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path: root/releng
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-04-09update lpg versionVivian Kong1-1/+1
2008-04-09adding utilities plug-in to buildVivian Kong1-1/+1
2008-04-09adding utilities plug-in to buildVivian Kong7-1/+252
2008-04-04update install instructions for p2Vivian Kong2-3/+3
2008-03-13add lrparser to build (bug 222474)Vivian Kong1-4/+3
2008-03-13add lrparser to build (bug 222474)Vivian Kong1-6/+2
2008-03-13add lrparser to build (bug 222474)Vivian Kong6-40/+243
2008-03-12Reworked refactoring: moved rename refactoring into ui-plugin (bug 220741), a...Markus Schorn4-22/+0
2008-03-07creating SDK feature for XLC plugins (bug 219446)Vivian Kong1-8/+13
2008-03-06creating SDK feature for XLC plugins (bug 219446)Vivian Kong5-0/+241
2008-02-26add source to the XLC featureVivian Kong1-0/+4
2008-02-19update to M5 basebuilderVivian Kong1-1/+1
2008-02-17Set singleton to true.Ken Ryall2-2/+2
2008-01-28releng updates for new XLC plugins (bug 193605)Vivian Kong3-1/+9
2007-12-20remove c99 and upc from build (bug 212890)Vivian Kong2-1/+3
2007-12-20remove c99 and upc from build (bug 212890)Vivian Kong1-1/+1
2007-12-20remove c99 and upc from build (bug 212890) and update version number for mast...Vivian Kong1-3/+3
2007-12-20remove c99 and upc from build (bug 212890)Vivian Kong3-5/+8
2007-12-19remove c99 and upc from build (bug 212890)Vivian Kong2-0/+8
2007-12-17use v20071108 basebuilder (current one used for Ganymede)Vivian Kong1-1/+1
2007-12-17use 3.4M3 basebuilderVivian Kong1-1/+1
2007-12-17revert changesVivian Kong1-3/+1
2007-12-17update to debug build errorsVivian Kong1-0/+1
2007-12-17update to debug build errorsVivian Kong1-1/+2
2007-12-12update ant build scriptVivian Kong1-1/+1
2007-11-06Set up new update site for CDT Ganymede.Doug Schaefer1-1/+1
2007-11-06Upversion plug-ins to 5.0.0Anton Leherbauer2-2/+2
2007-11-05Fix up version for 5.0.0 build.Doug Schaefer1-1/+1
2007-11-05Fix up javac settings to build for java 5.Doug Schaefer7-14/+14
2007-11-02update sdk's feature.xmlVivian Kong1-2/+2
2007-11-01changing the mailto field and update branchVersion to 5.0.0Vivian Kong1-2/+2
2007-11-01adding the testbuild target for testing buildVivian Kong1-1/+1
2007-11-01upversion features to 5.0.0Vivian Kong3-3/+3
2007-09-17make sure we're running the right arch and stuff.Doug Schaefer1-1/+1
2007-09-12make individual unit test console output available, and all diagnostics to un...Andrew Ferguson1-3/+6
2007-09-05temporarily add some logging over testAndrew Ferguson1-0/+2
2007-09-04temporarily make test results xml available via web for diagnostic purposesAndrew Ferguson1-0/+3
2007-08-31Patch for Beth - Bug 194424 - fix up the feature name for the SDK.Doug Schaefer1-2/+2
2007-07-25Update changed plugins to 4.0.1.Doug Schaefer1-1/+1
2007-07-25Get ready for 4.0.1 builds.Doug Schaefer2-2/+2
2007-07-24Update changed plugins to 4.0.1.Doug Schaefer3-3/+3
2007-06-20Bug 193574 - the SDK and runtime features have become disassociated. Trying t...Doug Schaefer1-4/+1
2007-06-20Fix up feature dependencies.Doug Schaefer1-8/+12
2007-06-20Bug 193574 - the SDK and runtime features have become disassociated. Trying t...Doug Schaefer1-1/+4
2007-06-20Bug 193574 - the SDK and runtime features have become disassociated. Trying t...Doug Schaefer1-1/+1
2007-06-20Turn off the debug tests. None of them are passing.Doug Schaefer1-1/+1
2007-06-20Bug 193574 - the SDK and runtime features have become disassociated. Trying t...Doug Schaefer1-5/+1
2007-06-18Fix up legal info.Doug Schaefer3-1/+13
2007-06-18Fix up plugin and feature names and stuff.Doug Schaefer2-2/+2
2007-06-15Fix up legal info.Doug Schaefer2-80/+0

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