/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems) * Bryan Wilkinson (QNX) * Sergey Prigogin (Google) * Andrew Ferguson (Symbian) * Anton Gorenkov *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp; import static org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.ArrayUtil.appendAt; import static org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.ArrayUtil.trim; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.CVTYPE; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.REF; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.TDEF; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTTypeUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTName; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IField; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IProblemBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IQualifierType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ITypedef; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTAliasDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.ICPPASTBaseSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTUsingDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTVisibilityLabel; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBase; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassSpecialization; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPConstructor; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPField; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPReferenceType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPSpecialization; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPUsingDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndex; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndexName; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.ArrayUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArrayUtils; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.ObjectSet; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ASTInternal; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ASTQueries; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ProblemBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CPPSemantics; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CPPVisitor; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; /** * Holds common implementation of methods for ICPPClassType implementations that have * a corresponding textual definition in the source code. * * @see CPPClassType * @see CPPClassTemplate */ public class ClassTypeHelper { public static IBinding[] getFriends(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { if (host.getDefinition() == null) { host.checkForDefinition(); if (host.getDefinition() == null) { ICPPClassType backup= getBackupDefinition(host); if (backup != null) return backup.getFriends(); IASTNode[] declarations= host.getDeclarations(); IASTNode node = (declarations != null && declarations.length != 0) ? declarations[0] : null; return new IBinding[] { new ProblemBinding(node, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND, host.getNameCharArray()) }; } } ObjectSet resultSet = new ObjectSet<>(2); IASTDeclaration[] members = host.getCompositeTypeSpecifier().getMembers(); for (IASTDeclaration decl : members) { while (decl instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) { decl = ((ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) decl).getDeclaration(); } if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { ICPPASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = (ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl).getDeclSpecifier(); if (declSpec.isFriend()) { IASTDeclarator[] dtors = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl).getDeclarators(); if (dtors.length == 0) { if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) { resultSet.put(((ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName().resolveBinding()); } else if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) { resultSet.put(((ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName().resolveBinding()); } } else { for (IASTDeclarator dtor : dtors) { if (dtor == null) break; dtor= ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(dtor); resultSet.put(dtor.getName().resolveBinding()); } } } } else if (decl instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { ICPPASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = (ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) decl).getDeclSpecifier(); if (declSpec.isFriend()) { IASTDeclarator dtor = ((IASTFunctionDefinition) decl).getDeclarator(); dtor= ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(dtor); resultSet.put(dtor.getName().resolveBinding()); } } } return resultSet.keyArray(IBinding.class); } /** * Checks if a binding is a friend of a class. Only classes and functions can be friends of a class. * A class is considered a friend of itself. * * @param binding a binding. * @param classType a class. * @return {@code true} if {@code binding} is a friend of {@code classType}. */ public static boolean isFriend(IBinding binding, ICPPClassType classType) { IType type; if (binding instanceof ICPPClassType) { type = (IType) binding; if (type.isSameType(classType)) { return true; } for (IBinding friend : classType.getFriends()) { if (friend instanceof ICPPClassType && type.isSameType((IType) friend)) { return true; } } } else if (binding instanceof ICPPFunction) { type = ((ICPPFunction) binding).getType(); char[] name = binding.getNameCharArray(); for (IBinding friend : classType.getFriends()) { if (friend instanceof ICPPFunction && CharArrayUtils.equals(name, friend.getNameCharArray()) && SemanticUtil.haveSameOwner(binding, friend) && type.isSameType(((ICPPFunction) friend).getType())) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * A host maybe backed up with a definition from the index. */ private static ICPPClassType getBackupDefinition(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { ICPPClassScope scope = host.getCompositeScope(); if (scope != null) { ICPPClassType b = scope.getClassType(); if (!(b instanceof ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost)) return b; } return null; } public static ICPPBase[] getBases(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { if (host.getDefinition() == null) { host.checkForDefinition(); if (host.getDefinition() == null) { ICPPClassType backup= getBackupDefinition(host); if (backup != null) return backup.getBases(); return ICPPBase.NO_BASES_BECAUSE_TYPE_IS_INCOMPLETE; } } ICPPASTBaseSpecifier[] baseSpecifiers = host.getCompositeTypeSpecifier().getBaseSpecifiers(); if (baseSpecifiers.length == 0) return ICPPBase.EMPTY_BASE_ARRAY; ICPPBase[] bases = new ICPPBase[baseSpecifiers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < baseSpecifiers.length; i++) { bases[i] = new CPPBaseClause(baseSpecifiers[i]); } return bases; } public static ICPPField[] getDeclaredFields(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { if (host.getDefinition() == null) { host.checkForDefinition(); if (host.getDefinition() == null) { ICPPClassType backup= getBackupDefinition(host); if (backup != null) return backup.getDeclaredFields(); return ICPPField.EMPTY_CPPFIELD_ARRAY; } } IBinding binding = null; ICPPField[] result = ICPPField.EMPTY_CPPFIELD_ARRAY; int resultSize = 0; IASTDeclaration[] decls = host.getCompositeTypeSpecifier().getMembers(); for (IASTDeclaration decl : decls) { if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { IASTDeclarator[] dtors = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl).getDeclarators(); for (IASTDeclarator dtor : dtors) { binding = ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(dtor).getName().resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPField) result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPField) binding); } } else if (decl instanceof ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) { IASTName n = ((ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) decl).getName(); binding = n.resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { IBinding[] bs = ((ICPPUsingDeclaration) binding).getDelegates(); for (IBinding element : bs) { if (element instanceof ICPPField) result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPField) element); } } else if (binding instanceof ICPPField) { result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPField) binding); } } } return ArrayUtil.trim(result, resultSize); } /** * Returns all direct and indirect base classes. * * @param classType a class * @return An array of base classes in arbitrary order. */ public static ICPPClassType[] getAllBases(ICPPClassType classType) { Set result= new HashSet<>(); result.add(classType); getAllBases(classType, result); result.remove(classType); return result.toArray(new ICPPClassType[result.size()]); } private static void getAllBases(ICPPClassType classType, Set result) { ICPPBase[] bases= classType.getBases(); for (ICPPBase base : bases) { IBinding b= base.getBaseClass(); if (b instanceof ICPPClassType) { final ICPPClassType baseClass = (ICPPClassType) b; if (result.add(baseClass)) { getAllBases(baseClass, result); } } } } /** * Returns all (direct or indirect) virtual base classes of {@code classType}. */ public static ICPPClassType[] getVirtualBases(ICPPClassType classType) { Set virtualBases = new HashSet<>(); Set nonvirtualBases = new HashSet<>(); nonvirtualBases.add(classType); getVirtualBases(classType, virtualBases, nonvirtualBases); return virtualBases.toArray(new ICPPClassType[virtualBases.size()]); } /** * Helper function for {@link #getVirtualBases(ICPPClassType)}. */ private static void getVirtualBases(ICPPClassType classType, Set virtualBases, Set nonvirtualBases) { ICPPBase[] bases = classType.getBases(); for (ICPPBase base : bases) { IBinding b = base.getBaseClass(); if (b instanceof ICPPClassType) { final ICPPClassType baseClass = (ICPPClassType) b; if (base.isVirtual()) { if (virtualBases.add(baseClass)) { getVirtualBases(baseClass, virtualBases, nonvirtualBases); } } else { // A non-virtual base could have virtual bases in its hierarchy. if (nonvirtualBases.add(baseClass)) { getVirtualBases(baseClass, virtualBases, nonvirtualBases); } } } } } /** * Checks inheritance relationship between two classes. * * @return {@code true} if {@code subclass} is a subclass of {@code superclass}. */ public static boolean isSubclass(ICPPClassType subclass, ICPPClassType superclass) { ICPPBase[] bases= subclass.getBases(); for (ICPPBase base : bases) { IBinding b= base.getBaseClass(); if (b instanceof ICPPClassType) { ICPPClassType baseClass = (ICPPClassType) b; if (baseClass.isSameType(superclass)) { return true; } if (isSubclass(baseClass, superclass)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static ICPPMethod[] getAllDeclaredMethods(ICPPClassType ct) { ICPPMethod[] methods= ct.getDeclaredMethods(); ICPPClassType[] bases= getAllBases(ct); for (ICPPClassType base : bases) { methods = ArrayUtil.addAll(ICPPMethod.class, methods, base.getDeclaredMethods()); } return ArrayUtil.trim(ICPPMethod.class, methods); } public static ICPPMethod[] getMethods(ICPPClassType ct) { ObjectSet set = getOwnMethods(ct); ICPPClassType[] bases= getAllBases(ct); for (ICPPClassType base : bases) { set.addAll(base.getDeclaredMethods()); set.addAll(getImplicitMethods(base)); } return set.keyArray(ICPPMethod.class); } /** * Returns methods either declared by the given class or generated by the compiler. Does not * include methods declared in base classes. */ public static ObjectSet getOwnMethods(ICPPClassType classType) { ObjectSet set= new ObjectSet<>(4); set.addAll(classType.getDeclaredMethods()); set.addAll(getImplicitMethods(classType)); return set; } public static ICPPMethod[] getImplicitMethods(ICPPClassType classType) { return getImplicitMethods(classType.getCompositeScope()); } public static ICPPMethod[] getImplicitMethods(IScope scope) { if (scope instanceof ICPPClassScope) { return ((ICPPClassScope) scope).getImplicitMethods(); } return ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY; } public static ICPPMethod[] getDeclaredMethods(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { if (host.getDefinition() == null) { host.checkForDefinition(); if (host.getDefinition() == null) { ICPPClassType backup= getBackupDefinition(host); if (backup != null) return backup.getDeclaredMethods(); return ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY; } } IBinding binding = null; ICPPMethod[] result = ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY; int resultSize = 0; IASTDeclaration[] decls = host.getCompositeTypeSpecifier().getMembers(); for (IASTDeclaration decl : decls) { while (decl instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) decl = ((ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) decl).getDeclaration(); if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { final IASTSimpleDeclaration sdecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl; if (!((ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) sdecl.getDeclSpecifier()).isFriend()) { IASTDeclarator[] dtors = sdecl.getDeclarators(); for (IASTDeclarator dtor : dtors) { binding = ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(dtor).getName().resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPMethod) result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPMethod) binding); } } } else if (decl instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { final IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) decl; if (!((ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) fdef.getDeclSpecifier()).isFriend()) { IASTDeclarator dtor = fdef.getDeclarator(); dtor = ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(dtor); binding = dtor.getName().resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPMethod) { result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPMethod) binding); } } } else if (decl instanceof ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) { IASTName n = ((ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) decl).getName(); binding = n.resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { IBinding[] bs = ((ICPPUsingDeclaration) binding).getDelegates(); for (IBinding element : bs) { if (element instanceof ICPPMethod) result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPMethod) element); } } else if (binding instanceof ICPPMethod) { result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPMethod) binding); } } } return ArrayUtil.trim(result, resultSize); } /** * @see ICPPClassType#getConstructors() */ public static ICPPConstructor[] getConstructors(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { ICPPClassScope scope = host.getCompositeScope(); if (scope == null) { return ICPPConstructor.EMPTY_CONSTRUCTOR_ARRAY; } ICPPConstructor[] constructors = scope.getConstructors(); return getAllConstructors(host, constructors); } /** * Returns all constructors for a given class type. The returned constructors include the explicitly * declared, the implicit, and the inherited ones. * * @param classType the class to get the constructors for * @param declaredAndImplicitConstructors the declared and implicit constructors of the class * @return an array of all class constructors */ public static ICPPConstructor[] getAllConstructors(ICPPClassType classType, ICPPConstructor[] declaredAndImplicitConstructors) { IType[][] paramTypes = new IType[declaredAndImplicitConstructors.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < declaredAndImplicitConstructors.length; i++) { ICPPConstructor ctor = declaredAndImplicitConstructors[i]; paramTypes[i] = ctor.getType().getParameterTypes(); } ICPPConstructor[] inheritedConstructors = getInheritedConstructors( (ICPPClassScope) classType.getCompositeScope(), classType.getBases(), paramTypes); return ArrayUtil.addAll(declaredAndImplicitConstructors, inheritedConstructors); } /** * Returns inherited constructors for a given class scope. * * @param scope the composite scope of the class to get the constructors for * @param bases the base class relationships of the class * @param existingConstructorParamTypes parameter types of the declared and the implicit constructors * @return an array of all inherited constructors */ public static ICPPConstructor[] getInheritedConstructors(ICPPClassScope scope, ICPPBase[] bases, IType[][] existingConstructorParamTypes) { ICPPConstructor[] inheritedConstructors = ICPPConstructor.EMPTY_CONSTRUCTOR_ARRAY; int n = 0; for (ICPPBase base : bases) { if (!base.isInheritedConstructorsSource()) continue; IBinding baseType = base.getBaseClass(); if (!(baseType instanceof ICPPClassType)) continue; ICPPClassType baseClass = (ICPPClassType) baseType; ICPPConstructor[] ctors = baseClass.getConstructors(); for (ICPPConstructor ctor : ctors) { if (canBeInherited(ctor, baseClass, existingConstructorParamTypes)) inheritedConstructors = appendAt(inheritedConstructors, n++, ctor); } } return trim(inheritedConstructors, n); } private static boolean canBeInherited(ICPPConstructor ctor, ICPPClassType baseClass, IType[][] existingConstructorParamTypes) { ICPPParameter[] params = ctor.getParameters(); // http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/p0136r1.html // 7.3.3-4 [Note] If a constructor or assignment operator brought from a base class into a derived // class has the signature of a copy/move constructor or assignment operator for the derived class // (12.8), the using-declaration does not by itself suppress the implicit declaration of the derived // class member; the member from the base class is hidden or overridden by the implicitly-declared // copy/move constructor or assignment operator of the derived class, as described below. for (int k = Math.max(ctor.getRequiredArgumentCount(), 1); k <= params.length; k++) { if (k == 1 && isReferenceToClass(params[0].getType(), baseClass)) { continue; // Skip the copy constructor. } if (findMatchingSignature(params, k, existingConstructorParamTypes) < 0) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isReferenceToClass(IType type, IType classType) { type= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(type, TDEF); if (type instanceof ICPPReferenceType && !((ICPPReferenceType) type).isRValueReference()) { type= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(type, TDEF|REF|CVTYPE); return classType.isSameType(type); } return false; } private static int findMatchingSignature(ICPPParameter[] params, int numParams, IType[][] paramTypes) { for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { if (doParameterTypesMatch(params, numParams, paramTypes[i])) return i; } return -1; } private static boolean doParameterTypesMatch(ICPPParameter[] params, int numParams, IType[] types) { if (numParams != types.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { if (!params[i].getType().isSameType(types[i])) return false; } return true; } public static ICPPClassType[] getNestedClasses(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { if (host.getDefinition() == null) { host.checkForDefinition(); if (host.getDefinition() == null) { ICPPClassType backup= getBackupDefinition(host); if (backup != null) return backup.getNestedClasses(); return ICPPClassType.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY; } } ICPPClassType[] result = ICPPClassType.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY; int resultSize = 0; IASTDeclaration[] decls = host.getCompositeTypeSpecifier().getMembers(); for (IASTDeclaration decl : decls) { while (decl instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) decl = ((ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) decl).getDeclaration(); if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { IBinding binding = null; IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl).getDeclSpecifier(); if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { binding = ((ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName().resolveBinding(); } else if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier && ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl).getDeclarators().length == 0) { binding = ((ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName().resolveBinding(); } if (binding instanceof ICPPClassType) result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPClassType) binding); } } return ArrayUtil.trim(result, resultSize); } public static ICPPUsingDeclaration[] getUsingDeclarations(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost host) { if (host.getDefinition() == null) { host.checkForDefinition(); if (host.getDefinition() == null) { ICPPClassType backup= getBackupDefinition(host); if (backup != null) return backup.getUsingDeclarations(); return ICPPUsingDeclaration.EMPTY_USING_DECL_ARRAY; } } ICPPUsingDeclaration[] result = ICPPUsingDeclaration.EMPTY_USING_DECL_ARRAY; int resultSize = 0; IASTDeclaration[] decls = host.getCompositeTypeSpecifier().getMembers(); for (IASTDeclaration decl : decls) { if (decl instanceof ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) { IBinding binding = ((ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) decl).getName().resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { result = ArrayUtil.appendAt(result, resultSize++, (ICPPUsingDeclaration) binding); } } } return ArrayUtil.trim(result, resultSize); } public static ICPPField[] getFields(ICPPClassType ct) { ICPPField[] fields = ct.getDeclaredFields(); ICPPClassType[] bases = getAllBases(ct); for (ICPPClassType base : bases) { fields = ArrayUtil.addAll(ICPPField.class, fields, base.getDeclaredFields()); } return ArrayUtil.trim(ICPPField.class, fields); } public static IField findField(ICPPClassType ct, String name) { IBinding[] bindings = CPPSemantics.findBindings(ct.getCompositeScope(), name, true); IField field = null; for (IBinding binding : bindings) { if (binding instanceof IField) { if (field == null) { field = (IField) binding; } else { IASTNode[] decls= ASTInternal.getDeclarationsOfBinding(ct); IASTNode node= (decls != null && decls.length > 0) ? decls[0] : null; return new CPPField.CPPFieldProblem(ct, node, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_AMBIGUOUS_LOOKUP, name.toCharArray()); } } } return field; } /** * Returns whether {@code method} is virtual. This is the case if it is declared to be virtual * or overrides another virtual method. */ public static boolean isVirtual(ICPPMethod m) { if (m instanceof ICPPConstructor) return false; if (m.isVirtual()) return true; final char[] mname= m.getNameCharArray(); final ICPPClassType mcl= m.getClassOwner(); if (mcl != null) { final ICPPFunctionType mft= m.getType(); ICPPMethod[] allMethods= ClassTypeHelper.getMethods(mcl); for (ICPPMethod method : allMethods) { if (CharArrayUtils.equals(mname, method.getNameCharArray()) && functionTypesAllowOverride(mft, method.getType())) { if (method.isVirtual()) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Checks if the function types are consistent enough to be considered overrides. */ private static boolean functionTypesAllowOverride(ICPPFunctionType a, ICPPFunctionType b) { if (a.isConst() != b.isConst() || a.isVolatile() != b.isVolatile() || a.takesVarArgs() != b.takesVarArgs()) { return false; } IType[] paramsA = a.getParameterTypes(); IType[] paramsB = b.getParameterTypes(); if (paramsA.length == 1 && paramsB.length == 0) { if (!SemanticUtil.isVoidType(paramsA[0])) return false; } else if (paramsB.length == 1 && paramsA.length == 0) { if (!SemanticUtil.isVoidType(paramsB[0])) return false; } else if (paramsA.length != paramsB.length) { return false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < paramsA.length; i++) { if (paramsA[i] == null || ! paramsA[i].isSameType(paramsB[i])) return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns {@code true} if {@code source} overrides {@code target}. */ public static boolean isOverrider(ICPPMethod source, ICPPMethod target) { if (source instanceof ICPPConstructor || target instanceof ICPPConstructor) return false; if (!isVirtual(target)) return false; if (!functionTypesAllowOverride(source.getType(), target.getType())) return false; final ICPPClassType sourceClass= source.getClassOwner(); final ICPPClassType targetClass= target.getClassOwner(); if (sourceClass == null || targetClass == null) return false; ICPPClassType[] bases= getAllBases(sourceClass); for (ICPPClassType base : bases) { if (base.isSameType(targetClass)) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns all methods that are overridden by the given {@code method}. */ public static ICPPMethod[] findOverridden(ICPPMethod method) { if (method instanceof ICPPConstructor) return ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY; final char[] mname= method.getNameCharArray(); final ICPPClassType mcl= method.getClassOwner(); if (mcl == null) return ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY; final ArrayList result= new ArrayList<>(); final HashMap virtualInClass= new HashMap<>(); final ICPPFunctionType methodType= method.getType(); virtualInClass.put(mcl, method.isVirtual()); ICPPBase[] bases= mcl.getBases(); for (ICPPBase base : bases) { IBinding b= base.getBaseClass(); if (b instanceof ICPPClassType) { findOverridden((ICPPClassType) b, mname, methodType, virtualInClass, result, CPPSemantics.MAX_INHERITANCE_DEPTH); } } // List is filled from most derived up to here, reverse it. Collections.reverse(result); return result.toArray(new ICPPMethod[result.size()]); } /** * Searches for overridden methods starting in {@code classType}. The map {@code virtualInClass} * contains a mapping of classes that have been visited to the information whether they * (or a base-class) contain an overridden method. * * @return whether {@code classType} contains an overridden method. */ private static boolean findOverridden(ICPPClassType classType, char[] methodName, ICPPFunctionType methodType, Map virtualInClass, List result, int maxdepth) { // Prevent recursion due to a hierarchy of unbounded depth, e.g. A deriving from A. if (maxdepth <= 0) return false; Boolean visitedBefore= virtualInClass.get(classType); if (visitedBefore != null) return visitedBefore; ICPPMethod[] methods= classType.getDeclaredMethods(); ICPPMethod candidate= null; boolean hasOverridden= false; for (ICPPMethod method : methods) { if (methodName[0] == '~' && method.isDestructor() || (CharArrayUtils.equals(methodName, method.getNameCharArray()) && functionTypesAllowOverride(methodType, method.getType()))) { candidate= method; hasOverridden= method.isVirtual(); break; } } // Prevent recursion due to a class inheriting (directly or indirectly) from itself. virtualInClass.put(classType, hasOverridden); ICPPBase[] bases= classType.getBases(); for (ICPPBase base : bases) { IBinding b= base.getBaseClass(); if (b instanceof ICPPClassType) { if (findOverridden((ICPPClassType) b, methodName, methodType, virtualInClass, result, maxdepth - 1)) { hasOverridden= true; } } } if (hasOverridden) { // The candidate is virtual. if (candidate != null) result.add(candidate); virtualInClass.put(classType, hasOverridden); } return hasOverridden; } /** * Returns all methods found in the index, that override the given {@code method}. */ public static ICPPMethod[] findOverriders(IIndex index, ICPPMethod method) throws CoreException { if (!isVirtual(method)) return ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY; final ICPPClassType mcl= method.getClassOwner(); if (mcl == null) return ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY; ICPPClassType[] subclasses= getSubClasses(index, mcl); return findOverriders(subclasses, method); } /** * Returns all methods belonging to the given set of classes that override the given {@code method}. */ public static ICPPMethod[] findOverriders(ICPPClassType[] subclasses, ICPPMethod method) { final char[] mname= method.getNameCharArray(); final ICPPFunctionType mft= method.getType(); final ArrayList result= new ArrayList<>(); for (ICPPClassType subClass : subclasses) { ICPPMethod[] methods= subClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (ICPPMethod candidate : methods) { if (CharArrayUtils.equals(mname, candidate.getNameCharArray()) && functionTypesAllowOverride(mft, candidate.getType())) { result.add(candidate); } } } return result.toArray(new ICPPMethod[result.size()]); } private static ICPPClassType[] getSubClasses(IIndex index, ICPPClassType mcl) throws CoreException { Deque result= new ArrayDeque<>(); HashSet handled= new HashSet<>(); getSubClasses(index, mcl, result, handled); result.removeFirst(); return result.toArray(new ICPPClassType[result.size()]); } private static void getSubClasses(IIndex index, ICPPBinding classOrTypedef, Collection result, HashSet handled) throws CoreException { if (!(classOrTypedef instanceof IType)) return; final String key = ASTTypeUtil.getType((IType) classOrTypedef, true); if (!handled.add(key)) { return; } if (classOrTypedef instanceof ICPPClassType) { result.add(classOrTypedef); } // TODO(nathanridge): Also find subclasses referenced via decltype-specifiers rather than names. IIndexName[] names= index.findNames(classOrTypedef, IIndex.FIND_REFERENCES | IIndex.FIND_DEFINITIONS); for (IIndexName indexName : names) { if (indexName.isBaseSpecifier()) { IIndexName subClassDef= indexName.getEnclosingDefinition(); if (subClassDef != null) { IBinding subClass= index.findBinding(subClassDef); if (subClass instanceof ICPPBinding) { getSubClasses(index, (ICPPBinding) subClass, result, handled); } } } } } public enum MethodKind { DEFAULT_CTOR, COPY_CTOR, MOVE_CTOR, COPY_ASSIGNMENT_OP, MOVE_ASSIGNMENT_OP, DTOR, OTHER } public static MethodKind getMethodKind(ICPPClassType classType, ICPPMethod method) { if (method instanceof ICPPConstructor) { final List params= getTypesOfRequiredParameters(method); if (params.isEmpty()) return MethodKind.DEFAULT_CTOR; if (params.size() == 1) { IType t= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(params.get(0), SemanticUtil.TDEF); if (SemanticUtil.isVoidType(t)) return MethodKind.DEFAULT_CTOR; ICPPReferenceType refToClass = getRefToClass(classType, t); if (refToClass != null) return refToClass.isRValueReference() ? MethodKind.MOVE_CTOR : MethodKind.COPY_CTOR; } return MethodKind.OTHER; } if (method.isDestructor()) return MethodKind.DTOR; if (CharArrayUtils.equals(method.getNameCharArray(), OverloadableOperator.ASSIGN.toCharArray())) { final List params= getTypesOfRequiredParameters(method); if (params.size() == 1) { IType t= params.get(0); ICPPReferenceType refToClass = getRefToClass(classType, t); if (refToClass != null) return refToClass.isRValueReference() ? MethodKind.MOVE_ASSIGNMENT_OP : MethodKind.COPY_ASSIGNMENT_OP; } return MethodKind.OTHER; } return MethodKind.OTHER; } /** * Returns types of method parameters that don't have defaults. */ private static List getTypesOfRequiredParameters(ICPPMethod method) { ICPPParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters.length == 0) return Collections.emptyList(); List types = new ArrayList<>(parameters.length); for (ICPPParameter parameter : parameters) { if (!parameter.hasDefaultValue() && !parameter.isParameterPack()) types.add(parameter.getType()); } return types; } /** * For implicit methods the exception specification is inherited, search it. */ public static IType[] getInheritedExceptionSpecification(ICPPMethod implicitMethod) { // See 15.4.13 ICPPClassType owner= implicitMethod.getClassOwner(); if (owner == null || owner.getBases().length == 0) return null; // We use a list as types aren't comparable, and can have duplicates (15.4.6) MethodKind kind= getMethodKind(owner, implicitMethod); if (kind == MethodKind.OTHER) return null; List inheritedTypeids = new ArrayList<>(); ICPPClassType[] bases= getAllBases(owner); for (ICPPClassType base : bases) { if (!(base instanceof ICPPDeferredClassInstance)) { ICPPMethod baseMethod= getMethodInClass(base, kind); if (baseMethod != null) { IType[] baseExceptionSpec= baseMethod.getExceptionSpecification(); if (baseExceptionSpec == null) return null; for (IType baseTypeId : baseMethod.getExceptionSpecification()) { inheritedTypeids.add(baseTypeId); } } } } return inheritedTypeids.toArray(new IType[inheritedTypeids.size()]); } /** * If {@code type} is a, possibly qualified, reference type referring to {@code classType}, * returns that reference type. Otherwise returns {@code null}. */ private static ICPPReferenceType getRefToClass(ICPPClassType classType, IType type) { while (type instanceof ITypedef) { type= ((ITypedef) type).getType(); } if (type instanceof ICPPReferenceType) { ICPPReferenceType refType = (ICPPReferenceType) type; type= refType.getType(); while (type instanceof ITypedef) { type= ((ITypedef) type).getType(); } if (type instanceof IQualifierType) { type= ((IQualifierType) type).getType(); if (classType.isSameType(type)) return refType; } } return null; } public static ICPPMethod getMethodInClass(ICPPClassType ct, MethodKind kind) { switch (kind) { case DEFAULT_CTOR: case COPY_CTOR: case MOVE_CTOR: for (ICPPConstructor ctor : ct.getConstructors()) { if (!ctor.isImplicit() && getMethodKind(ct, ctor) == kind) return ctor; } return null; case COPY_ASSIGNMENT_OP: case MOVE_ASSIGNMENT_OP: for (ICPPMethod method : ct.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (method instanceof ICPPConstructor) continue; if (getMethodKind(ct, method) == kind) return method; } return null; case DTOR: for (ICPPMethod method : ct.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (method.isDestructor()) return method; } return null; case OTHER: break; } return null; } /** * Returns the visibility for a given {@code member} in the {@code host}. * Throws an IllegalArgumentException if {@code member} is not a member of {@code host} * * @param classType The class to get the member's visibility specifier of. * @return the visibility of the {@code member}. */ public static int getVisibility(ICPPInternalClassTypeMixinHost classType, IBinding member) { if (classType.getDefinition() == null) { classType.checkForDefinition(); if (classType.getDefinition() == null) { ICPPClassType backup = getBackupDefinition(classType); if (backup != null) { return backup.getVisibility(member); } if (classType instanceof ICPPClassSpecialization) { // A class instance doesn't have a definition. Delegate to the class template. ICPPClassType specialized = ((ICPPClassSpecialization) classType).getSpecializedBinding(); if (!specialized.equals(member.getOwner())) { if (!(member instanceof ICPPSpecialization)) throw invalidMember(specialized, member); member = ((ICPPSpecialization) member).getSpecializedBinding(); } return specialized.getVisibility(member); } return ICPPClassType.v_public; // Fallback visibility } } // The concept of visibility does not apply to a lambda, which can end // up having a class as its owner if they are used in the initializer // of a field or a member function parameter. if (member instanceof CPPClosureType) { return ICPPClassType.v_public; } ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier classDeclSpec = classType.getCompositeTypeSpecifier(); int visibility = getVisibility(classDeclSpec, member); if (visibility >= 0) return visibility; ICPPMethod[] implicitMethods = getImplicitMethods(classType); for (ICPPMethod implicitMethod : implicitMethods) { if (member.equals(implicitMethod)) { return ICPPClassType.v_public; } } // It's possible that we haven't found the member because the class was illegally redefined // and the member belongs to another definition. Try to search the definition containing // the member. if (member instanceof ICPPInternalBinding) { IASTNode node = ((ICPPInternalBinding) member).getDefinition(); if (node != null) { IASTName ownerName = CPPVisitor.findDeclarationOwnerDefinition(node, false); if (ownerName != null && !ownerName.equals(classDeclSpec.getName()) && ownerName.getPropertyInParent() == ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.TYPE_NAME) { classDeclSpec = (ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ownerName.getParent(); visibility = getVisibility(classDeclSpec, member); if (visibility >= 0) return visibility; } } } throw invalidMember(classType, member); } private static int getVisibility(ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier classDeclSpec, IBinding member) { int visibility = classDeclSpec.getKey() == ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.k_class ? ICPPClassType.v_private : ICPPClassType.v_public; IASTDeclaration[] hostMembers = classDeclSpec.getMembers(); for (IASTDeclaration hostMember : hostMembers) { if (hostMember instanceof ICPPASTVisibilityLabel) { visibility = ((ICPPASTVisibilityLabel) hostMember).getVisibility(); continue; } while (hostMember instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) { hostMember = ((ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) hostMember).getDeclaration(); } if (hostMember instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { IASTSimpleDeclaration memberDeclaration = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) hostMember; for (IASTDeclarator memberDeclarator : memberDeclaration.getDeclarators()) { IBinding memberBinding = ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(memberDeclarator).getName().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(memberBinding)) { return visibility; } } IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = memberDeclaration.getDeclSpecifier(); if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { IBinding memberBinding = ((ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(memberBinding)) { return visibility; } } else if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier && memberDeclaration.getDeclarators().length == 0) { IBinding memberBinding = ((ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(memberBinding)) { return visibility; } } else if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) { IBinding enumerationBinding = ((ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) declSpec).getName().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(enumerationBinding)) { return visibility; } } } else if (hostMember instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { IASTDeclarator declarator = ((IASTFunctionDefinition) hostMember).getDeclarator(); declarator = ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(declarator); IBinding functionBinding = declarator.getName().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(functionBinding)) { return visibility; } } else if (hostMember instanceof ICPPASTAliasDeclaration) { IBinding aliasBinding = ((ICPPASTAliasDeclaration) hostMember).getAlias().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(aliasBinding)) { return visibility; } } else if (hostMember instanceof ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) { IBinding usingBinding = ((ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) hostMember).getName().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(usingBinding)) { return visibility; } } else if (hostMember instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) { // Not valid but possible due to the parser IBinding namespaceBinding = ((ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) hostMember).getName().resolveBinding(); if (member.equals(namespaceBinding)) { return visibility; } } } return -1; } private static IllegalArgumentException invalidMember(IBinding classType, IBinding member) { String name = member.getName(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ return new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is not a member of " + classType.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }