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path: root/launch
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-07-21Bug 440015 - Fix NPE On Launch Configuration EditJonathan Williams2-2/+7
2014-07-17Bug 439833 - Allow Launch Configuration Deletion from Launch BarJonathan Williams3-12/+30
2014-07-14Show the proper ILaunchGroup in the LaunchBar Mode Selector.Doug Schaefer1-7/+6
2014-07-14Fix loading of the active descriptor in the launchbar.Doug Schaefer1-3/+5
2014-07-13Fix up the label providers for the launchbar.Doug Schaefer1-2/+1
2014-07-13Bug 437392 - Add support for multiple target types per launch thing.Doug Schaefer39-964/+1535
2014-07-11LaunchBar - show actually modes Alena Laskavaia1-2/+15
2014-07-11LaunchBar - make stop button workelaskavaia1-1/+81
2014-07-08Missed icons directory from launchbar.ui's Schaefer1-1/+2
2014-07-04Give the launchbar 3 more pixels of margin.Doug Schaefer1-0/+2
2014-07-04Update LaunchBar APIs to deal with multiple target types per desc.Doug Schaefer6-0/+128
2014-07-03Update LaunchBar APIs to deal with multiple target types per desc.Doug Schaefer13-146/+235
2014-07-02Persist active target selection.Doug Schaefer1-0/+31
2014-07-01Cleared up the target model making it a provider responsibility.Doug Schaefer9-81/+99
2014-06-27Bug 438414 - Fix NPEs in new launch toolbarJonathan Williams2-2/+4
2014-06-24Add the missing files for the new CDT launchbar provider plugin.Doug Schaefer4-0/+72
2014-06-24Start adding CDT launchbar provider.Doug Schaefer11-33/+284
2014-06-24Add a bit of history to config selections.Doug Schaefer1-3/+9
2014-06-20Fixed up startup, selection handling, and preferences in LaunchBar.Doug Schaefer8-141/+137
2014-06-19Fixed up the disable of the LaunchBar so it really removes it.Doug Schaefer3-8/+12
2014-06-19Added preference to enable/disable the launch bar.Doug Schaefer5-22/+127
2014-06-19Bug 437392 Initial commit of LaunchBar.Doug Schaefer54-0/+4309
2014-06-17Cosmetics.Sergey Prigogin1-35/+15
2014-04-09Removed unused codeMarc Khouzam1-1/+0
2014-04-09Missing NON-NLS stringsMarc Khouzam2-3/+3
2014-01-27Bug 426586 - [launch] Rename launch delegates to be more descriptive toMarc Khouzam1-6/+6
2014-01-24Enabled JDK 1.7.Sergey Prigogin3-5/+5
2014-01-21Bumped up CDT version to 8.4.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2013-08-27Fixed parent pom version to referenceAndrew Gvozdev1-1/+1
2012-07-10Bug 384780 - No error is reported if a directory is specified as programMikhail Khodjaiants1-0/+5
2012-06-28Bumped up feature versions for Kepler.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2012-04-05Incremented version in pom to match the one in MANIFEST.MFSergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2012-04-05Fixed an API tooling error.Sergey Prigogin2-3/+2
2012-04-05Cosmetics.Sergey Prigogin1-12/+7
2012-04-02Bug 180256 - Launch configurations should support build variablesAnton Gorenkov9-79/+104
2012-01-17Code cleanup, mostly about missing @OverrideMarc Khouzam25-13/+219
2011-10-20Version number changes missed in the previous commit.Sergey Prigogin2-3/+3
2011-10-20Updated parent feature version in pom.xml files.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2011-10-18Switched to Java 1.6.Sergey Prigogin2-4/+4
2011-10-17Changed the execution environment to JavaSE-1.6Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2011-06-28Mavenizing CDT releng.Doug Schaefer1-0/+17
2011-05-26Cosmetics.Sergey Prigogin1-2/+4
2011-05-25Bug 324624 - Launch group: Number of entries is not reducibleTeodor Madan1-2/+3
2011-02-28Don't trigger listener when data hasn't changedDavid Dubrow1-1/+2
2011-02-14Fix deprecation warningsAnton Leherbauer1-3/+4
2011-02-02Bug 336052 - AbstractCLaunchDelegate{2} fails to launch if the Build throws E...James Blackburn3-40/+94
2011-01-29Bug 335776: Typo in translation string gives exceptionMarc Khouzam3-3/+3
2011-01-04Bug 333504 - [remote launch] NPE after switching to "Standard Launcher" in Re...James Blackburn1-3/+4
2010-12-16Enhance support for scripting and running headless.Ken Ryall1-15/+17
2010-11-29Bug 328012: Remote @noextend because it breaks the compilation of org.eclipse...Marc Khouzam1-1/+0

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