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Diffstat (limited to 'core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
index b32453e95e7..93aeab5dc0a 100644
--- a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
+++ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ast2/
@@ -12843,11 +12843,150 @@ public class AST2CPPTests extends AST2CPPTestBase {
// int main() {
// type(1, 2);
+ // type{1, 2};
// type(other_type());
// }
public void testCtorWithWrongArguments_543913() throws Exception {
BindingAssertionHelper bh = getAssertionHelper();
bh.assertImplicitName("type(1, 2)", 4, IProblemBinding.class);
+ bh.assertImplicitName("type{1, 2}", 4, IProblemBinding.class);
bh.assertImplicitName("type(other_type())", 4, IProblemBinding.class);
+ // struct array{
+ // int data[1];
+ // };
+ //
+ // void foo(array) {}
+ //
+ // int main() {
+ // array{{1}};
+ // array{1};
+ // array a = {1};
+ // foo({1});
+ // foo({{1}});
+ // }
+ public void testBraceElisionForAggregateInit0_SimpleValid_543038() throws Exception {
+ parseAndCheckBindings();
+ }
+ // struct array{
+ // int data[1];
+ // };
+ //
+ // void foo(array) {}
+ //
+ // int main() {
+ // array{{1,2}};
+ // array{1,2};
+ // array a0 = {1,2};
+ // foo({1,2});
+ // foo({{1,2}});
+ // }
+ public void testBraceElisionForAggregateInit1_SimpleTooManyInitializers_543038() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper bh = getAssertionHelper();
+ // bh.assertProblem("array{{1,2}}", 5); // TODO not implemented
+ // bh.assertProblem("array{1,2}", 5); // TODO not implemented
+ bh.assertImplicitName("a0", 2, IProblemBinding.class);
+ bh.assertProblem("foo({1,2})", 3);
+ bh.assertProblem("foo({{1,2}})", 3);
+ }
+ // struct level0{
+ // int a;
+ // int b;
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct level1{
+ // public:
+ // level1(level0 a): a(a){}
+ // private:
+ // level0 a;
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct level2{
+ // level1 data;
+ // };
+ //
+ // void foo(level2) {}
+ //
+ // int main() {
+ // level1{{1,2}}; // ok
+ // foo({level1{{1,2}}}); // ok
+ // level1{1,2}; // ERROR: calling level1 constructor, not aggregate init of level0
+ // foo({{{1,2,3}}}); // ERROR: not aggregate init
+ // }
+ public void testBraceElisionForAggregateInit2_WithNonAggregate_543038() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper bh = getAssertionHelper();
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({level1{{1,2}}})", 3);
+ ICPPConstructor ctor = bh.assertNonProblem("level1(level0 a)", "level1");
+ ICPPASTSimpleTypeConstructorExpression typeConstructorExpr = bh.assertNode("level1{{1,2}};", "level1{{1,2}}");
+ IASTImplicitName[] implicitNames = ((IASTImplicitNameOwner) typeConstructorExpr).getImplicitNames();
+ assertEquals(ctor, implicitNames[0].resolveBinding());
+ bh.assertImplicitName("level1{1,2};", 6, IProblemBinding.class);
+ bh.assertProblem("foo({{{1,2,3}}}", 3);
+ }
+ // struct array2D{
+ // int data[2][3];
+ // };
+ //
+ // void foo(array2D) {}
+ //
+ // int main() {
+ // foo({{{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}}); // no elision
+ // foo({{1,2,3,1,2,3}}); // eliding one level
+ // foo({{1,2}}); // eliding one level, but with only 2 elements which seems to initialize the outer level
+ // foo({1,2,3,1,2,3}); // eliding all levels
+ // foo({{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}); // ERROR eliding outer-most is not allowed
+ // }
+ public void testBraceElisionForAggregateInit3_543038() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper bh = getAssertionHelper();
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({{{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}});", 3);
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({{1,2,3,1,2,3}});", 3);
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({{1,2}});", 3);
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({1,2,3,1,2,3});", 3);
+ bh.assertProblem("foo({{1,2,3},{1,2,3}});", 3);
+ }
+ // struct type{
+ // type(int){};
+ // };
+ //
+ // struct array{
+ // type data[2];
+ // };
+ //
+ // void foo(array){}
+ //
+ // int main() {
+ // foo({type{1},type{2}});
+ // foo({type{1}}); // ERROR: type is not default constructible
+ // }
+ public void testBraceElisionForAggregateInit4_nonDefaultConstructible_543038() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper bh = getAssertionHelper();
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({type{1},type{2}});", 3);
+ bh.assertProblem("foo({type{1}});", 3);
+ }
+ // struct array2D{
+ // int data[2][3];
+ // };
+ //
+ // void foo(array2D) {}
+ //
+ // int main() {
+ // foo({{{1,2,3},1,2,3}}); // ok: data[0] is initialized without elision, data[1] with elision
+ // foo({{1,2,3,{1,2,3}}}); // ok: data[1] is initialized without elision, data[0] with elision
+ // foo({{1,2,{1,2,3}}}); // ERROR: trying to initialize data[0][2] with {1,2,3}
+ // }
+ public void testBraceElisionForAggregateInit5_partlyEliding_543038() throws Exception {
+ BindingAssertionHelper bh = getAssertionHelper();
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({{{1,2,3},1,2,3}});", 3);
+ bh.assertNonProblem("foo({{1,2,3,{1,2,3}}});", 3);
+ bh.assertProblem("foo({{1,2,{1,2,3}}});", 3);
+ }

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