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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-11-25[569150] Rework server-side threadingEike Stepper4-16/+25
2020-03-11[Releng] Update copyrightsreleases/4.9.0Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2019-12-14[Releng] Use Java 8 diamond operator where possibleEike Stepper1-0/+3
2019-12-14[Releng] Use Java 8 diamond operator where possibleEike Stepper5-10/+21
2019-12-13[558310] [Releng] Update Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment to JavaSE-1.8Eike Stepper8-17/+87
2019-10-29[Releng] Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2018-05-29[Releng] Adjust copyrightsEike Stepper14-14/+14
2018-05-17[Releng] Adjust CopyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2017-12-31[Releng] Adjust copyrightsEike Stepper2-2/+2
2017-12-28[528979] Migrate build to Maven/TychoEike Stepper1-11/+15
2017-12-21[Releng] Add Automatic-Module-Name to bundle manifestsEike Stepper2-3/+4
2017-12-20[528979] Migrate build to Maven/TychoEike Stepper3-2/+45
2016-10-18[Releng] Update copyrightsEike Stepper5-5/+5
2016-10-18[Releng] Increase max line length to 160Eike Stepper6-49/+30
2016-10-06[Releng] Source Clean-Up for all projectsEike Stepper2-3/+3
2016-10-05[Releng] Adjust per-project commit templateEike Stepper1-1/+1
2016-03-01[Releng] Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2015-09-11[Releng] Ignore version range lower bound problemsEike Stepper1-0/+4
2015-06-10Update Copyrightsreleases/4.4.0Eike Stepper8-8/+8
2015-05-27[467616] Support for returning tuples from OCLLeonid Ripeynih1-6/+27 Signed-off-by: Leonid Ripeynih <> Signed-off-by: Eike Stepper <> Change-Id: I8f108755d2d82e8dcdb2c5833557ce6d93308d7d
2015-05-14[456993] Have EClass.allInstances query works on branchesEsteban Dugueperoux2-6/+5
- Have EClass.allInstances ocl query works when no instances of EClass exists on the repository. - Have it also on branches. - Same for CDOView.queryInstances() query. - Don't returns deleted instances. Task-Url: Change-Id: I46cd0e05b6f99edb3bba4ac41158c7d3b4bc927d Signed-off-by: Esteban Dugueperoux <> Signed-off-by: Eike Stepper <>
2015-04-22[Releng] Reformat everything with M6 formatterEike Stepper7-24/+19
2015-01-27[Releng] Fix formatting problemsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2014-08-19Prepare baseline for 4.4 integrationEike Stepper1-2/+2
2014-03-09Update JavadocsEike Stepper1-2/+4
2014-01-14Fix copyrightsEike Stepper3-12/+2
2013-11-12[418454] [Admin] Client API and UI for managing repositories in a serverChristian W. Damus1-9/+8 Prompt the user to confirm deletion of a repository if any users are currently connected to it. This uses a new reusable confirmation signal API, including confirmation providers, after the fashion of the authentication signal and credentials providers. Also added the "Manage Security" action to repositories in the CDO Administration view. This uses an alternative handler targeting an admin-repository, which opens a new session if an open session doesn't already exist that is logged in as the administrator. Change-Id: Ib8d7e7d0237f9426158f5a9af57782b8515531cc Also-by: Eike Stepper <>
2013-09-05[416587] [DB] NPE in PreparedStatementCache Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-09-04[416474] [OCL] Add some non-standard operations to support efficient OCLChristian W. Damus4-3/+10
queries Fix copyrights and some Javadoc comments.
2013-09-04[416474] [OCL] Add some non-standard operations to support efficient OCLChristian W. Damus5-1/+692
queries Change-Id: I8ae59bda5cb20a1cbfee1fae81713032b6627e79
2013-09-03[416366] [OCL] Support implicit root class in server-side CDO queries Eike Stepper1-2/+16
2013-09-02416366: [CDO] Support implicit root class in server-side CDO queriesChristian W. Damus1-1/+1 416366 Make the ContextParameter nested class's visibility protected because it is a component of a protected outer class method signature.
2013-09-02416366: [CDO] Support implicit root class in server-side CDO queriesChristian W. Damus1-108/+242 416366 Add a 'cdoImplicitRootClass' query option to the OCLQueryHandler, similar to the existing 'cdoLazyExtents'. The value is an EClass, default is null. Because the value is an EClass, it is not supported as a variable that is passed through to the OCL expression parsing and evaluation environments, so it is filtered out of the OCL environment. The lazy-extent parameter also doesn't make sense in the OCL expression. Change-Id: Ic4c40965fcce2dad092943a526b75a816421ea31
2013-08-31[416285] OCLExtendCreator fails for abstract subtypes Eike Stepper3-8/+24
2013-07-27Fix deprecation warningsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-07-07Adjust formatter options for e4.3Eike Stepper1-1/+0
2013-06-01Update copyrightsEike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-06-01Reformat source codeEike Stepper1-0/+1
2013-05-03Update copyrightsdrops/I20130503-1515Eike Stepper10-11/+11
2013-04-07[400762] OCLQueryHandler does not consider subtypes Eike Stepper3-47/+98
2013-03-18[403661] [Legacy] Make legacy mode non-optional Eike Stepper1-1/+1
2013-03-16[403445] [Releng] Use Execution Environments descriptions to avoidEike Stepper1-1/+2
illegal references to system libraries
2013-03-13[400388] Integrate the new MinimalEStoreEObjectImpl drops/I20130315-0410Eike Stepper1-3/+3
2012-09-17Fix encodingEike Stepper1-1/+1
2012-09-10Move release.xml to separate projectEike Stepper1-1/+1
2012-07-29Remove unneeded schema buildersEike Stepper1-5/+0
2012-07-28Add version management and fix version problemsEike Stepper2-0/+27
2012-07-19Fix line endings in master (dos2unix)Eike Stepper6-63/+63
2012-06-06Update JavadocsEike Stepper4-575/+593
2012-06-02[381410] IllegalStateException from OCL query with non-Collection result Eike Stepper1-14/+14

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