# Copyright (c) 2005, 2012 IBM Corporation, Embarcadero Technologies, CEA, and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # IBM - initial API and implementation # Kenn Hussey (Embarcadero Technologies) - 156879, 215488, 213218, 204200 # Kenn Hussey (CEA) - 327039, 351774, 373709 # # NLS_MESSAGEFORMAT_VAR pluginName = UML2 UML Model providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project _UI_PackageMerger_ProcessImplicitRedefinition_diagnostic = Made redefinition of property ''{1}'' by property ''{0}'' explicit. _UI_PackageMerger_ProcessEmptyUnion_diagnostic = Removed union designation for property ''{0}'' because it has no subsets. _UI_PackageMerger_ProcessAssociationSpecialization_diagnostic = Added specialization of association ''{1}'' by association ''{0}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ProcessCapability_diagnostic = Annotated element ''{0}'' as merged from capability ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ProcessImplicitFeatureRedefinition_diagnostic = Made redefinition of feature ''{1}'' by feature ''{0}'' explicit. _UI_PackageMerger_ProcessInvalidRedefinition_diagnostic = Replaced invalid redefinition of feature ''{1}'' by feature ''{0}'' with feature ''{2}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ProcessInvalidSubset_diagnostic = Replaced invalid subset of property ''{1}'' by property ''{0}'' with property ''{2}''. _UI_PackageMerger_DiscardRedundantGeneralization_diagnostic = Discarded redundant generalization from ''{0}'' to ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_DiscardInvalidRedefinition_diagnostic = Discarded invalid redefinition of property ''{1}'' by property ''{0}''. _UI_PackageMerger_DiscardInvalidSubset_diagnostic = Discarded invalid subset of property ''{1}'' by property ''{0}''. _UI_PackageMerger_DiscardInvalidFeatureRedefinition_diagnostic = Discarded invalid redefinition of feature ''{1}'' by feature ''{0}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportDifferentPropertyStaticity_diagnostic = Staticity of merged property ''{1}'' is different from that of receiving/resulting property ''{0}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportDifferentPropertyUniqueness_diagnostic = Uniqueness of merged property ''{1}'' is different from that of receiving/resulting property ''{0}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportRedundantGeneralization_diagnostic = Generalization from ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' is redundant with one to ''{2}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportImplicitRedefinition_diagnostic = Property ''{0}'' implicitly redefines property ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportInvalidRedefinition_diagnostic = Property ''{0}'' invalidly redefines property ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportInvalidSubset_diagnostic = Property ''{0}'' invalidly subsets property ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportEmptyUnion_diagnostic = Union property ''{0}'' has no subsets. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportAssociationSpecialization_diagnostic = Association ''{0}'' should specialize association ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportCapability_diagnostic = Element ''{0}'' merged from capability ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportImplicitFeatureRedefinition_diagnostic = Feature ''{0}'' implicitly redefines feature ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportInvalidFeatureRedefinition_diagnostic = Feature ''{0}'' invalidly redefines feature ''{1}''. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportEmptyQualifiedName_diagnostic = The qualified name of classifier ''{0}'' in package ''{1}'' is empty. _UI_PackageMerger_ReportIndistinguishableClassifier_diagnostic = Classifier ''{0}'' is indistinguishable from other classifiers in package ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessEcoreTaggedValue_diagnostic = Processed Ecore tag ''{1}'' with value of ''{2}'' for model element ''{0}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessRedefiningOperation_diagnostic = Annotated operation ''{0}'' as a redefinition of feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessRedefiningProperty_diagnostic = Annotated feature ''{0}'' as a redefinition of feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessSubsettingProperty_diagnostic = Annotated feature ''{0}'' as a subset of feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessUnionProperty_diagnostic = Annotated feature ''{0}'' as a union and made it non-changeable. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessDerivedFeature_diagnostic = Made derived feature ''{0}'' transient and volatile. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessDuplicateOperation_diagnostic = Processed operation ''{0}'' as a duplicate of inherited operation ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessDuplicateOperationInheritance_diagnostic = Processed inheritance of operation ''{2}'' by class ''{0}'' as a duplicate of operation ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessDuplicateFeature_diagnostic = Processed feature ''{0}'' as a duplicate of inherited feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessDuplicateFeatureInheritance_diagnostic = Processed inheritance of feature ''{2}'' by class ''{0}'' as a duplicate of feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessSuperClassOrder_diagnostic = Re-ordered the super classes of class ''{0}'' for optimal code generation. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessAnnotationDetails_diagnostic = Annotated model element ''{0}'' with details from source ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_DiscardDuplicateOperation_diagnostic = Discarded operation ''{0}'' because it is a duplicate of inherited operation ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_DiscardDuplicateOperationInheritance_diagnostic = Discarded inheritance of operation ''{2}'' by class ''{0}'' because it is a duplicate of operation ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_DiscardDuplicateFeature_diagnostic = Discarded feature ''{0}'' because it is a duplicate of inherited feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_DiscardDuplicateFeatureInheritance_diagnostic = Discarded inheritance of feature ''{2}'' by class ''{0}'' because it is a duplicate of feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportEcoreTaggedValue_diagnostic = Model element ''{0}'' should be processed based on Ecore tag ''{1}'' with value of ''{2}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportRedefiningOperation_diagnostic = Operation ''{0}'' should be annotated as redefinition of operation ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportRedefiningProperty_diagnostic = Feature ''{0}'' should be annotated as redefinition of feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportSubsettingProperty_diagnostic = Feature ''{0}'' should be annotated as subset of feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportUnionProperty_diagnostic = Feature ''{0}'' should be annotated as a union and made non-changeable. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportDerivedFeature_diagnostic = Derived feature ''{0}'' should be made transient and volatile. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportDuplicateOperation_diagnostic = Operation ''{0}'' is a duplicate of inherited operation ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportDuplicateOperationInheritance_diagnostic = Class ''{0}'' inherits duplicate operations ''{1}'' and ''{2}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportDuplicateFeature_diagnostic = Feature ''{0}'' is a duplicate of inherited feature ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportDuplicateFeatureInheritance_diagnostic = Class ''{0}'' inherits duplicate features ''{1}'' and ''{2}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportSuperClassOrder_diagnostic = The super classes of class ''{0}'' should be re-ordered for optimal code generation. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportAnnotationDetails_diagnostic = Model element ''{0}'' should be annotated with details from source ''{1}''. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ProcessEcoreTaggedValue_diagnostic = Applied Ecore tag ''{1}'' with value of ''{2}'' to element ''{0}''. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ProcessRedefinesAnnotation_diagnostic = Made ''{0}'' redefine ''{1}'' based on an annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ProcessSubsetsAnnotation_diagnostic = Made ''{0}'' subset ''{1}'' based on an annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ProcessUnionAnnotation_diagnostic = Made ''{0}'' a union based on an annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ProcessAnnotationDetails_diagnostic = Annotated element ''{0}'' with details from source ''{1}''. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ReportEcoreTaggedValue_diagnostic = Element ''{0}'' should have an Ecore tag ''{1}'' with value of ''{2}''. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ReportRedefinesAnnotation_diagnostic = ''{0}'' should redefine ''{1}'' based on an annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ReportSubsetsAnnotation_diagnostic = ''{0}'' should subset ''{1}'' based on an annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ReportUnionAnnotation_diagnostic = ''{0}'' should be a union based on an annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ReportAnnotationDetails_diagnostic = Element ''{0}'' should be annotated with details from source ''{1}''. _UI_Classifier_NoCyclesInGeneralization_diagnostic = Classifier ''{0}'' is both a transitively general and transitively specific classifier of the same classifier. _UI_Classifier_SpecializeType_diagnostic = Classifier ''{0}'' specializes classifier ''{1}'' of invalid type. _UI_Class_PassiveClass_diagnostic = Passive class ''{0}'' must not be the owner of any receptions. _UI_Connector_BetweenInterfacesPorts_diagnostic = Delegation connector ''{0}'' must only be defined between used interfaces or ports of the same kind. _UI_Connector_BetweenInterfacePortImplements_diagnostic = Delegation connector ''{0}'' to classifier must implement the interface type of that port. _UI_Connector_BetweenInterfacePortSignature_diagnostic = Target interface of delegation connector ''{0}'' does not support a signature compatible with a subset of operations defined by source. _UI_Connector_AssemblyConnector_diagnostic = Assembly connector ''{0}'' must only be defined from a role end requiring an interface to a role end providing that interface. _UI_Connector_Types_diagnostic = Connector ''{0}'' must be typed by an association with compatible end types. _UI_Connector_Roles_diagnostic = The owner of connector ''{0}'' must also own the connected roles. _UI_Constraint_NotApplyToSelf_diagnostic = Constraint ''{0}'' is applied to itself. _UI_DecisionNode_OneIncomingEdge_diagnostic = The decision node ''{0}'' must have one incoming edge. _UI_ElementImport_ImportedElementIsPublic_diagnostic = Imported element ''{0}'' has non-public visibility. _UI_ElementImport_VisibilityPublicOrPrivate_diagnostic = The visibility of element import ''{0}'' is neither public nor private. _UI_Element_HasOwner_diagnostic = Element ''{0}'' must be owned, but it has no owner. _UI_Element_NotOwnSelf_diagnostic = Element ''{0}'' directly or indirectly owns itself. _UI_MultiplicityElement_LowerGE0_diagnostic = The lower bound of multiplicity element ''{0}'' is not a non-negative integer literal. _UI_MultiplicityElement_UpperGT0_diagnostic = Multiplicity element ''{0}'' does not define at least one valid cardinality that is greater than zero. _UI_MultiplicityElement_UpperGELower_diagnostic = The upper bound of multiplicity element ''{0}'' is not greater than or equal to its lower bound. _UI_NamedElement_VisibilityNeedsOwnership_diagnostic = Named element ''{0}'' is not owned by a namespace, but it has visibility. _UI_Namespace_MembersDistinguishable_diagnostic = Not all the members of namespace ''{0}'' are distinguishable within it. _UI_Operation_OnlyBodyForQuery_diagnostic = A body condition is specified for operation ''{0}'', but it is not a query. _UI_PackageImport_PublicOrPrivate_diagnostic = The visibility of package import ''{0}'' is neither public nor private. _UI_Package_ElementsPublicOrPrivate_diagnostic = Element ''{0}'', owned by package ''{1}'', has visibility that is neither public nor private. _UI_Property_SubsettingContextConforms_diagnostic = The context of the subsetting property ''{0}'' does not conform to the context of subsetted property ''{1}''. _UI_Property_NavigableReadOnly_diagnostic = Non-navigable property ''{0}'' is marked as read-only. _UI_Property_DerivedUnionIsDerived_diagnostic = Derived union ''{0}'' is not derived. _UI_Property_SubsettingRules_diagnostic = Subsetting property ''{0}'' either weakens the type of subsetted property ''{1}'', or its upper bound is greater. _UI_Property_DeploymentTarget_diagnostic = Property ''{0}''is acting as a DeploymentTarget but is not a structural element of a Node. _UI_Property_SubsettingPropertyNames_diagnostic = Subsetting property ''{0}'' subsets property ''{1}'' of the same name. _UI_Property_DerivedUnionIsReadOnly_diagnostic = Derived union ''{0}'' is not read only. _UI_Property_MultiplicityOfComposite_diagnostic = The multiplicity of composite aggregation ''{0}'' has an upper bound greater than 1. _UI_RedefinableElement_RedefinitionConsistent_diagnostic = Redefining element ''{0}'' is not consistent with redefined element ''{1}''. _UI_RedefinableElement_RedefinitionContextValid_diagnostic = None of the redefinition contexts of redefining element ''{0}'' is a specialization of at least one of the redefinition contexts for redefined element ''{1}''. _UI_Interface_Visibility_diagnostic = The interface ''{0}'' has at least one feature which is not public. _UI_UseCase_MustHaveName_diagnostic = Use case ''{0}'' must have a name. _UI_UseCase_BinaryAssociations_diagnostic = Use case ''{0}'' can only be involved in binary associations. _UI_UseCase_NoAssociationToUseCase_diagnostic = Use case ''{0}'' is involved in an association with another use case ''{1}'' having the same subject. _UI_UseCase_CannotIncludeSelf_diagnostic = Use case ''{0}'' cannot include itself. _UI_Behavior_ParametersMatch_diagnostic = One or more parameters of behavior ''{0}'' do not match. _UI_Behavior_FeatureOfContextClassifier_diagnostic = Behavioral feature ''{0}'' must be a feature of the context classifier of the behavior. _UI_Port_PortAggregation_diagnostic = Port ''{0}'' must have composite aggregation kind. _UI_Port_DefaultValue_diagnostic = Port ''{0}'' must not have a default value if it is typed by an interface. _UI_Profile_MetaclassReferenceNotSpecialized_diagnostic = An element imported as a metaclass reference must not be specialized in profile ''{0}''. _UI_Profile_ReferencesSameMetamodel_diagnostic = All elements imported via metaclass references or metamodel references owned by profile ''{0}'' must be members of the same base reference metamodel. _UI_CombinedFragment_MinintAndMaxint_diagnostic = An interaction constraint is applied to an operand of combined fragment ''{0}'' which does not have a loop interaction operator. _UI_CombinedFragment_OptLoopBreakNeg_diagnostic = Combined fragment ''{0}'' has an optional, loop, break, or negative interaction operator but does not have exactly one operand. _UI_ExecutionSpecification_SameLifeline_diagnostic = The start and finish of execution specification ''{0}'' must be on the same lifelines. _UI_Message_SignatureIsOperation_diagnostic = The signature of message ''{0}'' is an operation but the arguments of the message do not correspond to the parameters of the operation. _UI_Message_SignatureIsSignal_diagnostic = The signature of message ''{0}'' is a signal but the arguments of the message do not correspond to the attributes of the signal. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportInvariantConstraint_diagnostic = Classifier ''{0}'' should have an invariant constraint for ''{1}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportOperationBody_diagnostic = Operation ''{0}'' should be annotated with a(n) ''{1}'' body. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportComment_diagnostic = Model element ''{0}'' should be annotated with documentation. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessInvariantConstraint_diagnostic = Added an invariant constraint for ''{1}'' to classifier ''{0}''. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessOperationBody_diagnostic = Annotated operation ''{0}'' with a(n) ''{1}'' body. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessComment_diagnostic = Annotated model element ''{0}'' with documentation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ReportBodyAnnotation_diagnostic = Operation ''{0}'' should have a(n) ''{1}'' body constraint based on a body annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ReportDocumentationAnnotation_diagnostic = Element ''{0}'' should have a comment based on a documentation annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ProcessBodyAnnotation_diagnostic = Added a(n) ''{1}'' body condition to operation ''{0}'' based on a body annotation. _UI_Ecore2UMLConverter_ProcessDocumentationAnnotation_diagnostic = Added a comment to element ''{0}'' based on a documentation annotation. _UI_Options_label = Options _UI_Discard_label = Discard _UI_Ignore_label = Ignore _UI_Process_label = Process _UI_Report_label = Report _UI_IgnoreAll_label = Ignore All _UI_ProcessAll_label = Process All _UI_EcoreTaggedValues_label = Ecore Tagged Values _UI_DerivedFeatures_label = Derived Features _UI_DuplicateFeatureInheritance_label = Duplicate Feature Inheritance _UI_DuplicateFeatures_label = Duplicate Features _UI_DuplicateOperationInheritance_label = Duplicate Operation Inheritance _UI_DuplicateOperations_label = Duplicate Operations _UI_RedefiningOperations_label = Redefining Operations _UI_RedefiningProperties_label = Redefining Properties _UI_SubsettingProperties_label = Subsetting Properties _UI_UnionProperties_label = Union Properties _UI_SuperClassOrder_label = Super Class Order _UI_AnnotationDetails_label = Annotation Details _UI_InvariantConstraints_label = Invariant Constraints _UI_OperationBodies_label = Operation Bodies _UI_Comments_label = Comments _UI_RedefinesAnnotations_label = Redefines Annotations _UI_SubsetsAnnotations_label = Subsets Annotations _UI_UnionAnnotations_label = Union Annotations _UI_BodyAnnotations_label = Body Annotations _UI_DocumentationAnnotations_label = Documentation Annotations _UI_UML_content_type = UML2 UML File _UI_UML_2_0_0_content_type = UML2 2.0.0 UML File _UI_UML_2_1_0_content_type = UML2 2.1.0 UML File _UI_UML_3_0_0_content_type = UML2 3.0.0 UML File _UI_UML_4_0_0_content_type = UML2 4.0.0 UML File _UI_UML2_content_type = UML2 1.0.0 File _UI_OMG_UML_content_type = OMG UML File _UI_OMG_UML_2_1_content_type = OMG UML 2.1 File _UI_OMG_UML_2_1_1_content_type = OMG UML 2.1.1 File _UI_OMG_UML_2_2_content_type = OMG UML 2.2 File _UI_OMG_UML_2_3_content_type = OMG UML 2.3 File _UI_OMG_UML_2_4_content_type = OMG UML 2.4 File _UI_OMG_UML_2_4_1_content_type = OMG UML 2.4.1 File _UI_OMG_CMOF_content_type = OMG CMOF File _UI_OMG_CMOF_2_0_content_type = OMG CMOF 2.0 File _UI_OMG_CMOF_2_4_content_type = OMG CMOF 2.4 File _UI_OMG_CMOF_2_4_1_content_type = OMG CMOF 2.4.1 File _UI_GeneratedPackageRegistry_extensionpoint = Generated UML Package Registry _UI_DynamicPackageRegistry_extensionpoint = Dynamic UML Package Registry _UI_CamelCaseNames_label = Camel Case Names _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ReportCamelCaseName_diagnostic = The name of element ''{0}'' should be camel case. _UI_UML2EcoreConverter_ProcessCamelCaseName_diagnostic = Made name of element ''{0}'' camel case. _UI_AcceptCallAction_TriggerCallEvent_diagnostic = The trigger event of accept call action ''{0}'' is not a call event. _UI_AcceptCallAction_Unmarshall_diagnostic = The value of 'isUnmarshall' is not true for accept call action ''{0}''. _UI_Actor_Associations_diagnostic = Actor ''{0}'' can only have binary associations to use cases, components, and classes. _UI_Actor_MustHaveName_diagnostic = Actor ''{0}'' must have a name. _UI_AddStructuralFeatureValueAction_RequiredValue_diagnostic = Add structural feature value action ''{0}'' does not have a value input pin. _UI_AddStructuralFeatureValueAction_UnlimitedNaturalAndMultiplicity_diagnostic = Add structural feature value action ''{0}'' must have a single unlimited natural insertion point value if its feature is ordered; otherwise it must have none. _UI_AddVariableValueAction_RequiredValue_diagnostic = Add variable value action ''{0}'' does not have a value input pin. _UI_AddVariableValueAction_SingleInputPin_diagnostic = Add variable value action ''{0}'' must have a single unlimited natural insertion point value if its variable is ordered; otherwise it must have none. _UI_AssociationClass_CannotBeDefined_diagnostic = Association class ''{0}'' cannot be defined between itself and something else. _UI_AssociationClass_DisjointAttributesEnds_diagnostic = The owned attributes and owned ends of association class ''{0}'' are not disjoint.