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2 files changed, 3816 insertions, 3918 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
index 918b4cafa6f..fc3d21098c7 100644
--- a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
+++ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ package org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.tests.ast2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTSignatureUtil;
@@ -472,4 +473,35 @@ public class AST2BaseTest extends BaseTestCase {
return name.resolveBinding();
+ final protected IASTTranslationUnit parseAndCheckBindings( String code, ParserLanguage lang ) throws Exception {
+ return parseAndCheckBindings(code, lang, false);
+ }
+ final protected IASTTranslationUnit parseAndCheckBindings( String code, ParserLanguage lang, boolean useGnuExtensions) throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( code, lang, useGnuExtensions );
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertNoProblemBindings( col );
+ return tu;
+ }
+ final protected void assertNoProblemBindings(CNameCollector col) {
+ Iterator i = col.nameList.iterator();
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ IASTName n = (IASTName);
+ assertFalse(n.resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ }
+ }
+ final protected void assertProblemBindings(CNameCollector col, int count) {
+ Iterator i = col.nameList.iterator();
+ int sum = 0;
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ IASTName n = (IASTName);
+ if (n.getBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding)
+ ++sum;
+ }
+ assertEquals(count, sum);
+ }
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
index 470ca867027..39dd86f9b1d 100644
--- a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
+++ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
package org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.tests.ast2;
-import java.util.Iterator;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
@@ -106,3087 +105,2989 @@ import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ParserException;
* @author Doug Schaefer
public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
- public static TestSuite suite() {
- return suite(AST2Tests.class);
- }
- public AST2Tests() {
- super();
- }
- public AST2Tests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public void testBug75189() throws Exception {
- parseAndCheckBindings( "struct A{};\n typedef int (*F) (struct A*);" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parseAndCheckBindings( "struct A{};\n typedef int (*F) (A*);", ParserLanguage.CPP ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testBug75340() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings( "void f(int i = 0, int * p = 0);"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTSimpleDeclaration sd = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
- assertEquals( ASTSignatureUtil.getParameterSignature( sd.getDeclarators()[0] ), "(int, int *)" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testBug78103() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( "int *p1; int *p2;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "union {\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "struct {int a; int b;} A;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "struct {int a; int b;};\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "} MyStruct;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "void test (void) {\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "p1 = &MyStruct.A.a;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "p2 = &MyStruct.b;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( " MyStruct.b = 1;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "}\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString() );
- }
- public void testBug43241() throws Exception {
- parseAndCheckBindings( "int m(int); int (*pm)(int) = &m; int f(int); int x = f((*pm)(5));" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testBug40768() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( "int *zzz1 (char);\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "int (*zzz2) (char); \n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "int ((*zzz3)) (char); \n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "int (*(zzz4)) (char); \n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C );
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertNoProblemBindings( col );
- }
- protected IASTTranslationUnit parseAndCheckBindings( String code, ParserLanguage lang ) throws Exception {
- return parseAndCheckBindings(code, lang, false);
- }
- protected IASTTranslationUnit parseAndCheckBindings( String code, ParserLanguage lang, boolean useGnuExtensions) throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( code, lang, useGnuExtensions );
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertNoProblemBindings( col );
- return tu;
- }
- protected IASTTranslationUnit parseAndCheckBindings( String code ) throws Exception {
- return parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.C);
- }
- public void testBasicFunction() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
- buff.append("int x;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("void f(int y) {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append(" int z = x + y;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buff.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IScope globalScope = tu.getScope();
- IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
- // int x
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_x = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_x = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_x
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, declspec_x.getType());
- IASTDeclarator declor_x = decl_x.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_x = declor_x.getName();
- assertEquals("x", name_x.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // function - void f()
- IASTFunctionDefinition funcdef_f = (IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[1];
- IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_f = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) funcdef_f
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_void, declspec_f.getType());
- IASTFunctionDeclarator declor_f = funcdef_f.getDeclarator();
- IASTName name_f = declor_f.getName();
- assertEquals("f", name_f.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // parameter - int y
- assertTrue(declor_f instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
- IASTParameterDeclaration decl_y = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) declor_f)
- .getParameters()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_y = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_y
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, declspec_y.getType());
- IASTDeclarator declor_y = decl_y.getDeclarator();
- IASTName name_y = declor_y.getName();
- assertEquals("y", name_y.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // int z
- IASTCompoundStatement body_f = (IASTCompoundStatement) funcdef_f
- .getBody();
- IASTDeclarationStatement declstmt_z = (IASTDeclarationStatement) body_f
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_z = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declstmt_z
- .getDeclaration();
- IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_z = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_z
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, declspec_z.getType());
- IASTDeclarator declor_z = decl_z.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_z = declor_z.getName();
- assertEquals("z", name_z.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // = x + y
- IASTInitializerExpression initializer = (IASTInitializerExpression) declor_z
- .getInitializer();
- IASTBinaryExpression init_z = (IASTBinaryExpression) initializer
- .getExpression();
- assertEquals(IASTBinaryExpression.op_plus, init_z.getOperator());
- IASTIdExpression ref_x = (IASTIdExpression) init_z.getOperand1();
- IASTName name_ref_x = ref_x.getName();
- assertEquals("x", name_ref_x.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTIdExpression ref_y = (IASTIdExpression) init_z.getOperand2();
- IASTName name_ref_y = ref_y.getName();
- assertEquals("y", name_ref_y.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // resolve the binding to get the variable object
- IVariable var_x = (IVariable) name_x.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(globalScope, var_x.getScope());
- IFunction func_f = (IFunction) name_f.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(globalScope, func_f.getScope());
- IParameter var_y = (IParameter) name_y.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(((IASTCompoundStatement) funcdef_f.getBody()).getScope(),
- var_y.getScope());
- IVariable var_z = (IVariable) name_z.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(((ICFunctionScope) func_f.getFunctionScope())
- .getBodyScope(), var_z.getScope());
- // make sure the variable referenced is the same one we declared above
- assertEquals(var_x, name_ref_x.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(var_y, name_ref_y.resolveBinding());
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_y.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_y);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_z.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_z);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_ref_x.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_ref_y.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_y);
- // // test clearBindings
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("z").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("y").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
- // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("z").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("y").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSimpleStruct() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
- buff.append("typedef struct {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append(" int x;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("} S;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("void f() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append(" S myS;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append(" myS.x = 5;"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("}"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buff.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier type = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) decl
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- // it's a typedef
- assertEquals(IASTDeclSpecifier.sc_typedef, type.getStorageClass());
- // this an anonymous struct
- IASTName name_struct = type.getName();
- assertTrue(name_struct.isDeclaration());
- assertFalse(name_struct.isReference());
- assertEquals("", name_struct.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // member - x
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_x = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) type
- .getMembers()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier spec_x = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_x
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- // it's an int
- assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, spec_x.getType());
- IASTDeclarator tor_x = decl_x.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_x = tor_x.getName();
- assertEquals("x", name_x.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // declarator S
- IASTDeclarator tor_S = decl.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_S = tor_S.getName();
- assertEquals("S", name_S.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // function f
- IASTFunctionDefinition def_f = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- // f's body
- IASTCompoundStatement body_f = (IASTCompoundStatement) def_f.getBody();
- // the declaration statement for myS
- IASTDeclarationStatement declstmt_myS = (IASTDeclarationStatement) body_f
- .getStatements()[0];
- // the declaration for myS
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_myS = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declstmt_myS
- .getDeclaration();
- // the type specifier for myS
- IASTNamedTypeSpecifier type_spec_myS = (IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl_myS
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- // the type name for myS
- IASTName name_type_myS = type_spec_myS.getName();
- // the declarator for myS
- IASTDeclarator tor_myS = decl_myS.getDeclarators()[0];
- // the name for myS
- IASTName name_myS = tor_myS.getName();
- // the assignment expression statement
- IASTExpressionStatement exprstmt = (IASTExpressionStatement) body_f
- .getStatements()[1];
- // the assignment expression
- IASTBinaryExpression assexpr = (IASTBinaryExpression) exprstmt
- .getExpression();
- // the field reference to myS.x
- IASTFieldReference fieldref = (IASTFieldReference) assexpr
- .getOperand1();
- // the reference to myS
- IASTIdExpression ref_myS = (IASTIdExpression) fieldref.getFieldOwner();
- IASTLiteralExpression lit_5 = (IASTLiteralExpression) assexpr
- .getOperand2();
- assertEquals("5", lit_5.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // Logical Bindings In Test
- ICompositeType type_struct = (ICompositeType) name_struct
- .resolveBinding();
- ITypedef typedef_S = (ITypedef) name_S.resolveBinding();
- // make sure the typedef is hooked up correctly
- assertEquals(type_struct, typedef_S.getType());
- // the typedef S for myS
- ITypedef typedef_myS = (ITypedef) name_type_myS.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(typedef_S, typedef_myS);
- // get the real type for S which is our anonymous struct
- ICompositeType type_myS = (ICompositeType) typedef_myS.getType();
- assertEquals(type_myS, type_struct);
- // the variable myS
- IVariable var_myS = (IVariable) name_myS.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(typedef_S, var_myS.getType());
- assertEquals(var_myS, ref_myS.getName().resolveBinding());
- IField field_x = (IField) name_x.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(field_x, fieldref.getFieldName().resolveBinding());
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_struct.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_struct);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def_f.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], def_f.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_S.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_S);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_myS.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_myS);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(ref_myS.getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_myS);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fieldref.getFieldName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
- }
- public void testCExpressions() throws ParserException {
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("++x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixIncr); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("--x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixDecr); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("+x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_plus); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("-x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_minus); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("!x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_not); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("~x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_tilde); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("*x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_star); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("&x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_amper); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC(
- "sizeof x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_sizeof); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleTypeIdExpressionC(
- "sizeof( int )", IASTTypeIdExpression.op_sizeof); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleUnaryTypeIdExpression(
- "(int)x", IASTCastExpression.op_cast); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimplePostfixInitializerExpressionC("(int) { 5 }"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimplePostfixInitializerExpressionC("(int) { 5, }"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x*=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiplyAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x/=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_divideAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x%=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_moduloAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x+=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_plusAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x-=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_minusAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x<<=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeftAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x>>=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRightAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x&=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAndAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x^=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXorAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x|=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOrAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x-y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_minus); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x+y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_plus); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x/y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_divide); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x*y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiply); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x%y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_modulo); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x<<y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeft); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x>>y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRight); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x<y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessThan); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x>y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterThan); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x<=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessEqual); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x>=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterEqual); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x==y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_equals); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x!=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_notequals); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x&y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAnd); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x^y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXor); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x|y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOr); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x&&y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_logicalAnd); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
- "x||y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_logicalOr); //$NON-NLS-1$
- validateConditionalExpressionC("x ? y : x"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testMultipleDeclarators() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int r, s;", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTDeclarator[] declarators = decl.getDeclarators();
- assertEquals(2, declarators.length);
- IASTDeclarator dtor1 = declarators[0];
- IASTDeclarator dtor2 = declarators[1];
- IASTName name1 = dtor1.getName();
- IASTName name2 = dtor2.getName();
- assertEquals(name1.resolveBinding().getName(), "r"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertEquals(name2.resolveBinding().getName(), "s"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name2);
- }
- public void testStructureTagScoping_1() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct A; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f(){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" struct A; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" struct A * a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- // struct A;
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl1
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(0, decl1.getDeclarators().length);
- IASTName nameA1 = compTypeSpec.getName();
- // void f() {
- IASTFunctionDefinition fndef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement = (IASTCompoundStatement) fndef
- .getBody();
- assertEquals(2, compoundStatement.getStatements().length);
- // struct A;
- IASTDeclarationStatement declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compoundStatement
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
- .getDeclaration();
- compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2.getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(0, decl2.getDeclarators().length);
- IASTName nameA2 = compTypeSpec.getName();
- // struct A * a;
- declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compoundStatement
- .getStatements()[1];
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
- .getDeclaration();
- compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl3.getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTName nameA3 = compTypeSpec.getName();
- IASTDeclarator dtor = decl3.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName namea = dtor.getName();
- assertEquals(1, dtor.getPointerOperators().length);
- assertTrue(dtor.getPointerOperators()[0] instanceof ICASTPointer);
- // bindings
- ICompositeType str1 = (ICompositeType) nameA1.resolveBinding();
- ICompositeType str2 = (ICompositeType) nameA2.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var = (IVariable) namea.resolveBinding();
- IType str3pointer = var.getType();
- assertTrue(str3pointer instanceof IPointerType);
- ICompositeType str3 = (ICompositeType) ((IPointerType) str3pointer)
- .getType();
- ICompositeType str4 = (ICompositeType) nameA3.resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(str1);
- assertNotNull(str2);
- assertNotSame(str1, str2);
- assertSame(str2, str3);
- assertSame(str3, str4);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], nameA1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fndef.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fndef.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], nameA2);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA3.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], nameA2);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(namea.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], namea);
- }
- public void testStructureTagScoping_2() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct A; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f(){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" struct A * a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- // struct A;
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl1
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(0, decl1.getDeclarators().length);
- IASTName nameA1 = compTypeSpec.getName();
- // void f() {
- IASTFunctionDefinition fndef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement = (IASTCompoundStatement) fndef
- .getBody();
- assertEquals(1, compoundStatement.getStatements().length);
- // struct A * a;
- IASTDeclarationStatement declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compoundStatement
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
- .getDeclaration();
- compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2.getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTName nameA2 = compTypeSpec.getName();
- IASTDeclarator dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName namea = dtor.getName();
- assertEquals(1, dtor.getPointerOperators().length);
- assertTrue(dtor.getPointerOperators()[0] instanceof ICASTPointer);
- // bindings
- ICompositeType str1 = (ICompositeType) nameA1.resolveBinding();
- ICompositeType str2 = (ICompositeType) nameA2.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var = (IVariable) namea.resolveBinding();
- IPointerType str3pointer = (IPointerType) var.getType();
- ICompositeType str3 = (ICompositeType) str3pointer.getType();
- assertNotNull(str1);
- assertSame(str1, str2);
- assertSame(str2, str3);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], nameA1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fndef.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fndef.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], nameA1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(namea.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], namea);
- }
- public void testStructureDef() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct A; \r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct A * a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct A { int i; }; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" a->i; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- // struct A;
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elabTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl1
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(0, decl1.getDeclarators().length);
- IASTName name_A1 = elabTypeSpec.getName();
- // struct A * a;
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- elabTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2.getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTName name_A2 = elabTypeSpec.getName();
- IASTDeclarator dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_a = dtor.getName();
- assertEquals(1, dtor.getPointerOperators().length);
- assertTrue(dtor.getPointerOperators()[0] instanceof ICASTPointer);
- // struct A {
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[2];
- ICASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compTypeSpec = (ICASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) decl3
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTName name_Adef = compTypeSpec.getName();
- // int i;
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl4 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) compTypeSpec
- .getMembers()[0];
- dtor = decl4.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_i = dtor.getName();
- // void f() {
- IASTFunctionDefinition fndef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[3];
- IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement = (IASTCompoundStatement) fndef
- .getBody();
- assertEquals(1, compoundStatement.getStatements().length);
- // a->i;
- IASTExpressionStatement exprstmt = (IASTExpressionStatement) compoundStatement
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTFieldReference fieldref = (IASTFieldReference) exprstmt
- .getExpression();
- IASTIdExpression id_a = (IASTIdExpression) fieldref.getFieldOwner();
- IASTName name_aref = id_a.getName();
- IASTName name_iref = fieldref.getFieldName();
- // bindings
- IVariable var_a1 = (IVariable) name_aref.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var_i1 = (IVariable) name_iref.resolveBinding();
- IPointerType structA_1pointer = (IPointerType) var_a1.getType();
- ICompositeType structA_1 = (ICompositeType) structA_1pointer.getType();
- ICompositeType structA_2 = (ICompositeType) name_A1.resolveBinding();
- ICompositeType structA_3 = (ICompositeType) name_A2.resolveBinding();
- ICompositeType structA_4 = (ICompositeType) name_Adef.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var_a2 = (IVariable) name_a.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var_i2 = (IVariable) name_i.resolveBinding();
- assertSame(var_a1, var_a2);
- assertSame(var_i1, var_i2);
- assertSame(structA_1, structA_2);
- assertSame(structA_2, structA_3);
- assertSame(structA_3, structA_4);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_Adef);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_Adef);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_Adef.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_Adef);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fndef.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fndef.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_aref.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_iref.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- }
- public void testStructureNamespace() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct x {}; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f( int x ) { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" struct x i; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration declaration1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier typeSpec = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) declaration1
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTName x_1 = typeSpec.getName();
- IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- assertTrue(fdef.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
- IASTParameterDeclaration param = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdef
- .getDeclarator()).getParameters()[0];
- IASTName x_2 = param.getDeclarator().getName();
- IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) fdef.getBody();
- IASTDeclarationStatement declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compound
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclaration declaration2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
- .getDeclaration();
- IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elab = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) declaration2
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTName x_3 = elab.getName();
- ICompositeType x1 = (ICompositeType) x_1.resolveBinding();
- IVariable x2 = (IVariable) x_2.resolveBinding();
- ICompositeType x3 = (ICompositeType) x_3.resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(x1);
- assertNotNull(x2);
- assertSame(x1, x3);
- assertNotSame(x2, x3);
- IASTDeclarator decl_i = declaration2.getDeclarators()[0];
- decl_i.getName().resolveBinding(); // add i's binding to the scope
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x_1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], x_1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fdef.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fdef.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x_2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], x_2);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x_3.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], x_1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(declaration2.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], declaration2.getDeclarators()[0].getName());
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_TAG, new String("x").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNotNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("i").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
- // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_TAG, new String("x").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- // assertNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
- // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("i").toCharArray()));
- // //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testFunctionParameters() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f( int a ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f( int b ){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" b; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- // void f(
- IASTSimpleDeclaration f_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator dtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) f_decl
- .getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName f_name1 = dtor.getName();
- // int a );
- IASTParameterDeclaration param1 = dtor.getParameters()[0];
- IASTDeclarator paramDtor = param1.getDeclarator();
- IASTName name_param1 = paramDtor.getName();
- // void f(
- IASTFunctionDefinition f_defn = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- assertTrue(f_defn.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
- dtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) f_defn.getDeclarator();
- IASTName f_name2 = dtor.getName();
- // int b );
- IASTParameterDeclaration param2 = dtor.getParameters()[0];
- paramDtor = param2.getDeclarator();
- IASTName name_param2 = paramDtor.getName();
- // b;
- IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) f_defn
- .getBody();
- IASTExpressionStatement expStatement = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTIdExpression idexp = (IASTIdExpression) expStatement
- .getExpression();
- IASTName name_param3 = idexp.getName();
- // bindings
- IParameter param_1 = (IParameter) name_param3.resolveBinding();
- IParameter param_2 = (IParameter) name_param2.resolveBinding();
- IParameter param_3 = (IParameter) name_param1.resolveBinding();
- IFunction f_1 = (IFunction) f_name1.resolveBinding();
- IFunction f_2 = (IFunction) f_name2.resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(param_1);
- assertNotNull(f_1);
- assertSame(param_1, param_2);
- assertSame(param_2, param_3);
- assertSame(f_1, f_2);
- CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
- param_1 = (IParameter) name_param1.resolveBinding();
- param_2 = (IParameter) name_param3.resolveBinding();
- param_3 = (IParameter) name_param2.resolveBinding();
- f_1 = (IFunction) f_name2.resolveBinding();
- f_2 = (IFunction) f_name1.resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(param_1);
- assertNotNull(f_1);
- assertSame(param_1, param_2);
- assertSame(param_2, param_3);
- assertSame(f_1, f_2);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(f_name1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], f_name1);
- assertEquals(decls[1], f_name2);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_param1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_param1);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_param2);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(f_name2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], f_name1);
- assertEquals(decls[1], f_name2);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_param2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_param1);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_param2);
- }
- public void testSimpleFunction() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("void f( int a, int b ) { } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTFunctionDefinition fDef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- assertTrue(fDef.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
- IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator fDtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fDef
- .getDeclarator();
- IASTName fName = fDtor.getName();
- IASTParameterDeclaration a = fDtor.getParameters()[0];
- IASTName name_a = a.getDeclarator().getName();
- IASTParameterDeclaration b = fDtor.getParameters()[1];
- IASTName name_b = b.getDeclarator().getName();
- IFunction function = (IFunction) fName.resolveBinding();
- IParameter param_a = (IParameter) name_a.resolveBinding();
- IParameter param_b = (IParameter) name_b.resolveBinding();
- assertEquals("f", function.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertEquals("a", param_a.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertEquals("b", param_b.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IParameter[] params = function.getParameters();
- assertEquals(2, params.length);
- assertSame(params[0], param_a);
- assertSame(params[1], param_b);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fName.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fName);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_b.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_b);
- }
- public void testSimpleFunctionCall() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f(); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void g() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" f(); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f(){ } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- // void f();
- IASTSimpleDeclaration fdecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator fdtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdecl
- .getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_f = fdtor.getName();
- // void g() {
- IASTFunctionDefinition gdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- // f();
- IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) gdef.getBody();
- IASTExpressionStatement expStatement = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTFunctionCallExpression fcall = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expStatement
- .getExpression();
- IASTIdExpression fcall_id = (IASTIdExpression) fcall
- .getFunctionNameExpression();
- IASTName name_fcall = fcall_id.getName();
- assertNull(fcall.getParameterExpression());
- // void f() {}
- IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[2];
- assertTrue(fdef.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
- fdtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdef.getDeclarator();
- IASTName name_fdef = fdtor.getName();
- // bindings
- IFunction function_1 = (IFunction) name_fcall.resolveBinding();
- IFunction function_2 = (IFunction) name_f.resolveBinding();
- IFunction function_3 = (IFunction) name_fdef.resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(function_1);
- assertSame(function_1, function_2);
- assertSame(function_2, function_3);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_fdef);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(gdef.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], gdef.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_fcall.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_fdef);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_fdef.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
- assertEquals(decls[1], name_fdef);
- }
- public void testForLoop() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" i; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- // void f() {
- IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) fdef.getBody();
- // for(
- IASTForStatement for_stmt = (IASTForStatement) compound.getStatements()[0];
- // int i = 0;
- IASTSimpleDeclaration initDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) for_stmt
- .getInitializerStatement()).getDeclaration();
- IASTDeclarator dtor = initDecl.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_i = dtor.getName();
- // i < 5;
- IASTBinaryExpression exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) for_stmt
- .getConditionExpression();
- IASTIdExpression id_i = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand1();
- IASTName name_i2 = id_i.getName();
- IASTLiteralExpression lit_5 = (IASTLiteralExpression) exp.getOperand2();
- assertEquals(IASTLiteralExpression.lk_integer_constant, lit_5.getKind());
- // i++ ) {
- IASTUnaryExpression un = (IASTUnaryExpression) for_stmt
- .getIterationExpression();
- IASTIdExpression id_i2 = (IASTIdExpression) un.getOperand();
- IASTName name_i3 = id_i2.getName();
- assertEquals(IASTUnaryExpression.op_postFixIncr, un.getOperator());
- // i;
- compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) for_stmt.getBody();
- IASTExpressionStatement exprSt = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTIdExpression id_i3 = (IASTIdExpression) exprSt.getExpression();
- IASTName name_i4 = id_i3.getName();
- // bindings
- IVariable var_1 = (IVariable) name_i4.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var_2 = (IVariable) name_i.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var_3 = (IVariable) name_i2.resolveBinding();
- IVariable var_4 = (IVariable) name_i3.resolveBinding();
- assertSame(var_1, var_2);
- assertSame(var_2, var_3);
- assertSame(var_3, var_4);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fdef.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fdef.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i3.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i4.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- }
- public void testExpressionFieldReference() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct A { int x; }; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f(){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" ((struct A *) 1)->x; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compType = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) simpleDecl
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_x = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) compType
- .getMembers()[0];
- IASTName name_x1 = decl_x.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) fdef.getBody();
- IASTExpressionStatement expStatement = (IASTExpressionStatement) body
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTFieldReference fieldRef = (IASTFieldReference) expStatement
- .getExpression();
- IASTName name_x2 = fieldRef.getFieldName();
- IField x1 = (IField) name_x1.resolveBinding();
- IField x2 = (IField) name_x2.resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(x1);
- assertSame(x1, x2);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(compType.getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], compType.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fdef.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fdef.getDeclarator().getName());
- IASTCastExpression castExpression = (IASTCastExpression) ((IASTUnaryExpression) ((IASTFieldReference) expStatement
- .getExpression()).getFieldOwner()).getOperand();
- IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elaboratedTypeSpecifier = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) castExpression
- .getTypeId().getDeclSpecifier());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(elaboratedTypeSpecifier.getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], compType.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x1);
- }
- public void testLabels() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" while( 1 ) { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" if( 1 ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" goto end; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" end: ; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector collector = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(collector);
- assertEquals(collector.size(), 3);
- IFunction function = (IFunction) collector.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- ILabel label_1 = (ILabel) collector.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- ILabel label_2 = (ILabel) collector.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(function);
- assertNotNull(label_1);
- assertEquals(label_1, label_2);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(collector.getName(0)
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], collector.getName(0));
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(collector.getName(1).resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], collector.getName(2));
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(collector.getName(2).resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], collector.getName(2));
- }
- public void testAnonStruct() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("typedef struct { } X;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int f( X x );"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTName name_X1 = decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName name_f = decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName name_X2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl2
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclSpecifier())
- .getName();
- IASTName name_x = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl2
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
- .getName();
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_X1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_X1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_X2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_X1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
- }
- public void testLongLong() throws ParserException {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("long long x;\n", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTName name_x = decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
- }
- public void testEnumerations() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("enum hue { red, blue, green }; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("enum hue col, *cp; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" col = blue; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" cp = &col; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" if( *cp != red ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" return; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- assertEquals(decl1.getDeclarators().length, 0);
- ICASTEnumerationSpecifier enumSpec = (ICASTEnumerationSpecifier) decl1
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- IASTEnumerator e1 = enumSpec.getEnumerators()[0];
- IASTEnumerator e2 = enumSpec.getEnumerators()[1];
- IASTEnumerator e3 = enumSpec.getEnumerators()[2];
- IASTName name_hue = enumSpec.getName();
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTDeclarator dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTName name_col = dtor.getName();
- dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[1];
- IASTName name_cp = dtor.getName();
- IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier spec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- assertEquals(spec.getKind(), IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier.k_enum);
- IASTName name_hue2 = spec.getName();
- IASTFunctionDefinition fn = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[2];
- IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) fn.getBody();
- IASTExpressionStatement expStatement1 = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
- .getStatements()[0];
- IASTBinaryExpression exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) expStatement1
- .getExpression();
- assertEquals(exp.getOperator(), IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign);
- IASTIdExpression id1 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand1();
- IASTIdExpression id2 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand2();
- IASTName r_col = id1.getName();
- IASTName r_blue = id2.getName();
- IASTExpressionStatement expStatement2 = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
- .getStatements()[1];
- exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) expStatement2.getExpression();
- assertEquals(exp.getOperator(), IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign);
- id1 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand1();
- IASTUnaryExpression ue = (IASTUnaryExpression) exp.getOperand2();
- id2 = (IASTIdExpression) ue.getOperand();
- IASTName r_cp = id1.getName();
- IASTName r_col2 = id2.getName();
- IASTIfStatement ifStatement = (IASTIfStatement) compound
- .getStatements()[2];
- exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) ifStatement.getConditionExpression();
- ue = (IASTUnaryExpression) exp.getOperand1();
- id1 = (IASTIdExpression) ue.getOperand();
- id2 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand2();
- IASTName r_cp2 = id1.getName();
- IASTName r_red = id2.getName();
- IEnumeration hue = (IEnumeration) name_hue.resolveBinding();
- IEnumerator red = (IEnumerator) e1.getName().resolveBinding();
- IEnumerator blue = (IEnumerator) e2.getName().resolveBinding();
- IEnumerator green = (IEnumerator) e3.getName().resolveBinding();
- IVariable col = (IVariable) name_col.resolveBinding();
- IVariable cp = (IVariable) name_cp.resolveBinding();
- IEnumeration hue_2 = (IEnumeration) name_hue2.resolveBinding();
- IVariable col2 = (IVariable) r_col.resolveBinding();
- IEnumerator blue2 = (IEnumerator) r_blue.resolveBinding();
- IVariable cp2 = (IVariable) r_cp.resolveBinding();
- IVariable col3 = (IVariable) r_col2.resolveBinding();
- IVariable cp3 = (IVariable) r_cp2.resolveBinding();
- IEnumerator red2 = (IEnumerator) r_red.resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(hue);
- assertSame(hue, hue_2);
- assertNotNull(red);
- assertNotNull(green);
- assertNotNull(blue);
- assertNotNull(col);
- assertNotNull(cp);
- assertSame(col, col2);
- assertSame(blue, blue2);
- assertSame(cp, cp2);
- assertSame(col, col3);
- assertSame(cp, cp3);
- assertSame(red, red2);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_hue.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_hue);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(e1.getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], e1.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(e2.getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], e2.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(e3.getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], e3.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_hue2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_hue);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_col.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_col);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_cp.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_cp);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fn.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], fn.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_col.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_col);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_blue.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], e2.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_cp.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_cp);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_col2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_col);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_cp2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_cp);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_red.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], e1.getName());
- }
- public void testPointerToFunction() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int (*pfi)();", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertEquals(tu.getDeclarations().length, 1);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration d = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
- assertEquals(d.getDeclarators().length, 1);
- IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator f = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) d
- .getDeclarators()[0];
- assertEquals(f.getName().toString(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertNotNull(f.getNestedDeclarator());
- assertEquals(f.getNestedDeclarator().getName().toString(), "pfi"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(f.getPointerOperators().length == 0);
- assertFalse(f.getNestedDeclarator().getPointerOperators().length == 0);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(f.getNestedDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], f.getNestedDeclarator().getName());
- }
- public void testBasicTypes() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("int a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("char * b; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("const int c; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("const char * const d; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("const char ** e; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("const char * const * const volatile ** const * f; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IVariable a = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- IVariable b = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
- IVariable c = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
- IVariable d = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[4];
- IVariable e = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[5];
- IVariable f = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType t_a_1 = a.getType();
- assertTrue(t_a_1 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isLong());
- assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isShort());
- assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isSigned());
- assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isUnsigned());
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_a_1).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IType t_b_1 = b.getType();
- assertTrue(t_b_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType t_b_2 = ((IPointerType) t_b_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_b_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_b_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
- IType t_c_1 = c.getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_1 instanceof IQualifierType);
- assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_c_1).isConst());
- IType t_c_2 = ((IQualifierType) t_c_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_c_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IType t_d_1 = d.getType();
- assertTrue(t_d_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_d_1).isConst());
- IType t_d_2 = ((IPointerType) t_d_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_d_2 instanceof IQualifierType);
- assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_d_2).isConst());
- IType t_d_3 = ((IQualifierType) t_d_2).getType();
- assertTrue(t_d_3 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_d_3).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
- IType t_e_1 = e.getType();
- assertTrue(t_e_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_e_1).isConst());
- IType t_e_2 = ((IPointerType) t_e_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_e_2 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_e_2).isConst());
- IType t_e_3 = ((IPointerType) t_e_2).getType();
- assertTrue(t_e_3 instanceof IQualifierType);
- assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_e_3).isConst());
- IType t_e_4 = ((IQualifierType) t_e_3).getType();
- assertTrue(t_e_4 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_e_4).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
- IType t_f_1 = f.getType();
- assertTrue(t_f_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_1).isConst());
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_1).isVolatile());
- IType t_f_2 = ((IPointerType) t_f_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_f_2 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_2).isConst());
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_2).isVolatile());
- IType t_f_3 = ((IPointerType) t_f_2).getType();
- assertTrue(t_f_3 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_3).isConst());
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_3).isVolatile());
- IType t_f_4 = ((IPointerType) t_f_3).getType();
- assertTrue(t_f_4 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_4).isConst());
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_4).isVolatile());
- IType t_f_5 = ((IPointerType) t_f_4).getType();
- assertTrue(t_f_5 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_5).isConst());
- assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_5).isVolatile());
- IType t_f_6 = ((IPointerType) t_f_5).getType();
- assertTrue(t_f_6 instanceof IQualifierType);
- assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_f_6).isConst());
- IType t_f_7 = ((IQualifierType) t_f_6).getType();
- assertTrue(t_f_7 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_f_7).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
- }
- public void testCompositeTypes() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct A {} a1; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef struct A * AP; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct A * const a2; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("AP a3; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compSpec = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) decl
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- ICompositeType A = (ICompositeType) compSpec.getName().resolveBinding();
- IASTName name_a1 = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IVariable a1 = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTName name_A2 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
- IASTName name_AP = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- ITypedef AP = (ITypedef) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
- IASTName name_A3 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
- IVariable a2 = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IASTName name_a2 = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
- IVariable a3 = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IASTName name_a3 = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName name_AP2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl.getDeclSpecifier())
- .getName();
- IType t_a1 = a1.getType();
- assertSame(t_a1, A);
- IType t_a2 = a2.getType();
- assertTrue(t_a2 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_a2).isConst());
- assertSame(((IPointerType) t_a2).getType(), A);
- IType t_a3 = a3.getType();
- assertSame(t_a3, AP);
- IType t_AP = AP.getType();
- assertTrue(t_AP instanceof IPointerType);
- assertSame(((IPointerType) t_AP).getType(), A);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(compSpec.getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], compSpec.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_a1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], compSpec.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_AP.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_AP);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A3.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], compSpec.getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_a2);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_AP2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_AP);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a3.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_a3);
- }
- public void testArrayTypes() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("int a[restrict]; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("char * b[][]; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("const char * const c[][][]; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTName name_a = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IVariable a = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTName name_b = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IVariable b = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
- IASTName name_c = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IVariable c = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType t_a_1 = a.getType();
- assertTrue(t_a_1 instanceof ICArrayType);
- assertTrue(((ICArrayType) t_a_1).isRestrict());
- IType t_a_2 = ((IArrayType) t_a_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_a_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_a_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IType t_b_1 = b.getType();
- assertTrue(t_b_1 instanceof IArrayType);
- IType t_b_2 = ((IArrayType) t_b_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_b_2 instanceof IArrayType);
- IType t_b_3 = ((IArrayType) t_b_2).getType();
- assertTrue(t_b_3 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType t_b_4 = ((IPointerType) t_b_3).getType();
- assertTrue(t_b_4 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_b_4).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
- IType t_c_1 = c.getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_1 instanceof IArrayType);
- IType t_c_2 = ((IArrayType) t_c_1).getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_2 instanceof IArrayType);
- IType t_c_3 = ((IArrayType) t_c_2).getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_3 instanceof IArrayType);
- IType t_c_4 = ((IArrayType) t_c_3).getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_4 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_c_4).isConst());
- IType t_c_5 = ((IPointerType) t_c_4).getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_5 instanceof IQualifierType);
- assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_c_5).isConst());
- IType t_c_6 = ((IQualifierType) t_c_5).getType();
- assertTrue(t_c_6 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_c_6).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_b.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_b);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_c.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_c);
- }
- public void testFunctionTypes() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct A; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int * f( int i, char c ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void ( *g ) ( struct A * ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void (* (*h)(struct A**) ) ( int d ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elabSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl
- .getDeclSpecifier();
- ICompositeType A = (ICompositeType) elabSpec.getName().resolveBinding();
- IASTName name_A1 = elabSpec.getName();
- assertTrue(name_A1.isDeclaration());
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- IFunction f = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IASTName name_f = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName name_i = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
- .getName();
- IASTName name_c = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[1].getDeclarator()
- .getName();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
- IVariable g = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0]
- .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
- IASTName name_g = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()
- .getName();
- IASTName name_A2 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclSpecifier())
- .getName();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
- IVariable h = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0]
- .getNestedDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IASTName name_h = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()
- .getNestedDeclarator().getName();
- IASTName name_A3 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()).getParameters()[0]
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
- IASTName name_d = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
- .getName();
- IFunctionType t_f = f.getType();
- IType t_f_return = t_f.getReturnType();
- assertTrue(t_f_return instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_return).getType() instanceof IBasicType);
- IType[] t_f_params = t_f.getParameterTypes();
- assertEquals(t_f_params.length, 2);
- assertTrue(t_f_params[0] instanceof IBasicType);
- assertTrue(t_f_params[1] instanceof IBasicType);
- // g is a pointer to a function that returns void and has 1 parameter
- // struct A *
- IType t_g = g.getType();
- assertTrue(t_g instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_g).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
- IFunctionType t_g_func = (IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) t_g).getType();
- IType t_g_func_return = t_g_func.getReturnType();
- assertTrue(t_g_func_return instanceof IBasicType);
- IType[] t_g_func_params = t_g_func.getParameterTypes();
- assertEquals(t_g_func_params.length, 1);
- IType t_g_func_p1 = t_g_func_params[0];
- assertTrue(t_g_func_p1 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertSame(((IPointerType) t_g_func_p1).getType(), A);
- // h is a pointer to a function that returns a pointer to a function
- // the returned pointer to function returns void and takes 1 parameter
- // int
- // the *h function takes 1 parameter struct A**
- IType t_h = h.getType();
- assertTrue(t_h instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_h).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
- IFunctionType t_h_func = (IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) t_h).getType();
- IType t_h_func_return = t_h_func.getReturnType();
- IType[] t_h_func_params = t_h_func.getParameterTypes();
- assertEquals(t_h_func_params.length, 1);
- IType t_h_func_p1 = t_h_func_params[0];
- assertTrue(t_h_func_p1 instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_h_func_p1).getType() instanceof IPointerType);
- assertSame(((IPointerType) ((IPointerType) t_h_func_p1).getType())
- .getType(), A);
- assertTrue(t_h_func_return instanceof IPointerType);
- IFunctionType h_return = (IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) t_h_func_return)
- .getType();
- IType h_r = h_return.getReturnType();
- IType[] h_ps = h_return.getParameterTypes();
- assertTrue(h_r instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(h_ps.length, 1);
- assertTrue(h_ps[0] instanceof IBasicType);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_c.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_c);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_g.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_g);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_h.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_h);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A3.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
- assertNull("Expected null, got "+name_d.resolveBinding(), name_d.resolveBinding());
- }
- public void testDesignatedInitializers() throws ParserException {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("typedef struct {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int x;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int y;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} Coord;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef struct {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("Coord *pos;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int width;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} Point;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int main(int argc, char *argv[])\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("{\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("Coord xy = {.y = 10, .x = 11};\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("Point point = {.width = 100, .pos = &xy};\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- assertNotNull(tu);
- IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
- IASTName name_Coord = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0])
- .getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName name_x = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0])
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName name_y = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0])
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName name_Point = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[1])
- .getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName name_pos = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[1])
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName name_width = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[1])
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTFunctionDefinition main = (IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[2];
- IASTStatement[] statements = ((IASTCompoundStatement) main.getBody())
- .getStatements();
- IASTSimpleDeclaration xy = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) statements[0])
- .getDeclaration();
- IASTName name_Coord2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) xy.getDeclSpecifier())
- .getName();
- IASTName name_xy = xy.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTDeclarator declarator_xy = xy.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTInitializer[] initializers1 = ((IASTInitializerList) declarator_xy
- .getInitializer()).getInitializers();
- IASTName name_y2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[0])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- // test bug 87649
- assertEquals(((ASTNode) (ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[0])
- .getLength(), 7);
- IASTName name_x2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[1])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- IASTSimpleDeclaration point = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) statements[1])
- .getDeclaration();
- IASTName name_Point2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) point
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
- IASTName name_point = point.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTDeclarator declarator_point = point.getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTInitializer[] initializers2 = ((IASTInitializerList) declarator_point
- .getInitializer()).getInitializers();
- IASTName name_width2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers2[0])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- IASTName name_pos2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers2[1])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- IASTName name_xy2 = ((IASTIdExpression) ((IASTUnaryExpression) ((IASTInitializerExpression) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers2[1])
- .getOperandInitializer()).getExpression()).getOperand())
- .getName();
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
- ICASTDesignatedInitializer designatedInitializer = (ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[i];
- assertEquals(designatedInitializer.getDesignators().length, 1);
- ICASTFieldDesignator fieldDesignator = (ICASTFieldDesignator) designatedInitializer
- .getDesignators()[0];
- assertNotNull(fieldDesignator.getName().toString());
- }
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_Coord2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_Coord);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_xy.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_xy);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_y2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_y);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_Point2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_Point);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_point.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_point);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_width2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_width);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_pos2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_pos);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_xy2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_xy);
- }
- public void testMoregetDeclarationsInAST1() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct S {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int a;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int b;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} s;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int f() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct S s = {.a=1,.b=2};\n}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration S_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTFunctionDefinition f_def = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTName a1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName b1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName a2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) f_def
- .getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getDeclaration())
- .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[0])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- IASTName b2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) f_def
- .getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getDeclaration())
- .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[1])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- assertEquals(a1.resolveBinding(), a2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(b1.resolveBinding(), b2.resolveBinding());
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(a1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(a1, decls[0]);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(b1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(b1, decls[0]);
- }
- public void testMoregetDeclarationsInAST2() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append(" struct S { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int b; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} s = {.a=1,.b=2};\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration S_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTName a1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName b1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName a2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) S_decl
- .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[0])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- IASTName b2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) S_decl
- .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[1])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- assertEquals(a1.resolveBinding(), a2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(b1.resolveBinding(), b2.resolveBinding());
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(a1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(a1, decls[0]);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(b1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(b1, decls[0]);
- }
- public void testMoregetDeclarationsInAST3() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append(" typedef struct S { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int b; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} s;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef s t;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef t y;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("y x = {.a=1,.b=2};\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration S_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTSimpleDeclaration x_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[3];
- IASTName a1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName b1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
- .getName();
- IASTName a2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) x_decl
- .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[0])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- IASTName b2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) x_decl
- .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[1])
- .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
- assertEquals(a1.resolveBinding(), a2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(b1.resolveBinding(), b2.resolveBinding());
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(a1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(a1, decls[0]);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(b1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(b1, decls[0]);
- }
- public void testFnReturningPtrToFn() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "void ( * f( int ) )(){}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTFunctionDefinition def = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IFunction f = (IFunction) def.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
- .getName().resolveBinding();
- IFunctionType ft = f.getType();
- assertTrue(ft.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft.getReturnType()).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
- assertEquals(ft.getParameterTypes().length, 1);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def.getDeclarator()
- .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], def.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
- .getName());
- }
- // test C99: A declaration of a parameter as ''array of type''
- // shall be adjusted to ''qualified pointer to
- // type'', where the type qualifiers (if any) are those specified within the
- // [ and ] of the
- // array type derivation.
- public void testArrayTypeToQualifiedPointerTypeParm() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "void f(int parm[const 3]);", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTSimpleDeclaration def = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IFunction f = (IFunction) def.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IFunctionType ft = f.getType();
- assertTrue(ft.getParameterTypes()[0] instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft.getParameterTypes()[0]).isConst());
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName name_parm = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) def
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
- .getName();
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_parm.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_parm);
- }
- public void testFunctionDefTypes() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("int f() {}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int *f2() {}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int (* f3())() {}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTFunctionDefinition def1 = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IFunction f = (IFunction) def1.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IASTFunctionDefinition def2 = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- IFunction f2 = (IFunction) def2.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IASTFunctionDefinition def3 = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[2];
- IFunction f3 = (IFunction) def3.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IFunctionType ft = f.getType();
- IFunctionType ft2 = f2.getType();
- IFunctionType ft3 = f3.getType();
- assertTrue(ft.getReturnType() instanceof IBasicType);
- assertTrue(ft2.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft2.getReturnType()).getType() instanceof IBasicType);
- assertTrue(ft3.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft3.getReturnType()).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
- assertTrue(((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ft3.getReturnType())
- .getType()).getReturnType() instanceof IBasicType);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def1.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], def1.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def2.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], def2.getDeclarator().getName());
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def3.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
- .getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], def3.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
- .getName());
- }
- // any parameter to type function returning T is adjusted to be pointer to
- // function returning T
- public void testParmToFunction() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "int f(int g(void)) { return g();}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTFunctionDefinition def = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IFunction f = (IFunction) def.getDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType ft = ((CFunction) f).getType();
- assertTrue(ft instanceof IFunctionType);
- IType gt_1 = ((IFunctionType) ft).getParameterTypes()[0];
- assertTrue(gt_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType gt_2 = ((IPointerType) gt_1).getType();
- assertTrue(gt_2 instanceof IFunctionType);
- IType gt_ret = ((IFunctionType) gt_2).getReturnType();
- assertTrue(gt_ret instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) gt_ret).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IType gt_parm = ((IFunctionType) gt_2).getParameterTypes()[0];
- assertTrue(gt_parm instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) gt_parm).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- assertTrue(def.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
- IASTName name_g = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) def.getDeclarator())
- .getParameters()[0].getDeclarator().getName();
- IASTName name_g_call = ((IASTIdExpression) ((IASTFunctionCallExpression) ((IASTReturnStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) def
- .getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getReturnValue())
- .getFunctionNameExpression()).getName();
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_g_call.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_g);
- }
- public void testArrayPointerFunction() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "int (*v[])(int *x, int *y);", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- IVariable v = (IVariable) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getNestedDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType vt_1 = v.getType();
- assertTrue(vt_1 instanceof IArrayType);
- IType vt_2 = ((IArrayType) vt_1).getType();
- assertTrue(vt_2 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType vt_3 = ((IPointerType) vt_2).getType();
- assertTrue(vt_3 instanceof IFunctionType);
- IType vt_ret = ((IFunctionType) vt_3).getReturnType();
- assertTrue(vt_ret instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) vt_ret).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- assertEquals(((IFunctionType) vt_3).getParameterTypes().length, 2);
- IType vpt_1 = ((IFunctionType) vt_3).getParameterTypes()[0];
- assertTrue(vpt_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType vpt_1_2 = ((IPointerType) vpt_1).getType();
- assertTrue(vpt_1_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) vpt_1_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IType vpt_2 = ((IFunctionType) vt_3).getParameterTypes()[0];
- assertTrue(vpt_2 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType vpt_2_2 = ((IPointerType) vpt_1).getType();
- assertTrue(vpt_2_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) vpt_2_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName[] decls = tu
- .getDeclarationsInAST(((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getNestedDeclarator().getName()
- .resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getNestedDeclarator().getName());
- }
- public void testTypedefExample4a() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("typedef void DWORD;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef DWORD v;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("v signal(int);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- ITypedef dword = (ITypedef) decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType dword_t = dword.getType();
- assertTrue(dword_t instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) dword_t).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- ITypedef v = (ITypedef) decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType v_t_1 = v.getType();
- assertTrue(v_t_1 instanceof ITypedef);
- IType v_t_2 = ((ITypedef) v_t_1).getType();
- assertTrue(v_t_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) v_t_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[2];
- IFunction signal = (IFunction) decl3.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IFunctionType signal_t = signal.getType();
- IType signal_ret = signal_t.getReturnType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret instanceof ITypedef);
- IType signal_ret2 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret).getType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret2 instanceof ITypedef);
- IType signal_ret3 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret2).getType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret3 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_ret3).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName name_DWORD = decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName name_v = decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_DWORD.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_DWORD);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl2
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_DWORD);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl3
- .getDeclSpecifier()).getName().resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_v);
- }
- public void testTypedefExample4b() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("typedef void DWORD;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef DWORD (*pfv)(int);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("pfv signal(int, pfv);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- ITypedef dword = (ITypedef) decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType dword_t = dword.getType();
- assertTrue(dword_t instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) dword_t).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[1];
- ITypedef pfv = (ITypedef) decl2.getDeclarators()[0]
- .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
- IType pfv_t_1 = pfv.getType();
- assertTrue(pfv_t_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType pfv_t_2 = ((IPointerType) pfv_t_1).getType();
- assertTrue(pfv_t_2 instanceof IFunctionType);
- IType pfv_t_2_ret_1 = ((IFunctionType) pfv_t_2).getReturnType();
- assertTrue(pfv_t_2_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
- IType pfv_t_2_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) pfv_t_2_ret_1).getType();
- assertTrue(pfv_t_2_ret_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) pfv_t_2_ret_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertTrue(((ITypedef) pfv_t_2_ret_1).getName().equals("DWORD")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IType pfv_t_2_parm = ((IFunctionType) pfv_t_2).getParameterTypes()[0];
- assertTrue(pfv_t_2_parm instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) pfv_t_2_parm).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[2];
- IFunction signal = (IFunction) decl3.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IFunctionType signal_t = signal.getType();
- IType signal_ret_1 = signal_t.getReturnType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
- IType signal_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret_1).getType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret_2 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType signal_ret_3 = ((IPointerType) signal_ret_2).getType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret_3 instanceof IFunctionType);
- IType signal_ret_ret_1 = ((IFunctionType) signal_ret_3).getReturnType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
- IType signal_ret_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret_ret_1).getType();
- assertTrue(signal_ret_ret_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_ret_ret_2).getType(),
- IBasicType.t_void);
- assertTrue(((ITypedef) signal_ret_ret_1).getName().equals("DWORD")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IType signal_parm_t1 = signal_t.getParameterTypes()[0];
- assertTrue(signal_parm_t1 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_parm_t1).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IType signal_parm_t2 = signal_t.getParameterTypes()[1];
- assertTrue(signal_parm_t2 instanceof ITypedef);
- IType signal_parm_t2_1 = ((ITypedef) signal_parm_t2).getType();
- assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_1 instanceof IPointerType);
- IType signal_parm_t2_2 = ((IPointerType) signal_parm_t2_1).getType();
- assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_2 instanceof IFunctionType);
- IType signal_parm_t2_ret_1 = ((IFunctionType) signal_parm_t2_2)
- .getReturnType();
- assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
- IType signal_parm_t2_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) signal_parm_t2_ret_1)
- .getType();
- assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_ret_2 instanceof IBasicType);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_parm_t2_ret_2).getType(),
- IBasicType.t_void);
- assertTrue(((ITypedef) signal_parm_t2_ret_1).getName().equals("DWORD")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
- IASTName name_pfv = decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()
- .getName();
- IASTName name_pfv1 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl3.getDeclSpecifier())
- .getName();
- IASTName name_pfv2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl3
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[1].getDeclSpecifier())
- .getName();
- IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_pfv1.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_pfv);
- decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_pfv2.resolveBinding());
- assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
- assertEquals(decls[0], name_pfv);
- }
- public void testTypedefExample4c() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(
- "typedef void fv(int), (*pfv)(int);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void (*signal1(int, void (*)(int)))(int);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("fv *signal2(int, fv *);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("pfv signal3(int, pfv);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0];
- ITypedef fv = (ITypedef) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- ITypedef pfv = (ITypedef) decl.getDeclarators()[1]
- .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
- IType fv_t = fv.getType();
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) fv_t).getReturnType())
- .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) fv_t).getParameterTypes()[0])
- .getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- IType pfv_t = pfv.getType();
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) pfv_t)
- .getType()).getReturnType()).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) pfv
- .getType()).getType()).getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(),
- IBasicType.t_int);
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- IFunction signal1 = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0]
- .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
- IType signal1_t = signal1.getType();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
- IFunction signal2 = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType signal2_t = signal2.getType();
- decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
- IFunction signal3 = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
- .resolveBinding();
- IType signal3_t = signal3.getType();
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
- .getReturnType()).getType()).getReturnType()).getType(),
- IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getReturnType())
- .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getParameterTypes()[0])
- .getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((ITypedef) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
- .getReturnType()).getType()).getType()).getReturnType())
- .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((ITypedef) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
- .getReturnType()).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((ITypedef) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
- .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((ITypedef) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
- .getReturnType()).getType()).getType()).getReturnType())
- .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((ITypedef) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
- .getReturnType()).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
- assertEquals(
- ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((ITypedef) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
- .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
- .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
- }
- public void testBug80992() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("const int x = 10;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int y [ const static x ];"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ICASTArrayModifier mod = (ICASTArrayModifier) ((IASTArrayDeclarator) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parse(
- buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[1])
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getArrayModifiers()[0];
- assertTrue(mod.isConst());
- assertTrue(mod.isStatic());
- assertFalse(mod.isRestrict());
- assertFalse(mod.isVolatile());
- assertFalse(mod.isVariableSized());
- }
- public void testBug80978() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("int y ( int [ const *] );"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ICASTArrayModifier mod = (ICASTArrayModifier) ((IASTArrayDeclarator) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parse(
- buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[0])
- .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator())
- .getArrayModifiers()[0];
- assertTrue(mod.isConst());
- assertTrue(mod.isVariableSized());
- assertFalse(mod.isStatic());
- assertFalse(mod.isRestrict());
- assertFalse(mod.isVolatile());
- }
-//AJN: bug 77383 don't do external variables
-// public void testExternalVariable() throws Exception {
-// StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-// buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-// buffer.append(" if( a == 0 ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-// buffer.append(" a = a + 3; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-// buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-// IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
-// CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
-// tu.accept(col);
-// IVariable a = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
-// assertNotNull(a);
-// assertTrue(a instanceof ICExternalBinding);
-// assertInstances(col, a, 3);
-// }
- public void testExternalDefs() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int a = 1; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" if( a == 0 ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" g( a ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" if( a < 0 ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" g( a >> 1 ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" if( a > 0 ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" g( *(&a + 2) ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IVariable a = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IFunction g = (IFunction) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(a);
- assertNotNull(g);
- assertTrue(g instanceof ICExternalBinding);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 11);
- assertInstances(col, a, 7);
- assertInstances(col, g, 3);
- }
- public void testFieldDesignators() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("typedef struct { int x; int y; } Coord; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" Coord xy = { .x = 10, .y = 11 }; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
- IField x = (IField) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IField y = (IField) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- ITypedef Coord = (ITypedef) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
- assertInstances(col, x, 2);
- assertInstances(col, y, 2);
- assertInstances(col, Coord, 2);
- }
- public void testArrayDesignator() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("enum { member_one, member_two }; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("const char *nm[] = { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" [member_one] = \"one\", \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" [member_two] = \"two\" \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
- IEnumerator one = (IEnumerator) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IEnumerator two = (IEnumerator) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- assertInstances(col, one, 2);
- assertInstances(col, two, 2);
- }
- public void testBug83737() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("if( a == 0 )\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("g( a );\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("else if( a < 0 )\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("g( a >> 1 );\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("else if( a > 0 )\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("g( *(&a + 2) );\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTIfStatement if_statement = (IASTIfStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
- .getDeclarations()[0]).getBody()).getStatements()[0];
- assertEquals(((IASTBinaryExpression) if_statement
- .getConditionExpression()).getOperator(),
- IASTBinaryExpression.op_equals);
- IASTIfStatement second_if_statement = (IASTIfStatement) if_statement
- .getElseClause();
- assertEquals(((IASTBinaryExpression) second_if_statement
- .getConditionExpression()).getOperator(),
- IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessThan);
- IASTIfStatement third_if_statement = (IASTIfStatement) second_if_statement
- .getElseClause();
- assertEquals(((IASTBinaryExpression) third_if_statement
- .getConditionExpression()).getOperator(),
- IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterThan);
- }
- public void testBug84090_LabelReferences() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" while(1){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" if( 1 ) goto end; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" end: ; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
- ILabel end = (ILabel) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IASTName[] refs = tu.getReferences(end);
- assertEquals(refs.length, 1);
- assertSame(refs[0].resolveBinding(), end);
- }
- public void testBug84092_EnumReferences() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("enum col { red, blue }; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("enum col c; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector collector = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(collector);
- assertEquals(collector.size(), 5);
- IEnumeration col = (IEnumeration) collector.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- IASTName[] refs = tu.getReferences(col);
- assertEquals(refs.length, 1);
- assertSame(refs[0].resolveBinding(), col);
- }
- public void testBug84096_FieldDesignatorRef() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "struct s { int a; } ss = { .a = 1 }; \n", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector collector = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(collector);
- assertEquals(collector.size(), 4);
- IField a = (IField) collector.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IASTName[] refs = tu.getReferences(a);
- assertEquals(refs.length, 1);
- assertSame(refs[0].resolveBinding(), a);
- }
- public void testProblems() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- " a += ;", ParserLanguage.C, true, false); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTProblem[] ps = CVisitor.getProblems(tu);
- assertEquals(ps.length, 1);
- ps[0].getMessage();
- }
- public void testEnumerationForwards() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("enum e; \n;"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("enum e{ one }; \n;"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
- IEnumeration e = (IEnumeration) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- IEnumerator[] etors = e.getEnumerators();
- assertTrue(etors.length == 1);
- assertFalse(etors[0] instanceof IProblemBinding);
- assertInstances(col, e, 2);
- }
- public void testBug84185() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int ( *p ) [2]; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" (&p)[0] = 1; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
- IVariable p = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- assertTrue(p.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
- assertTrue(((IPointerType) p.getType()).getType() instanceof IArrayType);
- IArrayType at = (IArrayType) ((IPointerType) p.getType()).getType();
- assertTrue(at.getType() instanceof IBasicType);
- assertInstances(col, p, 2);
- }
- public void testBug84185_2() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int ( *p ) [2]; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" (&p)[0] = 1; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
- IVariable p_ref = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- IVariable p_decl = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- assertSame(p_ref, p_decl);
- }
- public void testBug84176() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(
- "// example from: C99\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct s { int i; };\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f (void)\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("{\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" struct s *p = 0, *q;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int j = 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("q = p;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("p = &((struct s){ j++ }); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, false, true);
- }
- public void testBug84266() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct s { double i; } f(void); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct s f(void){} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
- ICompositeType s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
- ICompositeType s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0)
- .resolveBinding();
- assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
- CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
- s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
- assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
- }
- public void testBug84266_2() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("struct s f(void);", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
- ICompositeType s = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(s);
- tu = parse("struct s f(void){}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
- s = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(s);
- }
- public void testBug84250() throws Exception {
- assertTrue(((IASTDeclarationStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) parse(
- "void f() { int (*p) [2]; }", ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[0]).getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getDeclaration() instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testBug84186() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct s1 { struct s2 *s2p; /* ... */ }; // D1 \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct s2 { struct s1 *s1p; /* ... */ }; // D2 \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
- ICompositeType s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- ICompositeType s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(3)
- .resolveBinding();
- assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
- CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
- s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
- s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
- }
- public void testBug84267() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("typedef struct { int a; } S; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void g( S* (*funcp) (void) ) { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" (*funcp)()->a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" funcp()->a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 11);
- ITypedef S = (ITypedef) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- IField a = (IField) col.getName(10).resolveBinding();
- IParameter funcp = (IParameter) col.getName(7).resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(funcp);
- assertInstances(col, funcp, 3);
- assertInstances(col, a, 3);
- assertTrue(funcp.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
- IType t = ((IPointerType) funcp.getType()).getType();
- assertTrue(t instanceof IFunctionType);
- IFunctionType ft = (IFunctionType) t;
- assertTrue(ft.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
- assertSame(((IPointerType) ft.getReturnType()).getType(), S);
- }
- public void testBug84228() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f( int m, int c[m][m] ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f( int m, int c[m][m] ){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int x; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" { int x = x; } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertEquals(col.size(), 13);
- IParameter m = (IParameter) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
- IVariable x3 = (IVariable) col.getName(12).resolveBinding();
- IVariable x2 = (IVariable) col.getName(11).resolveBinding();
- IVariable x1 = (IVariable) col.getName(10).resolveBinding();
- assertSame(x2, x3);
- assertNotSame(x1, x2);
- assertInstances(col, m, 6);
- assertInstances(col, x1, 1);
- assertInstances(col, x2, 2);
- IASTName[] ds = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x2);
- assertEquals(ds.length, 1);
- assertSame(ds[0], col.getName(11));
- }
- public void testBug84236() throws Exception {
- String code = "double maximum(double a[ ][*]);"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTSimpleDeclaration d = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) parse(code,
- ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator fd = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) d
- .getDeclarators()[0];
- IASTParameterDeclaration p = fd.getParameters()[0];
- IASTArrayDeclarator a = (IASTArrayDeclarator) p.getDeclarator();
- ICASTArrayModifier star = (ICASTArrayModifier) a.getArrayModifiers()[1];
- assertTrue(star.isVariableSized());
- }
- public void testBug85049() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("typedef int B;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void g() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("B * bp; //1\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit t = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTFunctionDefinition g = (IASTFunctionDefinition) t.getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) g.getBody();
- final IASTStatement statement = body.getStatements()[0];
- assertTrue(statement instanceof IASTDeclarationStatement);
- IASTSimpleDeclaration bp = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) statement)
- .getDeclaration();
- assertTrue(bp.getDeclarators()[0].getName().resolveBinding() instanceof IVariable);
- }
- public void testBug86766() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "char foo; void foo(){}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IVariable foo = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- IProblemBinding prob = (IProblemBinding) col.getName(1)
- .resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(prob.getID(), IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_OVERLOAD);
- assertNotNull(foo);
- }
- public void testBug88338_C() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "struct A; struct A* a;", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CPPNameCollector col = new CPPNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertTrue(col.getName(0).isDeclaration());
- assertFalse(col.getName(0).isReference());
- assertTrue(col.getName(1).isReference());
- assertFalse(col.getName(1).isDeclaration());
- tu = parse("struct A* a; struct A;", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- col = new CPPNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- assertTrue(col.getName(0).isDeclaration());
- assertFalse(col.getName(0).isReference());
- assertTrue(col.getName(2).isDeclaration());
- assertFalse(col.getName(2).isReference());
- }
- public void test88460() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("void f();", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IFunction f = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- assertFalse(f.isStatic());
- }
- public void testBug90253() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "void f(int par) { int v1; };", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IFunction f = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- IParameter p = (IParameter) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IVariable v1 = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- IScope scope = f.getFunctionScope();
- IBinding[] bs = scope.find("par"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertEquals(bs.length, 1);
- assertSame(bs[0], p);
- bs = scope.find("v1"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertEquals(bs.length, 1);
- assertSame(bs[0], v1);
- }
- public void testFind() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct S {}; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int S; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f( ) { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int S; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" S : ; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- ICompositeType S1 = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- IVariable S2 = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IFunction f = (IFunction) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- IVariable S3 = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
- ILabel S4 = (ILabel) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
- IScope scope = f.getFunctionScope();
- IBinding[] bs = scope.find("S"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertNotNull(S2);
- assertEquals(bs.length, 3);
- assertSame(bs[0], S3);
- assertSame(bs[1], S1);
- assertSame(bs[2], S4);
- }
- public void test92791() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "void f() { int x, y; x * y; }", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- for (int i = 0; i < col.size(); ++i)
- assertFalse(col.getName(i).resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
- tu = parse(
- "void f() { typedef int x; int y; x * y; }", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- for (int i = 0; i < col.size(); ++i)
- assertFalse(col.getName(i).resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
- }
- public void testBug85786() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
- "void f( int ); void foo () { void * p = &f; ( (void (*) (int)) p ) ( 1 ); }", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector nameResolver = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(nameResolver);
- assertNoProblemBindings(nameResolver);
- }
- public void testBug95720() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append( "void func() {\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( " int i=0;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "i= i&0x00ff;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "i= (i)&0x00ff;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "}\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C );
- CNameCollector nameResolver = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(nameResolver);
- assertNoProblemBindings(nameResolver);
- }
- protected void assertNoProblemBindings(CNameCollector col) {
- Iterator i = col.nameList.iterator();
- while (i.hasNext()) {
- IASTName n = (IASTName);
- assertFalse(n.resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
- }
- }
- protected void assertProblemBindings(CNameCollector col, int count) {
- Iterator i = col.nameList.iterator();
- int sum = 0;
- while (i.hasNext()) {
- IASTName n = (IASTName);
- if (n.getBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding)
- ++sum;
- }
- assertEquals(count, sum);
- }
- public void testBug94365() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("#define ONE(a, ...) int x\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("#define TWO(b, args...) int y\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int main()\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("{\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("ONE(\"string\"); /* err */\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("TWO(\"string\"); /* err */\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- }
- public void testBug95119() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
- buff.append("#define MACRO(a)\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("void main() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("MACRO(\'\"\');\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buff.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
- assertEquals(declarations.length, 1);
- assertNotNull(declarations[0]);
- assertTrue(declarations[0] instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition);
- assertEquals(((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0]).getDeclarator()
- .getName().toString(), "main"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0])
- .getBody()).getStatements()[0] instanceof IASTNullStatement);
- buff = new StringBuffer();
- buff.append("#define MACRO(a)\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("void main() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("MACRO(\'X\');\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buff.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- tu = parse(buff.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
- assertEquals(declarations.length, 1);
- assertNotNull(declarations[0]);
- assertTrue(declarations[0] instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition);
- assertEquals(((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0]).getDeclarator()
- .getName().toString(), "main"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0])
- .getBody()).getStatements()[0] instanceof IASTNullStatement);
- }
- public void testBug81739() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("typedef long _TYPE;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef _TYPE TYPE;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int function(TYPE (* pfv)(int parm));\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- }
- public void testBug95757() throws Exception {
+ public static TestSuite suite() {
+ return suite(AST2Tests.class);
+ }
+ public AST2Tests() {
+ super();
+ }
+ public AST2Tests(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ protected IASTTranslationUnit parseAndCheckBindings( String code ) throws Exception {
+ return parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.C);
+ }
+ public void testBug75189() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings( "struct A{};\n typedef int (*F) (struct A*);" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ parseAndCheckBindings( "struct A{};\n typedef int (*F) (A*);", ParserLanguage.CPP ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ public void testBug75340() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings( "void f(int i = 0, int * p = 0);"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration sd = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
+ assertEquals( ASTSignatureUtil.getParameterSignature( sd.getDeclarators()[0] ), "(int, int *)" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ // int *p1; int *p2;
+ // union {
+ // struct {int a; int b;} A;
+ // struct {int a; int b;};
+ // } MyStruct;
+ // void test (void) {
+ // p1 = &MyStruct.A.a;
+ // p2 = &MyStruct.b;
+ // MyStruct.b = 1;
+ // }
+ public void testBug78103() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment() );
+ }
+ // int m(int);
+ // int (*pm)(int) = &m;
+ // int f(int);
+ // int x = f((*pm)(5));
+ public void testBug43241() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment());
+ }
+ // int *zzz1 (char);
+ // int (*zzz2) (char);
+ // int ((*zzz3)) (char);
+ // int (*(zzz4)) (char);
+ public void testBug40768() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C );
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertNoProblemBindings( col );
+ }
+ // int x;
+ // void f(int y) {
+ // int z = x + y;
+ // }
+ public void testBasicFunction() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IScope globalScope = tu.getScope();
+ IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
+ // int x
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_x = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_x = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_x
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, declspec_x.getType());
+ IASTDeclarator declor_x = decl_x.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_x = declor_x.getName();
+ assertEquals("x", name_x.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // function - void f()
+ IASTFunctionDefinition funcdef_f = (IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[1];
+ IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_f = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) funcdef_f
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_void, declspec_f.getType());
+ IASTFunctionDeclarator declor_f = funcdef_f.getDeclarator();
+ IASTName name_f = declor_f.getName();
+ assertEquals("f", name_f.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // parameter - int y
+ assertTrue(declor_f instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
+ IASTParameterDeclaration decl_y = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) declor_f)
+ .getParameters()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_y = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_y
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, declspec_y.getType());
+ IASTDeclarator declor_y = decl_y.getDeclarator();
+ IASTName name_y = declor_y.getName();
+ assertEquals("y", name_y.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // int z
+ IASTCompoundStatement body_f = (IASTCompoundStatement) funcdef_f
+ .getBody();
+ IASTDeclarationStatement declstmt_z = (IASTDeclarationStatement) body_f
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_z = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declstmt_z
+ .getDeclaration();
+ IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier declspec_z = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_z
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, declspec_z.getType());
+ IASTDeclarator declor_z = decl_z.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_z = declor_z.getName();
+ assertEquals("z", name_z.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // = x + y
+ IASTInitializerExpression initializer = (IASTInitializerExpression) declor_z
+ .getInitializer();
+ IASTBinaryExpression init_z = (IASTBinaryExpression) initializer
+ .getExpression();
+ assertEquals(IASTBinaryExpression.op_plus, init_z.getOperator());
+ IASTIdExpression ref_x = (IASTIdExpression) init_z.getOperand1();
+ IASTName name_ref_x = ref_x.getName();
+ assertEquals("x", name_ref_x.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTIdExpression ref_y = (IASTIdExpression) init_z.getOperand2();
+ IASTName name_ref_y = ref_y.getName();
+ assertEquals("y", name_ref_y.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // resolve the binding to get the variable object
+ IVariable var_x = (IVariable) name_x.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(globalScope, var_x.getScope());
+ IFunction func_f = (IFunction) name_f.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(globalScope, func_f.getScope());
+ IParameter var_y = (IParameter) name_y.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(((IASTCompoundStatement) funcdef_f.getBody()).getScope(),
+ var_y.getScope());
+ IVariable var_z = (IVariable) name_z.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(((ICFunctionScope) func_f.getFunctionScope())
+ .getBodyScope(), var_z.getScope());
+ // make sure the variable referenced is the same one we declared above
+ assertEquals(var_x, name_ref_x.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(var_y, name_ref_y.resolveBinding());
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_y.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_y);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_z.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_z);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_ref_x.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_ref_y.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_y);
+ // // test clearBindings
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("z").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("y").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("z").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) body_f.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("y").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ // typedef struct {
+ // int x;
+ // } S;
+ //
+ // void f() {
+ // S myS;
+ // myS.x = 5;
+ // }
+ public void testSimpleStruct() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier type = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ // it's a typedef
+ assertEquals(IASTDeclSpecifier.sc_typedef, type.getStorageClass());
+ // this an anonymous struct
+ IASTName name_struct = type.getName();
+ assertTrue(name_struct.isDeclaration());
+ assertFalse(name_struct.isReference());
+ assertEquals("", name_struct.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // member - x
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_x = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) type
+ .getMembers()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier spec_x = (IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) decl_x
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ // it's an int
+ assertEquals(IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_int, spec_x.getType());
+ IASTDeclarator tor_x = decl_x.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_x = tor_x.getName();
+ assertEquals("x", name_x.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // declarator S
+ IASTDeclarator tor_S = decl.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_S = tor_S.getName();
+ assertEquals("S", name_S.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // function f
+ IASTFunctionDefinition def_f = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ // f's body
+ IASTCompoundStatement body_f = (IASTCompoundStatement) def_f.getBody();
+ // the declaration statement for myS
+ IASTDeclarationStatement declstmt_myS = (IASTDeclarationStatement) body_f
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ // the declaration for myS
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_myS = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declstmt_myS
+ .getDeclaration();
+ // the type specifier for myS
+ IASTNamedTypeSpecifier type_spec_myS = (IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl_myS
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ // the type name for myS
+ IASTName name_type_myS = type_spec_myS.getName();
+ // the declarator for myS
+ IASTDeclarator tor_myS = decl_myS.getDeclarators()[0];
+ // the name for myS
+ IASTName name_myS = tor_myS.getName();
+ // the assignment expression statement
+ IASTExpressionStatement exprstmt = (IASTExpressionStatement) body_f
+ .getStatements()[1];
+ // the assignment expression
+ IASTBinaryExpression assexpr = (IASTBinaryExpression) exprstmt
+ .getExpression();
+ // the field reference to myS.x
+ IASTFieldReference fieldref = (IASTFieldReference) assexpr
+ .getOperand1();
+ // the reference to myS
+ IASTIdExpression ref_myS = (IASTIdExpression) fieldref.getFieldOwner();
+ IASTLiteralExpression lit_5 = (IASTLiteralExpression) assexpr
+ .getOperand2();
+ assertEquals("5", lit_5.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // Logical Bindings In Test
+ ICompositeType type_struct = (ICompositeType) name_struct
+ .resolveBinding();
+ ITypedef typedef_S = (ITypedef) name_S.resolveBinding();
+ // make sure the typedef is hooked up correctly
+ assertEquals(type_struct, typedef_S.getType());
+ // the typedef S for myS
+ ITypedef typedef_myS = (ITypedef) name_type_myS.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(typedef_S, typedef_myS);
+ // get the real type for S which is our anonymous struct
+ ICompositeType type_myS = (ICompositeType) typedef_myS.getType();
+ assertEquals(type_myS, type_struct);
+ // the variable myS
+ IVariable var_myS = (IVariable) name_myS.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(typedef_S, var_myS.getType());
+ assertEquals(var_myS, ref_myS.getName().resolveBinding());
+ IField field_x = (IField) name_x.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(field_x, fieldref.getFieldName().resolveBinding());
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_struct.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_struct);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def_f.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], def_f.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_S.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_S);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_myS.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_myS);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(ref_myS.getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_myS);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fieldref.getFieldName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
+ }
+ public void testCExpressions() throws ParserException {
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("++x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixIncr); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("--x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixDecr); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("+x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_plus); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("-x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_minus); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("!x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_not); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("~x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_tilde); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("*x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_star); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC("&x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_amper); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryExpressionC(
+ "sizeof x", IASTUnaryExpression.op_sizeof); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleTypeIdExpressionC(
+ "sizeof( int )", IASTTypeIdExpression.op_sizeof); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleUnaryTypeIdExpression(
+ "(int)x", IASTCastExpression.op_cast); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimplePostfixInitializerExpressionC("(int) { 5 }"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimplePostfixInitializerExpressionC("(int) { 5, }"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x*=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiplyAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x/=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_divideAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x%=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_moduloAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x+=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_plusAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x-=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_minusAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x<<=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeftAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x>>=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRightAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x&=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAndAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x^=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXorAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x|=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOrAssign); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x-y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_minus); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x+y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_plus); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x/y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_divide); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x*y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiply); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x%y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_modulo); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x<<y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeft); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x>>y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRight); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x<y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessThan); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x>y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterThan); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x<=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessEqual); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x>=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterEqual); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x==y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_equals); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x!=y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_notequals); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x&y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAnd); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x^y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXor); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC("x|y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOr); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x&&y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_logicalAnd); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateSimpleBinaryExpressionC(
+ "x||y", IASTBinaryExpression.op_logicalOr); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ validateConditionalExpressionC("x ? y : x"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ public void testMultipleDeclarators() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int r, s;", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTDeclarator[] declarators = decl.getDeclarators();
+ assertEquals(2, declarators.length);
+ IASTDeclarator dtor1 = declarators[0];
+ IASTDeclarator dtor2 = declarators[1];
+ IASTName name1 = dtor1.getName();
+ IASTName name2 = dtor2.getName();
+ assertEquals(name1.resolveBinding().getName(), "r"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertEquals(name2.resolveBinding().getName(), "s"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name2);
+ }
+ public void testStructureTagScoping_1() throws Exception {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("struct A; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("void f(){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append(" struct A; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append(" struct A * a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // struct A;
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl1
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(0, decl1.getDeclarators().length);
+ IASTName nameA1 = compTypeSpec.getName();
+ // void f() {
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fndef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement = (IASTCompoundStatement) fndef
+ .getBody();
+ assertEquals(2, compoundStatement.getStatements().length);
+ // struct A;
+ IASTDeclarationStatement declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compoundStatement
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
+ .getDeclaration();
+ compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2.getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(0, decl2.getDeclarators().length);
+ IASTName nameA2 = compTypeSpec.getName();
+ // struct A * a;
+ declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compoundStatement
+ .getStatements()[1];
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
+ .getDeclaration();
+ compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl3.getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTName nameA3 = compTypeSpec.getName();
+ IASTDeclarator dtor = decl3.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName namea = dtor.getName();
+ assertEquals(1, dtor.getPointerOperators().length);
+ assertTrue(dtor.getPointerOperators()[0] instanceof ICASTPointer);
+ // bindings
+ ICompositeType str1 = (ICompositeType) nameA1.resolveBinding();
+ ICompositeType str2 = (ICompositeType) nameA2.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var = (IVariable) namea.resolveBinding();
+ IType str3pointer = var.getType();
+ assertTrue(str3pointer instanceof IPointerType);
+ ICompositeType str3 = (ICompositeType) ((IPointerType) str3pointer)
+ .getType();
+ ICompositeType str4 = (ICompositeType) nameA3.resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(str1);
+ assertNotNull(str2);
+ assertNotSame(str1, str2);
+ assertSame(str2, str3);
+ assertSame(str3, str4);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], nameA1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fndef.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fndef.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], nameA2);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA3.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], nameA2);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(namea.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], namea);
+ }
+ public void testStructureTagScoping_2() throws Exception {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("struct A; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("void f(){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append(" struct A * a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("} \r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // struct A;
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl1
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(0, decl1.getDeclarators().length);
+ IASTName nameA1 = compTypeSpec.getName();
+ // void f() {
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fndef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement = (IASTCompoundStatement) fndef
+ .getBody();
+ assertEquals(1, compoundStatement.getStatements().length);
+ // struct A * a;
+ IASTDeclarationStatement declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compoundStatement
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
+ .getDeclaration();
+ compTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2.getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTName nameA2 = compTypeSpec.getName();
+ IASTDeclarator dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName namea = dtor.getName();
+ assertEquals(1, dtor.getPointerOperators().length);
+ assertTrue(dtor.getPointerOperators()[0] instanceof ICASTPointer);
+ // bindings
+ ICompositeType str1 = (ICompositeType) nameA1.resolveBinding();
+ ICompositeType str2 = (ICompositeType) nameA2.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var = (IVariable) namea.resolveBinding();
+ IPointerType str3pointer = (IPointerType) var.getType();
+ ICompositeType str3 = (ICompositeType) str3pointer.getType();
+ assertNotNull(str1);
+ assertSame(str1, str2);
+ assertSame(str2, str3);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], nameA1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fndef.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fndef.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(nameA2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], nameA1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(namea.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], namea);
+ }
+ public void testStructureDef() throws Exception {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("float _Complex x;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("double _Complex y;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("struct A; \r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("struct A * a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("struct A { int i; }; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append(" a->i; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // struct A;
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elabTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl1
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(0, decl1.getDeclarators().length);
+ IASTName name_A1 = elabTypeSpec.getName();
+ // struct A * a;
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ elabTypeSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2.getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTName name_A2 = elabTypeSpec.getName();
+ IASTDeclarator dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_a = dtor.getName();
+ assertEquals(1, dtor.getPointerOperators().length);
+ assertTrue(dtor.getPointerOperators()[0] instanceof ICASTPointer);
+ // struct A {
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[2];
+ ICASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compTypeSpec = (ICASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) decl3
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTName name_Adef = compTypeSpec.getName();
+ // int i;
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl4 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) compTypeSpec
+ .getMembers()[0];
+ dtor = decl4.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_i = dtor.getName();
+ // void f() {
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fndef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[3];
+ IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement = (IASTCompoundStatement) fndef
+ .getBody();
+ assertEquals(1, compoundStatement.getStatements().length);
+ // a->i;
+ IASTExpressionStatement exprstmt = (IASTExpressionStatement) compoundStatement
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTFieldReference fieldref = (IASTFieldReference) exprstmt
+ .getExpression();
+ IASTIdExpression id_a = (IASTIdExpression) fieldref.getFieldOwner();
+ IASTName name_aref = id_a.getName();
+ IASTName name_iref = fieldref.getFieldName();
+ // bindings
+ IVariable var_a1 = (IVariable) name_aref.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var_i1 = (IVariable) name_iref.resolveBinding();
+ IPointerType structA_1pointer = (IPointerType) var_a1.getType();
+ ICompositeType structA_1 = (ICompositeType) structA_1pointer.getType();
+ ICompositeType structA_2 = (ICompositeType) name_A1.resolveBinding();
+ ICompositeType structA_3 = (ICompositeType) name_A2.resolveBinding();
+ ICompositeType structA_4 = (ICompositeType) name_Adef.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var_a2 = (IVariable) name_a.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var_i2 = (IVariable) name_i.resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(var_a1, var_a2);
+ assertSame(var_i1, var_i2);
+ assertSame(structA_1, structA_2);
+ assertSame(structA_2, structA_3);
+ assertSame(structA_3, structA_4);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_Adef);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_Adef);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_Adef.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_Adef);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fndef.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fndef.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_aref.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_iref.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
+ }
+ // struct x {};
+ // void f( int x ) {
+ // struct x i;
+ // }
+ public void testStructureNamespace() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration declaration1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier typeSpec = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) declaration1
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTName x_1 = typeSpec.getName();
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ assertTrue(fdef.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
+ IASTParameterDeclaration param = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdef
+ .getDeclarator()).getParameters()[0];
+ IASTName x_2 = param.getDeclarator().getName();
+ IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) fdef.getBody();
+ IASTDeclarationStatement declStatement = (IASTDeclarationStatement) compound
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration declaration2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declStatement
+ .getDeclaration();
+ IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elab = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) declaration2
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTName x_3 = elab.getName();
+ ICompositeType x1 = (ICompositeType) x_1.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable x2 = (IVariable) x_2.resolveBinding();
+ ICompositeType x3 = (ICompositeType) x_3.resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(x1);
+ assertNotNull(x2);
+ assertSame(x1, x3);
+ assertNotSame(x2, x3);
+ IASTDeclarator decl_i = declaration2.getDeclarators()[0];
+ decl_i.getName().resolveBinding(); // add i's binding to the scope
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x_1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], x_1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fdef.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fdef.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x_2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], x_2);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x_3.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], x_1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(declaration2.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], declaration2.getDeclarators()[0].getName());
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_TAG, new String("x").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNotNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("i").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_TAG, new String("x").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) tu.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("f").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("x").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // assertNull(((ICScope) compound.getScope()).getBinding(
+ // ICScope.NAMESPACE_TYPE_OTHER, new String("i").toCharArray()));
+ // //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ // void f( int a );
+ // void f( int b ){
+ // b;
+ // }
+ public void testFunctionParameters() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // void f(
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration f_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator dtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) f_decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName f_name1 = dtor.getName();
+ // int a );
+ IASTParameterDeclaration param1 = dtor.getParameters()[0];
+ IASTDeclarator paramDtor = param1.getDeclarator();
+ IASTName name_param1 = paramDtor.getName();
+ // void f(
+ IASTFunctionDefinition f_defn = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ assertTrue(f_defn.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
+ dtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) f_defn.getDeclarator();
+ IASTName f_name2 = dtor.getName();
+ // int b );
+ IASTParameterDeclaration param2 = dtor.getParameters()[0];
+ paramDtor = param2.getDeclarator();
+ IASTName name_param2 = paramDtor.getName();
+ // b;
+ IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) f_defn
+ .getBody();
+ IASTExpressionStatement expStatement = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTIdExpression idexp = (IASTIdExpression) expStatement
+ .getExpression();
+ IASTName name_param3 = idexp.getName();
+ // bindings
+ IParameter param_1 = (IParameter) name_param3.resolveBinding();
+ IParameter param_2 = (IParameter) name_param2.resolveBinding();
+ IParameter param_3 = (IParameter) name_param1.resolveBinding();
+ IFunction f_1 = (IFunction) f_name1.resolveBinding();
+ IFunction f_2 = (IFunction) f_name2.resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(param_1);
+ assertNotNull(f_1);
+ assertSame(param_1, param_2);
+ assertSame(param_2, param_3);
+ assertSame(f_1, f_2);
+ CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
+ param_1 = (IParameter) name_param1.resolveBinding();
+ param_2 = (IParameter) name_param3.resolveBinding();
+ param_3 = (IParameter) name_param2.resolveBinding();
+ f_1 = (IFunction) f_name2.resolveBinding();
+ f_2 = (IFunction) f_name1.resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(param_1);
+ assertNotNull(f_1);
+ assertSame(param_1, param_2);
+ assertSame(param_2, param_3);
+ assertSame(f_1, f_2);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(f_name1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], f_name1);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], f_name2);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_param1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_param1);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_param2);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(f_name2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], f_name1);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], f_name2);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_param2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_param1);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_param2);
+ }
+ // void f( int a, int b ) { }
+ public void testSimpleFunction() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fDef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ assertTrue(fDef.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
+ IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator fDtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fDef
+ .getDeclarator();
+ IASTName fName = fDtor.getName();
+ IASTParameterDeclaration a = fDtor.getParameters()[0];
+ IASTName name_a = a.getDeclarator().getName();
+ IASTParameterDeclaration b = fDtor.getParameters()[1];
+ IASTName name_b = b.getDeclarator().getName();
+ IFunction function = (IFunction) fName.resolveBinding();
+ IParameter param_a = (IParameter) name_a.resolveBinding();
+ IParameter param_b = (IParameter) name_b.resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals("f", function.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertEquals("a", param_a.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertEquals("b", param_b.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IParameter[] params = function.getParameters();
+ assertEquals(2, params.length);
+ assertSame(params[0], param_a);
+ assertSame(params[1], param_b);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fName.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fName);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_b.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_b);
+ }
+ // void f();
+ // void g() {
+ // f();
+ // }
+ // void f(){ }
+ public void testSimpleFunctionCall() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // void f();
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration fdecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator fdtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdecl
+ .getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_f = fdtor.getName();
+ // void g() {
+ IASTFunctionDefinition gdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ // f();
+ IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) gdef.getBody();
+ IASTExpressionStatement expStatement = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTFunctionCallExpression fcall = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expStatement
+ .getExpression();
+ IASTIdExpression fcall_id = (IASTIdExpression) fcall
+ .getFunctionNameExpression();
+ IASTName name_fcall = fcall_id.getName();
+ assertNull(fcall.getParameterExpression());
+ // void f() {}
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[2];
+ assertTrue(fdef.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
+ fdtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdef.getDeclarator();
+ IASTName name_fdef = fdtor.getName();
+ // bindings
+ IFunction function_1 = (IFunction) name_fcall.resolveBinding();
+ IFunction function_2 = (IFunction) name_f.resolveBinding();
+ IFunction function_3 = (IFunction) name_fdef.resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(function_1);
+ assertSame(function_1, function_2);
+ assertSame(function_2, function_3);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_fdef);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(gdef.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], gdef.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_fcall.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_fdef);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_fdef.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
+ assertEquals(decls[1], name_fdef);
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
+ // i;
+ // }
+ // }
+ public void testForLoop() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // void f() {
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) fdef.getBody();
+ // for(
+ IASTForStatement for_stmt = (IASTForStatement) compound.getStatements()[0];
+ // int i = 0;
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration initDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) for_stmt
+ .getInitializerStatement()).getDeclaration();
+ IASTDeclarator dtor = initDecl.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_i = dtor.getName();
+ // i < 5;
+ IASTBinaryExpression exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) for_stmt
+ .getConditionExpression();
+ IASTIdExpression id_i = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand1();
+ IASTName name_i2 = id_i.getName();
+ IASTLiteralExpression lit_5 = (IASTLiteralExpression) exp.getOperand2();
+ assertEquals(IASTLiteralExpression.lk_integer_constant, lit_5.getKind());
+ // i++ ) {
+ IASTUnaryExpression un = (IASTUnaryExpression) for_stmt
+ .getIterationExpression();
+ IASTIdExpression id_i2 = (IASTIdExpression) un.getOperand();
+ IASTName name_i3 = id_i2.getName();
+ assertEquals(IASTUnaryExpression.op_postFixIncr, un.getOperator());
+ // i;
+ compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) for_stmt.getBody();
+ IASTExpressionStatement exprSt = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTIdExpression id_i3 = (IASTIdExpression) exprSt.getExpression();
+ IASTName name_i4 = id_i3.getName();
+ // bindings
+ IVariable var_1 = (IVariable) name_i4.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var_2 = (IVariable) name_i.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var_3 = (IVariable) name_i2.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable var_4 = (IVariable) name_i3.resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(var_1, var_2);
+ assertSame(var_2, var_3);
+ assertSame(var_3, var_4);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fdef.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fdef.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true, true );
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i3.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i4.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
+ }
+ // struct A { int x; };
+ // void f(){
+ // ((struct A *) 1)->x;
+ // }
+ public void testExpressionFieldReference() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compType = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) simpleDecl
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl_x = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) compType
+ .getMembers()[0];
+ IASTName name_x1 = decl_x.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) fdef.getBody();
+ IASTExpressionStatement expStatement = (IASTExpressionStatement) body
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTFieldReference fieldRef = (IASTFieldReference) expStatement
+ .getExpression();
+ IASTName name_x2 = fieldRef.getFieldName();
+ IField x1 = (IField) name_x1.resolveBinding();
+ IField x2 = (IField) name_x2.resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(x1);
+ assertSame(x1, x2);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(compType.getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], compType.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fdef.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fdef.getDeclarator().getName());
+ IASTCastExpression castExpression = (IASTCastExpression) ((IASTUnaryExpression) ((IASTFieldReference) expStatement
+ .getExpression()).getFieldOwner()).getOperand();
+ IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elaboratedTypeSpecifier = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) castExpression
+ .getTypeId().getDeclSpecifier());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(elaboratedTypeSpecifier.getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], compType.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x1);
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // while( 1 ) {
+ // if( 1 )
+ // goto end;
+ // }
+ // end: ;
+ // }
+ public void testLabels() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector collector = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(collector);
+ assertEquals(collector.size(), 3);
+ IFunction function = (IFunction) collector.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ ILabel label_1 = (ILabel) collector.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ ILabel label_2 = (ILabel) collector.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(function);
+ assertNotNull(label_1);
+ assertEquals(label_1, label_2);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(collector.getName(0)
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], collector.getName(0));
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(collector.getName(1).resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], collector.getName(2));
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(collector.getName(2).resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], collector.getName(2));
+ }
+ // typedef struct { } X;
+ // int f( X x );
+ public void testAnonStruct() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTName name_X1 = decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName name_f = decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName name_X2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl2
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclSpecifier())
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_x = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl2
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
+ .getName();
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_X1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_X1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_X2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_X1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
+ }
+ public void testLongLong() throws ParserException {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("long long x;\n", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTName name_x = decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
+ }
+ // enum hue { red, blue, green };
+ // enum hue col, *cp;
+ // void f() {
+ // col = blue;
+ // cp = &col;
+ // if( *cp != red )
+ // return;
+ // }
+ public void testEnumerations() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ assertEquals(decl1.getDeclarators().length, 0);
+ ICASTEnumerationSpecifier enumSpec = (ICASTEnumerationSpecifier) decl1
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ IASTEnumerator e1 = enumSpec.getEnumerators()[0];
+ IASTEnumerator e2 = enumSpec.getEnumerators()[1];
+ IASTEnumerator e3 = enumSpec.getEnumerators()[2];
+ IASTName name_hue = enumSpec.getName();
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTDeclarator dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTName name_col = dtor.getName();
+ dtor = decl2.getDeclarators()[1];
+ IASTName name_cp = dtor.getName();
+ IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier spec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl2
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ assertEquals(spec.getKind(), IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier.k_enum);
+ IASTName name_hue2 = spec.getName();
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fn = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[2];
+ IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) fn.getBody();
+ IASTExpressionStatement expStatement1 = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
+ .getStatements()[0];
+ IASTBinaryExpression exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) expStatement1
+ .getExpression();
+ assertEquals(exp.getOperator(), IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign);
+ IASTIdExpression id1 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand1();
+ IASTIdExpression id2 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand2();
+ IASTName r_col = id1.getName();
+ IASTName r_blue = id2.getName();
+ IASTExpressionStatement expStatement2 = (IASTExpressionStatement) compound
+ .getStatements()[1];
+ exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) expStatement2.getExpression();
+ assertEquals(exp.getOperator(), IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign);
+ id1 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand1();
+ IASTUnaryExpression ue = (IASTUnaryExpression) exp.getOperand2();
+ id2 = (IASTIdExpression) ue.getOperand();
+ IASTName r_cp = id1.getName();
+ IASTName r_col2 = id2.getName();
+ IASTIfStatement ifStatement = (IASTIfStatement) compound
+ .getStatements()[2];
+ exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) ifStatement.getConditionExpression();
+ ue = (IASTUnaryExpression) exp.getOperand1();
+ id1 = (IASTIdExpression) ue.getOperand();
+ id2 = (IASTIdExpression) exp.getOperand2();
+ IASTName r_cp2 = id1.getName();
+ IASTName r_red = id2.getName();
+ IEnumeration hue = (IEnumeration) name_hue.resolveBinding();
+ IEnumerator red = (IEnumerator) e1.getName().resolveBinding();
+ IEnumerator blue = (IEnumerator) e2.getName().resolveBinding();
+ IEnumerator green = (IEnumerator) e3.getName().resolveBinding();
+ IVariable col = (IVariable) name_col.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable cp = (IVariable) name_cp.resolveBinding();
+ IEnumeration hue_2 = (IEnumeration) name_hue2.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable col2 = (IVariable) r_col.resolveBinding();
+ IEnumerator blue2 = (IEnumerator) r_blue.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable cp2 = (IVariable) r_cp.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable col3 = (IVariable) r_col2.resolveBinding();
+ IVariable cp3 = (IVariable) r_cp2.resolveBinding();
+ IEnumerator red2 = (IEnumerator) r_red.resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(hue);
+ assertSame(hue, hue_2);
+ assertNotNull(red);
+ assertNotNull(green);
+ assertNotNull(blue);
+ assertNotNull(col);
+ assertNotNull(cp);
+ assertSame(col, col2);
+ assertSame(blue, blue2);
+ assertSame(cp, cp2);
+ assertSame(col, col3);
+ assertSame(cp, cp3);
+ assertSame(red, red2);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_hue.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_hue);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(e1.getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], e1.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(e2.getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], e2.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(e3.getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], e3.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_hue2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_hue);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_col.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_col);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_cp.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_cp);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(fn.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], fn.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_col.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_col);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_blue.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], e2.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_cp.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_cp);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_col2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_col);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_cp2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_cp);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(r_red.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], e1.getName());
+ }
+ public void testPointerToFunction() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int (*pfi)();", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertEquals(tu.getDeclarations().length, 1);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration d = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
+ assertEquals(d.getDeclarators().length, 1);
+ IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator f = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) d
+ .getDeclarators()[0];
+ assertEquals(f.getName().toString(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertNotNull(f.getNestedDeclarator());
+ assertEquals(f.getNestedDeclarator().getName().toString(), "pfi"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertTrue(f.getPointerOperators().length == 0);
+ assertFalse(f.getNestedDeclarator().getPointerOperators().length == 0);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(f.getNestedDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], f.getNestedDeclarator().getName());
+ }
+ // int a;
+ // char * b;
+ // const int c;
+ // const char * const d;
+ // const char ** e;
+ // const char * const * const volatile ** const * f;
+ public void testBasicTypes() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IVariable a = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IVariable b = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
+ IVariable c = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
+ IVariable d = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[4];
+ IVariable e = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[5];
+ IVariable f = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType t_a_1 = a.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_a_1 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isLong());
+ assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isShort());
+ assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isSigned());
+ assertFalse(((IBasicType) t_a_1).isUnsigned());
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_a_1).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IType t_b_1 = b.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_b_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType t_b_2 = ((IPointerType) t_b_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_b_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_b_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
+ IType t_c_1 = c.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_1 instanceof IQualifierType);
+ assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_c_1).isConst());
+ IType t_c_2 = ((IQualifierType) t_c_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_c_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IType t_d_1 = d.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_d_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_d_1).isConst());
+ IType t_d_2 = ((IPointerType) t_d_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_d_2 instanceof IQualifierType);
+ assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_d_2).isConst());
+ IType t_d_3 = ((IQualifierType) t_d_2).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_d_3 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_d_3).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
+ IType t_e_1 = e.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_e_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_e_1).isConst());
+ IType t_e_2 = ((IPointerType) t_e_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_e_2 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_e_2).isConst());
+ IType t_e_3 = ((IPointerType) t_e_2).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_e_3 instanceof IQualifierType);
+ assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_e_3).isConst());
+ IType t_e_4 = ((IQualifierType) t_e_3).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_e_4 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_e_4).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
+ IType t_f_1 = f.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_1).isConst());
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_1).isVolatile());
+ IType t_f_2 = ((IPointerType) t_f_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_2 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_2).isConst());
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_2).isVolatile());
+ IType t_f_3 = ((IPointerType) t_f_2).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_3 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_3).isConst());
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_3).isVolatile());
+ IType t_f_4 = ((IPointerType) t_f_3).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_4 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_4).isConst());
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_4).isVolatile());
+ IType t_f_5 = ((IPointerType) t_f_4).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_5 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_5).isConst());
+ assertFalse(((IPointerType) t_f_5).isVolatile());
+ IType t_f_6 = ((IPointerType) t_f_5).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_6 instanceof IQualifierType);
+ assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_f_6).isConst());
+ IType t_f_7 = ((IQualifierType) t_f_6).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_7 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_f_7).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
+ }
+ // struct A {} a1;
+ // typedef struct A * AP;
+ // struct A * const a2;
+ // AP a3;
+ public void testCompositeTypes() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compSpec = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ ICompositeType A = (ICompositeType) compSpec.getName().resolveBinding();
+ IASTName name_a1 = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IVariable a1 = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTName name_A2 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
+ IASTName name_AP = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ ITypedef AP = (ITypedef) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
+ IASTName name_A3 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
+ IVariable a2 = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IASTName name_a2 = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
+ IVariable a3 = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IASTName name_a3 = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName name_AP2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl.getDeclSpecifier())
+ .getName();
+ IType t_a1 = a1.getType();
+ assertSame(t_a1, A);
+ IType t_a2 = a2.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_a2 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_a2).isConst());
+ assertSame(((IPointerType) t_a2).getType(), A);
+ IType t_a3 = a3.getType();
+ assertSame(t_a3, AP);
+ IType t_AP = AP.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_AP instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertSame(((IPointerType) t_AP).getType(), A);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(compSpec.getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], compSpec.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_a1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], compSpec.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_AP.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_AP);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A3.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], compSpec.getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_a2);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_AP2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_AP);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a3.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_a3);
+ }
+ // int a[restrict];
+ // char * b[][];
+ // const char * const c[][][];
+ public void testArrayTypes() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTName name_a = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IVariable a = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTName name_b = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IVariable b = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
+ IASTName name_c = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IVariable c = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType t_a_1 = a.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_a_1 instanceof ICArrayType);
+ assertTrue(((ICArrayType) t_a_1).isRestrict());
+ IType t_a_2 = ((IArrayType) t_a_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_a_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_a_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IType t_b_1 = b.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_b_1 instanceof IArrayType);
+ IType t_b_2 = ((IArrayType) t_b_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_b_2 instanceof IArrayType);
+ IType t_b_3 = ((IArrayType) t_b_2).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_b_3 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType t_b_4 = ((IPointerType) t_b_3).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_b_4 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_b_4).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
+ IType t_c_1 = c.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_1 instanceof IArrayType);
+ IType t_c_2 = ((IArrayType) t_c_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_2 instanceof IArrayType);
+ IType t_c_3 = ((IArrayType) t_c_2).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_3 instanceof IArrayType);
+ IType t_c_4 = ((IArrayType) t_c_3).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_4 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_c_4).isConst());
+ IType t_c_5 = ((IPointerType) t_c_4).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_5 instanceof IQualifierType);
+ assertTrue(((IQualifierType) t_c_5).isConst());
+ IType t_c_6 = ((IQualifierType) t_c_5).getType();
+ assertTrue(t_c_6 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) t_c_6).getType(), IBasicType.t_char);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_a.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_a);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_b.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_b);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_c.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_c);
+ }
+ // struct A;
+ // int * f( int i, char c );
+ // void ( *g ) ( struct A * );
+ // void (* (*h)(struct A**) ) ( int d );
+ public void testFunctionTypes() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elabSpec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier();
+ ICompositeType A = (ICompositeType) elabSpec.getName().resolveBinding();
+ IASTName name_A1 = elabSpec.getName();
+ assertTrue(name_A1.isDeclaration());
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IASTName name_f = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName name_i = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_c = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[1].getDeclarator()
+ .getName();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
+ IVariable g = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
+ IASTName name_g = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_A2 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclSpecifier())
+ .getName();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
+ IVariable h = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getNestedDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IASTName name_h = decl.getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()
+ .getNestedDeclarator().getName();
+ IASTName name_A3 = ((IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()).getParameters()[0]
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
+ IASTName name_d = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
+ .getName();
+ IFunctionType t_f = f.getType();
+ IType t_f_return = t_f.getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(t_f_return instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_f_return).getType() instanceof IBasicType);
+ IType[] t_f_params = t_f.getParameterTypes();
+ assertEquals(t_f_params.length, 2);
+ assertTrue(t_f_params[0] instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertTrue(t_f_params[1] instanceof IBasicType);
+ // g is a pointer to a function that returns void and has 1 parameter
+ // struct A *
+ IType t_g = g.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_g instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_g).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IFunctionType t_g_func = (IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) t_g).getType();
+ IType t_g_func_return = t_g_func.getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(t_g_func_return instanceof IBasicType);
+ IType[] t_g_func_params = t_g_func.getParameterTypes();
+ assertEquals(t_g_func_params.length, 1);
+ IType t_g_func_p1 = t_g_func_params[0];
+ assertTrue(t_g_func_p1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertSame(((IPointerType) t_g_func_p1).getType(), A);
+ // h is a pointer to a function that returns a pointer to a function
+ // the returned pointer to function returns void and takes 1 parameter
+ // int
+ // the *h function takes 1 parameter struct A**
+ IType t_h = h.getType();
+ assertTrue(t_h instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_h).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IFunctionType t_h_func = (IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) t_h).getType();
+ IType t_h_func_return = t_h_func.getReturnType();
+ IType[] t_h_func_params = t_h_func.getParameterTypes();
+ assertEquals(t_h_func_params.length, 1);
+ IType t_h_func_p1 = t_h_func_params[0];
+ assertTrue(t_h_func_p1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) t_h_func_p1).getType() instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertSame(((IPointerType) ((IPointerType) t_h_func_p1).getType())
+ .getType(), A);
+ assertTrue(t_h_func_return instanceof IPointerType);
+ IFunctionType h_return = (IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) t_h_func_return)
+ .getType();
+ IType h_r = h_return.getReturnType();
+ IType[] h_ps = h_return.getParameterTypes();
+ assertTrue(h_r instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(h_ps.length, 1);
+ assertTrue(h_ps[0] instanceof IBasicType);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_f.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_f);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_i.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_i);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_c.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_c);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_g.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_g);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_h.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_h);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_A3.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_A1);
+ assertNull("Expected null, got "+name_d.resolveBinding(), name_d.resolveBinding());
+ }
+ // typedef struct {
+ // int x;
+ // int y;
+ // } Coord;
+ // typedef struct {
+ // Coord *pos;
+ // int width;
+ // } Point;
+ // int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ // {
+ // Coord xy = {.y = 10, .x = 11};
+ // Point point = {.width = 100, .pos = &xy};
+ // }
+ public void testDesignatedInitializers() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ assertNotNull(tu);
+ IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
+ IASTName name_Coord = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0])
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName name_x = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0])
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_y = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[0])
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_Point = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[1])
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName name_pos = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[1])
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_width = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declarations[1])
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTFunctionDefinition main = (IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[2];
+ IASTStatement[] statements = ((IASTCompoundStatement) main.getBody())
+ .getStatements();
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration xy = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) statements[0])
+ .getDeclaration();
+ IASTName name_Coord2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) xy.getDeclSpecifier())
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_xy = xy.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTDeclarator declarator_xy = xy.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTInitializer[] initializers1 = ((IASTInitializerList) declarator_xy
+ .getInitializer()).getInitializers();
+ IASTName name_y2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[0])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ // test bug 87649
+ assertEquals(((ASTNode) (ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[0])
+ .getLength(), 7);
+ IASTName name_x2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[1])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration point = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) statements[1])
+ .getDeclaration();
+ IASTName name_Point2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) point
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getName();
+ IASTName name_point = point.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTDeclarator declarator_point = point.getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTInitializer[] initializers2 = ((IASTInitializerList) declarator_point
+ .getInitializer()).getInitializers();
+ IASTName name_width2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers2[0])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ IASTName name_pos2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers2[1])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ IASTName name_xy2 = ((IASTIdExpression) ((IASTUnaryExpression) ((IASTInitializerExpression) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers2[1])
+ .getOperandInitializer()).getExpression()).getOperand())
+ .getName();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ ICASTDesignatedInitializer designatedInitializer = (ICASTDesignatedInitializer) initializers1[i];
+ assertEquals(designatedInitializer.getDesignators().length, 1);
+ ICASTFieldDesignator fieldDesignator = (ICASTFieldDesignator) designatedInitializer
+ .getDesignators()[0];
+ assertNotNull(fieldDesignator.getName().toString());
+ }
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_Coord2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_Coord);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_xy.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_xy);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_y2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_y);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_x2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_x);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_Point2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_Point);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_point.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_point);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_width2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_width);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_pos2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_pos);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_xy2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_xy);
+ }
+ // struct S {
+ // int a;
+ // int b;
+ // } s;
+ // int f() {
+ // struct S s = {.a=1,.b=2};
+ // }
+ public void testMoregetDeclarationsInAST1() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration S_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTFunctionDefinition f_def = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTName a1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName b1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName a2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) f_def
+ .getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getDeclaration())
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[0])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ IASTName b2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) f_def
+ .getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getDeclaration())
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[1])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ assertEquals(a1.resolveBinding(), a2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(b1.resolveBinding(), b2.resolveBinding());
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(a1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(a1, decls[0]);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(b1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(b1, decls[0]);
+ }
+ // struct S {
+ // int a;
+ // int b;
+ // } s = {.a=1,.b=2};
+ public void testMoregetDeclarationsInAST2() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration S_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTName a1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName b1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName a2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) S_decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[0])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ IASTName b2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) S_decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[1])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ assertEquals(a1.resolveBinding(), a2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(b1.resolveBinding(), b2.resolveBinding());
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(a1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(a1, decls[0]);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(b1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(b1, decls[0]);
+ }
+ // typedef struct S {
+ // int a;
+ // int b;
+ // } s;
+ // typedef s t;
+ // typedef t y;
+ // y x = {.a=1,.b=2};
+ public void testMoregetDeclarationsInAST3() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration S_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration x_decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[3];
+ IASTName a1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[0]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName b1 = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) S_decl
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getMembers()[1]).getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getName();
+ IASTName a2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) x_decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[0])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ IASTName b2 = ((ICASTFieldDesignator) ((ICASTDesignatedInitializer) ((IASTInitializerList) x_decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializers()[1])
+ .getDesignators()[0]).getName();
+ assertEquals(a1.resolveBinding(), a2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(b1.resolveBinding(), b2.resolveBinding());
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(a1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(a1, decls[0]);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(b1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(b1, decls[0]);
+ }
+ public void testFnReturningPtrToFn() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "void ( * f( int ) )(){}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTFunctionDefinition def = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) def.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
+ .getName().resolveBinding();
+ IFunctionType ft = f.getType();
+ assertTrue(ft.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft.getReturnType()).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
+ assertEquals(ft.getParameterTypes().length, 1);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def.getDeclarator()
+ .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], def.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
+ .getName());
+ }
+ // test C99: A declaration of a parameter as ''array of type''
+ // shall be adjusted to ''qualified pointer to
+ // type'', where the type qualifiers (if any) are those specified within the
+ // [ and ] of the
+ // array type derivation.
+ public void testArrayTypeToQualifiedPointerTypeParm() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "void f(int parm[const 3]);", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration def = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) def.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IFunctionType ft = f.getType();
+ assertTrue(ft.getParameterTypes()[0] instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft.getParameterTypes()[0]).isConst());
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName name_parm = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) def
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator()
+ .getName();
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_parm.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_parm);
+ }
+ // int f() {}
+ // int *f2() {}
+ // int (* f3())() {}
+ public void testFunctionDefTypes() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTFunctionDefinition def1 = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) def1.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IASTFunctionDefinition def2 = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ IFunction f2 = (IFunction) def2.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IASTFunctionDefinition def3 = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[2];
+ IFunction f3 = (IFunction) def3.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IFunctionType ft = f.getType();
+ IFunctionType ft2 = f2.getType();
+ IFunctionType ft3 = f3.getType();
+ assertTrue(ft.getReturnType() instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertTrue(ft2.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft2.getReturnType()).getType() instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertTrue(ft3.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) ft3.getReturnType()).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
+ assertTrue(((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ft3.getReturnType())
+ .getType()).getReturnType() instanceof IBasicType);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def1.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], def1.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def2.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], def2.getDeclarator().getName());
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(def3.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
+ .getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], def3.getDeclarator().getNestedDeclarator()
+ .getName());
+ }
+ // any parameter to type function returning T is adjusted to be pointer to
+ // function returning T
+ public void testParmToFunction() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "int f(int g(void)) { return g();}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTFunctionDefinition def = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) def.getDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType ft = ((CFunction) f).getType();
+ assertTrue(ft instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IType gt_1 = ((IFunctionType) ft).getParameterTypes()[0];
+ assertTrue(gt_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType gt_2 = ((IPointerType) gt_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(gt_2 instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IType gt_ret = ((IFunctionType) gt_2).getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(gt_ret instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) gt_ret).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IType gt_parm = ((IFunctionType) gt_2).getParameterTypes()[0];
+ assertTrue(gt_parm instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) gt_parm).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ assertTrue(def.getDeclarator() instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator);
+ IASTName name_g = ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) def.getDeclarator())
+ .getParameters()[0].getDeclarator().getName();
+ IASTName name_g_call = ((IASTIdExpression) ((IASTFunctionCallExpression) ((IASTReturnStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) def
+ .getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getReturnValue())
+ .getFunctionNameExpression()).getName();
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_g_call.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_g);
+ }
+ public void testArrayPointerFunction() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "int (*v[])(int *x, int *y);", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ IVariable v = (IVariable) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getNestedDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType vt_1 = v.getType();
+ assertTrue(vt_1 instanceof IArrayType);
+ IType vt_2 = ((IArrayType) vt_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(vt_2 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType vt_3 = ((IPointerType) vt_2).getType();
+ assertTrue(vt_3 instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IType vt_ret = ((IFunctionType) vt_3).getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(vt_ret instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) vt_ret).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ assertEquals(((IFunctionType) vt_3).getParameterTypes().length, 2);
+ IType vpt_1 = ((IFunctionType) vt_3).getParameterTypes()[0];
+ assertTrue(vpt_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType vpt_1_2 = ((IPointerType) vpt_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(vpt_1_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) vpt_1_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IType vpt_2 = ((IFunctionType) vt_3).getParameterTypes()[0];
+ assertTrue(vpt_2 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType vpt_2_2 = ((IPointerType) vpt_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(vpt_2_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) vpt_2_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName[] decls = tu
+ .getDeclarationsInAST(((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getNestedDeclarator().getName()
+ .resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getNestedDeclarator().getName());
+ }
+ // typedef void DWORD;
+ // typedef DWORD v;
+ // v signal(int);
+ public void testTypedefExample4a() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ ITypedef dword = (ITypedef) decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType dword_t = dword.getType();
+ assertTrue(dword_t instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) dword_t).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ ITypedef v = (ITypedef) decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType v_t_1 = v.getType();
+ assertTrue(v_t_1 instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType v_t_2 = ((ITypedef) v_t_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(v_t_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) v_t_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[2];
+ IFunction signal = (IFunction) decl3.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IFunctionType signal_t = signal.getType();
+ IType signal_ret = signal_t.getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType signal_ret2 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret).getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret2 instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType signal_ret3 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret2).getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret3 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_ret3).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName name_DWORD = decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName name_v = decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getName();
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_DWORD.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_DWORD);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl2
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_DWORD);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl3
+ .getDeclSpecifier()).getName().resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_v);
+ }
+ // typedef void DWORD;
+ // typedef DWORD (*pfv)(int);
+ // pfv signal(int, pfv);
+ public void testTypedefExample4b() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl1 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ ITypedef dword = (ITypedef) decl1.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType dword_t = dword.getType();
+ assertTrue(dword_t instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) dword_t).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl2 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[1];
+ ITypedef pfv = (ITypedef) decl2.getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
+ IType pfv_t_1 = pfv.getType();
+ assertTrue(pfv_t_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType pfv_t_2 = ((IPointerType) pfv_t_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(pfv_t_2 instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IType pfv_t_2_ret_1 = ((IFunctionType) pfv_t_2).getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(pfv_t_2_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType pfv_t_2_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) pfv_t_2_ret_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(pfv_t_2_ret_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) pfv_t_2_ret_2).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertTrue(((ITypedef) pfv_t_2_ret_1).getName().equals("DWORD")); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IType pfv_t_2_parm = ((IFunctionType) pfv_t_2).getParameterTypes()[0];
+ assertTrue(pfv_t_2_parm instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) pfv_t_2_parm).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl3 = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[2];
+ IFunction signal = (IFunction) decl3.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IFunctionType signal_t = signal.getType();
+ IType signal_ret_1 = signal_t.getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType signal_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret_2 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType signal_ret_3 = ((IPointerType) signal_ret_2).getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret_3 instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IType signal_ret_ret_1 = ((IFunctionType) signal_ret_3).getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType signal_ret_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) signal_ret_ret_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_ret_ret_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_ret_ret_2).getType(),
+ IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertTrue(((ITypedef) signal_ret_ret_1).getName().equals("DWORD")); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IType signal_parm_t1 = signal_t.getParameterTypes()[0];
+ assertTrue(signal_parm_t1 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_parm_t1).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IType signal_parm_t2 = signal_t.getParameterTypes()[1];
+ assertTrue(signal_parm_t2 instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType signal_parm_t2_1 = ((ITypedef) signal_parm_t2).getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_1 instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType signal_parm_t2_2 = ((IPointerType) signal_parm_t2_1).getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_2 instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IType signal_parm_t2_ret_1 = ((IFunctionType) signal_parm_t2_2)
+ .getReturnType();
+ assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_ret_1 instanceof ITypedef);
+ IType signal_parm_t2_ret_2 = ((ITypedef) signal_parm_t2_ret_1)
+ .getType();
+ assertTrue(signal_parm_t2_ret_2 instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) signal_parm_t2_ret_2).getType(),
+ IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertTrue(((ITypedef) signal_parm_t2_ret_1).getName().equals("DWORD")); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // test tu.getDeclarationsInAST(IBinding)
+ IASTName name_pfv = decl2.getDeclarators()[0].getNestedDeclarator()
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_pfv1 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) decl3.getDeclSpecifier())
+ .getName();
+ IASTName name_pfv2 = ((IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) decl3
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[1].getDeclSpecifier())
+ .getName();
+ IASTName[] decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_pfv1.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_pfv);
+ decls = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(name_pfv2.resolveBinding());
+ assertEquals(decls.length, 1);
+ assertEquals(decls[0], name_pfv);
+ }
+ // typedef void fv(int), (*pfv)(int);
+ // void (*signal1(int, void (*)(int)))(int);
+ // fv *signal2(int, fv *);
+ // pfv signal3(int, pfv);
+ public void testTypedefExample4c() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0];
+ ITypedef fv = (ITypedef) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ ITypedef pfv = (ITypedef) decl.getDeclarators()[1]
+ .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
+ IType fv_t = fv.getType();
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) fv_t).getReturnType())
+ .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) fv_t).getParameterTypes()[0])
+ .getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ IType pfv_t = pfv.getType();
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) pfv_t)
+ .getType()).getReturnType()).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) pfv
+ .getType()).getType()).getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(),
+ IBasicType.t_int);
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IFunction signal1 = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0]
+ .getNestedDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
+ IType signal1_t = signal1.getType();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[2];
+ IFunction signal2 = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType signal2_t = signal2.getType();
+ decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[3];
+ IFunction signal3 = (IFunction) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName()
+ .resolveBinding();
+ IType signal3_t = signal3.getType();
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
+ .getReturnType()).getType()).getReturnType()).getType(),
+ IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getReturnType())
+ .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal1_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getParameterTypes()[0])
+ .getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((ITypedef) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
+ .getReturnType()).getType()).getType()).getReturnType())
+ .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((ITypedef) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
+ .getReturnType()).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((ITypedef) ((IPointerType) ((IFunctionType) signal2_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
+ .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((ITypedef) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
+ .getReturnType()).getType()).getType()).getReturnType())
+ .getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((ITypedef) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
+ .getReturnType()).getType(), IBasicType.t_void);
+ assertEquals(
+ ((IBasicType) ((IFunctionType) ((IPointerType) ((ITypedef) ((IFunctionType) signal3_t)
+ .getParameterTypes()[1]).getType()).getType())
+ .getParameterTypes()[0]).getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
+ }
+ // const int x = 10;
+ // int y [ const static x ];
+ public void testBug80992() throws Exception {
+ ICASTArrayModifier mod = (ICASTArrayModifier) ((IASTArrayDeclarator) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parse(
+ getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[1])
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getArrayModifiers()[0];
+ assertTrue(mod.isConst());
+ assertTrue(mod.isStatic());
+ assertFalse(mod.isRestrict());
+ assertFalse(mod.isVolatile());
+ assertFalse(mod.isVariableSized());
+ }
+ // int y ( int [ const *] );
+ public void testBug80978() throws Exception {
+ ICASTArrayModifier mod = (ICASTArrayModifier) ((IASTArrayDeclarator) ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parse(
+ getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[0])
+ .getDeclarators()[0]).getParameters()[0].getDeclarator())
+ .getArrayModifiers()[0];
+ assertTrue(mod.isConst());
+ assertTrue(mod.isVariableSized());
+ assertFalse(mod.isStatic());
+ assertFalse(mod.isRestrict());
+ assertFalse(mod.isVolatile());
+ }
+ //AJN: bug 77383 don't do external variables
+ // // void f() {
+ // // if( a == 0 )
+ // // a = a + 3;
+ // // }
+ // public void testExternalVariable() throws Exception {
+ // IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ // tu.accept(col);
+ //
+ // IVariable a = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ // assertNotNull(a);
+ // assertTrue(a instanceof ICExternalBinding);
+ // assertInstances(col, a, 3);
+ // }
+ // void f() {
+ // int a = 1;
+ // if( a == 0 )
+ // g( a );
+ // if( a < 0 )
+ // g( a >> 1 );
+ // if( a > 0 )
+ // g( *(&a + 2) );
+ // }
+ public void testExternalDefs() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IVariable a = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IFunction g = (IFunction) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(a);
+ assertNotNull(g);
+ assertTrue(g instanceof ICExternalBinding);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 11);
+ assertInstances(col, a, 7);
+ assertInstances(col, g, 3);
+ }
+ // typedef struct { int x; int y; } Coord;
+ // int f() {
+ // Coord xy = { .x = 10, .y = 11 };
+ // }
+ public void testFieldDesignators() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
+ IField x = (IField) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IField y = (IField) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ ITypedef Coord = (ITypedef) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
+ assertInstances(col, x, 2);
+ assertInstances(col, y, 2);
+ assertInstances(col, Coord, 2);
+ }
+ // enum { member_one, member_two };
+ // const char *nm[] = {
+ // [member_one] = "one",
+ // [member_two] = "two"
+ // };
+ public void testArrayDesignator() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
+ IEnumerator one = (IEnumerator) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IEnumerator two = (IEnumerator) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ assertInstances(col, one, 2);
+ assertInstances(col, two, 2);
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // if( a == 0 )
+ // g( a );
+ // else if( a < 0 )
+ // g( a >> 1 );
+ // else if( a > 0 )
+ // g( *(&a + 2) );
+ // }
+ public void testBug83737() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTIfStatement if_statement = (IASTIfStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) tu
+ .getDeclarations()[0]).getBody()).getStatements()[0];
+ assertEquals(((IASTBinaryExpression) if_statement
+ .getConditionExpression()).getOperator(),
+ IASTBinaryExpression.op_equals);
+ IASTIfStatement second_if_statement = (IASTIfStatement) if_statement
+ .getElseClause();
+ assertEquals(((IASTBinaryExpression) second_if_statement
+ .getConditionExpression()).getOperator(),
+ IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessThan);
+ IASTIfStatement third_if_statement = (IASTIfStatement) second_if_statement
+ .getElseClause();
+ assertEquals(((IASTBinaryExpression) third_if_statement
+ .getConditionExpression()).getOperator(),
+ IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterThan);
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // while(1){
+ // if( 1 ) goto end;
+ // }
+ // end: ;
+ // }
+ public void testBug84090_LabelReferences() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
+ ILabel end = (ILabel) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IASTName[] refs = tu.getReferences(end);
+ assertEquals(refs.length, 1);
+ assertSame(refs[0].resolveBinding(), end);
+ }
+ // enum col { red, blue };
+ // enum col c;
+ public void testBug84092_EnumReferences() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector collector = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(collector);
+ assertEquals(collector.size(), 5);
+ IEnumeration col = (IEnumeration) collector.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ IASTName[] refs = tu.getReferences(col);
+ assertEquals(refs.length, 1);
+ assertSame(refs[0].resolveBinding(), col);
+ }
+ public void testBug84096_FieldDesignatorRef() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "struct s { int a; } ss = { .a = 1 }; \n", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector collector = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(collector);
+ assertEquals(collector.size(), 4);
+ IField a = (IField) collector.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IASTName[] refs = tu.getReferences(a);
+ assertEquals(refs.length, 1);
+ assertSame(refs[0].resolveBinding(), a);
+ }
+ public void testProblems() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ " a += ;", ParserLanguage.C, true, false); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTProblem[] ps = CVisitor.getProblems(tu);
+ assertEquals(ps.length, 1);
+ ps[0].getMessage();
+ }
+ // enum e;
+ // enum e{ one };
+ public void testEnumerationForwards() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
+ IEnumeration e = (IEnumeration) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ IEnumerator[] etors = e.getEnumerators();
+ assertTrue(etors.length == 1);
+ assertFalse(etors[0] instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ assertInstances(col, e, 2);
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // int ( *p ) [2];
+ // (&p)[0] = 1;
+ // }
+ public void testBug84185() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
+ IVariable p = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ assertTrue(p.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertTrue(((IPointerType) p.getType()).getType() instanceof IArrayType);
+ IArrayType at = (IArrayType) ((IPointerType) p.getType()).getType();
+ assertTrue(at.getType() instanceof IBasicType);
+ assertInstances(col, p, 2);
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // int ( *p ) [2];
+ // (&p)[0] = 1;
+ // }
+ public void testBug84185_2() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
+ IVariable p_ref = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable p_decl = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(p_ref, p_decl);
+ }
+ // // example from: C99
+ // struct s { int i; };
+ // void f (void)
+ // {
+ // struct s *p = 0, *q;
+ // int j = 0;
+ // q = p;
+ // p = &((struct s){ j++ });
+ // }
+ public void testBug84176() throws Exception {
+ parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, false, true);
+ }
+ // struct s { double i; } f(void);
+ // struct s f(void){}
+ public void testBug84266() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
+ ICompositeType s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
+ ICompositeType s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0)
+ .resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
+ CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
+ s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
+ }
+ public void testBug84266_2() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("struct s f(void);", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
+ ICompositeType s = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(s);
+ tu = parse("struct s f(void){}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
+ s = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(s);
+ }
+ public void testBug84250() throws Exception {
+ assertTrue(((IASTDeclarationStatement) ((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) parse(
+ "void f() { int (*p) [2]; }", ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[0]).getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getDeclaration() instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ // struct s1 { struct s2 *s2p; /* ... */ }; // D1
+ // struct s2 { struct s1 *s1p; /* ... */ }; // D2
+ public void testBug84186() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
+ ICompositeType s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ ICompositeType s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(3)
+ .resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
+ CVisitor.clearBindings(tu);
+ s_decl = (ICompositeType) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
+ s_ref = (ICompositeType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(s_ref, s_decl);
+ }
+ // typedef struct { int a; } S;
+ // void g( S* (*funcp) (void) ) {
+ // (*funcp)()->a;
+ // funcp()->a;
+ // }
+ public void testBug84267() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 11);
+ ITypedef S = (ITypedef) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ IField a = (IField) col.getName(10).resolveBinding();
+ IParameter funcp = (IParameter) col.getName(7).resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(funcp);
+ assertInstances(col, funcp, 3);
+ assertInstances(col, a, 3);
+ assertTrue(funcp.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
+ IType t = ((IPointerType) funcp.getType()).getType();
+ assertTrue(t instanceof IFunctionType);
+ IFunctionType ft = (IFunctionType) t;
+ assertTrue(ft.getReturnType() instanceof IPointerType);
+ assertSame(((IPointerType) ft.getReturnType()).getType(), S);
+ }
+ // void f( int m, int c[m][m] );
+ // void f( int m, int c[m][m] ){
+ // int x;
+ // { int x = x; }
+ // }
+ public void testBug84228() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertEquals(col.size(), 13);
+ IParameter m = (IParameter) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable x3 = (IVariable) col.getName(12).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable x2 = (IVariable) col.getName(11).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable x1 = (IVariable) col.getName(10).resolveBinding();
+ assertSame(x2, x3);
+ assertNotSame(x1, x2);
+ assertInstances(col, m, 6);
+ assertInstances(col, x1, 1);
+ assertInstances(col, x2, 2);
+ IASTName[] ds = tu.getDeclarationsInAST(x2);
+ assertEquals(ds.length, 1);
+ assertSame(ds[0], col.getName(11));
+ }
+ public void testBug84236() throws Exception {
+ String code = "double maximum(double a[ ][*]);"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration d = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) parse(code,
+ ParserLanguage.C).getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator fd = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) d
+ .getDeclarators()[0];
+ IASTParameterDeclaration p = fd.getParameters()[0];
+ IASTArrayDeclarator a = (IASTArrayDeclarator) p.getDeclarator();
+ ICASTArrayModifier star = (ICASTArrayModifier) a.getArrayModifiers()[1];
+ assertTrue(star.isVariableSized());
+ }
+ // typedef int B;
+ // void g() {
+ // B * bp; //1
+ // }
+ public void testBug85049() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit t = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTFunctionDefinition g = (IASTFunctionDefinition) t.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) g.getBody();
+ final IASTStatement statement = body.getStatements()[0];
+ assertTrue(statement instanceof IASTDeclarationStatement);
+ IASTSimpleDeclaration bp = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ((IASTDeclarationStatement) statement)
+ .getDeclaration();
+ assertTrue(bp.getDeclarators()[0].getName().resolveBinding() instanceof IVariable);
+ }
+ public void testBug86766() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "char foo; void foo(){}", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IVariable foo = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ IProblemBinding prob = (IProblemBinding) col.getName(1)
+ .resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(prob.getID(), IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_OVERLOAD);
+ assertNotNull(foo);
+ }
+ public void testBug88338_C() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "struct A; struct A* a;", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CPPNameCollector col = new CPPNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertTrue(col.getName(0).isDeclaration());
+ assertFalse(col.getName(0).isReference());
+ assertTrue(col.getName(1).isReference());
+ assertFalse(col.getName(1).isDeclaration());
+ tu = parse("struct A* a; struct A;", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ col = new CPPNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ assertTrue(col.getName(0).isDeclaration());
+ assertFalse(col.getName(0).isReference());
+ assertTrue(col.getName(2).isDeclaration());
+ assertFalse(col.getName(2).isReference());
+ }
+ public void test88460() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("void f();", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ assertFalse(f.isStatic());
+ }
+ public void testBug90253() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "void f(int par) { int v1; };", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ IParameter p = (IParameter) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable v1 = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ IScope scope = f.getFunctionScope();
+ IBinding[] bs = scope.find("par"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertEquals(bs.length, 1);
+ assertSame(bs[0], p);
+ bs = scope.find("v1"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertEquals(bs.length, 1);
+ assertSame(bs[0], v1);
+ }
+ // struct S {};
+ // int S;
+ // void f( ) {
+ // int S;
+ // {
+ // S : ;
+ // }
+ // }
+ public void testFind() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ ICompositeType S1 = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable S2 = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IFunction f = (IFunction) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable S3 = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
+ ILabel S4 = (ILabel) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
+ IScope scope = f.getFunctionScope();
+ IBinding[] bs = scope.find("S"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertNotNull(S2);
+ assertEquals(bs.length, 3);
+ assertSame(bs[0], S3);
+ assertSame(bs[1], S1);
+ assertSame(bs[2], S4);
+ }
+ public void test92791() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "void f() { int x, y; x * y; }", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ for (int i = 0; i < col.size(); ++i)
+ assertFalse(col.getName(i).resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ tu = parse(
+ "void f() { typedef int x; int y; x * y; }", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ for (int i = 0; i < col.size(); ++i)
+ assertFalse(col.getName(i).resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ }
+ public void testBug85786() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
+ "void f( int ); void foo () { void * p = &f; ( (void (*) (int)) p ) ( 1 ); }", ParserLanguage.C); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector nameResolver = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(nameResolver);
+ assertNoProblemBindings(nameResolver);
+ }
+ // void func() {
+ // int i=0;
+ // i= i&0x00ff;
+ // i= (i)&0x00ff;
+ // }
+ public void testBug95720() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C );
+ CNameCollector nameResolver = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(nameResolver);
+ assertNoProblemBindings(nameResolver);
+ }
+ // #define ONE(a, ...) int x
+ // #define TWO(b, args...) int y
+ // int main()
+ // {
+ // ONE("string"); /* err */
+ // TWO("string"); /* err */
+ // return 0;
+ // }
+ public void testBug94365() throws Exception {
+ parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ }
+ // #define MACRO(a)
+ // void main() {
+ // MACRO('"');
+ // }
+ public void testBug95119_a() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
+ assertEquals(declarations.length, 1);
+ assertNotNull(declarations[0]);
+ assertTrue(declarations[0] instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition);
+ assertEquals(((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0]).getDeclarator()
+ .getName().toString(), "main"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertTrue(((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0])
+ .getBody()).getStatements()[0] instanceof IASTNullStatement);
+ }
+ // #define MACRO(a)
+ // void main() {
+ // MACRO('X');
+ // }
+ public void testBug95119_b() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
+ assertEquals(declarations.length, 1);
+ assertNotNull(declarations[0]);
+ assertTrue(declarations[0] instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition);
+ assertEquals(((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0]).getDeclarator()
+ .getName().toString(), "main"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ assertTrue(((IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) declarations[0])
+ .getBody()).getStatements()[0] instanceof IASTNullStatement);
+ }
+ // typedef long _TYPE;
+ // typedef _TYPE TYPE;
+ // int function(TYPE (* pfv)(int parm));
+ public void testBug81739() throws Exception {
+ parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ }
+ // float _Complex x;
+ // double _Complex y;
+ public void testBug95757() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true, true );
IASTDeclaration[] decls = tu.getDeclarations();
@@ -3194,16 +3095,14 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
assertEquals(((ICASTSimpleDeclSpecifier)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[1]).getDeclSpecifier()).getType(), IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_double);
+ // int foo();
+ // typeof({ int x = foo();
+ // x; }) zoot;
public void testBug93980() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("int foo(); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typeof({ int x = foo(); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" x; }) zoot; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
IFunction foo = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertSame( foo, col.getName(2).resolveBinding() );
@@ -3213,342 +3112,331 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
assertTrue( t instanceof IBasicType );
assertEquals( ((IBasicType)t).getType(), IBasicType.t_int );
- public void testBug95866() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( "int test[10] = { [0 ... 9] = 2 };", ParserLanguage.C, true, true ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertNoProblemBindings(col);
- }
- public void testBug98502() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("typedef enum { ONE } e;", ParserLanguage.C, true, true ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IEnumeration etion = (IEnumeration) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
- ITypedef e = (ITypedef) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- assertSame( e.getType(), etion );
- }
- public void testBug98365() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("typedef struct _loop_data { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" enum { PIPERR } pipe_err; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} loop_data; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f(){ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" PIPERR; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IEnumerator etor = (IEnumerator) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- assertSame( etor, col.getName(6).resolveBinding() );
- }
- public void testBug99262() throws Exception {
- parse("void foo() {void *f; f=__null;}", ParserLanguage.C, true, true ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testBug99262B() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("int foo2(void *) {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int foo3() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return foo2(__null);\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true, true );
- assertTrue(((IASTIdExpression)((IASTFunctionCallExpression)((IASTReturnStatement)((IASTCompoundStatement)((IASTFunctionDefinition)tu.getDeclarations()[1]).getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getReturnValue()).getFunctionNameExpression()).getName().resolveBinding() instanceof IFunction);
- }
- public void testBug98960() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int a; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" { a; int a; } \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IVariable a1 = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IVariable a2 = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- IVariable a3 = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
- assertSame( a1, a2 );
- assertNotSame( a2, a3 );
- }
- public void testBug100408() throws Exception {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( "int foo() { int x=1; (x)*3; }", ParserLanguage.C ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept( col );
- assertNoProblemBindings( col );
- }
- public void testBug98760() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("struct nfa; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" struct nfa * n; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" freenfa( n ); \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("static void freenfa( nfa ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("struct nfa * nfa; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("{ \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IFunction free = (IFunction) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
- IParameter [] ps = free.getParameters();
- assertEquals( ps.length, 1 );
- assertSame( free, col.getName(6).resolveBinding() );
- }
- public void testBug79650() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("void testCasting() {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("typedef struct {\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int employee_id;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int dept_id;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} Employee;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("#define MY_DETAILS { 20, 30 }\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("Employee e = (Employee)MY_DETAILS; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString() );
- }
- public void testBug80171() throws Exception {
- parseAndCheckBindings( "static var;"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testBug79067() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("enum E_OPTIONCODE {\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" red = 1,\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("black = 2,\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("};\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("void arithConversionTest(enum E_OPTIONCODE eOption)\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("{\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int myColor = 5;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int temp = eOption - myColor; /* Syntax error */\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("if(eOption-myColor) /* Invalid arithmetic conversion */\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("{\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString() );
- }
- public void testBug84759() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("enum COLOR {\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "RED=1\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "};\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "enum COLOR getColor() {\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "enum COLOR ret;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "return ret;\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "}\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString() );
- IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- assertEquals( fd.getDeclSpecifier().getRawSignature(), "enum COLOR"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void test1043290() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( "int f() { "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "int x = 4; while( x < 10 ) blah: ++x; "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "}"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString() );
- IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTStatement [] statements = ((IASTCompoundStatement)fd.getBody()).getStatements();
- IASTWhileStatement whileStmt = (IASTWhileStatement) statements[1];
- IASTLabelStatement labelStmt = (IASTLabelStatement) whileStmt.getBody();
- assertTrue( labelStmt.getNestedStatement() instanceof IASTExpressionStatement );
- IASTExpressionStatement es = (IASTExpressionStatement) labelStmt.getNestedStatement();
- assertTrue( es.getExpression() instanceof IASTUnaryExpression );
- }
- public void testBug104390_2() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("void f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" int x; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" for( int x; ; ) \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append(" blah: x; \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("} \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
- CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
- IVariable x2 = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
- assertNotSame( x, x2 );
- assertSame( x2, col.getName(4).resolveBinding() );
- assertTrue( col.getName(3).resolveBinding() instanceof ILabel );
- }
- public void testBug104800() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( "int f() { \n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "int i;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "do { ++i; } while( i < 10 );\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append( "return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append ( "}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString() );
- IASTFunctionDefinition f = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) f.getBody();
- assertEquals( body.getStatements().length, 3 );
- }
- public void testBug107150() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- tu= parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- tu= parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- }
- public void testBug107150b() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\r\n \r\n \t \r\n \r\n "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IASTTranslationUnit tu= parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
- assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
- }
- public void testBug143502() throws ParserException {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("NWindow NewWindowDuplicate(NWindow theWindow, bool insert)\n");
- buffer.append("{\n");
- buffer.append(" NWindow newWindow;\n");
- buffer.append(" newWindow = new GenericWindow();\n");
- buffer.append("if (newWindow == NULL)\n");
- buffer.append("return NULL;\n");
- buffer.append("TwinWindowOF(theWindow) = newWindow;\n");
- buffer.append("TwinWindowOF(newWindow) = NULL;\n");
- buffer.append("ParentWindowOF(newWindow) = ParentWindowOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("DGlobalsOF(newWindow) = DGlobalsOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("HashMapOF(newWindow) = HashMapOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("OwnerWindowOF(newWindow) = OwnerWindowOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("ChildOF(newWindow) = ChildOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append(" MakeNameOF(newWindow, NameOF(theWindow));\n");
- buffer.append("KindOF(newWindow) = KindOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("IsVisibleOF(newWindow) = IsVisibleOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("FocusOF(newWindow) = FocusOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("IsFloating(newWindow) = IsFloating(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("HasCloseBox(newWindow) = HasCloseBox(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("IsSearchNB(newWindow) = IsSearchNB(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("IsFBWindow(newWindow) = FALSE;\n");
- buffer.append("ShellOF(newWindow) = ShellOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("DrawOnOF(newWindow) = DrawOnOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("IsBusyOF(newWindow) = IsBusyOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("InvalRgnOF(newWindow) = XCreateRegion();\n");
- buffer.append("IdleOF(newWindow) = IdleOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("ShellPainterOF(newWindow) = ShellPainterOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("CanvasPainterOF(newWindow) = CanvasPainterOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("StatusPainterOF(newWindow) = StatusPainterOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("NotebookOF(newWindow) = NotebookOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("PopupWindowOF(newWindow) = PopupWindowOF(theWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("IC_IsFromIM(theWindow) = FALSE;\n");
- buffer.append("IsDestroyPendingOF(newWindow) = FALSE;\n");
- buffer.append("if (IsNotebookWindow(newWindow))\n");
- buffer.append(" DockedWindowOF(newWindow) = NewDockedWindow(newWindow, false);\n");
- buffer.append("else\n");
- buffer.append("DockedWindowOF(newWindow) = NULL;\n");
- buffer.append("if (insert)\n");
- buffer.append("_addToListHead(newWindow);\n");
- buffer.append("return newWindow;\n");
- buffer.append("}\n");
- parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true, false);
- }
- // void func(int a) {
- // int z=0;
- // z= (a)+z;
- // z= (a)-z;
- // z= (a)*z;
- // z= (a)&z;
- // z= (a)|z;
- // z= (a)/z;
- // z= (a)%z;
- // }
- public void testBracketAroundIdentifier_168924() throws IOException, ParserException {
- StringBuffer buf= getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu= parse(buf.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true, true);
- IASTFunctionDefinition func= (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
- IASTParameterDeclaration[] params= ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) func.getDeclarator()).getParameters();
- IBinding binding= params[0].getDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(7, tu.getReferences(binding).length);
- tu= parse(buf.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true);
- func= (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
- params= ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) func.getDeclarator()).getParameters();
- binding= params[0].getDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
- assertEquals(7, tu.getReferences(binding).length);
- }
+ public void testBug95866() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( "int test[10] = { [0 ... 9] = 2 };", ParserLanguage.C, true, true ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertNoProblemBindings(col);
+ }
+ public void testBug98502() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("typedef enum { ONE } e;", ParserLanguage.C, true, true ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IEnumeration etion = (IEnumeration) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
+ ITypedef e = (ITypedef) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ assertSame( e.getType(), etion );
+ }
+ // typedef struct _loop_data {
+ // enum { PIPERR } pipe_err;
+ // } loop_data;
+ // void f(){
+ // PIPERR;
+ // }
+ public void testBug98365() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IEnumerator etor = (IEnumerator) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ assertSame( etor, col.getName(6).resolveBinding() );
+ }
+ public void testBug99262() throws Exception {
+ parse("void foo() {void *f; f=__null;}", ParserLanguage.C, true, true ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ // int foo2(void *) {
+ // return 0;
+ // }
+ // int foo3() {
+ // return foo2(__null);
+ // }
+ public void testBug99262B() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true, true );
+ assertTrue(((IASTIdExpression)((IASTFunctionCallExpression)((IASTReturnStatement)((IASTCompoundStatement)((IASTFunctionDefinition)tu.getDeclarations()[1]).getBody()).getStatements()[0]).getReturnValue()).getFunctionNameExpression()).getName().resolveBinding() instanceof IFunction);
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // int a;
+ // { a; int a; }
+ // }
+ public void testBug98960() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IVariable a1 = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable a2 = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable a3 = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
+ assertSame( a1, a2 );
+ assertNotSame( a2, a3 );
+ }
+ public void testBug100408() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( "int foo() { int x=1; (x)*3; }", ParserLanguage.C ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept( col );
+ assertNoProblemBindings( col );
+ }
+ // struct nfa;
+ // void f() {
+ // struct nfa * n;
+ // freenfa( n );
+ // }
+ // static void freenfa( nfa )
+ // struct nfa * nfa;
+ // {
+ // }
+ public void testBug98760() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IFunction free = (IFunction) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
+ IParameter [] ps = free.getParameters();
+ assertEquals( ps.length, 1 );
+ assertSame( free, col.getName(6).resolveBinding() );
+ }
+ // void testCasting() {
+ // typedef struct {
+ // int employee_id;
+ // int dept_id;
+ // } Employee;
+ // #define MY_DETAILS { 20, 30 }
+ // Employee e = (Employee)MY_DETAILS;
+ // }
+ public void testBug79650() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment() );
+ }
+ public void testBug80171() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings( "static var;"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ // enum E_OPTIONCODE {
+ // red = 1,
+ // black = 2,
+ // };
+ // void arithConversionTest(enum E_OPTIONCODE eOption)
+ // {
+ // int myColor = 5;
+ // int temp = eOption - myColor; /* Syntax error */
+ // if(eOption-myColor) /* Invalid arithmetic conversion */
+ // {
+ // }
+ // }
+ public void testBug79067() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment() );
+ }
+ // enum COLOR {
+ // RED=1
+ // };
+ // enum COLOR getColor() {
+ // enum COLOR ret;
+ // return ret;
+ // }
+ public void testBug84759() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment() );
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ assertEquals( fd.getDeclSpecifier().getRawSignature(), "enum COLOR"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ // int f() {
+ // int x = 4; while( x < 10 ) blah: ++x;
+ // }
+ public void test1043290() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment() );
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTStatement [] statements = ((IASTCompoundStatement)fd.getBody()).getStatements();
+ IASTWhileStatement whileStmt = (IASTWhileStatement) statements[1];
+ IASTLabelStatement labelStmt = (IASTLabelStatement) whileStmt.getBody();
+ assertTrue( labelStmt.getNestedStatement() instanceof IASTExpressionStatement );
+ IASTExpressionStatement es = (IASTExpressionStatement) labelStmt.getNestedStatement();
+ assertTrue( es.getExpression() instanceof IASTUnaryExpression );
+ }
+ // void f() {
+ // int x;
+ // for( int x; ; )
+ // blah: x;
+ // }
+ public void testBug104390_2() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true);
+ CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
+ IVariable x2 = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
+ assertNotSame( x, x2 );
+ assertSame( x2, col.getName(4).resolveBinding() );
+ assertTrue( col.getName(3).resolveBinding() instanceof ILabel );
+ }
+ // int f() {
+ // int i;
+ // do { ++i; } while( i < 10 );
+ // return 0;
+ // }
+ public void testBug104800() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment() );
+ IASTFunctionDefinition f = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) f.getBody();
+ assertEquals( body.getStatements().length, 3 );
+ }
+ public void testBug107150() throws Exception {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ tu= parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ tu= parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ }
+ public void testBug107150b() throws Exception {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\r\n \r\n \t \r\n \r\n "); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("((int arg1)){\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu= parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("#define FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS(list) list\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func1 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("int func2 FUNC_PROTOTYPE_PARAMS\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("((int arg1)){\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("return 0;\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ buffer.append("}\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ tu = parse(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ assertFalse( tu.getDeclarations()[1] instanceof IASTProblemDeclaration );
+ }
+ // NWindow NewWindowDuplicate(NWindow theWindow, bool insert)\n");
+ // {
+ // NWindow newWindow;
+ // newWindow = new GenericWindow();
+ // if (newWindow == NULL)
+ // return NULL;
+ // TwinWindowOF(theWindow) = newWindow;
+ // TwinWindowOF(newWindow) = NULL;
+ // ParentWindowOF(newWindow) = ParentWindowOF(theWindow);
+ // DGlobalsOF(newWindow) = DGlobalsOF(theWindow);
+ // HashMapOF(newWindow) = HashMapOF(theWindow);
+ // OwnerWindowOF(newWindow) = OwnerWindowOF(theWindow);
+ // ChildOF(newWindow) = ChildOF(theWindow);
+ // MakeNameOF(newWindow, NameOF(theWindow));
+ // KindOF(newWindow) = KindOF(theWindow);
+ // IsVisibleOF(newWindow) = IsVisibleOF(theWindow);
+ // FocusOF(newWindow) = FocusOF(theWindow);
+ // IsFloating(newWindow) = IsFloating(theWindow);
+ // HasCloseBox(newWindow) = HasCloseBox(theWindow);
+ // IsSearchNB(newWindow) = IsSearchNB(theWindow);
+ // IsFBWindow(newWindow) = FALSE;
+ // ShellOF(newWindow) = ShellOF(theWindow);
+ // DrawOnOF(newWindow) = DrawOnOF(theWindow);
+ // IsBusyOF(newWindow) = IsBusyOF(theWindow);
+ // InvalRgnOF(newWindow) = XCreateRegion();
+ // IdleOF(newWindow) = IdleOF(theWindow);
+ // ShellPainterOF(newWindow) = ShellPainterOF(theWindow);
+ // CanvasPainterOF(newWindow) = CanvasPainterOF(theWindow);
+ // StatusPainterOF(newWindow) = StatusPainterOF(theWindow);
+ // NotebookOF(newWindow) = NotebookOF(theWindow);
+ // PopupWindowOF(newWindow) = PopupWindowOF(theWindow);
+ // IC_IsFromIM(theWindow) = FALSE;
+ // IsDestroyPendingOF(newWindow) = FALSE;
+ // if (IsNotebookWindow(newWindow))
+ // DockedWindowOF(newWindow) = NewDockedWindow(newWindow, false);
+ // else
+ // DockedWindowOF(newWindow) = NULL;
+ // if (insert)
+ // _addToListHead(newWindow);
+ // return newWindow;
+ // }
+ public void testBug143502() throws Exception {
+ parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true, false);
+ }
+ // void func(int a) {
+ // int z=0;
+ // z= (a)+z;
+ // z= (a)-z;
+ // z= (a)*z;
+ // z= (a)&z;
+ // z= (a)|z;
+ // z= (a)/z;
+ // z= (a)%z;
+ // }
+ public void testBracketAroundIdentifier_168924() throws IOException, ParserException {
+ String content= getAboveComment();
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu= parse(content, ParserLanguage.C, true, true);
+ IASTFunctionDefinition func= (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
+ IASTParameterDeclaration[] params= ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) func.getDeclarator()).getParameters();
+ IBinding binding= params[0].getDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(7, tu.getReferences(binding).length);
+ tu= parse(content, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true);
+ func= (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
+ params= ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) func.getDeclarator()).getParameters();
+ binding= params[0].getDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals(7, tu.getReferences(binding).length);
+ }
// #define MAC(x) x
// void func() {
// MAC(");
// }
- public void testBug179383() throws ParserException, IOException {
- StringBuffer sb= getContents(1)[0];
- parse(sb.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, false, false);
- }
- /**
- * Bug in not removing single-line comments from macros.
- * @throws Exception
- */
+ public void testBug179383() throws ParserException, IOException {
+ parse(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, false, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bug in not removing single-line comments from macros.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
public void testMacroCommentsBug_177154() throws Exception {
// simple case
String simple =
@@ -3559,145 +3447,141 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
" return func(LIT); // fails to parse\r\n" +
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( simple, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
- // actual reduced test case, plus extra cases
- String text =
- "#define KBOOT 1 //0x00000002\r\n" +
- "#define KBOOT2 /* value */ 1 /* another */ //0x00000002\r\n" +
- "#define KBOOT3 /* value \r\n" +
- " multi line\r\n"+
- " comment */ 1 \\\r\n"+
- "/* another */ + \\\r\n"+
- "2 //0x00000002\r\n" +
- "#define DEBUGNUM(x) (KDebugNum(x))\r\n" +
- "bool KDebugNum(int aBitNum);\r\n" +
- "#define __KTRACE_OPT(a,p) {if((DEBUGNUM(a)))p;}\r\n" +
- "void fail();\r\n"+
- "void test() {\r\n"+
- "__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,fail());\r\n" +
- "__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT2,fail());\r\n" +
- "}\r\n"
- ;
- // essential test: this code should be parseable
- tu = parse( text, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
- // verify macros
- IASTPreprocessorMacroDefinition[] macroDefinitions = tu.getMacroDefinitions();
- assertEquals(5, macroDefinitions.length);
- assertEquals("1", macroDefinitions[0].getExpansion());
- assertEquals("1", macroDefinitions[1].getExpansion());
- // regression test for #64268 and #71733 which also handle comments
- String expectExpansion= "1 + 2";
- assertEquals(expectExpansion, macroDefinitions[2].getExpansion());
- assertEquals("(KDebugNum(x))", macroDefinitions[3].getExpansion());
- assertEquals("{if((DEBUGNUM(a)))p;}", macroDefinitions[4].getExpansion());
- // TODO: exhaustive macro testing
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( simple, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
+ // actual reduced test case, plus extra cases
+ String text =
+ "#define KBOOT 1 //0x00000002\r\n" +
+ "#define KBOOT2 /* value */ 1 /* another */ //0x00000002\r\n" +
+ "#define KBOOT3 /* value \r\n" +
+ " multi line\r\n"+
+ " comment */ 1 \\\r\n"+
+ "/* another */ + \\\r\n"+
+ "2 //0x00000002\r\n" +
+ "#define DEBUGNUM(x) (KDebugNum(x))\r\n" +
+ "bool KDebugNum(int aBitNum);\r\n" +
+ "#define __KTRACE_OPT(a,p) {if((DEBUGNUM(a)))p;}\r\n" +
+ "void fail();\r\n"+
+ "void test() {\r\n"+
+ "__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,fail());\r\n" +
+ "__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT2,fail());\r\n" +
+ "}\r\n"
+ ;
+ // essential test: this code should be parseable
+ tu = parse( text, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
+ // verify macros
+ IASTPreprocessorMacroDefinition[] macroDefinitions = tu.getMacroDefinitions();
+ assertEquals(5, macroDefinitions.length);
+ assertEquals("1", macroDefinitions[0].getExpansion());
+ assertEquals("1", macroDefinitions[1].getExpansion());
+ // regression test for #64268 and #71733 which also handle comments
+ String expectExpansion= "1 + 2";
+ assertEquals(expectExpansion, macroDefinitions[2].getExpansion());
+ assertEquals("(KDebugNum(x))", macroDefinitions[3].getExpansion());
+ assertEquals("{if((DEBUGNUM(a)))p;}", macroDefinitions[4].getExpansion());
+ // TODO: exhaustive macro testing
// void (decl)(char);
- // void foo() {
- // decl('a');
- // }
- public void testBug181305_1() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values()) {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( buffer.toString(), lang, true, true );
- // check class
- IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTCompoundStatement comp_stmt= (IASTCompoundStatement) fd.getBody();
- IASTExpressionStatement expr_stmt= (IASTExpressionStatement) comp_stmt.getStatements()[0];
- IASTFunctionCallExpression expr= (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr_stmt.getExpression();
- IASTIdExpression idExpr= (IASTIdExpression) expr.getFunctionNameExpression();
- IBinding binding= idExpr.getName().resolveBinding();
- assertTrue(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IFunction);
- assertFalse(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IProblemBinding);
- assertEquals(binding.getName(), "decl");
- }
- }
+ // void foo() {
+ // decl('a');
+ // }
+ public void testBug181305_1() throws Exception {
+ for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values()) {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( getAboveComment(), lang, true, true );
+ // check class
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTCompoundStatement comp_stmt= (IASTCompoundStatement) fd.getBody();
+ IASTExpressionStatement expr_stmt= (IASTExpressionStatement) comp_stmt.getStatements()[0];
+ IASTFunctionCallExpression expr= (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr_stmt.getExpression();
+ IASTIdExpression idExpr= (IASTIdExpression) expr.getFunctionNameExpression();
+ IBinding binding= idExpr.getName().resolveBinding();
+ assertTrue(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IFunction);
+ assertFalse(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ assertEquals(binding.getName(), "decl");
+ }
+ }
// void (*decl)(char);
- // void foo() {
- // decl('a');
- // }
- public void testBug181305_2() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values()) {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( buffer.toString(), lang, true, true );
- // check class
- IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
- IASTCompoundStatement comp_stmt= (IASTCompoundStatement) fd.getBody();
- IASTExpressionStatement expr_stmt= (IASTExpressionStatement) comp_stmt.getStatements()[0];
- IASTFunctionCallExpression expr= (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr_stmt.getExpression();
- IASTIdExpression idExpr= (IASTIdExpression) expr.getFunctionNameExpression();
- IBinding binding= idExpr.getName().resolveBinding();
- assertTrue(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IVariable);
- assertFalse(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IProblemBinding);
- }
- }
- public void testBug181735() throws Exception {
- String code=
- "int (*f)(int);\n"
+ // void foo() {
+ // decl('a');
+ // }
+ public void testBug181305_2() throws Exception {
+ for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values()) {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( getAboveComment(), lang, true, true );
+ // check class
+ IASTFunctionDefinition fd = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
+ IASTCompoundStatement comp_stmt= (IASTCompoundStatement) fd.getBody();
+ IASTExpressionStatement expr_stmt= (IASTExpressionStatement) comp_stmt.getStatements()[0];
+ IASTFunctionCallExpression expr= (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr_stmt.getExpression();
+ IASTIdExpression idExpr= (IASTIdExpression) expr.getFunctionNameExpression();
+ IBinding binding= idExpr.getName().resolveBinding();
+ assertTrue(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IVariable);
+ assertFalse(lang.toString(), binding instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testBug181735() throws Exception {
+ String code=
+ "int (*f)(int);\n"
+ "int g(int n) {return n;}\n"
+ "int g(int n, int m) {return n;}\n"
+ "void foo() { f=g; }";
- for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values())
- parseAndCheckBindings(code, lang);
- }
- // void test() {
+ for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values())
+ parseAndCheckBindings(code, lang);
+ }
+ // void test() {
// char d= *"b";
- // }
- public void testBug181942() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values())
- parse( buffer.toString(), lang, true, true );
- }
+ // }
+ public void testBug181942() throws Exception {
+ for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values())
+ parse( getAboveComment(), lang, true, true );
+ }
public void testMacroCommentsBug_177154_2() throws Exception {
String noCommentMacro =
"#define Sonar16G(x) ((Sonr16G(x)<<16)|0xff000000L)\r\n";
String commentMacro =
"#define Sonar16G(x) ((Sonr16G(x)<<16)|0xff000000L) // add the varf value\r\n";
String textTail = "\r\n" +
- "const int snd16SonarR[32] = {\r\n" +
- " 0xFF000000L, Sonar16G(0x01), Sonar16G(0x02), Sonar16G(0x03),\r\n" +
- " Sonar16G(0x04), Sonar16G(0x05), Sonar16G(0x06), Sonar16G(0x07),\r\n" +
- " Sonar16G(0x08), Sonar16G(0x09), Sonar16G(0x0A), Sonar16G(0x0B),\r\n" +
- " Sonar16G(0x0C), Sonar16G(0x0D), Sonar16G(0x0E), Sonar16G(0x0F),\r\n" +
- " Sonar16G(0x10), Sonar16G(0x11), Sonar16G(0x12), Sonar16G(0x13),\r\n" +
- " Sonar16G(0x14), Sonar16G(0x15), Sonar16G(0x16), Sonar16G(0x17),\r\n" +
- " Sonar16G(0x18), Sonar16G(0x19), Sonar16G(0x1A), Sonar16G(0x1B),\r\n" +
- " Sonar16G(0x1C), Sonar16G(0x1D), Sonar16G(0x1E), Sonar16G(0x1F),\r\n" +
- " };\r\n" +
- "\r\n" +
- "";
+ "const int snd16SonarR[32] = {\r\n" +
+ " 0xFF000000L, Sonar16G(0x01), Sonar16G(0x02), Sonar16G(0x03),\r\n" +
+ " Sonar16G(0x04), Sonar16G(0x05), Sonar16G(0x06), Sonar16G(0x07),\r\n" +
+ " Sonar16G(0x08), Sonar16G(0x09), Sonar16G(0x0A), Sonar16G(0x0B),\r\n" +
+ " Sonar16G(0x0C), Sonar16G(0x0D), Sonar16G(0x0E), Sonar16G(0x0F),\r\n" +
+ " Sonar16G(0x10), Sonar16G(0x11), Sonar16G(0x12), Sonar16G(0x13),\r\n" +
+ " Sonar16G(0x14), Sonar16G(0x15), Sonar16G(0x16), Sonar16G(0x17),\r\n" +
+ " Sonar16G(0x18), Sonar16G(0x19), Sonar16G(0x1A), Sonar16G(0x1B),\r\n" +
+ " Sonar16G(0x1C), Sonar16G(0x1D), Sonar16G(0x1E), Sonar16G(0x1F),\r\n" +
+ " };\r\n" +
+ "\r\n" +
+ "";
// this should work
String textNoComment = noCommentMacro + textTail;
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( textNoComment, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
// this fails
String textComment = commentMacro + textTail;
tu = parse( textComment, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
- // int __builtin_sin;
- public void testBug182464() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values())
- parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString(), lang, true);
- }
- public void testBug186018() throws Exception {
+ // int __builtin_sin;
+ public void testBug182464() throws Exception {
+ for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values())
+ parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment(), lang, true);
+ }
+ public void testBug186018() throws Exception {
String code =
"int main() { \n" +
" switch(1) { \n" +
@@ -3709,7 +3593,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.C);
// template <typename T>
// class auto_ptr {
// private:
@@ -3735,18 +3619,17 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// }
// };
public void test186736() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IBinding methodb= col.getName(27).resolveBinding();
- IBinding methodc= col.getName(30).resolveBinding();
- assertEquals("method", methodb.getName());
- assertEquals("method", methodc.getName());
- assertInstance(methodb, ICPPMethod.class);
- assertInstance(methodc, ICPPMethod.class);
- assertEquals("A", ((ICPPMethod)methodb).getClassOwner().getName());
- assertEquals("A", ((ICPPMethod)methodc).getClassOwner().getName());
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IBinding methodb= col.getName(27).resolveBinding();
+ IBinding methodc= col.getName(30).resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals("method", methodb.getName());
+ assertEquals("method", methodc.getName());
+ assertInstance(methodb, ICPPMethod.class);
+ assertInstance(methodc, ICPPMethod.class);
+ assertEquals("A", ((ICPPMethod)methodb).getClassOwner().getName());
+ assertEquals("A", ((ICPPMethod)methodc).getClassOwner().getName());
// template <typename T, typename U>
@@ -3783,18 +3666,17 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// }
// };
public void test186736_variant1() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- IBinding methodA= col.getName(30).resolveBinding();
- IBinding methodAA= col.getName(33).resolveBinding();
- assertEquals("method", methodA.getName());
- assertEquals("method", methodAA.getName());
- assertInstance(methodA, ICPPMethod.class);
- assertInstance(methodAA, ICPPMethod.class);
- assertEquals("A", ((ICPPMethod)methodA).getClassOwner().getName());
- assertEquals("AA", ((ICPPMethod)methodAA).getClassOwner().getName());
+ tu.accept(col);
+ IBinding methodA= col.getName(30).resolveBinding();
+ IBinding methodAA= col.getName(33).resolveBinding();
+ assertEquals("method", methodA.getName());
+ assertEquals("method", methodAA.getName());
+ assertInstance(methodA, ICPPMethod.class);
+ assertInstance(methodAA, ICPPMethod.class);
+ assertEquals("A", ((ICPPMethod)methodA).getClassOwner().getName());
+ assertEquals("AA", ((ICPPMethod)methodAA).getClassOwner().getName());
// class B {
@@ -3817,8 +3699,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// (&a)->foo();
// }
public void test186736_variant2() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
// typedef int int32;
@@ -3826,20 +3707,17 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// return *p;
// }
public void test167833() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
- parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ // // this is a \
+ // single line comment
+ // char str[] = " multi \
+ // line \
+ // string";
public void testBug188707_backslashNewline() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("// this is a \\\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("single line comment \n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("char str[] = \" multi \\\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("line \\\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- buffer.append("string\";\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
- parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString() );
+ parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment() );
// typedef A B;
@@ -3850,27 +3728,26 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// typedef I *************I;
// typedef int (*J)(J);
public void testBug192165() throws Exception {
- String content= getContents(1)[0].toString();
for(ParserLanguage lang : ParserLanguage.values()) {
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( content, lang, true, false );
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( getAboveComment(), lang, true, false );
CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertInstance(col.getName(0).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(1).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(2).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(3).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(4).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(5).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(6).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(7).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(8).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(9).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(10).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(11).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
- // function ptr
- assertInstance(col.getName(12).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(13).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(0).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(1).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(2).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(3).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(4).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(5).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(6).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(7).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(8).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(9).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(10).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(11).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
+ // function ptr
+ assertInstance(col.getName(12).resolveBinding(), ITypedef.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(13).resolveBinding(), IProblemBinding.class);
@@ -3879,9 +3756,8 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// INVALID(1, 2)
public void test192639() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP, false, false, true );
- parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, false, false, true );
+ parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP, false, false, true );
+ parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, false, false, true );
public void test195943() throws Exception {
@@ -3900,8 +3776,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// int array[12]= {};
public void testBug196468_emptyArrayInitializer() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- final String content = buffer.toString();
+ final String content = getAboveComment();
parse( content, ParserLanguage.CPP, false);
parse( content, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
parse( content, ParserLanguage.C, true);
@@ -3924,58 +3799,55 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// return 0;
// }
public void testBug197633_parenthesisInVarargMacros() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- final String content = buffer.toString();
+ final String content = getAboveComment();
parse( content, ParserLanguage.CPP);
parse( content, ParserLanguage.C);
- // void ( __attribute__((__stdcall__))* foo1) (int);
- // void ( * __attribute__((__stdcall__)) foo2) (int);
- // void ( * __attribute__((__stdcall__))* foo3) (int);
- public void testBug191450_attributesInBetweenPointers() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
- parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C, true, true );
- }
- // class NameClash {};
- // namespace NameClash {};
- // namespace NameClash2 {};
- // class NameClash2 {};
- public void testBug202271_nameClash() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP, true );
+ // void ( __attribute__((__stdcall__))* foo1) (int);
+ // void ( * __attribute__((__stdcall__)) foo2) (int);
+ // void ( * __attribute__((__stdcall__))* foo3) (int);
+ public void testBug191450_attributesInBetweenPointers() throws Exception {
+ parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true );
+ parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C, true, true );
+ }
+ // class NameClash {};
+ // namespace NameClash {};
+ // namespace NameClash2 {};
+ // class NameClash2 {};
+ public void testBug202271_nameClash() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP, true );
CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertInstance(col.getName(0).resolveBinding(), ICPPClassType.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(1).resolveBinding(), ICPPNamespace.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(2).resolveBinding(), ICPPNamespace.class);
- assertInstance(col.getName(3).resolveBinding(), ICPPClassType.class);
- }
- // #define WRAP(var) var
- // #define MACRO 1
- // int a= MACRO;
- // int b= WRAP(MACRO);
- public void testBug94673_refsForMacrosAsArguments() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP, true );
- IASTPreprocessorMacroDefinition[] defs= tu.getMacroDefinitions();
- assertEquals(2, defs.length);
- IASTPreprocessorMacroDefinition md= defs[1];
- assertEquals("MACRO", md.getName().toString());
- IMacroBinding binding= (IMacroBinding) md.getName().resolveBinding();
- assertNotNull(binding);
- IASTName[] refs= tu.getReferences(binding);
- assertEquals(2, refs.length);
- IASTFileLocation loc= refs[1].getFileLocation();
- final int idx = buffer.indexOf("WRAP(MACRO)");
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(0).resolveBinding(), ICPPClassType.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(1).resolveBinding(), ICPPNamespace.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(2).resolveBinding(), ICPPNamespace.class);
+ assertInstance(col.getName(3).resolveBinding(), ICPPClassType.class);
+ }
+ // #define WRAP(var) var
+ // #define MACRO 1
+ // int a= MACRO;
+ // int b= WRAP(MACRO);
+ public void testBug94673_refsForMacrosAsArguments() throws Exception {
+ String content= getAboveComment();
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu= parseAndCheckBindings( content, ParserLanguage.CPP, true );
+ IASTPreprocessorMacroDefinition[] defs= tu.getMacroDefinitions();
+ assertEquals(2, defs.length);
+ IASTPreprocessorMacroDefinition md= defs[1];
+ assertEquals("MACRO", md.getName().toString());
+ IMacroBinding binding= (IMacroBinding) md.getName().resolveBinding();
+ assertNotNull(binding);
+ IASTName[] refs= tu.getReferences(binding);
+ assertEquals(2, refs.length);
+ IASTFileLocation loc= refs[1].getFileLocation();
+ final int idx = content.indexOf("WRAP(MACRO)");
assertEquals(idx, loc.getNodeOffset());
- IASTImageLocation iloc= refs[1].getImageLocation();
- assertEquals(idx+5, iloc.getNodeOffset());
- }
+ IASTImageLocation iloc= refs[1].getImageLocation();
+ assertEquals(idx+5, iloc.getNodeOffset());
+ }
// void OSi_Panic(const char *file, int line) {};
// void OSi_Panic(const char *file, int line, const char *fmt, ...) {};
@@ -3995,7 +3867,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// ASSERT(a > b, "Error!");// marked with error also
// ASSERT(false);// fine
// }
// void OSi_Panic(const char *file, int line) {};
// void OSi_Panic(const char *file, int line, const char *fmt, ...) {};
@@ -4015,159 +3887,156 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// ASSERT(a > b, "Error!");// marked with error also
// ASSERT(false);// fine
// }
- public void testBug188855_gccExtensionForVariadicMacros() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer[] buffer = getContents(2);
- final String content1 = buffer[0].toString();
- final String content2 = buffer[1].toString();
- parse( content1, ParserLanguage.CPP);
- parse( content1, ParserLanguage.C);
- parse( content2, ParserLanguage.CPP);
- parse( content2, ParserLanguage.C);
- }
- // typedef struct Point {
- // int x;
- // int y;
- // } Point ;
- //
- // typedef struct Tag {
- // int tag;
- // } Tag ;
- //
- // typedef struct Line {
- // Point p1;
- // Point p2;
- // Tag t;
- // } Line ;
- //
- // int foo() {
- // Point p1 = {.x = 1, .y = 2};
- //
- // Line l1 = {.p1 = {.x = 1, .y = 2}, {.x = 1, .y = 2}, {.tag = 5}};
- // Line l2 = {.t.tag = 9, .p1.x = 1, .p2.x = 3, .p1.y = 4, .p2.y = 9};
- //
- // Point points[] = {{.x=1, .y=1}, {.x=2, .y=2}};
- // }
- public void _testBug210019_nestedDesignatedInitializers() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ public void testBug188855_gccExtensionForVariadicMacros() throws Exception {
+ StringBuffer[] buffer = getContents(2);
+ final String content1 = buffer[0].toString();
+ final String content2 = buffer[1].toString();
+ parse( content1, ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ parse( content1, ParserLanguage.C);
+ parse( content2, ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ parse( content2, ParserLanguage.C);
+ }
+ // typedef struct Point {
+ // int x;
+ // int y;
+ // } Point ;
+ //
+ // typedef struct Tag {
+ // int tag;
+ // } Tag ;
+ //
+ // typedef struct Line {
+ // Point p1;
+ // Point p2;
+ // Tag t;
+ // } Line ;
+ //
+ // int foo() {
+ // Point p1 = {.x = 1, .y = 2};
+ //
+ // Line l1 = {.p1 = {.x = 1, .y = 2}, {.x = 1, .y = 2}, {.tag = 5}};
+ // Line l2 = {.t.tag = 9, .p1.x = 1, .p2.x = 3, .p1.y = 4, .p2.y = 9};
+ //
+ // Point points[] = {{.x=1, .y=1}, {.x=2, .y=2}};
+ // }
+ public void _testBug210019_nestedDesignatedInitializers() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- // Point p1
- assertField(col.getName(18).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(19).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
- // Line l1
- assertField(col.getName(22).resolveBinding(), "p1", "Line");
- assertField(col.getName(23).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(24).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(25).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(26).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(27).resolveBinding(), "tag", "Tag");
- // Line l2
- assertField(col.getName(30).resolveBinding(), "t", "Line");
- assertField(col.getName(31).resolveBinding(), "tag", "Tag");
- assertField(col.getName(32).resolveBinding(), "p1", "Line");
- assertField(col.getName(33).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(34).resolveBinding(), "p2", "Line");
- assertField(col.getName(35).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(36).resolveBinding(), "p1", "Line");
- assertField(col.getName(37).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(38).resolveBinding(), "p2", "Line");
- assertField(col.getName(39).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
- // Point points[]
- assertField(col.getName(42).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(43).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(44).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
- assertField(col.getName(45).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
- // struct S1 {
- // int i;
- // float f;
- // int a[2];
- // };
- //
- // struct S1 x = {
- // .f=3.1,
- // .i=2,
- // .a[1]=9
- // };
- //
- // struct S2 {
- // int x, y;
- // };
- //
- // struct S2 a1[3] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
- //
- // struct S2 a2[3] =
- // {{1, 2},{3, 4}, 5, 6};
- //
- // struct S2 a3[3] =
- // {
- // [2].y=6, [2].x=5,
- // [1].y=4, [1].x=3,
- // [0].y=2, [0].x=1
- // };
- //
- // struct S2 a4[3] =
- // {
- // [0].x=1, [0].y=2,
- // {.x=3, .y=4},
- // 5, [2].y=6
- // };
- //
- // struct S2 a5[3] =
- // {
- // [2].x=5, 6,
- // [0].x=1, 2,
- // 3, 4
- // };
- public void testBug210019_designatedInitializers() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.C);
+ tu.accept(col);
+ // Point p1
+ assertField(col.getName(18).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(19).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
+ // Line l1
+ assertField(col.getName(22).resolveBinding(), "p1", "Line");
+ assertField(col.getName(23).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(24).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(25).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(26).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(27).resolveBinding(), "tag", "Tag");
+ // Line l2
+ assertField(col.getName(30).resolveBinding(), "t", "Line");
+ assertField(col.getName(31).resolveBinding(), "tag", "Tag");
+ assertField(col.getName(32).resolveBinding(), "p1", "Line");
+ assertField(col.getName(33).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(34).resolveBinding(), "p2", "Line");
+ assertField(col.getName(35).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(36).resolveBinding(), "p1", "Line");
+ assertField(col.getName(37).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(38).resolveBinding(), "p2", "Line");
+ assertField(col.getName(39).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
+ // Point points[]
+ assertField(col.getName(42).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(43).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(44).resolveBinding(), "x", "Point");
+ assertField(col.getName(45).resolveBinding(), "y", "Point");
+ }
+ // struct S1 {
+ // int i;
+ // float f;
+ // int a[2];
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct S1 x = {
+ // .f=3.1,
+ // .i=2,
+ // .a[1]=9
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct S2 {
+ // int x, y;
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct S2 a1[3] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
+ //
+ // struct S2 a2[3] =
+ // {{1, 2},{3, 4}, 5, 6};
+ //
+ // struct S2 a3[3] =
+ // {
+ // [2].y=6, [2].x=5,
+ // [1].y=4, [1].x=3,
+ // [0].y=2, [0].x=1
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct S2 a4[3] =
+ // {
+ // [0].x=1, [0].y=2,
+ // {.x=3, .y=4},
+ // 5, [2].y=6
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct S2 a5[3] =
+ // {
+ // [2].x=5, 6,
+ // [0].x=1, 2,
+ // 3, 4
+ // };
+ public void testBug210019_designatedInitializers() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.C);
CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
- tu.accept(col);
- assertField(col.getName(6).resolveBinding(), "f", "S1");
- assertField(col.getName(7).resolveBinding(), "i", "S1");
- assertField(col.getName(8).resolveBinding(), "a", "S1");
- assertField(col.getName(18).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(19).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(20).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(21).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(22).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(23).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(26).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(27).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(28).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(29).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(30).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(33).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
- assertField(col.getName(34).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
- }
- // extern "C" {
- // extern "C" {
- // void externFunc();
- // }
- // }
- // void test() {
- // externFunc();
- // }
- public void testBug183126_nestedLinkageSpecs() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- parseAndCheckBindings(buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
- }
+ tu.accept(col);
+ assertField(col.getName(6).resolveBinding(), "f", "S1");
+ assertField(col.getName(7).resolveBinding(), "i", "S1");
+ assertField(col.getName(8).resolveBinding(), "a", "S1");
+ assertField(col.getName(18).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(19).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(20).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(21).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(22).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(23).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(26).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(27).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(28).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(29).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(30).resolveBinding(), "y", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(33).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
+ assertField(col.getName(34).resolveBinding(), "x", "S2");
+ }
+ // extern "C" {
+ // extern "C" {
+ // void externFunc();
+ // }
+ // }
+ // void test() {
+ // externFunc();
+ // }
+ public void testBug183126_nestedLinkageSpecs() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings(getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP);
+ }
// int* i= 0;
// void f1(const int**);
// void f2(int *const*);
@@ -4178,40 +4047,37 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// f2(&i); // ok
// f3(&i); // ok
// }
- public void testBug213029_cvConversion() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer buffer = getContents(1)[0];
- IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( buffer.toString(), ParserLanguage.CPP, false );
+ public void testBug213029_cvConversion() throws Exception {
+ IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse( getAboveComment(), ParserLanguage.CPP, false );
CNameCollector col = new CNameCollector();
for(Object o : col.nameList) {
IASTName n = (IASTName)o;
- if (n.isReference() && "f1".equals(n.toString()))
- assertTrue(n.resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
- else
- assertFalse(n.resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ if (n.isReference() && "f1".equals(n.toString()))
+ assertTrue(n.resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
+ else
+ assertFalse(n.resolveBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding);
- }
- // void isTrue( int field, int bit ){
- // return ((field) & (bit));
- // }
- // void test() {
- // int foux=0, bhar=0;
- // foux = (foux) - bhar1;
- // }
- public void testBug100641_106279_castAmbiguity() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer[] buffer = getContents(1);
- final String content1 = buffer[0].toString();
- boolean cpp= false;
- do {
- BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(content1, cpp);
- ba.assertNonProblem("field)", 5);
- ba.assertNonProblem("bit))", 3);
- ba.assertNonProblem("foux)", 4);
- cpp= !cpp;
- } while(cpp);
- }
+ }
+ // void isTrue( int field, int bit ){
+ // return ((field) & (bit));
+ // }
+ // void test() {
+ // int foux=0, bhar=0;
+ // foux = (foux) - bhar1;
+ // }
+ public void testBug100641_106279_castAmbiguity() throws Exception {
+ boolean cpp= false;
+ do {
+ BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), cpp);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("field)", 5);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("bit))", 3);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("foux)", 4);
+ cpp= !cpp;
+ } while(cpp);
+ }
// void f1(int& r) {}
// void f2(const int& r) {}
// void f3(volatile int& r) {}
@@ -4243,29 +4109,29 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// f4(vi);
// f4(cvi);
// }
- public void testBug222418_a() throws Exception {
- BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f1(i)",2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(ci)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(vi)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(cvi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f2(i)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f2(ci)",2);
- ba.assertProblem("f2(vi)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f2(cvi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f3(i)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f3(ci)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f3(vi)",2);
- ba.assertProblem("f3(cvi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(i)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(ci)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(vi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(cvi)",2);
- }
+ public void testBug222418_a() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f1(i)",2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(ci)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(vi)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(cvi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f2(i)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f2(ci)",2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f2(vi)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f2(cvi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f3(i)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f3(ci)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f3(vi)",2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f3(cvi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(i)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(ci)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(vi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(cvi)",2);
+ }
// void f1(int& r) {} // 1
// void f1(const int& r) {} // 2
// void f1(volatile int& r) {} // 3
@@ -4282,68 +4148,68 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// f1(vi); // (3)
// f1(cvi); // (4)
// }
- public void testBug222418_b() throws Exception {
- BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
- ICPPFunction f1_1= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(i)", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
- ICPPFunction f1_2= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(ci)", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
- ICPPFunction f1_3= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(vi)", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
- ICPPFunction f1_4= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(cvi)",2, ICPPFunction.class);
- assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_1.getType()), "(int &)");
- assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_2.getType()), "(const int &)");
- assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_3.getType()), "(volatile int &)");
- assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_4.getType()), "(const volatile int &)");
- }
+ public void testBug222418_b() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
+ ICPPFunction f1_1= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(i)", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
+ ICPPFunction f1_2= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(ci)", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
+ ICPPFunction f1_3= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(vi)", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
+ ICPPFunction f1_4= ba.assertNonProblem("f1(cvi)",2, ICPPFunction.class);
+ assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_1.getType()), "(int &)");
+ assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_2.getType()), "(const int &)");
+ assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_3.getType()), "(volatile int &)");
+ assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(f1_4.getType()), "(const volatile int &)");
+ }
// void f1(int r) {} // 1
// void f1(const int r) {} // 2
// void f1(volatile int r) {} // 3
// void f1(const volatile int r) {} // 4
- public void testBug222418_b_regression() throws Exception {
- BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f1(int", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(const i", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(vol", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(const v",2);
- }
+ public void testBug222418_b_regression() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f1(int", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(const i", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(vol", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(const v",2);
+ }
// void fa(int& r) {}
// void fb(const int& r) {}
// void fc(volatile int& r) {}
// void fd(const volatile int& r) {}
- // int five() { return 5; }
- //
+ // int five() { return 5; }
+ //
// void ref() {
// fa(5); // should be an error
// fb(5); // ok
// fc(5); // should be an error
// fd(5); // should be an error
- //
- // fb(five()); // ok
- // fa(five()); // should be an error
+ //
+ // fb(five()); // ok
+ // fa(five()); // should be an error
// fc(five()); // should be an error
// fd(five()); // should be an error
// }
public void testBug222418_c() throws Exception {
BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
ICPPFunction fn= ba.assertNonProblem("five() {", 4, ICPPFunction.class);
assertFalse(fn.getType().getReturnType() instanceof IProblemBinding);
- ba.assertProblem("fa(5", 2);
- ICPPFunction fb= ba.assertNonProblem("fb(5", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
- ba.assertProblem("fc(5", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("fd(5",2);
- ICPPFunction fb2= ba.assertNonProblem("fb(f", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
+ ba.assertProblem("fa(5", 2);
+ ICPPFunction fb= ba.assertNonProblem("fb(5", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
+ ba.assertProblem("fc(5", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("fd(5",2);
+ ICPPFunction fb2= ba.assertNonProblem("fb(f", 2, ICPPFunction.class);
- ba.assertProblem("fc(f",2);
- ba.assertProblem("fd(f",2);
- assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(fb.getType()), "(const int &)");
- assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(fb2.getType()), "(const int &)");
+ ba.assertProblem("fc(f",2);
+ ba.assertProblem("fd(f",2);
+ assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(fb.getType()), "(const int &)");
+ assertEquals(ASTTypeUtil.getParameterTypeString(fb2.getType()), "(const int &)");
// class X {
@@ -4360,8 +4226,8 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// }
public void testBug222418_d() throws Exception {
BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f_const(2", 7, ICPPFunction.class);
- ba.assertProblem("f_nonconst(2", 10);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f_const(2", 7, ICPPFunction.class);
+ ba.assertProblem("f_nonconst(2", 10);
// class A {};
@@ -4397,27 +4263,27 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// f4(vi);
// f4(cvi);
// }
- public void testBug222418_e() throws Exception {
+ public void testBug222418_e() throws Exception {
BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f1(i)",2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(ci)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(vi)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f1(cvi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f2(i)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f2(ci)",2);
- ba.assertProblem("f2(vi)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f2(cvi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f3(i)", 2);
- ba.assertProblem("f3(ci)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f3(vi)",2);
- ba.assertProblem("f3(cvi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(i)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(ci)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(vi)", 2);
- ba.assertNonProblem("f4(cvi)",2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f1(i)",2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(ci)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(vi)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f1(cvi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f2(i)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f2(ci)",2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f2(vi)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f2(cvi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f3(i)", 2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f3(ci)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f3(vi)",2);
+ ba.assertProblem("f3(cvi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(i)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(ci)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(vi)", 2);
+ ba.assertNonProblem("f4(cvi)",2);
// class B {};
@@ -4600,7 +4466,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// A a;
// }
- public void testBug222418_k() throws Exception {
+ public void testBug222418_k_regression() throws Exception {
BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
ba.assertNonProblem("foo();", 3);
@@ -4646,7 +4512,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
BindingAssertionHelper ba= new BindingAssertionHelper(getAboveComment(), true);
ICPPFunction foo2= ba.assertNonProblem("foo(c", 3, ICPPFunction.class);
// int a, b, c;
// void test() {
// a= b ? : c;
@@ -4659,7 +4525,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// #define __inline__ __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))
// typedef int __u32;
- // static __inline__ __u32 f(int x) {
+ // static __inline__ __u32 f(int x) {
// return x;
// }
public void testRedefinedGCCKeywords_Bug226112() throws Exception {
@@ -4677,7 +4543,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// void test() {
- // ({1;}) != 0;
+ // ({1;}) != 0;
// }
public void testCompoundStatementExpression_Bug226274() throws Exception {
final String code = getAboveComment();
@@ -4687,14 +4553,14 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
// void test(int count) {
// __typeof__(count) a= 1;
- // int ret0 = ((__typeof__(count)) 1);
+ // int ret0 = ((__typeof__(count)) 1);
// }
public void testTypeofUnaryExpression_Bug226492() throws Exception {
final String code = getAboveComment();
parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.C, true);
parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
// void test(int count) {
// typeof(count==1) a= 1;
// }
@@ -4712,7 +4578,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.C, true);
parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
// void test(int count) {
// switch(count) {
// case 1 ... 3: break;
@@ -4733,7 +4599,7 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
final String code = getAboveComment();
parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.CPP);
// struct __attribute__((declspec)) bla;
public void testAttributeInElaboratedTypeSpecifier_Bug227085() throws Exception {
final String code = getAboveComment();
@@ -4769,5 +4635,5 @@ public class AST2Tests extends AST2BaseTest {
final String code = getAboveComment();
parseAndCheckBindings(code, ParserLanguage.CPP);

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