getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop' #***************************************************************************** # # template.php # # Author: Denis Roy # Date: 2005-06-16 # # Description: Type your page comments here - these are not sent to the browser # # #**************************************************************************** # # Begin: page-specific settings. Change these. $pageTitle = "Eclipse Corner Articles"; $pageKeywords = "article, articles, tutorial, tutorials, how-to, howto, whitepaper, whitepapers, white, paper"; $pageAuthor = "Type your name here"; # Add page-specific Nav bars here # Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3) # $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", "downloads.php"); # $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3); # $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3); # End: page-specific settings # include("scripts/articles.php"); $filter = $_GET['filter']; if (!$filter) $filter = 'all'; $categories = get_categories_for_filtering_as_html('/articles/index.php', $filter); $articles = get_articles_as_html($filter); # Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers! $html = <<-->


Please note that not all articles have been migrated over to the new site. This process is ongoing and should be completed soon. In the meantime, the old articles page still exists (for now).

The following articles have been written by members of the development team and other members of the eclipse community. All articles are listed here by date (most recent first). You can filter the list by clicking a category filter to the right.

You too can contribute! Eclipse Corner depends on contributions from people like you. Interested in writing an article? See how to contribute an article.

Besides these, a number of other web sites carry technical articles about Eclipse. You can find pointers to these on the Eclipse Community page.

Eclipse Rich Client Platform Tutorial
EOHTML; # Generate the web page $App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html); ?>