifications to using declaration tests to reflect changes in the symbol table. Also added testUserDefinedConversionSequences() 2003-04-01 John Camelon Added testBug35906() to DOMTests. 2003-03-31 John Camelon Added testStruct() to DOMTests. Added test35892()to ScannerTest. 2003-03-31 Andrew Niefer In ParserSymbolTableTest, renamed testFunctionResolution_2() to testFunctionResolution_PointersAndBaseClasses(), and modified to reflect changes in function resolution. Added testFunctionResolution_TypedefsAndPointers(). 2003-03-31 John Camelon Added testWeirdStrings() and testNumerics() to ScannerTestCase. Added testTemplateSpecialization(), testTemplateDeclaration(), testBug26467(), testTypedef() and testTemplateInstantiation() to DOMTests. 2003-03-28 John Camelon Added testConstructorChain() and testASMDefinition() to DOMTests. 2003-03-27 Alain Magloire Changes were done in the Core Model API, the hierarchy is now ICModel ICProject ICContainer ITranslationUnit IArchive IBinary We adjust the tests. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/ArchiveTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/BinaryTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/TranslationUniTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/WorkingCopyTests.java 2003-03-26 Andrew Niefer In ParserSymbolTableTest : updated all tests to reflect TypeInfo changes Added testFunctionResolution() & testFunctionResolution_2() in 2003-03-25 John Camelon Added testDeclSpecifier(), testNamespaceDefinition(), testLinkageSpecification(), testUsingClauses() and testEnumSpecifier() to DOMTests. 2003-03-23 John Camelon Added ptrOperator() test to DOMTests. Added testFunctionModifiers() test to DOMTests. Added testArrays() test to DOMTests. 2003-03-20 Alain Magloire Patch from Amer Hoda, tests for the CElement deltas for Translation Units. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/ElementDeltaTest.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/resource/WorkingCopyTestStart.h 2003-03-19 Alain Magloire Patch from Amer Hoda, introducing a simple test for the core model. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/WorkingCopyTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/resource/WorkingCopyTestStart.h 2003-03-18 John Camelon Updated DOMTests to validate simple case of a function declaration with multiple parameters. * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/DOMTests.java 2003-03-11 John Camelon Updated DOMTests for core.internal.parser change of merging DeclarationSpecifier and DeclSpecifier Organized imports * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/DOMTests.java * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ParserSymbolTableTest.java 2003-03-10 John Camelon Added macro pasting tests 2003-03-06 Andrew Niefer Added tests for exercising Namespaces & using directives in new parser's symbol table 2003-03-04 Doug Schaefer This is a pretty big patch, but it is the merge of the NewParser1 branch into the HEAD branch. lder "parser") JUnit tests for testing various pieces (source folder "parser" in cdt.ui.tests. 2003-01-29 Peter Graves Fixed the warnings when accessing static methods * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/util/DialogCheck.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/CTestPlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/TestWorkbench.java * ChangeLog: make all entries have the same formatting 2002-12-17 Peter Graves * plugin.xml,test.xml: Some simple cleanups to remove refrences to the jdt and to move closer to automated running 2002-11-27 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/CModelTests.java: Use CoreModel.getDefault(). 2002-10-30 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/CModelTests.java (testGetNatureID): The fields and the methods use in this test was removed from the CoreModel class. (testHasNature): The method use in this case was refactor in the classes CProjectNature and CCProjectNature, fix the test. 2002-10-18 Peter Graves src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/CProjectHelper.jada Cleanup of the CProjectHelper file to remove unused imports, commeted out code etc. ======= 2003-04-21 Andrew Niefer Added DOMFailedTests::testBug36713() Added DOMFailedTests::testBug36714() Added DOMFailedTests::testBug36717() Added DOMFailedTests::testBug36730() 2003-04-21 Andrew Niefer Added ScannerTestCase::testBug36695() Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36521 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36521() Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36509 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36509() Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36475 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36475() Updated ScannerTestCase::testBug36047 Updated ScannerTestCase::testBug36045 2003-04-20 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36551(). Adjusted AutomatedTest to turn on line numbering. Added DOMFailedTests and 11 failed test cases. 2003-04-17 John Camelon Updated DOMTests::testBug36600(). Updated LineNumberTest::testDOMLineNos(). Added DOMTests::testBug36559(). 2003-04-17 Andrew Niefer Added AutomatedTest Added resources.cFiles Added resources.cppFiles 2003-04-16 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36532(). Added DOMTests::testBug36432(). Added DOMTests::testBug36594(). Added DOMTests::testBug36600(). Added DOMTests::testArrayOfPointerToFunctions(). 2003-04-15 John Camelon Added ScannerTestCase::testBug36434(). Added ScannerTestCase::testMultipleLines(). Added ParserTestSuite. Added LineNumberTest. Updated CModelElementsTests to set the Nature of the C++ project appropriately. 2003-04-15 Andrew Niefer Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36047 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36047 Added ScannerFailedTest::testBug36475 2003-04-13 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testPointersToFunctions. 2003-04-11 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36247(). 2003-04-11 Andrew Niefer Moved ScannerFailedTest::testBug36316 to ScannerTestCase::testBug36316 Added ScannerFailedTest::testBug36047 Added ScannerTestCase::testNestedRecursiveDefines 2003-04-10 John Camelon Added DOMTests::testBug36237(). 2003-04-09 John Camelon Removed all the old Code Model Builder source that was no longer being used (NewModelBuilder.java, etc.). Moved all the files in parser.util directory to the dom. Organized imports. Added DOMTests::testTemplateDeclarationOfMethod(). Added DOMTests::testBug36250(). Added DOMTests::testBug36240(). Added DOMTests::testBug36254(). 2003-04-09 John Camelon Updated ScannerTest::testBug36045(). Added ScannerTest::testBug36287(). Added DOMTests::testBug36288(). 2003-04-06 Andrew Niefer Added ParserSymbolTableTest::testOverloadRanking() 2003-04-04 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/util/VerifyDialog.java: Remove some warnings. 2003-04-03 John Camelon Updated ScannerTest::testSimpleIfdef() for bug36019. Updated ScannerTest::testNumerics() for bug36020. Added ScannerTest::testBug36045(). Updated DOMTests::testTemplateDeclaration() for template grammar updates. 2003-04-01 Andrew Niefer ParserSymbolTableTest. modifications to using declaration tests to reflect changes in the symbol table. Also added testUserDefinedConversionSequences() 2003-04-01 John Camelon Added testBug35906() to DOMTests. 2003-03-31 John Camelon Added testStruct() to DOMTests. Added test35892()to ScannerTest. 2003-03-31 Andrew Niefer In ParserSymbolTableTest, renamed testFunctionResolution_2() to testFunctionResolution_PointersAndBaseClasses(), and modified to reflect changes in function resolution. Added testFunctionResolution_TypedefsAndPointers(). 2003-03-31 John Camelon Added testWeirdStrings() and testNumerics() to ScannerTestCase. Added testTemplateSpecialization(), testTemplateDeclaration(), testBug26467(), testTypedef() and testTemplateInstantiation() to DOMTests. 2003-03-28 John Camelon Added testConstructorChain() and testASMDefinition() to DOMTests. 2003-03-27 Alain Magloire Changes were done in the Core Model API, the hierarchy is now ICModel ICProject ICContainer ITranslationUnit IArchive IBinary We adjust the tests. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/ArchiveTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/BinaryTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/TranslationUniTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/WorkingCopyTests.java 2003-03-26 Andrew Niefer In ParserSymbolTableTest : updated all tests to reflect TypeInfo changes Added testFunctionResolution() & testFunctionResolution_2() in 2003-03-25 John Camelon Added testDeclSpecifier(), testNamespaceDefinition(), testLinkageSpecification(), testUsingClauses() and testEnumSpecifier() to DOMTests. 2003-03-23 John Camelon Added ptrOperator() test to DOMTests. Added testFunctionModifiers() test to DOMTests. Added testArrays() test to DOMTests. 2003-03-20 Alain Magloire Patch from Amer Hoda, tests for the CElement deltas for Translation Units. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/ElementDeltaTest.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/resource/WorkingCopyTestStart.h 2003-03-19 Alain Magloire Patch from Amer Hoda, introducing a simple test for the core model. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/WorkingCopyTests.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/resource/WorkingCopyTestStart.h 2003-03-18 John Camelon Updated DOMTests to validate simple case of a function declaration with multiple parameters. * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/DOMTests.java 2003-03-11 John Camelon Updated DOMTests for core.internal.parser change of merging DeclarationSpecifier and DeclSpecifier Organized imports * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/DOMTests.java * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ParserSymbolTableTest.java 2003-03-10 John Camelon Added macro pasting tests 2003-03-06 Andrew Niefer Added tests for exercising Namespaces & using directives in new parser's symbol table 2003-03-04 Doug Schaefer This is a pretty big patch, but it is the merge of the NewParser1 branch into the HEAD branch. lder "parser") JUnit tests for testing various pieces (source folder "parser" in cdt.ui.tests. 2003-01-29 Peter Graves Fixed the warnings when accessing static methods * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/util/DialogCheck.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/CTestPlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/TestWorkbench.java * ChangeLog: make all entries have the same formatting 2002-12-17 Peter Graves * plugin.xml,test.xml: Some simple cleanups to remove refrences to the jdt and to move closer to automated running 2002-11-27 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/CModelTests.java: Use CoreModel.getDefault(). 2002-10-30 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/tests/CModelTests.java (testGetNatureID): The fields and the methods use in this test was removed from the CoreModel class. (testHasNature): The method use in this case was refactor in the classes CProjectNature and CCProjectNature, fix the test. 2002-10-18 Peter Graves src/org/eclipse/cdt/testplugin/CProjectHelper.jada Cleanup of the CProjectHelper file to remove unused imports, commeted out code etc. >>>>>>> 1.36