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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2010-06-02[315313] [doc] The automatic class generation for proposal computer uses ↵nitind2-2/+2
wrong interface
2010-06-01[314800] 3 missing 'providerNames' in XSL bundlesnitind3-3/+3
2010-05-27[311777] NPE when editing an xml file which hoses the xml modelnitind1-1/+1
2010-05-27[314385] (supplement to) XML-formatted JSP validation doesn't see variables ↵nitind1-1/+1
from includes
2010-05-27[314061] o.e.j.validation.sample is not OSGi bundlecanderson1-1/+1
2010-05-27[314385] XML-formatted JSP validation doesn't see variables from includesnitind2-2/+2
2010-05-26[286990] - ModelManagerImpl calls FileBufferModelManager.connect without ↵nsandonato3-4/+4
checking for null
2010-05-25[310312] New JUnit test for global CMDocument cachegindik1-1/+1
2010-05-24303935 - need to remove most, change a few, webtools repository URL in ↵david_williams2-5/+5
2010-05-24303935 - need to remove most, change a few, webtools repository URL in ↵david_williams2-7/+7
2010-05-24*** empty log message ***nitind1-1/+1
2010-05-24303935 - need to remove most, change a few, webtools repository URL in ↵david_williams1-5/+5
2010-05-24[nobug] releng fixesnitind3-6/+6
2010-05-20*** empty log message ***nitind1-1/+1
2010-05-20Fix junit breakcjaun1-1/+1
2010-05-20[259465] [formatter] formatter in web page removes attribute value quotes ↵nitind2-3/+3
and adds semicolon
2010-05-19[305630] Removing deprecated luceneSearchParticipants extensionkprice2-6/+6
2010-05-13[312738] Index out of bounds exception on startupcanderson1-1/+1
2010-05-13[312115] [content assist] JSDTContentAssistant should null out its ↵cjaun1-1/+1
processors in sessionEnd method
2010-05-13[312145] "Semantic Highlighting Job" gets NPEnsandonato1-1/+1
[312376] Semantic Highlighting is lost in many cases
2010-05-11[312496] Documentation updates for full XML Catalog UI support in Preferenceskprice1-1/+1
2010-05-11[311801] No content in design viewnsandonato3-4/+4
[262151] [validation] ValidatorStrategy triggering unwanted plug-in activation [312111] [content assist] [api] StructuredContentAssistProcessor#CompletionListener#assistSessionEnded always skipped [197954] [content assist] tag-file declaration in tld is not recognized
2010-05-11[311097] [NLS] validation builder job uses incorrect messagecanderson1-1/+1
2010-05-06need to "export" legal fiels in build.propertiesdavid_williams1-1/+1
2010-05-04[310558] Releng fixes for 3.2nitind2-6/+6
2010-05-04[311133] [perf] ToggleBreakPoint Action Image can be lazy loaded instead of ↵nsandonato1-1/+1
setting up while creation of Editor
2010-05-04[311458] XML Perspective does not support alternate hierarchy viewsnsandonato1-1/+1
2010-04-29[nobug] add copyright statementcanderson1-1/+1
2010-04-29updating version numbers for v3.2kprice2-3/+3
2010-04-29[309834] WTP 3.2 releng fixes for URI resolver and Internet cachecanderson1-1/+1
2010-04-29[310558] Releng fixes for 3.2nitind2-3/+3
2010-04-29[310952] StructuredTextEditor doesn't return all ITextEditorExtension* ↵nitind1-1/+1
interfaces as adapters
2010-04-29[310558] Releng fixes for 3.2nitind1-2/+2
2010-04-29[310558] Releng fixes for 3.2 (2)nitind1-3/+3
2010-04-29[310558] Releng fixes for 3.2nitind12-42/+42
2010-04-28[310449] Running time of ↵nsandonato1-1/+1
StructuredTextViewerConfiguration.getContentAssistant has regressed
2010-04-28[310220] updates to sse docs for 3.2kprice1-1/+1
2010-04-28[310222] [310216] updates to XML docs for 3.2kprice1-1/+1
2010-04-28[310801]: Need to Add/Update project metadata files.dacarver4-7/+7
2010-04-28[309834] WTP 3.2 releng fixes for URI resolver and Internet cachecanderson1-1/+1
2010-04-26[308120] ModelManagerImpl's yieldRule() use still susceptible to deadlocknitind1-1/+1
2010-04-26revert [306836]nsandonato1-1/+1
2010-04-23[310085] [translation] Start Tag missing for custom empty tags within double ↵nsandonato1-1/+1
or single quote
2010-04-23[nobug] Increase xsd.ui.tests version number for WTP 3.2vbaciu1-1/+1
2010-04-22[301803] XSDEditorPlugin uses deprecated IPluginDescriptor -> NPEvbaciu1-1/+1
2010-04-22[271968] [NLS] XSD hyperlinks lack proper namesvbaciu1-1/+1
2010-04-21[300619] - [XML Catalog] [patch] External DTD subsets / schemas are ↵gindik1-1/+1
attempted loaded for catalogs
2010-04-21[309984] - XSD editor -Minimum length and maximum length fields don't remain ↵gindik1-1/+1
in Properties view in Linux
2010-04-21[194624] XSD preview of the Element or Type is difficult to closevbaciu1-1/+1
2010-04-21[288367] code templates not working with selectionnsandonato1-1/+1

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