Define chckers for Code Analysis framework. Checker Element. Sets id, name and class that implements checker Checker id. Checker class. Must implement IChecker. User Friendly name of the chcker, currently not used. Will default to a class name. Problem meta-data. Error id. Should be prefixed by plugin name in general. User Friendly name of the error. Would be displyed to enable/disable a problem and get access to problem properties. Should be as short as possible, but recogniziable. Set defult problem severity. User can override later. Default is Warning. Category id for the problem. There are few that are defined in core codan plugin, other user defined. If none specified it would be "Programming Problems". If problem is enabled in original profile. Default is true. Default error message pattern. Use java pattern notation (such as {0} to replace with first problem argument, and so on. To place single quote ' in a message - use quot symbol twice ''). For example message pattern Invalid argument ''{0}'' would be printed as Invalid argument 'xxx' where xxx what checker would post as an argument for the problem. Short description of the problem. Help user to understand that message means. Can be used as tooltip. Marker type to use to generate problem, default is the generic codan marker Can user duplicate this problem to have multiple instances (each instance can have diffrent scope, arguments, severity, etc. Category for problem. Allows to group problems for the user. Unique qualified category id. User visible name of the category Id of the parent category. Root is used if not specified. 1.0 The following is an example of a single checker definition: <p> <pre> <extension point="org.eclipse.cdt.codan.ui.checkers"> <checker class="" id="" name="Possible Assignment in Condition instead of comparision"> </checker> </extension> </pre> </p> The following is an example of a checker that produces two types of errors: <p> <pre> <extension point="org.eclipse.cdt.codan.ui.checkers"> <checker class="" id="" name="Null Pointer Dereference checker"> <problem id="" name="Null Pointer Dereference"/ defaultSeverity="Error"> <problem id="" name="Possible Null Pointer Dereference"/> </checker> </extension> </pre> </p> [Enter API information here.] [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]