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path: root/rcp
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-06-12Make anonymous inner class a lambdaDavid Piché3-27/+15
2019-06-05releng: Update Trace Compass features version to 5.0.0Patrick Tasse12-17/+32
2019-05-29Fixes empty methods warningsDavid Piché2-0/+3
2019-03-11releng: update year in copyright headers for RCPBernd Hufmann3-4/+4
2019-03-01releng: Update Trace Compass features version to 4.3.0Bernd Hufmann12-13/+13
2019-02-20releng: Change how plug-ins reference o.e.jdt.annotationBernd Hufmann5-7/+6
2018-12-07json: Fix dependencies problems on json traceSimon Delisle1-0/+1
2018-12-04releng: Update Trace Compass features version to 4.2.0Jean-Christian Kouame12-13/+13
2018-12-04releng: Update trace compass target for 2018-12 RC1 buildJean-Christian Kouame3-1/+26
2018-11-28releng: remove possibility to upgrade from old linuxtools featuresBernd Hufmann9-15/+3
2018-09-05releng: Update Trace Compass features version to 4.1.0Jean-Christian Kouame12-13/+13
2018-09-05releng: Update Trace Compass target to 2018-09 RC1 dependenciesJean-Christian Kouame1-1/+0
2018-06-01manifest: Add 'Automatic-Module-Name' header to all plug-insPatrick Tasse3-0/+3
2018-05-29releng: Make Trace Compass build on target 4.8 for Photon RC2Jean-Christian Kouame1-1/+1
2018-05-23releng: Update tracecompass features version to 4.0.0Jean-Christian Kouame12-13/+13
2018-02-23rcp: fix copyright year in RCP about and product definitionBernd Hufmann3-3/+4
2018-02-14releng: plugins version for 3.3.0 releaseJean-Christian Kouame12-13/+13
2017-11-23rcp: Enable the menu to install incubator featuresGeneviève Bastien3-10/+14
2017-11-15rcp: remove branding reference in rcp.incubator featureBernd Hufmann2-5/+1
2017-11-15releng: Update features to 3.2.0Jean-Christian Kouame12-13/+13
2017-11-14rcp.incubator: Add a menu to open a bugzilla pageGeneviève Bastien7-1/+63
2017-11-07rcp: Add a menu item to install experimental featuresGeneviève Bastien23-1/+897
2017-09-20Update and synchronize JDT settings for all pluginsPatrick Tasse1-0/+3
2017-09-12Disable signing of mac product because server is not availableBernd Hufmann1-0/+2
2017-08-21releng: Update feature versions for Trace Compass 3.1.0Jean-Christian Kouame12-13/+13
2017-07-04releng: use rcptt release 2.2.0 instead of snapshot buildBernd Hufmann1-1/+1
2017-04-04releng: Update tracecompass features version to 3.0.0Jean-Christian Kouame12-13/+13
2017-03-06tmf: Add XSD validation for marker configuration filePatrick Tasse2-2/+19
2017-02-23releng: Add missing javax.xml dependency for staging targetMarc-Andre Laperle2-0/+7
2017-02-17releng: Update eclipserun update site and test-traces to latestMarc-Andre Laperle1-1/+1
2017-02-17Fix some API errors with Eclipse 4.7Marc-Andre Laperle1-0/+1
2017-02-17rcp: update copyright year to 2017Bernd Hufmann2-2/+2
2016-12-12Bump versions for 2.3.0 releaseMarc-Andre Laperle12-13/+13
2016-11-22Do not report API error when adding a default methodMarc-Andre Laperle1-0/+1
2016-11-16tmf: Fix rounding and range issues in periodic marker source Patrick Tasse2-1/+9
2016-11-03Bump versions for 2.2.0 releaseMarc-Andre Laperle12-13/+13
2016-10-24releng: Provide a build property to skip automated UI testsAlexandre Montplaisir1-1/+13
2016-10-18releng: Change the "-Pbuild-rcp" directive to a "-Dskip-rcp" propertyAlexandre Montplaisir1-1/+3
2016-10-14tmf: Use Apache Common Compress for importing from archiveMarc-Andre Laperle2-0/+8
2016-10-11Use snapshot of RCPTT 2.2.0Marc-Andre Laperle1-1/+1
2016-09-30releng: Update targets with new Neon.1 update sitesMarc-Andre Laperle2-0/+8
2016-09-23Change a warning to an error in build.propertiesMarc-Andre Laperle1-1/+1
2016-08-22releng: Bump versions for 2.1.0 releaseMarc-Andre Laperle12-13/+13
2016-07-28Change warnings to errors in build.propertiesSonia Farrah1-2/+2
2016-07-08tmf: Open XML editor when clicking Edit in XML analysis managerMarc-Andre Laperle2-0/+128
2016-06-29Update formatter settings for all pluginsAlexandre Montplaisir1-1/+29
2016-06-08rcp: Update copyright year in branding filesPatrick Tasse3-4/+4
2016-05-19rcp: Sign the RCP on MacMarc-Andre Laperle1-5/+73
2016-05-17lttng: Add configuration files to call LTTng-Analyses scriptsPhilippe Proulx2-0/+8
2016-04-14Remove MaxPermSize from all launchersMichael Jeanson2-2/+2

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