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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-12-16Update to new CDT LogoMarc Khouzam1-0/+0
2014-07-29Don't use deprecated junit.framework.Assert.Alexander Kurtakov1-3/+3
2014-07-22Inremented branding plugin version to 8.5Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2014-07-22Inremented feature version to 8.5.Sergey Prigogin2-3/+3
2014-06-18Bug 435998 - Remove 'updateSiteName' string as they are not usedMarc Khouzam1-3/+0
2014-06-17Bug 435998 - Get rid of all "eclipse_update_120.jpg" files in CDTMarc Khouzam3-4/+2
2014-05-26Bug 435309 - Use the shared license file scheme for CDTMarc Khouzam6-896/+3
2014-05-20Update to new license textMarc Khouzam3-6/+3
2014-05-02Update license.html files for 2014 versionMarc Khouzam1-2/+1
2014-01-24Enabled JDK 1.7.Sergey Prigogin1-3/+3
2014-01-21Bumped up CDT version to 8.4.Sergey Prigogin3-4/+4
2013-10-24bug 420287: CDT features are scattered around in update managerAndrew Gvozdev1-1/+1
2013-08-27Fixed parent pom version to referenceAndrew Gvozdev1-1/+1
2013-08-23Bumped up feature version to 8.3.Sergey Prigogin2-3/+3
2013-05-26Combined classes CPPNameCollector and CNameCollector into a singleSergey Prigogin1-57/+28
2012-10-17Bug 391390 : Updatesite url is indigomhussein1-4/+0
2012-06-28Bumped up feature versions for Kepler.Sergey Prigogin3-4/+4
2011-10-20Version number changes missed in the previous commit.Sergey Prigogin2-2/+2
2011-10-20Updated parent feature version in pom.xml files.Sergey Prigogin2-2/+2
2011-09-03Fix poms for tycho 0.13.Doug Schaefer1-1/+2
2011-06-28Mavenizing CDT releng.Doug Schaefer2-0/+34
2011-06-08Bug 348754 - Update feature copyright statements for IndigoVivian Kong1-1/+1
2011-05-20Bug 346568 - Update licenses for IndigoVivian Kong2-2/+4
2011-02-25Change update site URL to indigoVivian Kong1-1/+1
2010-09-20Bug 321692: Remove dependencies to plugins from featuresMarc Khouzam1-7/+0
2010-06-06Bug 315895 - Names and descriptions of CDT features are confusing.Sergey Prigogin1-2/+2
2010-06-04Prettier 32x32 icon.Doug Schaefer1-0/+0
2010-06-04Fixed up branding plug-ins.Doug Schaefer1-3/+3
2010-06-03New CDT Icon.Doug Schaefer3-1/+1
2010-06-02Bug 315439 Fix up copyrightVivian Kong1-1/+1
2010-05-31update copyright in about and update provider infoVivian Kong1-1/+1
2010-05-31Bug 306627 - Fix license inconsistenciesVivian Kong2-61/+119
2010-05-31 Bug 314212 - CDT Feature copyright dates are outdatedVivian Kong1-1/+1
2010-04-14Bug 306627 - Fix license inconsistenciesVivian Kong1-42/+38
2010-02-26Bug 303481 - change update site for heliosVivian Kong1-1/+1
2009-05-27update copyrightsVivian Kong4-28/+28
2009-05-14Update provider nameVivian Kong2-3/+3
2009-05-05add branding plug-insVivian Kong1-0/+1
2009-04-09bug 268581 individual source bundlesVivian Kong1-1/+1
2009-01-29bug 253574 - removing empty plugin.xmlVivian Kong1-4/+0
2009-01-09bug 259308 - fixing version numbers to enable upgrade from 5.0.2 to 6.0.0Vivian Kong2-2/+2
2008-12-17update update site URLsVivian Kong1-1/+1
2008-09-17update classpathVivian Kong3-2/+3
2008-07-09update descriptionVivian Kong1-0/+1
2008-07-09update descriptionVivian Kong1-2/+2
2008-05-22make update sites the same (bug 232792)Vivian Kong1-1/+1
2008-04-09*** empty log message ***Vivian Kong1-0/+1
2008-04-09*** empty log message ***Vivian Kong2-30/+0
2008-04-09*** empty log message ***Vivian Kong1-3/+6
2008-04-09*** empty log message ***Vivian Kong1-1/+1

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