/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009 Wind River Systems and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.tcf.debug.test; /** * Copied from org.eclipse.cdt.tests.dsf. * * Convenience interface with constants used by the test model update listener. */ public interface IViewerUpdatesListenerConstants { public static final int LABEL_SEQUENCE_COMPLETE = 0X00000001; public static final int CONTENT_SEQUENCE_COMPLETE = 0X00000002; public static final int CONTENT_SEQUENCE_STARTED = 0X00020000; public static final int LABEL_UPDATES = 0X00000004; public static final int LABEL_SEQUENCE_STARTED = 0X00040000; public static final int HAS_CHILDREN_UPDATES = 0X00000008; public static final int HAS_CHILDREN_UPDATES_STARTED = 0X00080000; public static final int CHILD_COUNT_UPDATES = 0X00000010; public static final int CHILD_COUNT_UPDATES_STARTED = 0X00100000; public static final int CHILDREN_UPDATES = 0X00000020; public static final int CHILDREN_UPDATES_STARTED = 0X00200000; public static final int MODEL_CHANGED_COMPLETE = 0X00000040; /** * Flag to check whether a model proxy was installed for the model. The model proxy installation is tracked by * looking for the IModelDelta.EXPAND flag, since the model expands and selects threads when Debug view is opened. */ public static final int MODEL_PROXIES_INSTALLED = 0X00000080; public static final int STATE_SAVE_COMPLETE = 0X00000100; public static final int STATE_SAVE_STARTED = 0X01000000; public static final int STATE_RESTORE_COMPLETE = 0X00000200; public static final int STATE_RESTORE_STARTED = 0X02000000; public static final int STATE_UPDATES = 0X00000400; public static final int STATE_UPDATES_STARTED = 0X04000000; public static final int VIEWER_UPDATES_RUNNING = 0X00001000; public static final int LABEL_UPDATES_RUNNING = 0X00002000; public static final int VIEWER_UPDATES_STARTED = HAS_CHILDREN_UPDATES_STARTED | CHILD_COUNT_UPDATES_STARTED | CHILDREN_UPDATES_STARTED; public static final int LABEL_COMPLETE = LABEL_SEQUENCE_COMPLETE | LABEL_UPDATES | LABEL_UPDATES_RUNNING; public static final int CONTENT_UPDATES = HAS_CHILDREN_UPDATES | CHILD_COUNT_UPDATES | CHILDREN_UPDATES; public static final int CONTENT_COMPLETE = CONTENT_UPDATES | CONTENT_SEQUENCE_COMPLETE | VIEWER_UPDATES_RUNNING; public static final int ALL_UPDATES_COMPLETE = LABEL_COMPLETE | CONTENT_COMPLETE | MODEL_PROXIES_INSTALLED | LABEL_UPDATES_RUNNING | VIEWER_UPDATES_RUNNING; }