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BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
2020-06server: serialize ITmfXyEntryModel specific attributesBernd Hufmann15 months
2021-06releng: update versions to 0.8.0Patrick Tasse5 months
devftrace: Adjust parsing for trace-cmd formatGuillaume Champagne6 years
masterdoc: Update file for current releaseBernd Hufmann3 months
stable-4.0Update target to point to TC stableGeneviève Bastien6 years
stable-5.0callstack: Add PID to called functionsGeneviève Bastien5 years
stable-5.1target: Change update site for lsp4jGeneviève Bastien5 years
stable-5.2target: Point to tracecompass stable repoGeneviève Bastien4 years
stable-5.3target: Point to tracecompass stable 5.3 repoGeneviève Bastien4 years
stable-5.3-1target: Update the target to match Trace CompassGeneviève Bastien4 years
stable-6.2releng: add nebula dependencies on incubator update siteBernd Hufmann3 years
stable-6.3trace-server: Return all created experiments not only opened experimentsPatrick Tasse3 years
stable-7.0trace-server: modify visibility of WebApplication methodsFrancesco Robino3 years
stable-7.1Revert "scripting: Add messages that EASE is not working in 6.3"Bernd Hufmann3 years
stable-7.2server: Add swagger doc to getMarkerSetsMarco Miller2 years
stable-7.3releng: Update 7.3 branch with release dependencies of 2022-06 releaseBernd Hufmann20 months
stable-8.0releng: update versions to 0.2.0Patrick Tasse23 months
stable-8.1releng: update versions to 0.3.0Patrick Tasse20 months
stable-8.2ftrace: fix trace entry size computation when header len is 0Fabrizio Iannetti16 months
stable-8.3releng: update versions to 0.5.0Patrick Tasse14 months
stable-9.0releng: update versions to 0.6.0Patrick Tasse11 months
stable-9.1releng: update versions to 0.7.0Patrick Tasse8 months
stable-9.2releng: update versions to 0.8.0Patrick Tasse5 months
trace-serverFix SeriesModelSerializer due to changes in Trace Compass mainlineSimon Delisle5 years

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