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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-06-05bug 409392: Update context help and user documentation for new Scanner ↵Andrew Gvozdev1-1/+1
Discovery "Preprocessor Includes, Macros..." property/preference pages
2012-09-20Bug 389951 - [Accessibility] CDT documentation has accessibility issuesVivian Kong1-2/+3
2011-03-31Bug 341483 - [Accessibility] CDT documentation has accessibility issuesVivian Kong1-35/+35
2010-02-05bug 285583: Broken link to Managed Build in cdt.doc.user / ConceptsAndrew Gvozdev1-1/+1
patch from Marc-Andre Laperle
2009-07-07Removes wrong information about indexer, bug 282510.Markus Schorn1-1/+0
2008-07-15bug 240830Vivian Kong1-1/+0
2007-09-14for bug 203436 - remove broken linksVivian Kong1-1/+4
2007-07-02Minor doc fixAnton Leherbauer1-6/+6
2007-06-14Documentation updateAnton Leherbauer1-5/+5
2005-08-12Doc update from Devin.David Daoust1-1/+1
Here's what I've changed: changes to the doc htm files: - added open definition -> added concepts/cdt_c_open_definitions.htm -> added images/openDefinition.png -> added images/open_definition_error.png -> updated images/openDeclaration.png -> updated images/open_declaration_error.png -> added tasks/cdt_t_open_definitions.htm -> updated links to point to open definition wherever open declaration is linked - information about the code reader buffer and properties in the menu -> added images/cdt_pref_parser.png -> added reference/cdt_o_parser_pref.htm (C/C++ Parser preferences) -> added reference/cdt_u_c_parser_codereader_cache_pref.htm -> added link to cdt_o_parser_pref.htm in reference/cdt_o_ref.htm - removed reference/cdt_u_shared_lib_view_pref.htm since it has no useful information (also removed the corresponding link in contexts_CDT_DEBUGGER.xml) - renamed the link absolute path "file:///E:/CDT/3.1/eclipse/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/images/indexer_import_largeproject1.PNG" in tasks/indexer_importing_large_project.html to the relative path "../images/indexer_import_largeproject1.PNG" dead links: removed: concepts/cdt_c_editor.htm -> <br><a href="../reference/cdt_u_editor_key_bind.htm">C/C++ editor key binding actions</a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_ctagsindexer.htm -> <a href="../tasks/cdt_t_indexer_timeout.htm"></a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_ctagsindexer.htm -> <a href="../reference/cdt_u_search_pref.htm">Search, C/C++ Preferences window</a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_fullindexer.htm -> <a href="../tasks/cdt_t_indexer_timeout.htm"></a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_fullindexer.htm -> <a href="../reference/cdt_u_search_pref.htm">Search, C/C++ Preferences window</a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_open_close.htm -> <a href="../tasks/cdt_t_indexer_timeout.htm"></a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_open_close.htm -> <a href="../reference/cdt_u_search_pref.htm">Search, C/C++ Preferences window</a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_prog_bar.htm -> <a href="../tasks/cdt_t_indexer_timeout.htm"></a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer_prog_bar.htm -> <a href="../reference/cdt_u_search_pref.htm">Search, C/C++ Preferences window</a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer.htm -> <a href="../tasks/cdt_t_indexer_timeout.htm"></a> removed: concepts/cdt_c_indexer.htm -> <a href="../reference/cdt_u_search_pref.htm">Search, C/C++ Preferences window</a> renamed to references/cdt_u_m_edit.htm: concepts/cdt-c_templates.htm -> <a href="../reference/cdt_u_menu_edit.htm">Edit menu</a> removed: concepts/cdt_o_concepts.htm -> <img src="../images/trans.gif" border="0" width="50" height="1" alt=""><a style="text-decoration:none" href="cdt_c_indexer_prob_rep.htm">C/C++ Indexer Problem Reporting</a><br> removed: reference/cdt_u_m_project.htm -> Concepts/cdtconcepts-4.htm removed: reference/cdt_u_m_project.htm -> Tasks/cdttasks-106.htm removed: reference/cdt_o_ref.htm -> reference/cdt_u_mfile_rbcs.htm removed: reference/cdt_o_ref.htm -> reference/cdt_u_search_pref.htm renamed to cdt_o_mproj_pref.htm: reference/cdt_o_ref.htm -> reference/cdt_o_mproj_pref.htm removed: reference/cdt_u_m_project.htm -> Tasks/cdttasks-106.htm removed: tasks/cdt_o_tasks.htm -> <img src="../images/trans.gif" border="0" width="50" height="1" alt=""><a style="text-decoration:none" href="cdt_t_indexer_prob_rep.htm">C/C++ Indexer Problem Reporting</a><br>
2004-12-02From Leo: This patch contains minor edits for the MBS user documentation ↵David Daoust1-1/+1
for 2.1 & Head.
2004-06-25From Dave Williams: Deletes of some old unreferenced filesDavid Daoust1-2/+2
2004-06-25Removal of duplicate concept entries.David Daoust1-2/+0
2004-06-24From Dave Williams: Continuing doc clean up.David Daoust1-2/+4
All .htm files have changed for Copyright notice change. New search docs (including indexer), new screen caps.
2004-06-22From Dave Williams: New Indexer docs:David Daoust1-1/+6
2004-06-21From Dave Williams: Continuing doc cleanup, new tutorials, updated screen ↵David Daoust1-7/+7
captures, changed workflows as required.
2004-06-02From Dave Williams: Doc updates, added a few new files into the Concepts ↵David Daoust1-7/+22
and Reference sections.
2004-05-15Doc cleanup, added in a few new documents and referenced them in the ↵David Daoust1-13/+13
appropriate .xml files. New Standard Make Tutorial.
2004-04-28From Dave Williams: Screen captures were added or changed, modified all ↵David Daoust1-36/+21
files with screen captures to use JavaScript to shrink images until the user clicks them. Updated menu lists in docs (removed tables, now shows full content below section name).
2004-04-26From Dave Williams: Screen captures were added, procedures were changed for ↵David Daoust1-6/+0
2.0, testing a JavaScript to shrink images until the user clicks them.
2004-04-11From Dave Williams: Contains fixes to html links, update to What's New and ↵David Daoust1-7/+5
added content for Code Assist.
2003-12-19Updated copyright graphic. Made other content changes.Tanya-Marise De Sousa1-1/+1
2003-11-28CDT User Guide files have been restructured Tanya-Marise De Sousa1-0/+61
to facilitate contributions by the open source community.

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