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2009-10-22[292566] content type fixcanderson1-1/+1
2009-10-21[289842] [projection] Upgrades for new comment folding to act more like JDTnsandonato4-7/+7
2009-10-21[290426] [validation] condition statements such as object || window(global ob...cjaun1-1/+1
2009-10-21[292898] [tests] Disable Folding tests for XML, CSS and DTD for the time beingnsandonato2-3/+3
2009-10-21[280932] [exceptions] NullPointerException on autocomplete in jscjaun1-2/+2
2009-10-20[245028] [formatting] long comments (totally) break XML formatternsandonato1-1/+1
2009-10-20[244415] AttrImpl does not produce the right namespace URInsandonato2-2/+2
2009-10-20[290589] [reconciling] DirtyRegionProcessor cancels and schedules a Job for e...nsandonato5-7/+7
2009-10-20[262765] fixed abs, min, max functions. Added additional unit tests to produ...dacarver1-2/+2
2009-10-17[nobug] fix xsl extension point documentationdacarver1-1/+1
2009-10-16[289586] [performance] [CSS] Editor freezes when deleting block of codensandonato1-1/+1
2009-10-15[292435] Update unit test expected results for AttrTest2nsandonato4-6/+6
2009-10-15[289304] schema awareness final fixes.dacarver2-3/+3
2009-10-14[272378] Element returns null instead of empty string for undefined attributesnsandonato1-1/+1
2009-10-14[272378] Element returns null instead of empty string for undefined attributesnsandonato1-1/+1
2009-10-14[224775] Handler conflict message in logcjaun2-3/+3
2009-10-13[291246] [content assist] JSP Taglib content assist should be done by ModelQu...nsandonato1-2/+2
2009-10-13[288879] [performance] Support for low memory events in CMDocumentCachensandonato1-1/+1
2009-10-13[237967] Errors on JSP Editor caused by EL validation or parsernsandonato1-1/+1
2009-10-12[290713] DTD Content Model is missing IDREFS data type namensandonato1-2/+2
2009-10-12[290059] StructuredTextEditor validates file buffer changes to documentsnsandonato2-3/+3
2009-10-12[290150] XML react to DOM changes.nsandonato3-5/+5
2009-10-10[262765] numerous false positives fixed in xpath unit testsdacarver1-3/+3
2009-10-09[291402] JSP include directives do not handle non-JSP content typesnsandonato3-3/+3
2009-10-09[236202] [outline] Outline view should show fields of static objectcjaun1-1/+1
2009-10-08[289131] [content assist] Content Assist crashcjaun1-1/+1
2009-10-08[290538]: XSLT Model needs to be enhanced for XSLT 2.0dacarver1-2/+2
2009-10-08[259721], [246237] XSLT Style Sheets and extension point for content assistancedacarver2-3/+3
2009-10-07[nobug] add org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.testsnitind1-0/+1
2009-10-07[291545] SingleNameReferences to Functions are type resolved like invocationsnitind1-1/+1
2009-10-06[290764] Restore availability of protected modifier flagnitind2-3/+3
2009-10-05[291027] [syntax highlighting] StructuredPresentationReconciler#getDamageEndO...nsandonato5-6/+6
2009-09-30[236311] changeAttrName not setting old attr mof value to nullnsandonato4-4/+4
2009-09-30[290727] synch fixcanderson2-2/+2
2009-09-30[243579] EXSLT UI testsdacarver1-1/+1
2009-09-30[243579] EXSLT UI testsdacarver1-1/+1
2009-09-29[243579] EXSLT UI testsdacarver2-5/+5
2009-09-29[243579] EXSLT UI testsdacarver1-0/+1
2009-09-29[290764] Restore protected bits to org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.Flagsnitind1-2/+2
2009-09-28[290429] [projection] should only reconcile folding strategy once per dirty r...nsandonato3-4/+4
2009-09-27[nobug] fix sse ui dependency on exslt.ui plugindacarver1-1/+1
2009-09-27[243579] EXSLTdacarver2-2/+2
2009-09-26[243579] EXSLT Resolver extension for EXSLT namespacesdacarver1-1/+1
2009-09-25*** empty log message ***dacarver1-1/+1
2009-09-25[243579] EXSLT Resolver extension for EXSLT namespacesdacarver1-1/+1
2009-09-25*** empty log message ***dacarver1-1/+1
2009-09-25[243579] EXSLT Resolver extension for EXSLT namespacesdacarver1-3/+3
2009-09-25[243579] EXSLT Resolver extension for EXSLT namespacesdacarver1-0/+9
2009-09-25[259721] [290336] [260725] New Extension point for Content Assist for XSLT, a...dacarver2-4/+4
2009-09-23290316 xpath2 has wrong dependency on ICUdavid_williams1-2/+2

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