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authoreantwuh2019-08-27 12:39:51 +0000
committereantwuh2019-08-27 12:39:51 +0000
commitaff5c15f93027f474677da02e5a439f247b12c9f (patch)
parentbef30e21181de5c712abf21bcba60ffb2ea00e61 (diff)
block1 transfer added
Signed-off-by: eantwuh <>
4 files changed, 2064 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.ttcn b/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.ttcn
index c97fe18..6e624b0 100644
--- a/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.ttcn
+++ b/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// Description:
// Rev: R1A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 858
-// Updated: 2017-09-01
+// Updated: 2019-08-27
// Contact:
@@ -197,6 +197,21 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
modulepar float tsp_EPTF_COAP_EXCHANGE_LIFETIME := 247.0;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Module parameter: tsp_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_collectContent
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Enables/disables collecting the content of a blockwise transfer.
+ // Can casue overload in case of high traffic and large transfers when enabled
+ //
+ // Type:
+ // *float*
+ //
+ // Default value:
+ // *247.0*
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_collectContent := false;
const integer c_COAP_LGen_Logging_WARNING := 0;
const integer c_COAP_LGen_Logging_DEBUG := 1;
const integer c_COAP_LGen_Logging_DEBUGV := 2;
@@ -211,6 +226,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
const charstring c_COAP_behaviorType := "COAP Behavior";
type record of integer COAP_ObservedResourceIdx_List;
+ type record of integer COAP_BlockwiseIdx_List;
@@ -500,6 +516,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
// reportCoapEvent - *boolean* - COAP events (e.g. COAP GET, COAP 200 will be reported for this entity), should be false when using LwM2M applib
// confirmableNotification - *boolean* - CON transactions will be used for sending nitifications when this field is set to true
// observedResourceIndices - <COAP_ObservedResourceIdx_List> - pointers to all observed resources in *v_COAP_observedResourceDB*
+ // blockwiseIndices - <COAP_BlockwiseIdx_List> - pointers to the running blockwise FSMs in *v_COAP_blockwiseDB*
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_COAP_getNextMID> (in <COAP_StepCtx> p_ctx)
@@ -517,7 +534,10 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
integer nextToken,
boolean reportCoapEvent,
boolean confirmableNotification,
- COAP_ObservedResourceIdx_List observedResourceIndices // FIXME: Can be slow to update in case of larger nums
+ integer preferredBlocksize optional,
+ COAP_ObservedResourceIdx_List observedResourceIndices, // FIXME: Can be slow to update in case of larger nums
+ COAP_BlockwiseIdx_List blockwiseIndices // FIXME: Can be slow to update in case of larger nums
const COAP_EntityCtx c_COAP_EntityCtx_init :=
@@ -528,7 +548,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
nextToken := -1,
reportCoapEvent := true,
confirmableNotification := false,
- observedResourceIndices := {}
+ preferredBlocksize := omit,
+ observedResourceIndices := {},
+ blockwiseIndices := {}
@@ -1479,6 +1501,125 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
+ // Type: COAP_Blockwise_Transfer
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Represents a stateful blockwise transfer
+ //
+ // Class:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.COAP_Blockwise_Transfer.jpg)
+ //
+ // Elements:
+ // localAddress - *charstring* - local address of the resource
+ // localPort - *integer* - remote port of the observer
+ // remoteAddress - *charstring* - address of the observer
+ // remotePort - *integer* - remote port of the observer
+ // resourceId - *charstring* - id of the observed resource
+ // eCtxIdx - *integer* - pointer to the notifications <COAP_RR>
+ // lastBlock1Option - <BlockOption> - last received Block1 option
+ // headerCode - <Code> - the COAP header code
+ // contentFormat - *integer* - content format
+ //
+ // Related Functions:
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_in> (in *integer* p_bsIdx, inout <EPTF_COAP_PDU> p_msg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ type record COAP_Blockwise_Transfer
+ {
+ charstring localAddress,
+ integer localPort,
+ charstring remoteAddress,
+ integer remotePort,
+ UriPath_List uriPath,
+ charstring resourceId,
+ integer eIdx,
+ integer fsmIdx,
+ integer lifetimeTimer,
+ boolean ongoingBlocksizeChange,
+ BlockOption lastBlock1Option,
+ Code headerCode,
+ integer contentFormat,
+ octetstring content
+ }
+ const COAP_Blockwise_Transfer c_COAP_Blockwise_Transfer_init :=
+ {
+ localAddress := "",
+ localPort := -1,
+ remoteAddress := "",
+ remotePort := -1,
+ uriPath := {},
+ resourceId := "",
+ eIdx := -1,
+ fsmIdx := -1,
+ lifetimeTimer := -1,
+ ongoingBlocksizeChange := false,
+ lastBlock1Option := c_BlockOption_empty,
+ headerCode := { 0, 2 },
+ contentFormat := -1,
+ content := ''O
+ }
+ const BlockOption c_BlockOption_empty :=
+ {
+ num := 0,
+ m := false,
+ szx := 1
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Type: COAP_Blockwise_Transfer_List
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // List of <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ type record of COAP_Blockwise_Transfer COAP_Blockwise_Transfer_List;
+ /*****************************************************************
+ @startuml EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.COAP_Blockwise_DB.jpg
+ class COAP_Blockwise_DB {
+ EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue,
+ COAP_Blockwise_Server_List data,
+ integer hashRef
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_init()
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_add(in COAP_Blockwise_Transfer p_bt)
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_lookUp(in charstring p_remoteAddr, in integer p_remotePort, in charstring p_resId)
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout COAP_Blockwise_Transfer p_bt)
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_cleanUp()
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_tokenHash(in charstring p_remoteAddr, in integer p_remotePort, in charstring p_resId)
+ }
+ @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Type: COAP_Blockwise_DB
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Storing <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> instances
+ //
+ // Class:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.COAP_Blockwise_DB.jpg)
+ //
+ // Elements:
+ // data - <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer_List> - elements
+ //
+ // Related Functions:
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_init> ()
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_add> (in <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> p_bt)
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_lookUp> (in *charstring* p_remoteAddr, in *integer* p_remotePort, in *charstring* p_resId)
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_get> (in *integer* p_idx, inout <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> p_bt)
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove> (in *integer* p_idx)
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_cleanUp> ()
+ // - <f_EPTF_COAP_blcokwiseDB_tokenHash> (in *charstring* p_remoteAddr, in *integer* p_remotePort, in *charstring* p_resId)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ type record COAP_Blockwise_DB
+ {
+ EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue,
+ COAP_Blockwise_Transfer_List data,
+ integer hashRef,
+ boolean collectContent
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Type: fcb_EPTF_COAP_messageReceived
// Purpose:
@@ -1486,9 +1627,10 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
// Elements:
// pl_message - *in* <EPTF_COAP_PDU> - received COAP message
- // p_duplicate - *in* <EPTF_COAP_PDU> - flag, when true, indicates a duplicate message
+ // p_duplicate - *in* *boolean* - flag, when true, indicates a duplicate message
+ // p_autoHandled - *in* *boolean* - flag, when true, indicates an automatically and the - by the stack - already handled message
- type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_messageReceived(in EPTF_COAP_PDU pl_message, in boolean p_duplicate) runs on self;
+ type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_messageReceived(in EPTF_COAP_PDU pl_message, in boolean p_duplicate, in boolean p_autoHandled) runs on self;
// Type: fcb_EPTF_COAP_eventIndication
@@ -1511,7 +1653,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
// pl_rtt - *in* *float* - received round-trip time measurements
type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_rttIndication(in float pl_rtt) runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_COAP_EventDescriptor
@@ -1520,10 +1662,12 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
// Elements:
// resourceNotObserved - <EPTF_COAP_ResourceNotObserved_Event> - event that indicates that a resource is not observed any more
+ // atomicBlock1Finished - <EPTF_COAP_AtomicBlock1Finished_Event> - event that indicates that an atomic block1 transfer is finished
type union EPTF_COAP_EventDescriptor
- EPTF_COAP_ResourceNotObserved_Event resourceNotObserved
+ EPTF_COAP_ResourceNotObserved_Event resourceNotObserved,
+ EPTF_COAP_AtomicBlock1Finished_Event atomicBlock1Finished
@@ -1540,7 +1684,28 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
integer eIdx,
UriPath_List uriPath
- }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Type: EPTF_COAP_AtomicBlock1Finished_Event
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Describes an event which indicates that a particular atomic block1 operation was finished
+ //
+ // Elements:
+ // eIdx - *integer* - entity index
+ // uriPath - <UriPath_List> - the URI of the resource
+ // method - <Code> - COAP request code for the atomic block1 operation
+ // contentFormat - *integer* - content format of the block1 transfer
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ type record EPTF_COAP_AtomicBlock1Finished_Event
+ {
+ integer eIdx,
+ UriPath_List uriPath,
+ Code method,
+ integer contentFormat,
+ octetstring content
+ }
@startuml EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions.EPTF_COAP_LGen_Statistics.jpg
@@ -1563,19 +1728,111 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
// noRetransmissions - *integer* - number of COAP message retransmissions
// noTransactionTimeouts - *integer* - number of timed out COAP transactions
// noDuplicates - *integer* - number of duplicated messages received
+ // noObserves - *integer* - number of observes
+ // block1 - <EPTF_COAP_Block1_Statistics> - Block1 related statistics
+ // incoming - <EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics> - statistics of incoming messages
+ // outgoing - <EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics> - statistics of outgoing messages
type record EPTF_COAP_LGen_Statistics
integer noRetransmissions,
integer noTransactionTimeouts,
- integer noDuplicates
+ integer noDuplicates,
+ integer noObserves,
+ EPTF_COAP_Block1_Statistics block1,
+ EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics incoming,
+ EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics outgoing
const EPTF_COAP_LGen_Statistics c_EPTF_COAP_LGen_Statistics_empty :=
noRetransmissions := 0,
noTransactionTimeouts := 0,
- noDuplicates := 0
+ noDuplicates := 0,
+ noObserves := 0,
+ block1 := c_EPTF_COAP_Block1_Statistics_empty,
+ incoming := c_EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics_empty,
+ outgoing := c_EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics_empty
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Type: EPTF_COAP_Block1_Statistics
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Storing counters for block1 related statistics
+ //
+ // Elements:
+ // noBlocks - *integer* - number of block1 blocks received
+ // noAtomicSucc - *integer* - number of succesfully finished atomic blockwise transfers
+ // noAtomicUnsucc - *integer* - number of unsuccesfully finished atomic blockwise transfers
+ // noAtomicTimeouts - *integer* - number of timed out atomic blockwise transfers
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ type record EPTF_COAP_Block1_Statistics
+ {
+ integer noBlocks,
+ integer noAtomicSucc,
+ integer noAtomicUnsucc,
+ integer noAtomicTimeouts
+ }
+ const EPTF_COAP_Block1_Statistics c_EPTF_COAP_Block1_Statistics_empty :=
+ {
+ noBlocks := 0,
+ noAtomicSucc := 0,
+ noAtomicUnsucc := 0,
+ noAtomicTimeouts := 0
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Type: EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Storing counters for message related statistics
+ //
+ // Elements:
+ // noGET - *integer* - number of GET requests
+ // noPUT - *integer* - number of PUT request
+ // noPOST - *integer* - number of POST request
+ // noDELETE - *integer* - number of DELETE requests
+ // noEMPTY - *integer* - number of EMPTY requests
+ // noPosResp - *integer* - number of positive (2.xx) repsonses
+ // noNegResp - *integer* - number of negative (3.xx - 6.xx) repsonses
+ // noCON - *integer* - number of CONFIRMABLE messages
+ // noNON - *integer* - number of NON CONFIRMABLE messages
+ // noACK - *integer* - number of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT messages
+ // noRST - *integer* - number of RESET messages
+ // noNotifications - *integer* of NOTIFICATION messages
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ type record EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics
+ {
+ integer noGET,
+ integer noPUT,
+ integer noPOST,
+ integer noDELETE,
+ integer noEMPTY,
+ integer noPosResp,
+ integer noNegResp,
+ integer noCON,
+ integer noNON,
+ integer noACK,
+ integer noRST,
+ integer noNotifications
+ }
+ const EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics c_EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics_empty :=
+ {
+ noGET := 0,
+ noPUT := 0,
+ noPOST := 0,
+ noDELETE := 0,
+ noEMPTY := 0,
+ noPosResp := 0,
+ noNegResp := 0,
+ noCON := 0,
+ noNON := 0,
+ noACK := 0,
+ noRST := 0,
+ noNotifications := 0
@@ -1643,6 +1900,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
// v_COAP_initialized - *boolean* - Flag to indicate that if init function was already called
// v_COAP_bIdx - *integer* - Name of the NAS_EPS LGen component
// v_COAP_loggingMaskId - *integer* - logging mask id <COAP_EntityCtx>
+ // v_COAP_Stack_autoHandled - *boolean* - the stack can automatically handle particular messages (e.g. Block1 requests), true when handled, false when not
// v_COAP_ctx - <COAP_StepCtx> - collection of the most important pointers
// v_COAP_transportEndpoint - <COAP_TransportEndpoint> - variable for a transport endpoint
@@ -1700,7 +1958,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
var COAP_Template_DB v_COAP_templateDB := {};
var COAP_Observation_DB v_COAP_observationDB;
var COAP_ObservedResource_DB v_COAP_observedResourceDB;
+ var COAP_Blockwise_DB v_COAP_blockwiseDB;
+ var boolean v_COAP_Stack_autoHandled := false;
var COAP_StepCtx v_COAP_ctx := c_COAP_StepCtx_empty;
var COAP_TransportEndpoint v_COAP_transportEndpoint := c_COAP_TransportEndpoint_empty;
@@ -2041,7 +2301,87 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
// Charstring constant for the COAP transport DTLS connection closed indication
const charstring c_COAP_eventName_dtlsConnectionClosed := "COAP transport: DTLS connection closed";
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_init
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Integer constant for the initial (num=0) Block1 request indication
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const integer c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_init := 714;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Charstring constant for the initial (num=0) Block1 request indication
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const charstring c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init := "COAP block1: first block indication";
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_block
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Integer constant for Block1 request indication (not first, not last)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const integer c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_block := 715;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Charstring constant for Block1 request indication
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const charstring c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block := "COAP block1: block indication";
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_last
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Integer constant for the last Block1 request indication
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const integer c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_last := 716
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_last
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Charstring constant for the last Block1 request indication
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const charstring c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_last := "COAP block1: last block indication";
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_succ
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Integer constant for indicating that the atomic block1 transfer was succesfully finished
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const integer c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_succ := 717
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Charstring constant for indicating that the atomic block1 transfer was succesfully finished
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const charstring c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ := "COAP block1: atomic succesfully finished";
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_fail
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Integer constant for indicating that the atomic block1 transfer was unsuccesfully finished
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const integer c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_fail := 718
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_fail
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Charstring constant for indicating that the atomic block1 transfer was succesfully finished
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const charstring c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_fail := "COAP block1: atomic unsuccesfully finished";
// Steps
@@ -2506,6 +2846,28 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Definitions
const charstring c_COAP_stepName_confirmableNotificationForEntity := "COAP Applib: confirmableNotificationForEntity";
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_stepIdx_setPreferredBlocksize
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Integer constant for the COAP setPreferredBlocksize test step
+ //
+ // Related Function:
+ // - <f_COAP_step_setPreferredBlocksize>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const integer c_COAP_stepIdx_setPreferredBlocksize := 21;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // const: c_COAP_stepName_setPreferredBlocksize
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Charstring constant for the COAP setPreferredBlocksize step
+ //
+ // Related Function:
+ // - <f_COAP_step_setPreferredBlocksize>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const charstring c_COAP_stepName_setPreferredBlocksize := "COAP Applib: setPreferredBlocksize";
// Step parameters:
const integer c_COAP_stepParam_true := 1;
diff --git a/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions.ttcn b/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions.ttcn
index 29db6a7..3e9a718 100644
--- a/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions.ttcn
+++ b/src/EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions.ttcn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// Description:
// Rev: R1A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 858
-// Updated: 2017-09-01
+// Updated: 2019-08-27
// Contact:
@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
- f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_init();
+ f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_init();
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_init();
@@ -150,8 +151,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
- f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_cleanUp();
+ f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_cleanUp();
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_cleanUp();
vf_COAP_msgReceived := null;
vf_COAP_eventIndication := null;
@@ -632,7 +634,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(": "," adding observation server ", v_idx, " ", p_os));
- f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_tokenHash(p_os.remoteAddress, p_os.remotePort, p_os.resourceId), v_idx
+ f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_tokenHash(p_os.remoteAddress, p_os.remotePort, p_os.resourceId, p_os.observedResourceIdx), v_idx
);[v_idx] := p_os;
@@ -658,14 +660,14 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
// Related Type:
// <COAP_Observation_DB>
- function f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_lookUp(in charstring p_remoteAddr, in integer p_remotePort, in charstring p_resId)
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_lookUp(in charstring p_remoteAddr, in integer p_remotePort, in charstring p_resId, in integer p_resIdx)
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
return integer
var integer vl_idx := -1;
- f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_tokenHash(p_remoteAddr, p_remotePort, p_resId), vl_idx
+ f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_tokenHash(p_remoteAddr, p_remotePort, p_resId, p_resIdx), vl_idx
return vl_idx;
@@ -714,7 +716,8 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
@@ -743,7 +746,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
// Function: f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_tokenHash
// Purpose:
- // Hash function for lookups used by the *v_COAP_rrDB* <COAP_RR_DB> database
+ // Hash function for lookups used by the *v_COAP_rrDB* <COAP_Observation_DB> database
// Parameters:
// p_remoteAddr - *in* *charstring* - the address (host) of the observer
@@ -754,12 +757,184 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
// *charstring* - string hash unique of a <COAP_Observation_Server> element
// Related Type:
- // <COAP_RR_DB>
+ // <COAP_Observation_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_tokenHash(in charstring p_remoteAddr, in integer p_remotePort, in charstring p_resId, in integer p_resIdx)
+ return charstring
+ {
+ return int2str(p_resIdx)&":"&p_remoteAddr&":"&int2str(p_remotePort)&p_resId;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_init
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Initializes the *v_COAP_blockwiseDB* <COAP_Blockwise_DB> database
+ //
+ // Related Type:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_init()
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_COAP_blockwiseDB.queue);
+ := {};
+ v_COAP_blockwiseDB.hashRef := f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New("v_COAP_blockwiseDB");
+ v_COAP_blockwiseDB.collectContent := tsp_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_collectContent;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_add
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Adds a new element to the *v_COAP_blockwiseDB* <COAP_Blockwise_DB> database
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_bs - *in* <COAP_Blockwise_Server> - the element to be added
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // *integer* - the index of the added element in the database
+ //
+ // Related Type:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_add(in COAP_Blockwise_Transfer p_bt)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_idx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_COAP_blockwiseDB.queue);
+ f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeHeadToBusyTail(v_COAP_blockwiseDB.queue);
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(": "," adding blockwise transfer ", v_idx, " ", p_bt));
+ f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(
+ v_COAP_blockwiseDB.hashRef,
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_tokenHash(p_bt.localAddress, p_bt.localPort, p_bt.resourceId), v_idx
+ );
+[v_idx] := p_bt;
+ return v_idx;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_lookUp
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Gets the index of an <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> element in *v_COAP_blockwiseDB* <COAP_Blockwise_DB> database
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_localAddr - *in* *charstring* - the address (host) of the observer
+ // p_localPort - *in* *integer* - the port of the observer
+ // p_resId - *in* *charstring* - the id of the observed resource
+ //
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // *integer* - the index of the added element in the database, or -1 if not found
+ //
+ // Related Type:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_lookUp(in charstring p_localAddr, in integer p_localPort, in charstring p_resId)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ return integer
+ {
+ var integer vl_idx := -1;
+ f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(
+ v_COAP_blockwiseDB.hashRef,
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_tokenHash(p_localAddr, p_localPort, p_resId), vl_idx
+ );
+ return vl_idx;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_get
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Retrieves an element from the *v_COAP_blockwiseDB* <COAP_Blockwise_DB> database
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_idx - *in* *integer* - the index of the element to be retrieved
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // p_bs - *inout* <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> - the retrieved element
+ //
+ // Related Type:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout COAP_Blockwise_Transfer p_bt)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ if (p_idx < sizeof(
+ {
+ p_bt :=[p_idx];
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Removes an element from the *v_COAP_blockwiseDB* <COAP_Blockwise_DB> database and frees up its reserved resources
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_idx - *in* *integer* - the index of the element to be removed
+ //
+ // Related Type:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Erase(
+ v_COAP_blockwiseDB.hashRef,
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_tokenHash(
+ )
+ );
+[p_idx] := c_COAP_Blockwise_Transfer_init;
+ f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(p_idx, v_COAP_blockwiseDB.queue);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_cleanUp
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Cleans up the reserved resources of the *v_COAP_blockwiseDB* <COAP_Blockwise_DB> database
+ //
+ // Related Type:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_cleanUp()
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_COAP_blockwiseDB.queue);
+ := {};
+ f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Delete("v_COAP_blockwiseDB");
+ }
- function f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_tokenHash(in charstring p_remoteAddr, in integer p_remotePort, in charstring p_resId)
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_tokenHash
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Hash function for lookups used by the *v_COAP_blockwiseDB* <COAP_Blockwise_DB> database
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_localAddr - *in* *charstring* - the address (host) of resource
+ // p_localPort - *in* *integer* - the port of the resource
+ // p_resId - *in* *charstring* - the id of the observed resource
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // *charstring* - string hash unique of a <COAP_Blockwise_Server> element
+ //
+ // Related Type:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_tokenHash(in charstring p_localAddr, in integer p_localPort, in charstring p_resId)
return charstring
- return p_remoteAddr&":"&int2str(p_remotePort)&p_resId;
+ return p_localAddr&":"&int2str(p_localPort)&p_resId;
@@ -1319,6 +1494,8 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
v_COAP_msgToProcess := pl_message;
+ f_EPTF_COAP_updateMessageStatistics(v_COAP_stats.incoming, v_COAP_msgToProcess);
var boolean v_duplicate := not f_EPTF_COAP_stack_fromEnv(v_COAP_msgToProcess);
if (v_duplicate) {
@@ -1327,7 +1504,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
if (vf_COAP_msgReceived != null)
- vf_COAP_msgReceived.apply(v_COAP_msgToProcess, v_duplicate);
+ vf_COAP_msgReceived.apply(v_COAP_msgToProcess, v_duplicate, v_COAP_Stack_autoHandled);
@@ -1481,6 +1658,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
return boolean
+ // We clear the the flag that indicates automatic handling by the stack
+ v_COAP_Stack_autoHandled := false;
// Answer for an ongoing tr
var integer vl_trIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_trDB_lookUp(p_msg.transportParams.localAddress, p_msg.pdu.header.message_id, OUTGOING);
if (vl_trIdx >= 0)
@@ -1571,7 +1751,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
if (p_rrIdx < 0 or p_rrIdx >= sizeof( { return }
f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_VERBOSE(log2str(%definitionId, " rr [",[p_rrIdx].token,"] current state: ",[p_rrIdx].state));
f_EPTF_COAP_setCtx([p_rrIdx].eIdx,[p_rrIdx].fsmIdx, v_COAP_ctx);
@@ -1686,42 +1866,10 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
if (f_EPTF_COAP_isResponse(p_msg.pdu))
p_msg.pdu.token :=[p_rrIdx].token;
+ f_EPTF_COAP_rr_handle_Observe_request(p_rrIdx, p_msg);
- // In case it's a response to an Observe request
- var integer v_observeOptionIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_hasObserve([p_rrIdx].request.pdu);
- if (v_observeOptionIdx >= 0)
- {
- // In case the request was an observe subscribe
- if ([p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_observeOptionIdx].observe == 0)
- {
- // In case it is a positive (2xx) response
- if (p_msg.pdu.header.code.class == 2)
- {
- // We are adding the observation to the DB
- f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_addObservation(v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx,[p_rrIdx].request);
- f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(p_msg.pdu, { observe := c_COAP_Observation_initSeqNum });
- }
- }
- // In case the request was an observe subscribe
- else if ([p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_observeOptionIdx].observe == 1)
- {
- // Let's fetch the uri path
- var charstring vl_resourceId := f_EPTF_COAP_uriPathToString([p_rrIdx].request.pdu);
- // Let's try to look up the observation server
- var integer vl_observationIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_lookUp(
- vl_resourceId
- );
- if (vl_observationIdx != -1)
- {
- f_EPTF_COAP_ObservationServer_cancelReceivedFromEnv(vl_observationIdx);
- }
- }
- }
+ f_EPTF_COAP_rr_handle_BlockwiseTransfer_request(p_rrIdx, p_msg, v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx);
// create new TR
var COAP_Transaction vl_tr := c_COAP_Transaction_init;
@@ -1768,43 +1916,11 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
if ([p_rrIdx].trIdx != -1)
p_msg.pdu.token :=[p_rrIdx].token;
- // In case it's a response to an Observe request
- var integer v_observeOptionIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_hasObserve([p_rrIdx].request.pdu);
- if (v_observeOptionIdx >= 0)
- {
- // In case the request was an observe subscribe
- if ([p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_observeOptionIdx].observe == 0)
- {
- // In case it is a positive (2xx) response
- if (p_msg.pdu.header.code.class == 2)
- {
- // We are adding the observation to the DB
- f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_addObservation(v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx,[p_rrIdx].request);
- f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(p_msg.pdu, { observe := c_COAP_Observation_initSeqNum });
- }
- }
- // In case the request was an observe subscribe
- else if ([p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_observeOptionIdx].observe == 1)
- {
- // Let's fetch the uri path
- var charstring vl_resourceId := f_EPTF_COAP_uriPathToString([p_rrIdx].request.pdu);
- // Let's try to look up the observation server
- var integer vl_observationIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_lookUp(
- vl_resourceId
- );
- if (vl_observationIdx != -1)
- {
- f_EPTF_COAP_ObservationServer_cancelReceivedFromEnv(vl_observationIdx);
- }
- }
- }
+ f_EPTF_COAP_rr_handle_Observe_request(p_rrIdx, p_msg);
+ f_EPTF_COAP_rr_handle_BlockwiseTransfer_request(p_rrIdx, p_msg, v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx);
if (ispresent([p_rrIdx].remoteAddress))
p_msg.transportParams.remoteAddress :=[p_rrIdx].remoteAddress;
@@ -2059,11 +2175,141 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
if (p_rrIdx < 0 or p_rrIdx >= sizeof( { return }
+[p_rrIdx].state := p_nextState;
f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_VERBOSE(log2str("rr [",[p_rrIdx].token,"] next state: ",[p_rrIdx].state));
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_rr_handle_Observe_request(in integer p_rrIdx, inout EPTF_COAP_PDU p_msg)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ // In case it's a response to an Observe request
+ var integer v_observeOptionIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_hasObserve([p_rrIdx].request.pdu);
+ if (v_observeOptionIdx >= 0)
+ {
+ // In case the request was an observe subscribe
+ if ([p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_observeOptionIdx].observe == 0)
+ {
+ // In case it is a positive (2xx) response
+ if (p_msg.pdu.header.code.class == 2)
+ {
+ // We are adding the observation to the DB
+ f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_addObservation(v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx,[p_rrIdx].request);
+ f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(p_msg.pdu, { observe := c_COAP_Observation_initSeqNum });
+ }
+ }
+ // In case the request was an observe unsubscribe
+ else if ([p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_observeOptionIdx].observe == 1)
+ {
+ // Let's fetch the uri path
+ var charstring vl_resourceId := f_EPTF_COAP_uriPathToString([p_rrIdx].request.pdu);
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str("observe unsubscribe for ", vl_resourceId));
+ // Let's try to look up the observed resource
+ var integer vl_observedResourceIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_lookUp(
+ vl_resourceId
+ );
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str("observedResourceIdx: ", vl_observedResourceIdx));
+ if (vl_observedResourceIdx != -1)
+ {
+ // Let's try to look up the observation server
+ var integer vl_observationIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_lookUp(
+ vl_resourceId,
+ vl_observedResourceIdx
+ );
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str("observationIdx: ", vl_observationIdx));
+ if (vl_observationIdx != -1)
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_ObservationServer_cancelReceivedFromEnv(vl_observationIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_rr_handle_BlockwiseTransfer_request(in integer p_rrIdx, inout EPTF_COAP_PDU p_msg, in integer p_eCtxIdx)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ // In case it's a response to a Block1 request
+ var integer v_block1OptionIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_hasBlock1([p_rrIdx].request.pdu);
+ if (v_block1OptionIdx >= 0)
+ {
+ // In case it is a positive (2xx) response
+ if (p_msg.pdu.header.code.class == 2)
+ {
+ // 204 response -> stateless block1 server
+ if (p_msg.pdu.header.code.detail == 4)
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(p_msg.pdu,
+ {
+ block1 := {
+ num :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.num,
+ m := false,
+ szx :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.szx
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // 231 response -> atomic server creation
+ else if (p_msg.pdu.header.code.detail == 31)
+ {
+ // if it is an initial block we can add an atomic server
+ if ([p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.num == 0)
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_addBlockwiseTransfer(
+ v_COAP_ctx.eIdx, v_COAP_ctx.fsmIdx, v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx,
+ v_block1OptionIdx,[p_rrIdx].request);
+ // If we have a smaller preferred block size, we send that back
+ if (
+ ispresent([p_eCtxIdx].preferredBlocksize) and
+[p_eCtxIdx].preferredBlocksize <[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.szx
+ )
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(p_msg.pdu,
+ {
+ block1 := {
+ num :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.num,
+ m :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.m,
+ szx :=[p_eCtxIdx].preferredBlocksize
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(p_msg.pdu,
+ {
+ block1 := {
+ num :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.num,
+ m :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.m,
+ szx :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.szx
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // not an initial block
+ else
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(p_msg.pdu,
+ {
+ block1 := {
+ num :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.num,
+ m :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.m,
+ szx :=[p_rrIdx].request.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1.szx
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
@startuml EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions.COAP_Transaction.jpg
[*] --> CLOSED
@@ -2226,12 +2472,15 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventForObserve_ifExists(p_msg.pdu, p_msg.eIdx, -1);
- f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventsForCode(
- p_msg.pdu.header.code,
- p_msg.eIdx,
- -1,
- {}
- );
+ if (not f_EPTF_COAP_tr_handleBlockwiseTransfer(p_trIdx, p_msg))
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventsForCode(
+ p_msg.pdu.header.code,
+ p_msg.eIdx,
+ -1,
+ {}
+ );
+ }
@@ -2259,12 +2508,15 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventForObserve_ifExists(p_msg.pdu, p_msg.eIdx, -1);
- f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventsForCode(
- p_msg.pdu.header.code,
- p_msg.eIdx,
- -1,
- {}
- );
+ if (not f_EPTF_COAP_tr_handleBlockwiseTransfer(p_trIdx, p_msg))
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventsForCode(
+ p_msg.pdu.header.code,
+ p_msg.eIdx,
+ -1,
+ {}
+ );
+ }
@@ -2336,6 +2588,40 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_tr_handleBlockwiseTransfer(in integer p_trIdx, inout EPTF_COAP_PDU p_msg)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ return boolean
+ {
+ var integer v_block1OptionIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_hasBlock1(p_msg.pdu);
+ // If we have a block1 option
+ if (v_block1OptionIdx >= 0)
+ {
+ v_COAP_stats.block1.noBlocks := v_COAP_stats.block1.noBlocks + 1;
+ var charstring v_uriPath := f_EPTF_COAP_uriPathToString(p_msg.pdu);
+ var integer v_blockwiseIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_lookUp(
+ p_msg.transportParams.localAddress.hostName,
+ p_msg.transportParams.localAddress.portNumber,
+ v_uriPath
+ );
+ // If we have ongoing atomic block1 transfer
+ // -> the message is handled by the BlockwiseTransfer FSM
+ if (v_blockwiseIdx >= 0)
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_in(v_blockwiseIdx, p_msg, v_block1OptionIdx);
+ // The stack indicates, that the request is automatically handled
+ v_COAP_Stack_autoHandled := true;
+ }
+ // If we don't have a BlockwiseTransfer FSM we dispatch an event to the entity to handle it
+ else
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventForBlock1(p_msg.pdu.options[v_block1OptionIdx].block1, p_msg.eIdx, -1);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
// Function: f_EPTF_COAP_tr_cancel
@@ -2617,8 +2903,11 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
if (p_trIdx < 0 or p_trIdx >= sizeof( { return }
+[p_trIdx].cache := p_msg;
+ f_EPTF_COAP_updateMessageStatistics(v_COAP_stats.outgoing, p_msg);
@@ -2671,11 +2960,215 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
if (p_trIdx < 0 or p_trIdx >= sizeof( { return }
+[p_trIdx].state := p_nextState;
f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_VERBOSE(log2str("tr [",[p_trIdx].mid,"] next state: ",[p_trIdx].state));
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_in(in integer p_blockwiseIdx, inout EPTF_COAP_PDU p_msg, in integer p_block1OptionIdx)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_cancelT_lifetime(p_blockwiseIdx);
+ // in case the incoming block is not in sequence (and we didn't ask for smaller block size)
+ if (
+[p_blockwiseIdx].lastBlock1Option.num + 1 != p_msg.pdu.options[p_block1OptionIdx].block1.num
+ and not[p_blockwiseIdx].ongoingBlocksizeChange
+ )
+ {
+ // Send back 4.08
+ f_COAP_step_handleRequest(valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_stepArgs([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx,[p_blockwiseIdx].fsmIdx)));
+ v_COAP_msgToSend.pdu := valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseResponse(4,8));
+ f_COAP_step_sendResponse(valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_stepArgs([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx,[p_blockwiseIdx].fsmIdx)));
+ // Dispatch event: blockwise transfer fail finish
+ //if (f_EPTF_COAP_isCoapReportEnabledForEntity([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx) ) {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEvent(c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_fail,[p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx, -1, {});
+ //}
+ v_COAP_stats.block1.noAtomicUnsucc := v_COAP_stats.block1.noAtomicUnsucc + 1;
+ // Remove the blockwise transfer FSM
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove(p_blockwiseIdx);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Save incoming block1
+[p_blockwiseIdx].lastBlock1Option := p_msg.pdu.options[p_block1OptionIdx].block1;
+ if (ispresent(p_msg.pdu.payload) and v_COAP_blockwiseDB.collectContent)
+ {
+[p_blockwiseIdx].content :=[p_blockwiseIdx].content & p_msg.pdu.payload;
+ }
+ // if we asked for a smaller blocksize we switch the 'ongoing' flag after the blocksize handshake
+ if ([p_blockwiseIdx].ongoingBlocksizeChange)
+ {
+[p_blockwiseIdx].ongoingBlocksizeChange := false;
+ }
+ // if there are more blocks coming
+ if ([p_blockwiseIdx].lastBlock1Option.m == true)
+ {
+ // Send back 2.31
+ f_COAP_step_handleRequest(valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_stepArgs([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx,[p_blockwiseIdx].fsmIdx)));
+ v_COAP_msgToSend.pdu := valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseResponse(2,31));
+ f_COAP_step_sendResponse(valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_stepArgs([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx,[p_blockwiseIdx].fsmIdx)));
+ // Re-Start the lifetime timer for the blockwise transfer
+ f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_startT_lifetime(p_blockwiseIdx);
+ }
+ // in case it was the last block
+ else
+ {
+ // Send back 2.04
+ f_COAP_step_handleRequest(valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_stepArgs([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx,[p_blockwiseIdx].fsmIdx)));
+ v_COAP_msgToSend.pdu := valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseResponse(2,4));
+ f_COAP_step_sendResponse(valueof(t_EPTF_COAP_stepArgs([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx,[p_blockwiseIdx].fsmIdx)));
+ // Dispatch event: blockwise transfer succ finish
+ if (f_EPTF_COAP_isCoapReportEnabledForEntity([p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx) ) {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEvent(c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_succ,[p_blockwiseIdx].eIdx, -1, {});
+ }
+ v_COAP_stats.block1.noAtomicSucc := v_COAP_stats.block1.noAtomicSucc + 1;
+ // Indicate event to the COAP user layer
+ if (vf_COAP_eventIndication != null)
+ {
+ vf_COAP_eventIndication.apply(
+ {
+ atomicBlock1Finished :=
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ // Remove the blockwise transfer FSM
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove(p_blockwiseIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_lifetime(in EPTF_ScheduledAction pl_action, in integer pl_eventIndex)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ return boolean
+ {
+ var integer vl_btIdx := pl_action.actionId[0];
+ if (vl_btIdx < 0 or vl_btIdx >= sizeof( { return false }
+[vl_btIdx].lifetimeTimer := -1;
+ // Dispatch event: blockwise transfer fail finish
+ //if (f_EPTF_COAP_isCoapReportEnabledForEntity([vl_btIdx].eIdx) ) {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEvent(c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_fail,[vl_btIdx].eIdx, -1, {});
+ //}
+ v_COAP_stats.block1.noAtomicTimeouts := v_COAP_stats.block1.noAtomicTimeouts + 1;
+ // Remove the blockwise transfer FSM
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove(vl_btIdx);
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_startT_lifetime
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // This function starts the *T_lifetime* timer of a particular <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> instance.
+ // The timer value is set to <tsp_EPTF_COAP_EXCHANGE_LIFETIME>
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_btIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> in the <COAP_Blockwise_DB> that will start the timer
+ //
+ // Related Types:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_startT_lifetime(in integer pl_btIdx)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ return boolean
+ {
+ if ([pl_btIdx].lifetimeTimer != -1)
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_cancelT_lifetime(pl_btIdx);
+ }
+ var boolean retval;
+ var EPTF_ActionId vl_actionId;
+ vl_actionId[0] := pl_btIdx;
+ retval := f_EPTF_SchedulerComp_scheduleAction(
+ f_EPTF_SchedulerComp_snapshotTime() + tsp_EPTF_COAP_EXCHANGE_LIFETIME,
+ refers(f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_lifetime),
+ vl_actionId,
+ );
+ return retval;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_cancelT_lifetime
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // This function cancels the *T_lifetime* timer of a particular <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> instance
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_btIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> in the <COAP_Blockwise_DB> that will cancel the timer
+ //
+ // Related Types:
+ // <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_cancelT_lifetime(in integer pl_btIdx)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ if ([pl_btIdx].lifetimeTimer >= 0)
+ {
+ if(not f_EPTF_SchedulerComp_CancelEvent([pl_btIdx].lifetimeTimer))
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_WARNING(log2str(%definitionId,": could not cancel timer"));
+ }
+[pl_btIdx].lifetimeTimer := -1;
+ }
+ }
+ template EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs t_EPTF_COAP_stepArgs(in integer p_eIdx, in integer p_fsmIdx) :=
+ {
+ eIdx := p_eIdx,
+ refContext :=
+ {
+ fCtxIdx := p_fsmIdx,
+ fRefArgs := {}
+ },
+ stepArgs := {},
+ reportedEvent :=
+ {
+ event := { -1,-1,omit,omit },
+ reportedArgs := {}
+ }
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseResponse(in integer p_class, in integer p_detail) :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := { class := p_class, detail := p_detail },
+ message_id := 0
+ },
+ token := ''O,
+ options := {},
+ payload := omit
+ }
// Function: f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_VERBOSE
@@ -2774,16 +3267,16 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
// Fetch the URI path
var charstring v_uriPath := f_EPTF_COAP_uriPathToString(p_msg.pdu);
f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str("addObservation() for ", v_uriPath));
// Do we already have this resource under observation?
var integer v_observedResourceIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_lookUp(
// If we haven't found it, then we need to add this resource to the list of observed resources
if (v_observedResourceIdx < 0)
@@ -2793,13 +3286,15 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
v_observedResource.resourceId := v_uriPath;
v_observedResource.uriPath := f_EPTF_COAP_fetchUriPath(p_msg.pdu);
v_observedResource.eCtxIdx := p_eCtxIdx;
v_observedResourceIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_add(v_observedResource);[p_eCtxIdx].observedResourceIndices[sizeof([p_eCtxIdx].observedResourceIndices)] := v_observedResourceIdx;
// Let's add the observer to the observed resource
f_EPTF_COAP_ObservedResource_addObserver(v_observedResourceIdx, p_msg,[p_eCtxIdx].confirmableNotification);
+ v_COAP_stats.noObserves := v_COAP_stats.noObserves + 1;
@@ -2818,7 +3313,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
function f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_removeObservation(in integer pl_eCtxIdx, in integer p_obsResIdx, in boolean p_lastObserver)
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
- {
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId));
if (f_EPTF_COAP_isCoapReportEnabledForEntity([pl_eCtxIdx].eIdx) ) {
@@ -2826,9 +3323,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
-1, {}
var COAP_ObservedResourceIdx_List vl_newList := {};
if (p_lastObserver)
// Indicate event to the COAP user layer
@@ -2838,7 +3335,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
{resourceNotObserved := {[pl_eCtxIdx].eIdx,[p_obsResIdx].uriPath } }
// Remove the p_obsResIdx from the stored indices
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof([pl_eCtxIdx].observedResourceIndices); i:=i+1)
@@ -2847,10 +3344,10 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
}[pl_eCtxIdx].observedResourceIndices := vl_newList;
// Remove the observed resource from the DB
if (f_EPTF_COAP_isCoapReportEnabledForEntity([pl_eCtxIdx].eIdx) ) {
@@ -2859,6 +3356,8 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
+ v_COAP_stats.noObserves := v_COAP_stats.noObserves - 1;
@@ -2878,10 +3377,10 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
var COAP_ObservedResourceIdx_List vl_newList := {};
// call clean up for the observed resource to remove the observations
// Remove the p_obsResIdx from the stored indices
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof([pl_eCtxIdx].observedResourceIndices); i:=i+1)
@@ -2890,10 +3389,111 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
}[pl_eCtxIdx].observedResourceIndices := vl_newList;
// Remove the observed resource from the DB
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_addBlockwiseTransfer
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Adds a new blockwise transfer FSM to the simulated device
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_eCtxIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the <COAP_EntityCtx> instance in <COAP_EntityCtx_DB>
+ // p_msg - *in* <EPTF_COAP_PDU> - The incoming blockwise (num=0) request (or response)
+ //
+ // Related Types:
+ // <COAP_EntityCtx>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_addBlockwiseTransfer(
+ in integer p_eIdx,
+ in integer p_fsmIdx,
+ in integer p_eCtxIdx,
+ in integer p_block1OptionIdx,
+ in EPTF_COAP_PDU p_msg)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ // Fetch the URI path
+ var charstring v_uriPath := f_EPTF_COAP_uriPathToString(p_msg.pdu);
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str("addBlockwiseTransfer() for ", v_uriPath));
+ // Do we already have this resource under observation?
+ var integer v_blockwiseIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_lookUp(
+ p_msg.transportParams.localAddress.hostName,
+ p_msg.transportParams.localAddress.portNumber,
+ v_uriPath
+ );
+ // If we haven't found it, then we need to add this FSM to the list of blockwise FSMs
+ if (v_blockwiseIdx < 0)
+ {
+ var COAP_Blockwise_Transfer v_blockwiseTransfer := c_COAP_Blockwise_Transfer_init;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.localAddress := p_msg.transportParams.localAddress.hostName;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.localPort := p_msg.transportParams.localAddress.portNumber;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.remoteAddress := p_msg.transportParams.remoteAddress.hostName;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.remotePort := p_msg.transportParams.remoteAddress.portNumber;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.resourceId := v_uriPath;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.uriPath := f_EPTF_COAP_fetchUriPath(p_msg.pdu);
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.eIdx := p_eIdx;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.fsmIdx := p_fsmIdx;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.lastBlock1Option := p_msg.pdu.options[p_block1OptionIdx].block1;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.headerCode := p_msg.pdu.header.code;
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.contentFormat := f_EPTF_COAP_fetchContentFormat(p_msg.pdu);
+ if (ispresent(p_msg.pdu.payload) and v_COAP_blockwiseDB.collectContent)
+ {
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.content := p_msg.pdu.payload;
+ }
+ // In case the simualted device has a preferred block size and it is smaller then the offered block1 szx
+ // -> we will have a block size change
+ if (
+ ispresent([p_eCtxIdx].preferredBlocksize) and
+[p_eCtxIdx].preferredBlocksize < p_msg.pdu.options[p_block1OptionIdx].block1.szx
+ )
+ {
+ v_blockwiseTransfer.ongoingBlocksizeChange := true;
+ }
+ var integer v_blockwiseTransferIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_add(v_blockwiseTransfer);
+[p_eCtxIdx].blockwiseIndices[sizeof([p_eCtxIdx].blockwiseIndices)] := v_blockwiseTransferIdx;
+ f_EPTF_COAP_BlockwiseTransfer_startT_lifetime(v_blockwiseTransferIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_removeBlockwiseTransfer
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Removes an existing blockwise transfer from the simulated device
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_eCtxIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the <COAP_EntityCtx> instance in <COAP_EntityCtx_DB>
+ // p_BlockwiseTransferIdx - *in* *integer* - The index of the <COAP_Blockwise_Transfer> instance in the <COAP_Blockwise_DB>
+ //
+ // Related Types:
+ // <COAP_EntityCtx>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_removeBlockwiseTransfer(in integer pl_eCtxIdx, in integer p_BlockwiseTransferIdx)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ var COAP_ObservedResourceIdx_List vl_newList := {};
+ // Remove the p_BlockwiseTransferIdx from the stored indices
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof([pl_eCtxIdx].observedResourceIndices); i:=i+1)
+ {
+ if ([pl_eCtxIdx].blockwiseIndices[i] != p_BlockwiseTransferIdx) {
+ vl_newList[sizeof(vl_newList)] :=[pl_eCtxIdx].blockwiseIndices[i];
+ }
+ }
+[pl_eCtxIdx].blockwiseIndices := vl_newList;
+ // Remove the blockwise transfer from the DB
+ f_EPTF_COAP_blockwiseDB_remove(p_BlockwiseTransferIdx);
+ }
// Function: f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_cleanUp
@@ -2938,12 +3538,13 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
if (p_obsResIdx < 0 or p_obsResIdx >= sizeof( { return }
// Do we already have this observer?
var integer v_observationIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observationDB_lookUp(
+ p_obsResIdx
// If we haven't found it, then we need to add this observation
@@ -2982,6 +3583,8 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
function f_EPTF_COAP_ObservedResource_removeObserver(in integer p_obsResIdx, in integer p_obsIdx)
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId));
if (p_obsResIdx < 0 or p_obsResIdx >= sizeof( { return }
var ObservationServerIdx_List vl_newList := {};
@@ -3022,7 +3625,13 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
function f_EPTF_COAP_ObservedResource_sendNotification(in integer p_obsResIdx, inout EPTF_COAP_PDU p_msg)
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
- if (p_obsResIdx < 0 or p_obsResIdx >= sizeof( { return }
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId));
+ if (p_obsResIdx < 0 or p_obsResIdx >= sizeof(
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_WARNING(log2str(%definitionId, "Invalid p_obsResIdx: ",p_obsResIdx));
+ return
+ }
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof([p_obsResIdx].observationServersIndices); i:=i+1)
@@ -3072,8 +3681,14 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
function f_EPTF_COAP_ObservationServer_sendNotification(in integer p_obsIdx, inout EPTF_COAP_PDU p_msg)
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
- if (p_obsIdx < 0 or p_obsIdx >= sizeof( { return }
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId));
+ if (p_obsIdx < 0 or p_obsIdx >= sizeof(
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_WARNING(log2str(%definitionId, "Invalid p_obsIdx: ",p_obsIdx));
+ return
+ }
// We assume:
// 1. That the template to be sent is already loaded into p_msg!
// 2. That the v_COAP_ctx is set from the f_EPTF_COAP_sendNotification!
@@ -3082,29 +3697,29 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
// Setting the msg type
if ([p_obsIdx].confirmable) { p_msg.pdu.header.msg_type := CONFIRMABLE; }
else { p_msg.pdu.header.msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE; }
// Setting the observe option[p_obsIdx].seqNum :=[p_obsIdx].seqNum + 1;
var integer vl_obsOptionIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_hasObserve(p_msg.pdu);
if (vl_obsOptionIdx < 0) { vl_obsOptionIdx := sizeof(p_msg.pdu.options); }
p_msg.pdu.options[vl_obsOptionIdx] := { observe :=[p_obsIdx].seqNum };
// Set local address
p_msg.transportParams.localAddress := v_COAP_transportEndpoint.socket;
p_msg.transportParams.proto := v_COAP_transportEndpoint.proto;
p_msg.eIdx := v_COAP_ctx.eIdx;
// Set remote address
p_msg.transportParams.remoteAddress.hostName :=[p_obsIdx].remoteAddress;
p_msg.transportParams.remoteAddress.portNumber :=[p_obsIdx].remotePort;
// Set the protocol
p_msg.transportParams.proto :=[p_obsIdx].protocol;
// Set the token
p_msg.pdu.token :=[p_obsIdx].token;
// create new TR
var COAP_Transaction vl_tr := c_COAP_Transaction_init;
vl_tr.mid := f_EPTF_COAP_getNextMID(v_COAP_ctx);
@@ -3117,12 +3732,14 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
p_msg.pdu.header.message_id := vl_tr.mid;
var integer vl_trIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_trDB_add(vl_tr);
f_EPTF_COAP_tr_setState(vl_trIdx, CLOSED);
// Set pointer to tr[p_obsIdx].trIdx := vl_trIdx;
// trOut.send
f_EPTF_COAP_tr_fromRR(p_msg, vl_trIdx);
+ v_COAP_stats.outgoing.noNotifications := v_COAP_stats.outgoing.noNotifications + 1;
else {
f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_WARNING(log2str(%definitionId, " the message is not a notification therefore it cannot be sent using sendNotification!"));
@@ -3144,6 +3761,8 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
function f_EPTF_COAP_ObservationServer_cancelReceivedFromEnv(in integer p_obsIdx)
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId));
if (p_obsIdx < 0 or p_obsIdx >= sizeof( { return }
if ([p_obsIdx].observedResourceIdx != -1) {
@@ -3196,7 +3815,12 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
c_COAP_eventIdx_trTimeout != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_trTimeout) or
c_COAP_eventIdx_observeCanceled != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_observeCanceled) or
c_COAP_eventIdx_resourceNotObservedIndication != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_resourceNotObservedIndication) or
- c_COAP_eventIdx_dtlsConnectionClosed != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_dtlsConnectionClosed)
+ c_COAP_eventIdx_dtlsConnectionClosed != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_dtlsConnectionClosed) or
+ c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_init != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init) or
+ c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_block != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block) or
+ c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_last != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_last) or
+ c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_succ != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ) or
+ c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_atomic_fail != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_fail)
log("f_EPTF_COAP_declareEvents() error at responses"); mtc.stop
@@ -3236,7 +3860,8 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
c_COAP_stepIdx_startDTLS != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_COAP_behaviorType,{c_COAP_stepName_startDTLS, refers(f_COAP_step_startDTLS)}) or
c_COAP_stepIdx_startDTLS_byVarIds != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_COAP_behaviorType,{c_COAP_stepName_startDTLS_byVarIds, refers(f_COAP_step_startDTLS_byVarIds)}) or
c_COAP_stepIdx_startDTLS_byIntIdx != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_COAP_behaviorType,{c_COAP_stepName_startDTLS_byIntIdx, refers(f_COAP_step_startDTLS_byIntIdx)}) or
- c_COAP_stepIdx_confirmableNotificationForEntity != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_COAP_behaviorType,{c_COAP_stepName_confirmableNotificationForEntity, refers(f_COAP_step_confirmableNotificationForEntity)})
+ c_COAP_stepIdx_confirmableNotificationForEntity != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_COAP_behaviorType,{c_COAP_stepName_confirmableNotificationForEntity, refers(f_COAP_step_confirmableNotificationForEntity)}) or
+ c_COAP_stepIdx_setPreferredBlocksize != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_COAP_behaviorType,{c_COAP_stepName_setPreferredBlocksize, refers(f_COAP_step_setPreferredBlocksize)})
@@ -4109,7 +4734,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
function f_COAP_step_sendNotification_internal(in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr, in charstring p_observedResourceId)
runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
- f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId));
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId,":",p_observedResourceId));
if (not f_EPTF_COAP_setStepCtx(pl_ptr, v_COAP_ctx)) { return; }
@@ -4184,26 +4809,63 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
if (not f_EPTF_COAP_setStepCtx(pl_ptr, v_COAP_ctx)) { return; }
// 1st param: charstring, the URI of the observed resource
var charstring vl_observedResourceId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_charstringValOfStep(pl_ptr);
var integer vl_observedResourceIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_observedResourceDB_lookUp(
if (vl_observedResourceIdx != -1)
f_EPTF_COAP_EntityCtx_removeObservedResource(v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx, vl_observedResourceIdx);
else { f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_WARNING(log2str(%definitionId, " it was not possible to fetch the referred observedResourceIdx")); }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_COAP_step_setLocalAddress
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Test step to set the preferred blocksize (szx) in the entity context. Integer parameter required.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+ // pl_ptr.refContext.fRefArgs[0] - *integer* - SZX value to be set. 0 will set to omit.
+ //
+ // Related Constants:
+ // - <c_COAP_stepIdx_setLocalAddress>
+ // - <c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_COAP_step_setPreferredBlocksize(in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_Logging_DEBUG(log2str(%definitionId));
+ if (not f_EPTF_COAP_setStepCtx(pl_ptr, v_COAP_ctx)) { return; }
+ // 1st param: integer with the szx
+ var integer vl_szx := 1;
+ if (f_EPTF_COAP_getIntValue(pl_ptr.refContext.fRefArgs, 0, vl_szx))
+ {
+ if (vl_szx == 0)
+ {
+[v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx].preferredBlocksize := omit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+[v_COAP_ctx.eCtxIdx].preferredBlocksize := vl_szx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Function: f_EPTF_COAP_setStepCtx
@@ -4402,6 +5064,34 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventForBlock1
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Dispatches the <c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_init> event to an entity/fsm if the COAP message has an block1 option
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_pdu - *in* <CoAP_ReqResp> - the COAP PDU
+ // pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - the index of the entity
+ // pl_fsmCtx - *in* *integer* - the index of FSM
+ //
+ // Related Types:
+ // <EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT>
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventForBlock1(in BlockOption p_block1, in integer pl_eIdx, in integer pl_fsmCtx)
+ runs on EPTF_COAP_LGen_CT
+ {
+ if (not f_EPTF_COAP_isCoapReportEnabledForEntity(pl_eIdx) ) { return; }
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEvent(c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_block, pl_eIdx, pl_fsmCtx, {});
+ if (p_block1.num == 0) {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEvent(c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_init, pl_eIdx, pl_fsmCtx, {});
+ }
+ else if (p_block1.m == false) {
+ f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEvent(c_COAP_eventIdx_BLOCK1_last, pl_eIdx, pl_fsmCtx, {});
+ }
+ }
// Function: f_EPTF_COAP_dispatchEventsForCode
@@ -4594,7 +5284,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
// p_pdu - *in* <CoAP_ReqResp> - COAP PDU to be checked
// Returns:
- // *boolean* - true in case the COAP PDU has an OBSERVE option
+ // *integer* - index of the observe option in case the COAP PDU has an OBSERVE option
function f_EPTF_COAP_hasObserve(in CoAP_ReqResp p_pdu)
return integer
@@ -4608,6 +5298,29 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_hasBlock1
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Checks if the COAP PDU has a BLOCK1 option
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_pdu - *in* <CoAP_ReqResp> - COAP PDU to be checked
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // *integer* - index of the block1 option in case the COAP PDU has a BLOCK1 option
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_hasBlock1(in CoAP_ReqResp p_pdu)
+ return integer
+ {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_pdu.options); i:=i+1) {
+ if (ischosen(p_pdu.options[i].block1)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: f_EPTF_COAP_isReset
// Purpose:
@@ -4676,6 +5389,30 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
return v_ret;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: f_EPTF_COAP_fetchContentFormat
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Fetches the content format of the COAP PDU
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // p_pdu - *in* <CoAP_ReqResp> - COAP PDU
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // *integer* - content format of the COAP PDU
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_fetchContentFormat(in CoAP_ReqResp p_pdu)
+ return integer
+ {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_pdu.options); i:=i+1)
+ {
+ if (ischosen(p_pdu.options[i].content_format)) {
+ return p_pdu.options[i].content_format;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
@@ -4691,10 +5428,37 @@ module EPTF_COAP_LGen_Functions
function f_EPTF_COAP_addOption(inout CoAP_ReqResp p_coap, in CoAP_Options p_option)
if (not ispresent(p_coap.options)) { p_coap.options := {} }
p_coap.options[sizeof(p_coap.options)] := p_option;
+ function f_EPTF_COAP_updateMessageStatistics(inout EPTF_COAP_Message_Statistics p_stats, in EPTF_COAP_PDU p_pdu)
+ {
+ // request
+ if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.class == 0)
+ {
+ // empty
+ if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.detail == 0) { p_stats.noEMPTY := p_stats.noEMPTY + 1; }
+ // GET
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.detail == 1) { p_stats.noGET := p_stats.noGET + 1; }
+ // POST
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.detail == 2) { p_stats.noPOST := p_stats.noPOST + 1; }
+ // PUT
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.detail == 3) { p_stats.noPUT := p_stats.noPUT + 1; }
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.detail == 4) { p_stats.noDELETE := p_stats.noDELETE + 1; }
+ }
+ // positive response
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.class == 2) { p_stats.noPosResp := p_stats.noPosResp + 1; }
+ // negative response
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.code.class >= 3) { p_stats.noNegResp := p_stats.noNegResp + 1; }
+ if (p_pdu.pdu.header.msg_type == CONFIRMABLE) { p_stats.noCON := p_stats.noCON + 1; }
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.msg_type == NON_CONFIRMABLE) { p_stats.noNON := p_stats.noNON + 1; }
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.msg_type == ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) { p_stats.noACK := p_stats.noACK + 1; }
+ else if (p_pdu.pdu.header.msg_type == RESET) { p_stats.noRST := p_stats.noRST + 1; }
+ }
template CoAP_ReqResp t_CoAP_EmptyAck :=
header :=
diff --git a/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.cfg b/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.cfg
index 7d0999f..1e0231f 100644
--- a/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.cfg
+++ b/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.cfg
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ tsp_addresses :=
id := "tester",
hostName := "",
- portNumber := 31000
+ portNumber := 30000
id := "tester2",
hostName := "",
- portNumber := 31001
+ portNumber := 30001
id := "sut",
hostName := "",
- portNumber := 41000
+ portNumber := 40000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ LogEntityName := Yes
#EndTestCase := "/home/eantwuh/iotsim/cfg/stopTcpDump"
-TCPPort := 9877
+TCPPort := 9777
KillTimer := 30.0
@@ -85,3 +85,11 @@ EPTF_COAP_Tests.control
+// Block1 server
diff --git a/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.ttcn b/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.ttcn
index a874b1a..0c87bdf 100644
--- a/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.ttcn
+++ b/test/EPTF_COAP_Tests.ttcn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// Description:
// Rev: R1A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 858
-// Updated: 2017-09-01
+// Updated: 2019-08-27
// Contact:
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
v_tempIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_templateDB_add({id:="t_reg_CON_GET", msg:=valueof(t_reg_CON_GET)});
v_tempIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_templateDB_add({id:="t_reg_Content", msg:=valueof(t_reg_Content)});
v_tempIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_templateDB_add({id:="t_reg_NotFound", msg:=valueof(t_reg_NotFound)});
+ v_tempIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_templateDB_add({id:="t_reg_Changed", msg:=valueof(t_reg_Changed)});
+ v_tempIdx := f_EPTF_COAP_templateDB_add({id:="t_reg_Continue", msg:=valueof(t_reg_Continue)});
f_EPTF_MBT_initLGenFsm(null, null);
EPTF_MBT_PCO.send(EPTF_MBT_CommandResponse:{ ready := {}}) to mtc;
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
payload := omit
template CoAP_ReqResp t_CON_GET_Obs1 :=
header :=
@@ -206,6 +208,110 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
payload := omit
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_CON_PUT_Block1(template BlockOption p_block1) :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := METHOD_PUT,
+ message_id := 0
+ },
+ token := ''O,
+ options :=
+ {
+ { uri_path := "test" },
+ { content_format := 11542 },
+ { block1 := p_block1 },
+ { size1 := 8863 }
+ },
+ payload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
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num0 :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := { class := 0, detail := 3 },
+ message_id := 42919
+ },
+ token := '088042E55D354B17'O,
+ options :=
+ {
+ { uri_path := "5" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { content_format := 11542 },
+ { block1 := { num := 0, m := true, szx := 5 } },
+ { size1 := 1889 }
+ },
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num1 :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := { class := 0, detail := 3 },
+ message_id := 42920
+ },
+ token := '088042E55D354B17'O,
+ options :=
+ {
+ { uri_path := "5" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { content_format := 11542 },
+ { block1 := { num := 1, m := true, szx := 5 } }
+ },
+ payload := '876995A71EADAB42ADAB2D7A6A6EB2F8AF7ABADA99AB2C6ABBADAEE9AD8A772276E9ED7ABA2CB2875A95EB22750BA2B2AB9E7AE8AC9A8769BABBACAAE8AC7A78A6A6E96F8A76ABBAD75AA626EEB268AC71E95EAE2B2AB9E35A9AABA2B2579CB6EB2F7A576E8AE96DAE27227AC95AA2B79EB54B5DBA295EA1CA269A87689E89DEAE8B2779C89A72E962B229ED7AB76E9ADA2BB68AC2ADAB2779C7DAB9C89BBAC95EA05BAC71EA6569C7AB6AD95AA2B79EB68762A27A27BEE969BAD6AD7AC7A68A7B5EADDBA689D42E8ACAAE7A9A2BB6D8ADA2BBA595A99CA2BA5EAE569CBACB22B5A99EB666B18A6BAC9EE9656AD7A6A6EB2C8AD6A67AD0EE8AC7289DD8A67A7B6E9A78AC96C8AD6A67AD7289DD8A67A7B6E99FAE29E08A595A7626A67A58ADA68B2E7AB79AADCBAC8AD6A67ADB5E9A9A2BB1AA627A7B1E99EB666ACB1A4AEB297A7762B2C7A789B85E9E29AF8AF7ABADA7AE99AC629AEB2C79D69C72E9AC6A79E89EDA2BB68AD57ACB626EE96E9A29DEAE8B1CBABB2EB2E9656A6728AE97AB9E26E1BDE95CA27BDA9658AC96282E95A12D89A9A66B18A6BACB2896589C8ADB9D8A77ACB5F8A789BBAC79F7E2722B6EACC6AEAE2B1EB9B95A9DD8AD99AB2C69279DA68AED6A78AC9629E78AC969A2CB9EADE7AEBDAAE2BAC9A27DAB9C89BBAC36E9656AE96DAE27227ACBDAAE2BAC99A82769AA6E96F8A76AB96282E95A9A8965'O
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num2 :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := { class := 0, detail := 3 },
+ message_id := 42921
+ },
+ token := '088042E55D354B17'O,
+ options := {
+ { uri_path := "5" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { content_format := 11542 },
+ { block1 := { num := 2, m := true, szx := 5 } }
+ },
+ payload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
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num3 :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := { class := 0, detail := 3 },
+ message_id := 42922
+ },
+ token := '088042E55D354B17'O,
+ options :=
+ {
+ { uri_path := "5" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { uri_path := "0" },
+ { content_format := 11542 },
+ { block1 := { num := 3, m := false, szx := 5 } }
+ },
+ }
template CoAP_ReqResp t_reg_Content :=
@@ -244,7 +350,39 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
payload := omit
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_reg_Changed :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := RESPONSE_CODE_Changed,
+ message_id := 0
+ },
+ token := ''O,
+ options :=
+ {
+ },
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp t_reg_Continue :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+ code := { class := 2, detail := 31 },
+ message_id := 0
+ },
+ token := ''O,
+ options :=
+ {
+ },
+ payload := omit
+ }
template CoAP_ReqResp tr_NON_GET :=
header :=
@@ -403,6 +541,56 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
payload := omit
+ template CoAP_ReqResp tr_Incomplete(Type p_msgType) :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := p_msgType,
+ code := { class := 4, detail := 8},
+ message_id := ?
+ },
+ token := ?,
+ options :=
+ {
+ },
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp tr_Changed_withBlock1(Type p_msgType, template BlockOption p_block1) :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := p_msgType,
+ code := RESPONSE_CODE_Changed,
+ message_id := ?
+ },
+ token := ?,
+ options :=
+ {
+ { block1 := p_block1 }
+ },
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template CoAP_ReqResp tr_Continue_withBlock1(Type p_msgType, template BlockOption p_block1) :=
+ {
+ header :=
+ {
+ version := 1,
+ msg_type := p_msgType,
+ code := { class := 2, detail := 31},
+ message_id := ?
+ },
+ token := ?,
+ options :=
+ {
+ { block1 := p_block1 }
+ },
+ payload := omit
+ }
template EPTF_MBT_LGen_Definitions.FsmAddr t_addr(integer eIdx, integer fIdx := 0) :=
@@ -425,7 +613,9 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
const integer c_t_CON_GET := 1;
const integer c_t_Content := 2;
const integer c_t_NotFound := 3;
+ const integer c_t_Changed := 4;
+ const integer c_t_Continue := 5;
@@ -2153,38 +2343,602 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_OBSERVE), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_OBSERVE, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_GET, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Content}, false);
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Content_withObserve(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, 2)));
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Content}, false);
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendNotification_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {0}, false);
f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Content_withObserve(NON_CONFIRMABLE, 3)));
f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_GET_Obs1), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_GET, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Content}, false);
f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_observeCanceled, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_resourceNotObservedIndication, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Content(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT)));
+ f_COAP_Tests_end();
+ }
+ SUT: Block1 server
+ - recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(404), resource not found
+ (- recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(408), num != 0)
+ - recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(204, block1 m=false) state-less
+ - recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(231, block1 m=true) atomic, succesful 204
+ - recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(231, block1 m=true) atomic, not in sequence block, 408
+ (- recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(231, block1 m=true) atomic, missing block after last block, 408)
+ - recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(231, block1 m=true) atomic, LIFETIME timeout before next block, 408
+ - recv: CON(block1,size1), send: ACK(231, block1 m=true, szx smaller) atomic, smaller block size
+ device.blockwiseOptions:
+ - atomic/stateless
+ - szx
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Testcase: tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_404NotFound
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Testcase for checking that a a request with the block1 option
+ // is reported as an BLOCK1 request and can be answered with a 404
+ // negative response
+ //
+ // Action:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_404NotFound.jpg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*****************************************************************
+ * Call flow:
+ * @startuml EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_404NotFound.jpg
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_init()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress(c_localAddr)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_startListening()
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5}), size1:8863
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_NotFound)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-404NotFound
+ * @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ testcase tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_404NotFound() runs on Tester_CT
+ {
+ f_COAP_Tests_begin();
+ var integer peer := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "tester");
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(peer, "sut");
+ f_IFW_initComponents();
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_init, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_localAddr}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_startListening, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), 3.0));
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 0, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_NotFound}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_NotFound(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT)));
+ f_COAP_Tests_end();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Testcase: tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_204Changed_stateless
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Testcase for checking that a a request with the block1 option
+ // is reported as an BLOCK1 request and can be answered with a 204
+ // postivie response to receive the BLOCK1 transfer in stateless mode
+ //
+ // Action:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_204Changed_stateless.jpg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*****************************************************************
+ * Call flow:
+ * @startuml EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_204Changed_stateless.jpg
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_init()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress(c_localAddr)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_startListening()
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5}), size1:8863
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Content_204)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-204OK with with Block1:({num=0, m=false, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=1, m=true, szx=5})
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Content_204)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-204OK with with Block1:({num=1, m=false, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_last
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Content_204)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-204OK with with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ testcase tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_204Changed_stateless() runs on Tester_CT
+ {
+ f_COAP_Tests_begin();
+ var integer peer := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "tester");
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(peer, "sut");
+ f_IFW_initComponents();
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_init, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_localAddr}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_startListening, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), 3.0));
+ // Block1 num=0 (first)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 0, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Changed}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Changed_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=0, m:=false, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=1
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 1, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Changed}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Changed_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=1, m:=false, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=2 (last)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 2, m := false, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_last, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Changed}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Changed_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=2, m:=false, szx:=5})));
+ f_COAP_Tests_end();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Testcase: tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_succ
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Testcase for checking that a a request with the block1 option
+ // is reported as an BLOCK1 request and can be answered with a 231
+ // postivie response to receive the BLOCK1 transfer in atomic mode
+ // The following blocks are automatically handled by the applib until
+ // the last block is received and the transfer is finished succesfully
+ //
+ // Action:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_succ.jpg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*****************************************************************
+ * Call flow:
+ * @startuml EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_succ.jpg
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_init()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress(c_localAddr)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_startListening()
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5}), size1:8863
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Continue_231)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=1, m=true, szx=5})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=1, m=true, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-204Changed with with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ
+ * @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ testcase tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_succ() runs on Tester_CT
+ {
+ f_COAP_Tests_begin();
+ var integer peer := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "tester");
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(peer, "sut");
+ f_IFW_initComponents();
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_init, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_localAddr}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_startListening, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), 3.0));
+ // Block1 num=0 (first)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 0, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Continue}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=0, m:= true, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=1
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 1, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=1, m:=true, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=2 (last)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 2, m := false, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Changed_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=2, m:=false, szx:=5})));
+ f_COAP_Tests_end();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Testcase: tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_fail
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Testcase for checking that a a request with the block1 option
+ // is reported as an BLOCK1 request and can be answered with a 231
+ // postivie response to receive the BLOCK1 transfer in atomic mode
+ // The following blocks are automatically handled by the applib until
+ // the last block is received but the transfer is finished unsuccessfully
+ // due to not sending the second block
+ //
+ // Action:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_fail.jpg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*****************************************************************
+ * Call flow:
+ * @startuml EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_fail.jpg
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_init()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress(c_localAddr)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_startListening()
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5}), size1:8863
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Continue_231)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-408Incomplete with with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_fail
+ * @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ testcase tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_fail() runs on Tester_CT
+ {
+ f_COAP_Tests_begin();
+ var integer peer := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "tester");
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(peer, "sut");
+ f_IFW_initComponents();
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_init, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_localAddr}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_startListening, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), 3.0));
+ // Block1 num=0 (first)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 0, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Continue}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=0, m:= true, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=1 not sent
+ // Block1 num=2 (last)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 2, m := false, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_fail, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Incomplete(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT)));
+ f_COAP_Tests_end();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Testcase: tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_timeout
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Testcase for checking that a a request with the block1 option
+ // is reported as an BLOCK1 request and can be answered with a 231
+ // postivie response to receive the BLOCK1 transfer in atomic mode
+ // The following blocks are automatically handled by the applib until
+ // the last block is received but the transfer is finished unsuccessfully
+ // due to not sending the second block in time
+ //
+ // Action:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_timeout.jpg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*****************************************************************
+ * Call flow:
+ * @startuml EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_timeout.jpg
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_init()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress(c_localAddr)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_startListening()
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5}), size1:8863
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Continue_231)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5})
+ * ...after EXCHANGE_LIFETIME...
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_fail
+ * @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ testcase tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_timeout() runs on Tester_CT
+ {
+ f_COAP_Tests_begin();
+ var integer peer := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "tester");
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(peer, "sut");
+ f_IFW_initComponents();
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_init, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_localAddr}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_startListening, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), 3.0));
+ // Block1 num=0 (first)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 0, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Continue}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=0, m:= true, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=1 not sent in ECHANGE_LIFETIME
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_fail, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), tsp_EPTF_COAP_EXCHANGE_LIFETIME+3.0));
+ f_COAP_Tests_end();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Testcase: tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_smaller_blocksize
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Testcase for checking that a a request with the block1 option
+ // is reported as an BLOCK1 request and can be answered with a 231
+ // postivie response to receive the BLOCK1 transfer in atomic mode
+ // The following blocks are automatically handled by the applib until
+ // the last block is received and the transfer is finished succesfully
+ //
+ // Action:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_smaller_blocksize.jpg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*****************************************************************
+ * Call flow:
+ * @startuml EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_succ.jpg
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_init()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setPreferredBlocksize(4)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress(c_localAddr)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_startListening()
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5}), size1:8863
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Continue_231)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=4})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=4, m=true, szx=4})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=4, m=true, szx=4})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=5, m=false, szx=4})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-204Changed with with Block1:({num=5, m=false, szx=4})
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ
+ * @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ testcase tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_smaller_blocksize() runs on Tester_CT
+ {
+ f_COAP_Tests_begin();
+ var integer peer := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "tester");
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(peer, "sut");
+ f_IFW_initComponents();
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_init, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setPreferredBlocksize, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {4}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_localAddr}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_startListening, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), 3.0));
+ // Block1 num=0 (first)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 0, m := true, szx := 5 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Continue}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=0, m:= true, szx:=4})));
+ // Block1 num=1
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 4, m := true, szx := 4 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=4, m:=true, szx:=4})));
+ // Block1 num=2 (last)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1({ num := 5, m := false, szx := 4 })), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Changed_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=5, m:=false, szx:=4})));
+ f_COAP_Tests_end();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Testcase: tc_block1_fwug
+ //
+ // Purpose:
+ // Testcase for checking that a coap block1 write to /5/0/0 package
+ // resource (firmware upgrade) can be handled by the coap applib
+ //
+ // Action:
+ // (see EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_block1_fwug.jpg)
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*****************************************************************
+ * Call flow:
+ * @startuml EPTF_COAP_Tests.tc_block1_fwug.jpg
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_init()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress(c_localAddr)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_startListening()
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5}), size1:1889
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest()
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx(c_t_Continue_231)
+ * FSM -> Applib: c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse()
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=0, m=true, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=1, m=true, szx=5})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-231Continue with with Block1:({num=1, m=true, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-204Changed with with Block1:({num=2, m=false, szx=5})
+ * Peer -> Applib: CON-PUT with Block1:({num=3, m=false, szx=5})
+ * Peer <- Applib: ACK-204Changed with with Block1:({num=3, m=false, szx=5})
+ * FSM <- Applib: c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ
+ * @enduml
+ ******************************************************************/
+ testcase tc_block1_fwug() runs on Tester_CT
+ {
+ f_COAP_Tests_begin();
+ var integer peer := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "tester");
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(peer, "sut");
+ f_IFW_initComponents();
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_init, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_setLocalAddress, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_localAddr}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_startListening, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_transportSucc, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), 3.0));
+ // Block1 num=0 (first)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num0), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_block, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_init, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_handleRequest, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {c_t_Continue}, false);
+ f_MBT_execute(c_COAP_stepName_sendResponse, valueof(t_addr(0, 0)), {}, false);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=0, m:= true, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=1
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num1), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=1, m:=true, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=2
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num2), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Continue_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=2, m:=true, szx:=5})));
+ // Block1 num=3 (last)
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(peer, valueof(t_CON_PUT_Block1_FwUg_num3), GENERATE_NEW_MID, GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN);
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_MBT_waitFor(c_COAP_behaviorType, c_COAP_eventName_BLOCK1_atomic_succ, valueof(t_addr(0, -1)), 3.0));
+ f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(peer);
+ f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(peer, tr_Changed_withBlock1(ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, {num:=3, m:=false, szx:=5})));
@@ -2214,7 +2968,7 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
// SUT: Observe Server
@@ -2224,6 +2978,15 @@ module EPTF_COAP_Tests
+ // SUT: Block1 server
+ execute(tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_404NotFound());
+ execute(tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_204Changed_stateless());
+ execute(tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_succ());
+ execute(tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_fail());
+ execute(tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_timeout());
+ execute(tc_recv_CON_block1_send_ACK_231Continue_atomic_smaller_blocksize());
+ execute(tc_block1_fwug());

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