/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2011 QNX Software Systems and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * QNX Software Systems - initial API and implementation * * raise.c * * This is a part of JNI implementation of spawner *******************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Spawner.h" #include "jni.h" extern void JNICALL ThrowByName(JNIEnv *env, const char *name, const char *msg); static HWND consoleHWND; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if window is a console of process with pid // Arguments: // hwnd - window handler // arg - process PID // Return : TRUE if yes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL CALLBACK find_child_console (HWND hwnd, LPARAM arg) { DWORD thread_id; DWORD process_id; DWORD pid = arg; thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId (hwnd, &process_id); if (process_id == pid) { wchar_t window_class[32]; GetClassName (hwnd, window_class, sizeof (window_class)); if (wcscmp (window_class, L"ConsoleWindowClass") == 0) { consoleHWND = hwnd; return FALSE; } } /* keep looking */ return TRUE; } // Need to declare this Win32 prototype ourselves. _WIN32_WINNT is getting // defined to a Windows NT value, thus we don't get this. Can't assume // we're running on XP, anyway (or can we by now?) #if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0501) || defined(_MSC_VER) typedef BOOL (WINAPI *DebugBreakProcessFunc)(HANDLE); #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called to interrupt a process that we didn't launch (and thus does not share our // console). Windows XP introduced the function 'DebugBreakProcess', which allows // a process to interrupt another process even if if the two do not share a console. // If we're running on 2000 or earlier, we have to resort to simulating a CTRL-C // in the console by firing keyboard events. This will work only if the process // has its own console. That means, e.g., the process should have been started at // the cmdline with 'start myprogram.exe' instead of 'myprogram.exe'. // // Arguments: // pid - process' pid // Return : 0 if OK or error code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int interruptProcess(int pid) { // See if DebugBreakProcess is available (XP and beyond) HMODULE hmod = LoadLibrary(L"Kernel32.dll"); if (hmod != NULL) { BOOL success = FALSE; FARPROC procaddr = GetProcAddress(hmod, "DebugBreakProcess"); if (procaddr != NULL) { HANDLE proc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, (DWORD)pid); if (proc != NULL) { DebugBreakProcessFunc pDebugBreakProcess = (DebugBreakProcessFunc)procaddr; success = (*pDebugBreakProcess)(proc); CloseHandle(proc); } } FreeLibrary(hmod); hmod = NULL; if (success) return 0; // 0 == OK; if not, try old-school way } #ifdef DEBUG_MONITOR _TCHAR buffer[1000]; #endif int rc = 0; consoleHWND = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_MONITOR _stprintf(buffer, _T("Try to interrupt process %i\n"), pid); OutputDebugStringW(buffer); #endif // Find console EnumWindows (find_child_console, (LPARAM) pid); if(NULL != consoleHWND) // Yes, we found out it { // We are going to switch focus to console, // send Ctrl-C and then restore focus BYTE control_scan_code = (BYTE) MapVirtualKey (VK_CONTROL, 0); /* Fake Ctrl-C for SIGINT, and Ctrl-Break for SIGQUIT. */ BYTE vk_c_code = 'C'; BYTE vk_break_code = VK_CANCEL; BYTE c_scan_code = (BYTE) MapVirtualKey (vk_c_code, 0); BYTE break_scan_code = (BYTE) MapVirtualKey (vk_break_code, 0); HWND foreground_window; foreground_window = GetForegroundWindow (); if (foreground_window) { /* NT 5.0, and apparently also Windows 98, will not allow a Window to be set to foreground directly without the user's involvement. The workaround is to attach ourselves to the thread that owns the foreground window, since that is the only thread that can set the foreground window. */ DWORD foreground_thread, child_thread; foreground_thread = GetWindowThreadProcessId (foreground_window, NULL); if (foreground_thread == GetCurrentThreadId () || !AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (), foreground_thread, TRUE)) foreground_thread = 0; child_thread = GetWindowThreadProcessId (consoleHWND, NULL); if (child_thread == GetCurrentThreadId () || !AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (), child_thread, TRUE)) child_thread = 0; /* Set the foreground window to the child. */ if (SetForegroundWindow (consoleHWND)) { if(0 != break_scan_code) { /* Generate keystrokes as if user had typed Ctrl-Break */ keybd_event (VK_CONTROL, control_scan_code, 0, 0); keybd_event (vk_break_code, break_scan_code, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY, 0); keybd_event (vk_break_code, break_scan_code, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); keybd_event (VK_CONTROL, control_scan_code, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); } /* Sleep for a bit to give time for respond */ Sleep (100); SetForegroundWindow (foreground_window); } /* Detach from the foreground and child threads now that the foreground switching is over. */ if (foreground_thread) AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (), foreground_thread, FALSE); if (child_thread) AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (), child_thread, FALSE); #ifdef DEBUG_MONITOR _stprintf(buffer, _T("Sent Ctrl-C & Ctrl-Break to process %i\n"), pid); OutputDebugStringW(buffer); #endif } } #ifdef DEBUG_MONITOR else { _stprintf(buffer, _T("Cannot find console for process %i\n"), pid); OutputDebugStringW(buffer); } #endif return rc; }