Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDBStoreAccessor
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db Server concepts for dealing with DB stores and accessors. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping Server concepts for dealing with mapping strategies and mappings for classes, lists and types. 

Uses of IDBStoreAccessor in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db that return IDBStoreAccessor
 IDBStoreAccessor IDBStoreChunkReader.getAccessor()
 IDBStoreAccessor IDBStore.getReader(ISession session)
 IDBStoreAccessor IDBStore.getWriter(ITransaction transaction)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db with parameters of type IDBStoreAccessor
 CDOID IIDHandler.mapURI(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, String uri, long commitTime)
 String IIDHandler.unmapURI(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOID id)

Uses of IDBStoreAccessor in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping with parameters of type IDBStoreAccessor
 PreparedStatement IClassMapping.createObjectIDStatement(IDBStoreAccessor accessor)
          Create a prepared statement which returns all IDs of instances of the corresponding class.
 PreparedStatement IClassMapping.createResourceQueryStatement(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOID folderId, String name, boolean exactMatch, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint)
          Create a prepared statement which returns all IDs of instances of the corresponding class.
 void IClassMapping.detachObject(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOID id, int version, CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, OMMonitor monitor)
          Detaches (deletes) a CDO object leaving a "ghost" revision behind.
 void IClassMapping.handleRevisions(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler)
          Passes all revisions of the store to the handler if all of the following conditions are met: The branch parameter is null or equal to revision.getBranch().
 void IMappingStrategy.handleRevisions(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, EClass eClass, CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler)
          Passes all revisions of the store to the handler if all of the following conditions are met: The eClass parameter is null or equal to revision.getEClass().
 void IListMapping.objectDetached(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOID id, long revised)
          Hook with which a list mapping is notified that a containing object has been revised.
 void IListMappingDeltaSupport.processDelta(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOID id, int branchId, int oldVersion, int newVersion, long created, CDOListFeatureDelta delta)
          Process a set of CDOFeatureDeltas for a many-valued feature.
 void IMappingStrategy.queryResources(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, IStoreAccessor.QueryResourcesContext context)
          Executes a resource query.
 void IMappingStrategy.queryXRefs(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, IStoreAccessor.QueryXRefsContext context)
          Executes a cross reference query.
 boolean IClassMapping.queryXRefs(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, IStoreAccessor.QueryXRefsContext context, String idString)
          Retrieve cross-references from DB
 boolean IListMapping.queryXRefs(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, String mainTableName, String mainTableWhere, IStoreAccessor.QueryXRefsContext context, String idString)
          Retrieve cross-references from DB
 void IMappingStrategy.rawExport(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDODataOutput out, int lastReplicatedBranchID, int lastBranchID, long lastReplicatedCommitTime, long lastCommitTime)
 void IMappingStrategy.rawImport(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDODataInput in, long fromCommitTime, long toCommitTime, OMMonitor monitor)
 Set<CDOID> IClassMapping.readChangeSet(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOChangeSetSegment[] segments)
          Returns a set of CDOIDs that have at least one revision in any of the passed branches and time ranges.
 Set<CDOID> IMappingStrategy.readChangeSet(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, OMMonitor monitor, CDOChangeSetSegment[] segments)
          Returns a set of CDOIDs that have at least one revision in any of the passed branches and time ranges.
 CloseableIterator<CDOID> IMappingStrategy.readObjectIDs(IDBStoreAccessor accessor)
          Get an iterator over all instances of objects in the store.
 CDOClassifierRef IMappingStrategy.readObjectType(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOID id)
          Read the type (i.e. class) of the object referred to by a given ID.
 boolean IClassMapping.readRevision(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, InternalCDORevision revision, int listChunk)
          Read a revision.
 boolean IClassMappingAuditSupport.readRevisionByVersion(IDBStoreAccessor storeAccessor, InternalCDORevision revision, int listChunk)
          Read a specific version of a revision.
 void IListMapping.readValues(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, InternalCDORevision revision, int listChunk)
          Read the list size and the complete list or the first part of it.
 void IClassMapping.writeRevision(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, InternalCDORevision revision, boolean mapType, boolean revise, OMMonitor monitor)
          Write the revision data to the database.
 void IClassMappingDeltaSupport.writeRevisionDelta(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, InternalCDORevisionDelta delta, long created, OMMonitor monitor)
          Write a revision delta.
 void IListMapping.writeValues(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, InternalCDORevision revision)
          Write a complete list of values to the database.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2011 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.