# ***************************************************************************** # * Copyright (c) 2011, 2013 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. # * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # * # * Contributors: # * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation # ***************************************************************************** import sys import time import threading import atexit import tcf # @UnresolvedImport from tcf import protocol, channel, errors # @UnresolvedImport from tcf.util import sync # @UnresolvedImport __TRACE = False class TraceListener(channel.TraceListener): def onMessageReceived(self, msgType, token, service, name, data): print "<<<", msgType, token, service, name, data def onMessageSent(self, msgType, token, service, name, data): print ">>>", msgType, token, service, name, data def onChannelClosed(self, error): print >> sys.stderr, "*** closed ***", error _suspended = [] _memory = [] _services = [] def test(): global _services protocol.startEventQueue() atexit.register(protocol.getEventQueue().shutdown) # testTimer() try: c = tcf.connect("TCP:") except Exception as e: protocol.log(e) sys.exit() assert c.state == channel.STATE_OPEN if __TRACE: protocol.invokeAndWait(c.addTraceListener, TraceListener()) _services = protocol.invokeAndWait(c.getRemoteServices) print "services=", _services if "RunControl" in _services: # RunControl must be first _services.remove("RunControl") _services.insert(0, "RunControl") for service in _services: testFct = globals().get("test" + service) if testFct: print "Testing service '%s'..." % service try: testFct(c) print "Completed test of service '%s'." % service except Exception as e: protocol.log("Exception testing %s" % service, e) else: print "No test for service '%s' found." % service try: testSyncCommands(c) testTasks(c) testEvents(c) testDataCache(c) except Exception as e: protocol.log(e) if c.state == channel.STATE_OPEN: time.sleep(5) protocol.invokeLater(c.close) time.sleep(2) def testTimer(): cond = threading.Condition() def countdown(left): if left == 0: print "Ignition sequence started!" with cond: cond.notify() return print "%d seconds to go" % left sys.stdout.flush() protocol.invokeLaterWithDelay(1000, countdown, left - 1) with cond: protocol.invokeLaterWithDelay(0, countdown, 10) cond.wait(15) def testRunControl(c): lock = threading.Condition() from tcf.services import runcontrol # @UnresolvedImport def getContexts(): rctrl = c.getRemoteService(runcontrol.NAME) pending = [] class DoneGetContext(runcontrol.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, context): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log("Error from RunControl.getContext", error) else: print context class DoneGetState(runcontrol.DoneGetState): def doneGetState(self, token, error, suspended, pc, reason, params): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log( "Error from RunControl.getState", error) else: print "suspended: ", suspended print "pc: ", pc print "reason: ", reason print "params: ", params if suspended: _suspended.append(context.getID()) if len(pending) == 0: with lock: lock.notify() if context and context.hasState(): pending.append(context.getState(DoneGetState())) if len(pending) == 0: with lock: lock.notify() class DoneGetChildren(runcontrol.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, context_ids): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log("Error from RunControl.GetChildren", error) else: for c in context_ids: pending.append(rctrl.getContext(c, DoneGetContext())) pending.append(rctrl.getChildren(c, self)) if len(pending) == 0: with lock: lock.notify() pending.append(rctrl.getChildren(None, DoneGetChildren())) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getContexts) lock.wait(5) def listenerTest(): rc = c.getRemoteService(runcontrol.NAME) class RCListener(runcontrol.RunControlListener): def contextSuspended(self, *args): print "context suspended: ", args rc.removeListener(self) def contextResumed(self, *args): print "context resumed: ", args def containerSuspended(self, *args): print "container suspended:", args rc.removeListener(self) def containerResumed(self, *args): print "container resumed:", args rc.addListener(RCListener()) class DoneGetContext(runcontrol.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, context): if error: protocol.log("Error from RunControl.getContext", error) with lock: lock.notify() return class DoneResume(runcontrol.DoneCommand): def doneCommand(self, token, error): if error: protocol.log("Error from RunControl.resume", error) else: context.suspend(runcontrol.DoneCommand()) with lock: lock.notify() context.resume(runcontrol.RM_RESUME, 1, None, DoneResume()) rc.getContext(_suspended[0], DoneGetContext()) if _suspended: with lock: protocol.invokeLater(listenerTest) lock.wait(5) def testBreakpoints(c): from tcf.services import breakpoints # @UnresolvedImport def testBPQuery(): bps = c.getRemoteService(breakpoints.NAME) def doneGetIDs(token, error, ids): if error: protocol.log("Error from Breakpoints.getIDs", error) return print "Breakpoints :", ids def doneGetProperties(token, error, props): if error: protocol.log("Error from Breakpoints.getProperties", error) return print "Breakpoint Properties: ", props def doneGetStatus(token, error, props): if error: protocol.log("Error from Breakpoints.getStatus", error) return print "Breakpoint Status: ", props for bpid in ids: bps.getProperties(bpid, doneGetProperties) bps.getStatus(bpid, doneGetStatus) bps.getIDs(doneGetIDs) protocol.invokeLater(testBPQuery) def testBPSet(): bpsvc = c.getRemoteService(breakpoints.NAME) class BPListener(breakpoints.BreakpointsListener): def breakpointStatusChanged(self, bpid, status): print "breakpointStatusChanged", bpid, status def contextAdded(self, bps): print "breakpointAdded", bps bpsvc.removeListener(self) def contextChanged(self, bps): print "breakpointChanged", bps def contextRemoved(self, ids): print "breakpointRemoved", ids bpsvc.addListener(BPListener()) def doneSet(token, error): if error: protocol.log("Error from Breakpoints.set", error) return bp = { breakpoints.PROP_ID: "python:1", breakpoints.PROP_ENABLED: True, breakpoints.PROP_LOCATION: "sysClkRateGet" } bpsvc.set([bp], doneSet) protocol.invokeLater(testBPSet) def testStackTrace(c): from tcf.services import stacktrace # @UnresolvedImport def stackTest(ctx_id): stack = c.getRemoteService(stacktrace.NAME) class DoneGetChildren(stacktrace.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, ctx_ids): if error: protocol.log("Error from StackTrace.getChildren", error) return class DoneGetContext(stacktrace.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, ctxs): if error: protocol.log( "Error from StackTrace.getContext", error) return if ctxs: for ctx in ctxs: print ctx stack.getContext(ctx_ids, DoneGetContext()) stack.getChildren(ctx_id, DoneGetChildren()) for ctx_id in _suspended: protocol.invokeLater(stackTest, ctx_id) def testDisassembly(c): if not _suspended: return ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) try: dis = ctl.Disassembly except AttributeError: # no Disassembly service return for ctx_id in _suspended: frames = ctl.StackTrace.getChildren(ctx_id).get() if frames: frameData = ctl.StackTrace.getContext(frames).get() if frameData: addr = frameData[0].get("IP") if addr: print "Disassemble context %s from 0x%x" % (ctx_id, addr) lines = dis.disassemble(ctx_id, addr, 256, None).get() if lines: for line in lines: print line def testSymbols(c): from tcf.services import symbols # @UnresolvedImport def symTest(ctx_id): syms = c.getRemoteService(symbols.NAME) class DoneList(symbols.DoneList): def doneList(self, token, error, ctx_ids): if error: protocol.log("Error from Symbols.list", error) return class DoneGetContext(symbols.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, ctx): if error: protocol.log( "Error from Symbols.getContext", error) return print ctx if ctx_ids: for ctx_id in ctx_ids: syms.getContext(ctx_id, DoneGetContext()) syms.list(ctx_id, DoneList()) for ctx_id in _suspended: protocol.invokeLater(symTest, ctx_id) def testRegisters(c): if not _suspended: return from tcf.services import registers # @UnresolvedImport lock = threading.Condition() def regTest(ctx_id): regs = c.getRemoteService(registers.NAME) pending = [] def onDone(): with lock: lock.notify() class DoneGetChildren(registers.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, ctx_ids): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log("Error from Registers.getChildren", error) if not pending: onDone() class DoneGetContext(registers.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, ctx): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log( "Error from Registers.getContext", error) else: print ctx if ctx.isReadable() and not ctx.isReadOnce() \ and ctx.getSize() >= 2: locs = [] locs.append( registers.Location(ctx.getID(), 0, 1)) locs.append( registers.Location(ctx.getID(), 1, 1)) class DoneGetM(registers.DoneGet): def doneGet(self, token, error, value): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log( "Error from Registers.getm", error) else: print "getm", \ ctx.getID(), map(ord, value) if not pending: onDone() pending.append(regs.getm(locs, DoneGetM())) if ctx.isWriteable() and not ctx.isWriteOnce() \ and ctx.getSize() >= 2: locs = [] locs.append( registers.Location(ctx.getID(), 0, 1)) locs.append( registers.Location(ctx.getID(), 1, 1)) class DoneSetM(registers.DoneSet): def doneGet(self, token, error): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log( "Error from Registers.setm", error) if not pending: onDone() pending.append( regs.setm(locs, (255, 255), DoneSetM())) if not pending: onDone() if ctx_ids: for ctx_id in ctx_ids: pending.append( regs.getContext(ctx_id, DoneGetContext())) pending.append(regs.getChildren(ctx_id, DoneGetChildren())) with lock: for ctx_id in _suspended: protocol.invokeLater(regTest, ctx_id) lock.wait(5) def testExpressions(c): if not _suspended: return from tcf.services import expressions # @UnresolvedImport ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) exprs = ctl.Expressions e = exprs.create(_suspended[0], None, "1+2*(3-4/2)").getE() eid = e.get(expressions.PROP_ID) val, cls = exprs.evaluate(eid).getE() print e.get(expressions.PROP_EXPRESSION), "=", val exprs.dispose(eid) def testLineNumbers(c): if not _suspended: return from tcf.services import stacktrace # @UnresolvedImport ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) stack = ctl.StackTrace lineNumbers = ctl.LineNumbers for ctx_id in _suspended: bt = stack.getChildren(ctx_id).get() if bt: bt = stack.getContext(bt).get() for frame in bt: addr = frame.get(stacktrace.PROP_INSTRUCTION_ADDRESS) area = lineNumbers.mapToSource(ctx_id, addr, addr + 1).get() print "Frame %d - CodeArea: %s" % ( frame.get(stacktrace.PROP_LEVEL), area) def testSyncCommands(c): # simplified command execution ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) try: diag = ctl.Diagnostics except AttributeError: # no Diagnostics service return s = "Hello TCF World" r = diag.echo(s).getE() assert s == r pi = 3.141592654 r = diag.echoFP(pi).getE() assert pi == r e = errors.ErrorReport("Test", errors.TCF_ERROR_OTHER) r = diag.echoERR(e.getAttributes()).getE() assert e.getAttributes() == r print "Diagnostic tests:", diag.getTestList().getE() for ctx_id in _suspended: print "Symbols:", ctl.Symbols.list(ctx_id) for ctx_id in _suspended: frame_ids = ctl.StackTrace.getChildren(ctx_id).get() if frame_ids: error, args = ctl.StackTrace.getContext(frame_ids) if not error: print "Stack contexts:", args try: ctl.Breakpoints except AttributeError: # no Breakpoints service return def gotBreakpoints(error, bps): print "Got breakpoint list:", bps ctl.Breakpoints.getIDs(onDone=gotBreakpoints) try: print ctl.Processes.getChildren(None, False) except: pass # no Processes service def testTasks(c): if not _suspended: return from tcf.services import expressions # @UnresolvedImport from tcf.util import task # @UnresolvedImport def compute(expr, done=None): es = c.getRemoteService(expressions.NAME) if not es: done(Exception("No Expressions service"), None) return def doneCreate(token, error, ctx): if error: done(error, None) return def doneEval(token, error, val): done(error, val) es.evaluate(ctx.getID(), doneEval) es.create(_suspended[0], None, expr, doneCreate) t = task.Task(compute, "1+2*(3-4/2)", channel=c) val = t.get() print "Task result:", val def testEvents(c): from tcf.util import event # @UnresolvedImport recorder = event.EventRecorder(c) recorder.record("RunControl") ctl = sync.CommandControl(c) try: rc = ctl.RunControl except AttributeError: # no RunControl service return ctxs = rc.getChildren(None).get() if not ctxs: return ctx = ctxs[0] rc.resume(ctx, 0, 1, None).wait() print recorder rc.suspend(ctx).wait() print recorder recorder.stop() def testDataCache(c): from tcf.util import cache # @UnresolvedImport from tcf.services import runcontrol # @UnresolvedImport if not runcontrol.NAME in _services: return class ContextsCache(cache.DataCache): def startDataRetrieval(self): rc = self._channel.getRemoteService(runcontrol.NAME) if not rc: self.set(None, Exception("No RunControl service"), None) return cache = self pending = [] contexts = [] class DoneGetChildren(runcontrol.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, context_ids): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log( "Error from RunControl.GetChildren", error) else: for c in context_ids: contexts.append(c) pending.append(rc.getChildren(c, self)) if len(pending) == 0: cache.set(None, None, contexts) pending.append(rc.getChildren(None, DoneGetChildren())) contextsCache = ContextsCache(c) def done(): print "ContextsCache is valid:", contextsCache.getData() protocol.invokeLater(contextsCache.validate, done) def testProcesses(c): from tcf.services import processes, processes_v1 # @UnresolvedImport lock = threading.Condition() def processTest(): proc = c.getRemoteService(processes_v1.NAME) or \ c.getRemoteService(processes.NAME) if not proc: with lock: lock.notify() return class DoneGetChildren(processes.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, context_ids): if error: protocol.log("Error from Processes.GetChildren", error) else: print "Processes:", context_ids with lock: lock.notify() proc.getChildren(None, False, DoneGetChildren()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(processTest) lock.wait(5) def testFileSystem(c): cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: fs = cmd.FileSystem except AttributeError: # no FileSystem service return roots = fs.roots().get() print "FileSystem roots:", roots user = fs.user().get() print "User info: ", user def testMemory(c): lock = threading.Condition() from tcf.services import memory # @UnresolvedImport def getContexts(): mem = c.getRemoteService(memory.NAME) pending = [] class DoneGetContext(memory.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, context): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log("Error from Memory.getContext", error) else: print context if len(pending) == 0: with lock: lock.notify() class DoneGetChildren(memory.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, context_ids): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log("Error from Memory.GetChildren", error) else: for c in context_ids: _memory.append(c) pending.append(mem.getContext(c, DoneGetContext())) pending.append(mem.getChildren(c, self)) if len(pending) == 0: with lock: lock.notify() pending.append(mem.getChildren(None, DoneGetChildren())) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getContexts) lock.wait(5) def testMemoryMap(c): if not _memory: return cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: mm = cmd.MemoryMap except AttributeError: # no MemoryMap service return map_id = _memory[0] lock = threading.Condition() from tcf.services import memorymap # @UnresolvedImport def getMap(): mm = c.getRemoteService(memorymap.NAME) class DoneGet(memorymap.DoneGet): def doneGet(self, token, error, mmap): if error: protocol.log("Error from MemoryMap.get", error) else: print mmap with lock: lock.notify() mm.get(map_id, DoneGet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getMap) lock.wait(1) def setMap(): mm = c.getRemoteService(memorymap.NAME) class DoneSet(memorymap.DoneSet): def doneSet(self, token, error): if error: protocol.log("Error from MemoryMap.set", error) with lock: lock.notify() mm.set( id, {memorymap.PROP_FILE_NAME: "/tmp/system.elf"}, DoneSet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(setMap) lock.wait(1) mmap = mm.get(id).get() print "Memory map:", mmap def testPathMap(c): cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: pm = cmd.PathMap except AttributeError: # no PathMap service return lock = threading.Condition() from tcf.services import pathmap # @UnresolvedImport def getMap(): pm = c.getRemoteService(pathmap.NAME) class DoneGet(pathmap.DoneGet): def doneGet(self, token, error, mmap): if error: protocol.log("Error from PathMap.get", error) else: print mmap with lock: lock.notify() pm.get(DoneGet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getMap) lock.wait(1) def setMap(): pm = c.getRemoteService(pathmap.NAME) class DoneSet(pathmap.DoneSet): def doneSet(self, token, error): if error: protocol.log("Error from PathMap.set", error) with lock: lock.notify() pm.set({pathmap.PROP_SOURCE: "/tmp", pathmap.PROP_DESTINATION: "/home"}, DoneSet()) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(setMap) lock.wait(1) mmap = pm.get().get() print "Path map:", mmap def testSysMonitor(c): cmd = sync.CommandControl(c) try: sm = cmd.SysMonitor except AttributeError: # no SysMonotor service return lock = threading.Condition() from tcf.services import sysmonitor # @UnresolvedImport processes = [] def getProcesses(): sm = c.getRemoteService(sysmonitor.NAME) pending = [] class DoneGetChildren(sysmonitor.DoneGetChildren): def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, context_ids): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log("Error from SysMonitor.getChildren", error) else: class DoneGetContext(sysmonitor.DoneGetContext): def doneGetContext(self, token, error, context): pending.remove(token) if error: protocol.log( "Error from SysMonitor.getContext", error) else: processes.append(context) if not pending: with lock: lock.notify() for ctx_id in context_ids: pending.append( sm.getContext(ctx_id, DoneGetContext())) if not pending: with lock: lock.notify() pending.append(sm.getChildren(None, DoneGetChildren())) with lock: protocol.invokeLater(getProcesses) lock.wait(5) print "%d processes found:" % len(processes) for p in processes: print p cmdl = sm.getCommandLine(p.getID()).get() if cmdl: print "Command line: ", cmdl envp = sm.getEnvironment(p.getID()).get() print "Environment: ", envp if __name__ == '__main__': test()