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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-07-18[458349] Consolidate UI Eike Stepper1-3/+3
2015-02-18[458349] Consolidate UI Eike Stepper1-5/+4
2013-10-17[419574] NPE in CDOMergingConflictResolver Eike Stepper1-4/+4
2013-03-19[400926] Move plugins that depends on EMF Compare to an independent andEike Stepper1-1/+0
2013-03-13[400388] Integrate the new MinimalEStoreEObjectImpl drops/I20130315-0410Eike Stepper1-2/+2
2012-10-06[256624] [UI] Create a Commit History ViewPart Eike Stepper1-0/+1
2012-10-05[256624] [UI] Create a Commit History ViewPart drops/I20121005-0745Eike Stepper1-0/+18

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