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Diffstat (limited to 'core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/')
1 files changed, 1404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1cbbd467746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1404 @@
+package org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.tests;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IMacroDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IToken;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ScannerException;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.Parser;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.Token;
+ * @author jcamelon
+ *
+ * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
+ * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
+ * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to
+ * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation.
+ */
+public class ScannerTestCase extends BaseScannerTest
+ public class TableRow
+ {
+ private int[] values;
+ private int length;
+ public TableRow(int[] v)
+ {
+ length= v.length;
+ values= new int[length];
+ System.arraycopy(v, 0, values, 0, length);
+ }
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ StringBuffer s= new StringBuffer();
+ for (int i= 0; i < length; ++i)
+ {
+ s.append("var").append(i).append("=").append(values[i]).append(" ");
+ }
+ return s.toString();
+ }
+ public String symbolName(int index)
+ {
+ return "DEFINITION" + index;
+ }
+ public int symbolValue(int index)
+ {
+ return new Long(Math.round(Math.pow(index, index))).intValue();
+ }
+ public String generateCode()
+ {
+ if (length < 2)
+ {
+ return "Array must have at least 2 elements";
+ }
+ int numberOfElsifs= length - 1;
+ StringBuffer buffer= new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append("#if ").append(values[0]).append("\n#\tdefine ");
+ buffer.append(symbolName(0)).append(" ").append(symbolValue(0));
+ for (int i= 0; i < numberOfElsifs; ++i)
+ buffer
+ .append("\n#elif ")
+ .append(values[1 + i])
+ .append("\n#\tdefine ")
+ .append(symbolName(i + 1))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(symbolValue(i + 1));
+ buffer
+ .append("\n#else \n#\tdefine ")
+ .append(symbolName(length))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(symbolValue(length))
+ .append("\n#endif");
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ public int selectWinner()
+ {
+ for (int i= 0; i < values.length; ++i)
+ {
+ if (values[i] != 0)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return length;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the length.
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public int getLength()
+ {
+ return length;
+ }
+ }
+ public class TruthTable
+ {
+ private int numberOfVariables;
+ private int numberOfRows;
+ public TableRow[] rows;
+ public TruthTable(int n)
+ {
+ numberOfVariables= n;
+ numberOfRows= new Long(Math.round(Math.pow(2, n))).intValue();
+ rows= new TableRow[numberOfRows];
+ for (int i= 0; i < numberOfRows; ++i)
+ {
+ String Z= Integer.toBinaryString(i);
+ int[] input= new int[numberOfVariables];
+ for (int j= 0; j < numberOfVariables; ++j)
+ {
+ int padding= numberOfVariables - Z.length();
+ int k= 0;
+ for (; k < padding; ++k)
+ {
+ input[k]= 0;
+ }
+ for (int l= 0; l < Z.length(); ++l)
+ {
+ char c= Z.charAt(l);
+ int value= Character.digit(c, 10);
+ input[k++]= value;
+ }
+ }
+ rows[i]= new TableRow(input);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the numberOfRows.
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public int getNumberOfRows()
+ {
+ return numberOfRows;
+ }
+ }
+ public final static boolean doIncludeStdio= false;
+ public final static boolean doIncludeWindowsH= false;
+ public final static boolean doIncludeWinUserH= false;
+ public final static int SIZEOF_TRUTHTABLE = 10;
+ public void testWeirdStrings()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "Living Life L\"LONG\"");
+ validateIdentifier( "Living" );
+ validateIdentifier( "Life" );
+ validateString("LONG", true);
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch( ScannerException se )
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + se.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testNumerics()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("3.0 0.9 .5 3. 4E5 2.01E-03 ...");
+ validateFloatingPointLiteral( "3.0");
+ validateFloatingPointLiteral( "0.9");
+ validateFloatingPointLiteral( ".5");
+ validateFloatingPointLiteral( "3.");
+ validateFloatingPointLiteral( "4E5");
+ validateFloatingPointLiteral( "2.01E-03" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tELIPSE );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch( ScannerException se )
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + se.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor for ScannerTestCase.
+ * @param name
+ */
+ public ScannerTestCase(String name)
+ {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ public void testPreprocessorDefines()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#define SIMPLE_NUMERIC 5\nint x = SIMPLE_NUMERIC");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateDefinition("SIMPLE_NUMERIC", "5");
+ validateIdentifier("x");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("5");
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define SIMPLE_STRING \"This is a simple string.\"\n\nconst char * myVariable = SIMPLE_STRING;");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_const);
+ validateDefinition("SIMPLE_STRING", "\"This is a simple string.\"");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_char);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSTAR);
+ validateIdentifier("myVariable");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateString("This is a simple string.");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define FOOL 5 \n int tryAFOOL = FOOL + FOOL;");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateIdentifier("tryAFOOL");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("5");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("5");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define FOOL 5 \n int FOOLer = FOOL;");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateIdentifier("FOOLer");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("5");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ // the case we were failing against in ctype.h
+ // this is a definition, not a macro!
+ initializeScanner("#define _ALPHA (0x0100|_UPPER|_LOWER)");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("_ALPHA", "(0x0100|_UPPER|_LOWER)");
+ // test for comments after the macro
+ initializeScanner("#define NO_COMMENT// ignore me");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("NO_COMMENT", "");
+ initializeScanner("#define NO_COMMENT/* ignore me*/");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("NO_COMMENT", "");
+ initializeScanner("#define ANSWER 42 // i think");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("ANSWER", "42");
+ initializeScanner("#define ANSWER 42 /* i think */");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("ANSWER", "42");
+ initializeScanner("#define MULTILINE 3 /* comment \n that goes more than one line */");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("MULTILINE", "3");
+ initializeScanner("#define MULTICOMMENT X /* comment1 */ + Y /* comment 2 */");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("MULTICOMMENT", "X + Y");
+ for (int i= 0; i < 7; ++i)
+ {
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0 :
+ initializeScanner("#define SIMPLE_STRING This is a simple string.\n");
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ initializeScanner("# define SIMPLE_NUMERIC 5\n");
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ initializeScanner("# define SIMPLE_NUMERIC 5\n");
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ initializeScanner("#define SIMPLE_STRING \"This is a simple string.\"\n");
+ break;
+ case 4 :
+ initializeScanner("#define SIMPLE_STRING This is a simple string.\n");
+ break;
+ case 5 :
+ initializeScanner("#define FLAKE\n\nFLAKE");
+ break;
+ case 6 :
+ initializeScanner("#define SIMPLE_STRING This is a simple string.\\\n Continue please.");
+ break;
+ }
+ validateEOF();
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0 :
+ validateDefinition(
+ "This is a simple string.");
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ validateDefinition("SIMPLE_NUMERIC", "5");
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ validateDefinition("SIMPLE_NUMERIC", "5");
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ validateDefinition(
+ "\"This is a simple string.\"");
+ break;
+ case 4 :
+ validateDefinition(
+ "This is a simple string.");
+ break;
+ case 5 :
+ validateDefinition("FLAKE", "");
+ break;
+ case 6 :
+ validateDefinition(
+ "This is a simple string. Continue please.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void prepareForWindowsRH()
+ {
+ scanner.addIncludePath(
+ "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Include");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_WIN32_WINNT", "0x0300");
+ scanner.addDefinition("WINVER", "0x0400");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_WIN32_WINDOWS", "0x0300");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_MSC_VER", "1200");
+ }
+ public void prepareForWindowsH()
+ {
+ scanner.addIncludePath(
+ "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Include");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_MSC_VER", "1200");
+ scanner.addDefinition("__cplusplus", "1");
+ scanner.addDefinition("__STDC__", "1");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_WIN32", "");
+ scanner.addDefinition( "__midl", "1000" );
+ scanner.addDefinition("_WIN32_WINNT", "0x0300");
+ scanner.addDefinition("WINVER", "0x0400");
+ scanner.addDefinition( "_M_IX86", "300");
+ scanner.addDefinition( "_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS", "64");
+ }
+ public void prepareForStdio()
+ {
+ scanner.addIncludePath(
+ "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Include");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_MSC_VER", "1100");
+ scanner.addDefinition("__STDC__", "1");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS", "64");
+ scanner.addDefinition("_WIN32", "");
+ scanner.addDefinition( "_M_IX86", "300");
+ }
+ public void testConcatenation()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#define F1 3\n#define F2 F1##F1\nint x=F2;");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateDefinition("F1", "3");
+ validateDefinition( "F2", "F1##F1");
+ validateIdentifier("x");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("33");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define PREFIX RT_\n#define RUN PREFIX##Run");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition( "PREFIX", "RT_" );
+ validateDefinition( "RUN", "PREFIX##Run" );
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "#define DECLARE_HANDLE(name) struct name##__ { int unused; }; typedef struct name##__ *name\n DECLARE_HANDLE( joe )" );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_struct );
+ validateIdentifier( "joe__");
+ validateToken( IToken.tLBRACE);
+ validateToken( IToken.t_int );
+ validateIdentifier( "unused");
+ validateToken( IToken.tSEMI );
+ validateToken( IToken.tRBRACE );
+ validateToken( IToken.tSEMI );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_typedef );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_struct );
+ validateIdentifier( "joe__" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tSTAR );
+ validateIdentifier( "joe");
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testSimpleIfdef()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#define SYMBOL 5\n#ifdef SYMBOL\nint counter(SYMBOL);\n#endif");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateIdentifier("counter");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateInteger("5");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define SYMBOL 5\n#ifndef SYMBOL\nint counter(SYMBOL);\n#endif");
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef DEFINED\n#define DEFINED 100\n#endif\nint count = DEFINED;");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateDefinition("DEFINED", "100");
+ validateIdentifier("count");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("100");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef DEFINED\n#define DEFINED 100\n#endif\nint count = DEFINED;");
+ scanner.addDefinition("DEFINED", "101");
+ validateDefinition("DEFINED", "101");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateIdentifier("count");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("101");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner( "/* NB: This is #if 0'd out */");
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testMultipleLines() throws Exception
+ {
+ Writer code = new StringWriter();
+ code.write( "#define COMPLEX_MACRO 33 \\\n");
+ code.write( " + 44\n\nCOMPLEX_MACRO");
+ initializeScanner( code.toString() );
+ validateInteger( "33" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tPLUS );
+ validateInteger( "44" );
+ }
+ public void testSlightlyComplexIfdefStructure()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef BASE\n#define BASE 10\n#endif\n#ifndef BASE\n#error BASE is defined\n#endif");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef ONE\n#define ONE 1\n#ifdef TWO\n#define THREE ONE + TWO\n#endif\n#endif\nint three(THREE);");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateDefinition("ONE", "1");
+ validateAsUndefined("TWO");
+ validateAsUndefined("THREE");
+ validateIdentifier("three");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateIdentifier("THREE");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef ONE\n#define ONE 1\n#ifdef TWO\n#define THREE ONE + TWO\n#endif\n#endif\nint three(THREE);");
+ scanner.addDefinition("TWO", "2");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateDefinition("ONE", "1");
+ validateDefinition("TWO", "2");
+ validateDefinition("THREE", "ONE + TWO");
+ validateIdentifier("three");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateInteger("1");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("2");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef FOO\n#define FOO 4\n#else\n#undef FOO\n#define FOO 6\n#endif");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("FOO", "4");
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef FOO\n#define FOO 4\n#else\n#undef FOO\n#define FOO 6\n#endif");
+ scanner.addDefinition("FOO", "2");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("FOO", "6");
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef ONE\n# define ONE 1\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#else\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#endif\n");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("ONE", "1");
+ validateDefinition("TWO", "ONE + ONE");
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef ONE\n# define ONE 1\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#else\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#endif\n");
+ scanner.addDefinition("ONE", "one");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("ONE", "one");
+ validateDefinition("TWO", "ONE + ONE");
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef ONE\n# define ONE 1\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#else\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#endif\n");
+ scanner.addDefinition("ONE", "one");
+ scanner.addDefinition("TWO", "two");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("ONE", "one");
+ validateDefinition("TWO", "2");
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef ONE\n# define ONE 1\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#else\n# ifndef TWO\n# define TWO ONE + ONE \n# else\n# undef TWO\n# define TWO 2 \n# endif\n#endif\n");
+ scanner.addDefinition("TWO", "two");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("ONE", "1");
+ validateDefinition("TWO", "2");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testIfs()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#if 0\n#error NEVER\n#endif\n");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ initializeScanner("#define X 5\n#define Y 7\n#if (X < Y)\n#define Z X + Y\n#endif");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("X", "5");
+ validateDefinition("Y", "7");
+ validateDefinition("Z", "X + Y");
+ initializeScanner("#if T < 20\n#define Z T + 1\n#endif");
+ scanner.addDefinition("X", "5");
+ scanner.addDefinition("Y", "7");
+ scanner.addDefinition("T", "X + Y");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("X", "5");
+ validateDefinition("Y", "7");
+ validateDefinition("T", "X + Y");
+ validateDefinition("Z", "T + 1");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#if ( 10 / 5 ) != 2\n#error 10/5 seems to not equal 2 anymore\n#endif\n");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#ifndef FIVE \n#define FIVE 5\n#endif \n#ifndef TEN\n#define TEN 2 * FIVE\n#endif\n#if TEN != 10\n#define MISTAKE 1\n#error Five does not equal 10\n#endif\n");
+ scanner.addDefinition("FIVE", "55");
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch (ScannerException se)
+ {
+ validateBalance(1);
+ validateDefinition("FIVE", "55");
+ validateDefinition("TEN", "2 * FIVE");
+ validateDefinition("MISTAKE", "1");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#if ((( FOUR / TWO ) * THREE )< FIVE )\n#error 6 is not less than 5 \n#endif\n#if ( ( FIVE * ONE ) != (( (FOUR) + ONE ) * ONE ) )\n#error 5 should equal 5\n#endif \n");
+ scanner.addDefinition("ONE", "1");
+ scanner.addDefinition("TWO", "(ONE + ONE)");
+ scanner.addDefinition("THREE", "(TWO + ONE)");
+ scanner.addDefinition("FOUR", "(TWO * TWO)");
+ scanner.addDefinition("FIVE", "(THREE + TWO)");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateDefinition("ONE", "1");
+ validateDefinition("TWO", "(ONE + ONE)");
+ validateDefinition("THREE", "(TWO + ONE)");
+ validateDefinition("FOUR", "(TWO * TWO)");
+ validateDefinition("FIVE", "(THREE + TWO)");
+ TruthTable table= new TruthTable(SIZEOF_TRUTHTABLE);
+ int numberOfRows= table.getNumberOfRows();
+ TableRow[] rows= table.rows;
+ for (int i= 0; i < numberOfRows; ++i)
+ {
+ TableRow row= rows[i];
+ String code= row.generateCode();
+ if (verbose)
+ System.out.println("\n\nRow " + i + " has code\n" + code);
+ initializeScanner(code);
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ validateAllDefinitions(row);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#if ! 0\n#error Correct!\n#endif");
+ IToken t= scanner.nextToken();
+ }
+ catch (ScannerException se)
+ {
+ validateBalance(1);
+ assertTrue(se.getMessage().equals("#error Correct!"));
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testPreprocessorMacros()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#define GO(x) x+1\nint y(5);\ny = GO(y);");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateIdentifier("y");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateInteger("5");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ IMacroDescriptor descriptor=
+ (IMacroDescriptor) scanner.getDefinition("GO");
+ List parms= descriptor.getParameters();
+ assertNotNull(parms);
+ assertTrue(parms.size() == 1);
+ String parm1= (String) parms.get(0);
+ assertTrue(parm1.equals("x"));
+ List expansion= descriptor.getTokenizedExpansion();
+ assertNotNull(parms);
+ assertTrue(expansion.size() == 3);
+ assertTrue(((Token) expansion.get(0)).type == IToken.tIDENTIFIER);
+ assertTrue(((Token) expansion.get(0)).image.equals("x"));
+ assertTrue(((Token) expansion.get(1)).type == IToken.tPLUS);
+ assertTrue(((Token) expansion.get(2)).type == IToken.tINTEGER);
+ assertTrue(((Token) expansion.get(2)).image.equals("1"));
+ validateIdentifier("y");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateIdentifier("y");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("1");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ initializeScanner(
+ "#define ONE 1\n"
+ + "#define SUM(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) ( a + b + c + d + e + f + g )\n"
+ + "int daSum = SUM(ONE,3,5,7,9,11,13);");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateIdentifier("daSum");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateInteger("1");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("3");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("5");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("7");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("9");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("11");
+ validateToken(IToken.tPLUS);
+ validateInteger("13");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ IMacroDescriptor macro= (IMacroDescriptor) scanner.getDefinition("SUM");
+ List params= macro.getParameters();
+ assertNotNull(params);
+ assertTrue(params.size() == 7);
+ List tokens= macro.getTokenizedExpansion();
+ assertNotNull(tokens);
+ assertTrue(tokens.size() == 15);
+ initializeScanner("#define LOG( format, var1) printf( format, var1 )\nLOG( \"My name is %s\", \"Bogdan\" );\n");
+ validateIdentifier("printf");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateString("My name is %s");
+ validateToken(IToken.tCOMMA);
+ validateString("Bogdan");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define INCR( x ) ++x\nint y(2);\nINCR(y);");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateIdentifier("y");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateInteger("2");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateToken(IToken.tINCR);
+ validateIdentifier("y");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define CHECK_AND_SET( x, y, z ) if( x ) { \\\n y = z; \\\n }\n\nCHECK_AND_SET( 1, balance, 5000 );\nCHECK_AND_SET( confused(), you, dumb );");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_if);
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateInteger("1");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tLBRACE);
+ validateIdentifier("balance");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("5000");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateToken(IToken.tRBRACE);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateToken(IToken.t_if);
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateIdentifier("confused");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tLBRACE);
+ validateIdentifier("you");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateIdentifier("dumb");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateToken(IToken.tRBRACE);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner("#define ON 7\n#if defined(ON)\nint itsOn = ON;\n#endif");
+ validateToken(IToken.t_int);
+ validateBalance(1);
+ validateIdentifier("itsOn");
+ validateToken(IToken.tASSIGN);
+ validateInteger("7");
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ initializeScanner("#if defined( NOTHING ) \nint x = NOTHING;\n#endif");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testQuickScan() throws Parser.EndOfFile
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "#if X + 5 < 7\n int found = 1;\n#endif" );
+ scanner.setQuickScan( true );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_int );
+ validateIdentifier( "found" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tASSIGN );
+ validateInteger( "1");
+ validateToken( IToken.tSEMI );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch( ScannerException se )
+ {
+ fail( EXCEPTION_THROWN + se.getMessage() );
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "#if 0\n int error = 666;\n#endif" );
+ scanner.setQuickScan( true );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch( ScannerException se )
+ {
+ fail( EXCEPTION_THROWN + se.getMessage() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testInclusions()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (doIncludeStdio)
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#include <stdio.h>");
+ prepareForStdio();
+ int count= fullyTokenize();
+ if (verbose)
+ System.out.println(
+ "For stdio.h, Scanner produced " + count + " tokens");
+ validateBalance();
+ initializeScanner("#include \\\n<\\\nstdio.h \\\n>");
+ prepareForStdio();
+ count= fullyTokenize();
+ if (verbose)
+ System.out.println(
+ "For stdio.h, Scanner produced " + count + " tokens");
+ }
+ if (doIncludeWindowsH)
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#include <Windows.h>");
+ prepareForWindowsH();
+ int count= fullyTokenize();
+ if (verbose)
+ System.out.println(
+ "For Windows.h, Scanner produced "
+ + scanner.getCount()
+ + " tokens");
+ validateBalance();
+ }
+ if (doIncludeWinUserH)
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#include <WinUser.rh>");
+ prepareForWindowsRH();
+ validateEOF();
+ validateBalance();
+ if (verbose)
+ System.out.println(
+ "For WinUser.rh, Scanner produced "
+ + scanner.getCount()
+ + " tokens");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testOtherPreprocessorCommands()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner("#\n#\t\n#define MAX_SIZE 1024\n#\n# ");
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("MAX_SIZE", "1024");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ for (int i= 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ {
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0 :
+ initializeScanner("# ape");
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ initializeScanner("# #");
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ initializeScanner("# 32");
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ initializeScanner("# defines");
+ break;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch (ScannerException se)
+ {
+ validateBalance();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void validateAllDefinitions(TableRow row)
+ {
+ int winner= row.selectWinner();
+ int rowLength= row.getLength();
+ for (int i= 0; i <= rowLength; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == winner)
+ validateDefinition(row.symbolName(i), row.symbolValue(i));
+ else
+ validateAsUndefined(row.symbolName(i));
+ }
+ }
+ public void testBug36287() throws Exception
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "X::X( const X & rtg_arg ) : U( rtg_arg ) , Z( rtg_arg.Z ) , er( ){}" );
+ validateIdentifier("X");
+ validateToken( IToken.tCOLONCOLON);
+ validateIdentifier("X");
+ validateToken( IToken.tLPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_const );
+ validateIdentifier("X");
+ validateToken( IToken.tAMPER );
+ validateIdentifier( "rtg_arg");
+ validateToken( IToken.tRPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.tCOLON );
+ validateIdentifier( "U");
+ validateToken( IToken.tLPAREN );
+ validateIdentifier( "rtg_arg");
+ validateToken( IToken.tRPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.tCOMMA );
+ validateIdentifier( "Z");
+ validateToken( IToken.tLPAREN );
+ validateIdentifier( "rtg_arg");
+ validateToken( IToken.tDOT );
+ validateIdentifier( "Z");
+ validateToken( IToken.tRPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.tCOMMA );
+ validateIdentifier( "er");
+ validateToken( IToken.tLPAREN );
+ validateIdentifier( "rtg_arg");
+ validateToken( IToken.tDOT );
+ validateIdentifier( "er");
+ validateToken( IToken.tRPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.tLBRACE);
+ validateToken( IToken.tRBRACE);
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner( "foo.*bar");
+ validateIdentifier("foo");
+ validateToken( IToken.tDOTSTAR );
+ validateIdentifier("bar");
+ validateEOF();
+ initializeScanner( "");
+ validateIdentifier("foo");
+ validateToken( IToken.tELIPSE );
+ validateIdentifier("bar");
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug35892()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "'c'" );
+ validateChar( 'c' );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ catch( ScannerException se )
+ {
+ fail( EXCEPTION_THROWN + se.getMessage() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testBug36045() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ buffer.append( '"' );
+ buffer.append( '\\');
+ buffer.append( '"');
+ buffer.append( '"');
+ buffer.append( '"');
+ buffer.append( '\\');
+ buffer.append( '\\');
+ buffer.append( '"');
+ buffer.append( "\n\n");
+ initializeScanner( buffer.toString());
+ validateString( "\\\"\\\\");
+ }
+ public void testConditionalWithBraces()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "int foobar(int a) { if(a == 0) {\n#ifdef THIS\n} else {}\n#elif THAT\n} else {}\n#endif\nreturn 0;}" );
+ switch( i )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ scanner.addDefinition( "THIS", "1");
+ scanner.addDefinition( "THAT", "1" );
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ scanner.addDefinition( "THIS", "1");
+ scanner.addDefinition( "THAT", "0" );
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ scanner.addDefinition( "THAT", "1" );
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ scanner.addDefinition( "THAT", "0" );
+ break;
+ }
+ validateToken( IToken.t_int );
+ validateIdentifier( "foobar");
+ validateToken( IToken.tLPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_int );
+ validateIdentifier( "a" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tRPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.tLBRACE );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_if );
+ validateToken( IToken.tLPAREN );
+ validateIdentifier( "a" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tEQUAL );
+ validateInteger( "0" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tRPAREN );
+ validateToken( IToken.tLBRACE );
+ if( i <= 1 )
+ {
+ validateToken( IToken.tRBRACE );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_else );
+ validateToken( IToken.tLBRACE );
+ validateToken( IToken.tRBRACE );
+ }
+ if( i == 2 )
+ {
+ validateToken( IToken.tRBRACE );
+ validateToken( IToken.t_else );
+ validateToken( IToken.tLBRACE );
+ validateToken( IToken.tRBRACE );
+ }
+ validateToken( IToken.t_return );
+ validateInteger( "0");
+ validateToken( IToken.tSEMI );
+ validateToken( IToken.tRBRACE );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ } catch( ScannerException se )
+ {
+ fail(EXCEPTION_THROWN + se.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testNestedRecursiveDefines() throws Exception
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "#define C B A\n#define B C C\n#define A B\nA" );
+ validateIdentifier("B");
+ validateDefinition("A", "B");
+ validateDefinition("B", "C C");
+ validateDefinition("C", "B A");
+ validateIdentifier("A");
+ validateIdentifier("B");
+ validateIdentifier("A");
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36316() throws Exception
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "#define A B->A\nA" );
+ validateIdentifier("B");
+ validateDefinition("A", "B->A");
+ validateToken(IToken.tARROW);
+ validateIdentifier("A");
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36434() throws Exception
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "#define X(Y)");
+ validateEOF();
+ IMacroDescriptor macro = (IMacroDescriptor)scanner.getDefinition( "X" );
+ assertNotNull( macro );
+ assertEquals( macro.getParameters().size(), 1 );
+ assertEquals( (String)macro.getParameters().get(0), "Y" );
+ assertEquals( macro.getTokenizedExpansion().size(), 0 );
+ }
+ public void testBug36047() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write( "# define MAD_VERSION_STRINGIZE(str) #str\n" );
+ writer.write( "# define MAD_VERSION_STRING(num) MAD_VERSION_STRINGIZE(num)\n" );
+ writer.write( "# define MAD_VERSION MAD_VERSION_STRING(MAD_VERSION_MAJOR) \".\" \\\n" );
+ writer.write( " MAD_VERSION_STRING(MAD_VERSION_MINOR) \".\" \\\n" );
+ writer.write( " MAD_VERSION_STRING(MAD_VERSION_PATCH) \".\" \\\n" );
+ writer.write( "# define MAD_VERSION_MAJOR 2\n" );
+ writer.write( "# define MAD_VERSION_MINOR 1\n" );
+ writer.write( "# define MAD_VERSION_PATCH 3\n" );
+ writer.write( "# define MAD_VERSION_EXTRA boo\n" );
+ writer.write( "MAD_VERSION\n" );
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateString( "" );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36475() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write( " \"A\" \"B\" \"C\" " );
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateString( "ABC" );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36509() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write("#define debug(s, t) printf(\"x\" # s \"= %d, x\" # t \"= %s\", \\\n");
+ writer.write(" x ## s, x ## t) \n");
+ writer.write("debug(1, 2);");
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ //printf("x1=%d, x2= %s", x1, x2);
+ validateIdentifier( "printf" );
+ validateToken( IToken.tLPAREN );
+ validateString("x1= %d, x2= %s");
+ validateToken(IToken.tCOMMA);
+ validateIdentifier("x1");
+ validateToken(IToken.tCOMMA);
+ validateIdentifier("x2");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36695() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write("\'\\4\' \'\\n\'");
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateChar( "\\4" );
+ validateChar( "\\n" );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36521() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write("#define str(s) # s\n");
+ writer.write("fputs(str(strncmp(\"abc\\0d\", \"abc\", \'\\4\')\n");
+ writer.write(" == 0), s);\n");
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateIdentifier("fputs");
+ validateToken(IToken.tLPAREN);
+ validateString("strncmp ( \\\"abc\\\\0d\\\" , \\\"abc\\\" , '\\\\4' ) == 0");
+ validateToken(IToken.tCOMMA);
+ validateIdentifier("s");
+ validateToken(IToken.tRPAREN);
+ validateToken(IToken.tSEMI);
+ }
+ public void testBug36770() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write( "#define A 0\n" );
+ writer.write( "#if ( A == 1 )\n");
+ writer.write( "# define foo 1\n");
+ writer.write( "#else\n");
+ writer.write( "# define foo 2\n");
+ writer.write( "#endif\n");
+ writer.write( "foo\n");
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateInteger( "2" );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36816() throws Exception
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "#include \"foo.h" );
+ try{
+ validateEOF();
+ } catch ( ScannerException e ){
+ assertTrue( e.getMessage().equals( "Ill-formed #include: reached end of line before \"" ));
+ }
+ initializeScanner( "#include <foo.h" );
+ try{
+ validateEOF();
+ } catch ( ScannerException e ){
+ assertTrue( e.getMessage().equals( "Ill-formed #include: reached end of line before >" ));
+ }
+ initializeScanner( "#define FOO(A" );
+ try{
+ validateEOF();
+ } catch( ScannerException e ){
+ assertTrue( e.getMessage().equals( "Unexpected newline in macro formal parameter list."));
+ }
+ initializeScanner( "#define FOO(A \\ B" );
+ try{
+ validateEOF();
+ } catch( ScannerException e ){
+ assertTrue( e.getMessage().equals( "Unexpected '\\' in macro formal parameter list."));
+ }
+ initializeScanner( "#define FOO(A,\\\nB) 1\n FOO(foo" );
+ try{
+ validateInteger("1");
+ } catch( ScannerException e ){
+ assertTrue( e.getMessage().equals( "Improper use of macro FOO" ) );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testBug36255() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write( "#if defined ( A ) \n" );
+ writer.write( " #if defined ( B ) && ( B != 0 ) \n" );
+ writer.write( " boo\n" );
+ writer.write( " #endif /*B*/\n" );
+ writer.write( "#endif /*A*/" );
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug37011() throws Exception{
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write( "#define A \"//\"");
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("A", "\"//\"");
+ }
+ public void testOtherPreprocessorDefines() throws Exception{
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write( "#define A a//boo\n" );
+ writer.write( "#define B a /*boo*/ a\n" );
+ writer.write( "#define C a \" //boo \"\n" );
+ writer.write( "#define D a \\\"//boo\n" );
+ writer.write( "#define E a \\n \"\\\"\"\n" );
+ writer.write( "#define F a\\\n b\n" );
+ writer.write( "#define G a '\"'//boo\n" );
+ writer.write( "#define H a '\\'//b'\"/*bo\\o*/\" b\n" );
+ initializeScanner( writer.toString() );
+ validateEOF();
+ validateDefinition("A", "a");
+ validateDefinition("B", "a a");
+ validateDefinition("C", "a \" //boo \"");
+ validateDefinition("D", "a \\\"");
+ validateDefinition("E", "a \\n \"\\\"\"");
+ validateDefinition("F", "a b");
+ validateDefinition("G", "a '\"'");
+ validateDefinition("H", "a '\\'//b'\"/*bo\\o*/\" b");
+ }
+ public void testBug38065() throws Exception
+ {
+ initializeScanner( "Foo\\\nBar" );
+ validateIdentifier("FooBar");
+ validateEOF();
+ try {
+ initializeScanner( "Foo\\Bar" );
+ validateIdentifier("Foo");
+ validateIdentifier("Bar");
+ validateEOF();
+ } catch (ScannerException se) {
+ // if Scanner.throwExceptionOnBadCharacterRead == true
+ // we might end up with valid ScannerException "Invalid character ..."
+ // for '\'
+ assertTrue(se.getMessage().equals("Invalid character '\\' read @ offset 5 of file TEXT"));
+ }
+ }
+ public void testBug36701A() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write("#define str(s) # s\n");
+ writer.write("str( @ \\n )\n");
+ initializeScanner(writer.toString());
+ validateString("@ \\\\n");
+ validateEOF();
+ }
+ public void testBug36701B() throws Exception
+ {
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ writer.write("#define str(s) # s\n");
+ writer.write("str( @ /*ff*/ \\n hh \"aa\" )\n");
+ initializeScanner(writer.toString());
+ validateString("@ \\\\n hh \\\"aa\\\"");
+ validateEOF();
+ }

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