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authorTobias Schwarz2013-03-01 08:19:26 +0000
committerTobias Schwarz2013-03-01 08:19:26 +0000
commitadbeba130ca3d73ea99fd41a9b3aa524d69d4d9b (patch)
parentead8cb523c1a6fd41628277b82dc7cad9ca76df2 (diff)
Target Explorer: improve dialog settigs
3 files changed, 681 insertions, 672 deletions
diff --git a/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/ b/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/
index a3d799298..54128aae2 100644
--- a/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/
+++ b/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/
@@ -1,308 +1,308 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
- * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
- * available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.PlatformObject;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.jface.interfaces.IValidatable;
- * Base implementation of a common UI control.
- * <p>
- * The control can be embedded into any UI container like dialogs,
- * wizard pages or preference pages.
- */
-public class BaseControl extends PlatformObject implements IValidatable {
- /**
- * Reference to the parent control.
- */
- private Composite parentControl;
- /**
- * A message associated with the control.
- */
- private String message = null;
- /**
- * The message type of the associated message.
- * @see IMessageProvider
- */
- private int messageType = IMessageProvider.NONE;
- /**
- * Flag to remember the controls enabled state
- */
- private boolean enabled = true;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public BaseControl() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Returns if the <code>setupPanel(...)</code> method has been called at least once with
- * a non-null parent control.
- *
- * @return <code>true</code> if the associated parent control is not <code>null</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
- public final boolean isControlCreated() {
- return (parentControl != null);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the parent control of the control.
- *
- * @return The parent control or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public final Composite getParentControl() {
- return parentControl;
- }
- /**
- * Cleanup all resources the control might have been created.
- */
- public void dispose() {
- parentControl = null;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the controls UI elements.
- *
- * @param parent The parent control. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- */
- public void setupPanel(Composite parent) {
- Assert.isNotNull(parent);
- parentControl = parent;
- }
- /**
- * Enables or disables all UI elements belonging to this control. The
- * control remembers the last set enabled state to allow easy enabled checks.
- *
- * @param enabled <code>True</code> to enable the UI elements, <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
- public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
- this.enabled = enabled;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the control is enabled or not.
- */
- public final boolean isEnabled() {
- return enabled;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.interfaces.validator.IValidatable#isValid()
- */
- @Override
- public boolean isValid() {
- setMessage(null, IMessageProvider.NONE);
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the given subcontrol and bitwise "AND" the subcontrols valid
- * state to the passed in current valid state. If the subcontrol validation
- * results into a message which has a higher message type than the currently
- * set message, the message from the subcontrol is applied to the control itself.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:</b> If the given subcontrol is <code>null</code>, the current validation
- * state is returned unchanged.
- *
- * @param subControl The subcontrol instance or <code>null</code>.
- * @param currentValidationState The current control validation state before the subcontrol is validated.
- *
- * @return The new controls validation state after the subcontrol has been validated.
- */
- protected final boolean isSubControlValid(BaseControl subControl, boolean currentValidationState) {
- if (subControl == null) return currentValidationState;
- // Validate the subcontrol and bitwise "AND" the result to the current validation state
- currentValidationState &= subControl.isValid();
- // Check if the subcontrol has set a message which has a higher message
- // type than the currently set message.
- if (subControl.getMessageType() > getMessageType()) {
- // Apply the message from the subcontrol to the control
- setMessage(subControl.getMessage(), subControl.getMessageType());
- }
- // Returns the resulting validation state.
- return currentValidationState;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider#getMessage()
- */
- @Override
- public final String getMessage() {
- return message;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider#getMessageType()
- */
- @Override
- public final int getMessageType() {
- return messageType;
- }
- /**
- * Set the message and the message type this control wants to display in
- * the outer control or panel.
- *
- * @param message The message from this control.
- * @param messageType The type o the message (NONE, INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR).
- */
- protected final void setMessage(String message, int messageType) {
- // Check if we should apply the default message instead.
- if (message == null && getDefaultMessage() != null) {
- message = getDefaultMessage();
- messageType = getDefaultMessageType();
- }
- // Set the message and message type
- this.message = message;
- this.messageType = messageType;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the controls default message or <code>null</code> if none.
- *
- * @return The controls default message or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public String getDefaultMessage() {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the controls default message type or {@link IMessageProvider#NONE} if none.
- *
- * @return The controls default message type.
- */
- public int getDefaultMessageType() {
- return IMessageProvider.INFORMATION;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the correctly prefixed dialog settings slot id. In case the given id
- * suffix is <code>null</code> or empty, <code>id</code> is returned as is.
- *
- * @param settingsSlotId The dialog settings slot id to prefix.
- * @param prefix The prefix.
- * @return The correctly prefixed dialog settings slot id.
- */
- public final String prefixDialogSettingsSlotId(String settingsSlotId, String prefix) {
- if (settingsSlotId != null && prefix != null && prefix.trim().length() > 0) {
- settingsSlotId = prefix + "." + settingsSlotId; //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- return settingsSlotId;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the parent section for the control dialog settings. The default implementation
- * returns the passed in dialog settings instance unmodified. Overwrite to create additional
- * subsections within the given dialog settings instance.
- *
- * @param settings The dialog settings instance. Must not be <code>null</code>.
- *
- * @return The parent section for the control dialog settings. Must never be <code>null</code>.
- */
- protected IDialogSettings doGetParentSection(IDialogSettings settings) {
- Assert.isNotNull(settings);
- return settings;
- }
- /**
- * Restore the widget values from the dialog settings store to recreate the control history.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:</b>
- * The control is saving the widget values into a section equal to the class name {@link Class#getName()}.
- * After the sections has been created, the method calls <code>doRestoreWidgetValues</code> for restoring
- * the single properties from the dialog settings. Subclasses may override <code>doRestoreWidgetValues</code>
- * only to deal with the single properties only or <code>restoreWidgetValues</code> when to override the
- * creation of the subsections.
- *
- * @param settings The dialog settings object instance to restore the widget values from. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
- */
- public final void restoreWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
- Assert.isNotNull(settings);
- // Get the parent section for the control dialog settings.
- IDialogSettings parentSection = doGetParentSection(settings);
- Assert.isNotNull(parentSection);
- // Store the settings of the control within it's own section.
- IDialogSettings section = parentSection.getSection(this.getClass().getName());
- if (section == null) {
- section = parentSection.addNewSection(this.getClass().getName());
- }
- // now, call the hook for actually reading the single properties from the dialog settings.
- doRestoreWidgetValues(section, idPrefix);
- }
- /**
- * Hook to restore the widget values finally plain from the given dialog settings. This method should
- * not fragment the given dialog settings any further.
- *
- * @param settings The dialog settings to restore the widget values from. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
- */
- public void doRestoreWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
- Assert.isNotNull(settings);
- }
- /**
- * Saves the widget values to the dialog settings store for remembering the history. The control might
- * be embedded within multiple pages multiple times handling different properties. Because the single
- * controls should not mix up the history, we create subsections within the given dialog settings if
- * they do not already exist. After the sections has been created, the method calls <code>doSaveWidgetValues</code>
- * for saving the single properties to the dialog settings. Subclasses may override <code>doSaveWidgetValues</code>
- * only to deal with the single properties only or <code>saveWidgetValues</code> when to override the
- * creation of the subsections.
- *
- * @param settings The dialog settings object instance to save the widget values to. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
- */
- public final void saveWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
- Assert.isNotNull(settings);
- // Get the parent section for the control dialog settings.
- IDialogSettings parentSection = doGetParentSection(settings);
- Assert.isNotNull(parentSection);
- // Store the settings of the control within it's own section.
- IDialogSettings section = parentSection.getSection(this.getClass().getName());
- if (section == null) {
- section = parentSection.addNewSection(this.getClass().getName());
- }
- // now, call the hook for actually writing the single properties to the dialog settings.
- doSaveWidgetValues(section, idPrefix);
- }
- /**
- * Hook to save the widget values finally plain to the given dialog settings. This method should
- * not fragment the given dialog settings any further.
- *
- * @param settings The dialog settings to save the widget values to. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
- */
- public void doSaveWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
- Assert.isNotNull(settings);
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
+ * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
+ * available at
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.PlatformObject;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.jface.interfaces.IValidatable;
+ * Base implementation of a common UI control.
+ * <p>
+ * The control can be embedded into any UI container like dialogs,
+ * wizard pages or preference pages.
+ */
+public class BaseControl extends PlatformObject implements IValidatable {
+ /**
+ * Reference to the parent control.
+ */
+ private Composite parentControl;
+ /**
+ * A message associated with the control.
+ */
+ private String message = null;
+ /**
+ * The message type of the associated message.
+ * @see IMessageProvider
+ */
+ private int messageType = IMessageProvider.NONE;
+ /**
+ * Flag to remember the controls enabled state
+ */
+ private boolean enabled = true;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ public BaseControl() {
+ super();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns if the <code>setupPanel(...)</code> method has been called at least once with
+ * a non-null parent control.
+ *
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the associated parent control is not <code>null</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ */
+ public final boolean isControlCreated() {
+ return (parentControl != null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the parent control of the control.
+ *
+ * @return The parent control or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public final Composite getParentControl() {
+ return parentControl;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cleanup all resources the control might have been created.
+ */
+ public void dispose() {
+ parentControl = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the controls UI elements.
+ *
+ * @param parent The parent control. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ */
+ public void setupPanel(Composite parent) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(parent);
+ parentControl = parent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enables or disables all UI elements belonging to this control. The
+ * control remembers the last set enabled state to allow easy enabled checks.
+ *
+ * @param enabled <code>True</code> to enable the UI elements, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ */
+ public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
+ this.enabled = enabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the control is enabled or not.
+ */
+ public final boolean isEnabled() {
+ return enabled;
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.interfaces.validator.IValidatable#isValid()
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isValid() {
+ setMessage(null, IMessageProvider.NONE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates the given subcontrol and bitwise "AND" the subcontrols valid
+ * state to the passed in current valid state. If the subcontrol validation
+ * results into a message which has a higher message type than the currently
+ * set message, the message from the subcontrol is applied to the control itself.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Note:</b> If the given subcontrol is <code>null</code>, the current validation
+ * state is returned unchanged.
+ *
+ * @param subControl The subcontrol instance or <code>null</code>.
+ * @param currentValidationState The current control validation state before the subcontrol is validated.
+ *
+ * @return The new controls validation state after the subcontrol has been validated.
+ */
+ protected final boolean isSubControlValid(BaseControl subControl, boolean currentValidationState) {
+ if (subControl == null) return currentValidationState;
+ // Validate the subcontrol and bitwise "AND" the result to the current validation state
+ currentValidationState &= subControl.isValid();
+ // Check if the subcontrol has set a message which has a higher message
+ // type than the currently set message.
+ if (subControl.getMessageType() > getMessageType()) {
+ // Apply the message from the subcontrol to the control
+ setMessage(subControl.getMessage(), subControl.getMessageType());
+ }
+ // Returns the resulting validation state.
+ return currentValidationState;
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider#getMessage()
+ */
+ @Override
+ public final String getMessage() {
+ return message;
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider#getMessageType()
+ */
+ @Override
+ public final int getMessageType() {
+ return messageType;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the message and the message type this control wants to display in
+ * the outer control or panel.
+ *
+ * @param message The message from this control.
+ * @param messageType The type o the message (NONE, INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR).
+ */
+ protected final void setMessage(String message, int messageType) {
+ // Check if we should apply the default message instead.
+ if (message == null && getDefaultMessage() != null) {
+ message = getDefaultMessage();
+ messageType = getDefaultMessageType();
+ }
+ // Set the message and message type
+ this.message = message;
+ this.messageType = messageType;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the controls default message or <code>null</code> if none.
+ *
+ * @return The controls default message or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public String getDefaultMessage() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the controls default message type or {@link IMessageProvider#NONE} if none.
+ *
+ * @return The controls default message type.
+ */
+ public int getDefaultMessageType() {
+ return IMessageProvider.INFORMATION;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the correctly prefixed dialog settings slot id. In case the given id
+ * suffix is <code>null</code> or empty, <code>id</code> is returned as is.
+ *
+ * @param settingsSlotId The dialog settings slot id to prefix.
+ * @param prefix The prefix.
+ * @return The correctly prefixed dialog settings slot id.
+ */
+ public final String prefixDialogSettingsSlotId(String settingsSlotId, String prefix) {
+ if (settingsSlotId != null && prefix != null && prefix.trim().length() > 0) {
+ settingsSlotId = prefix + "." + settingsSlotId; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ return settingsSlotId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the parent section for the control dialog settings. The default implementation
+ * returns the passed in dialog settings instance unmodified. Overwrite to create additional
+ * subsections within the given dialog settings instance.
+ *
+ * @param settings The dialog settings instance. Must not be <code>null</code>.
+ *
+ * @return The parent section for the control dialog settings. Must never be <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ protected IDialogSettings doGetParentSection(IDialogSettings settings) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(settings);
+ return settings;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restore the widget values from the dialog settings store to recreate the control history.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Note:</b>
+ * The control is saving the widget values into a section equal to the class name {@link Class#getName()}.
+ * After the sections has been created, the method calls <code>doRestoreWidgetValues</code> for restoring
+ * the single properties from the dialog settings. Subclasses may override <code>doRestoreWidgetValues</code>
+ * only to deal with the single properties only or <code>restoreWidgetValues</code> when to override the
+ * creation of the subsections.
+ *
+ * @param settings The dialog settings object instance to restore the widget values from. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
+ */
+ public final void restoreWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(settings);
+ // Get the parent section for the control dialog settings.
+ IDialogSettings parentSection = doGetParentSection(settings);
+ Assert.isNotNull(parentSection);
+ // Store the settings of the control within it's own section.
+ IDialogSettings section = parentSection.getSection(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
+ if (section == null) {
+ section = parentSection.addNewSection(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
+ }
+ // now, call the hook for actually reading the single properties from the dialog settings.
+ doRestoreWidgetValues(section, idPrefix);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Hook to restore the widget values finally plain from the given dialog settings. This method should
+ * not fragment the given dialog settings any further.
+ *
+ * @param settings The dialog settings to restore the widget values from. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
+ */
+ public void doRestoreWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(settings);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves the widget values to the dialog settings store for remembering the history. The control might
+ * be embedded within multiple pages multiple times handling different properties. Because the single
+ * controls should not mix up the history, we create subsections within the given dialog settings if
+ * they do not already exist. After the sections has been created, the method calls <code>doSaveWidgetValues</code>
+ * for saving the single properties to the dialog settings. Subclasses may override <code>doSaveWidgetValues</code>
+ * only to deal with the single properties only or <code>saveWidgetValues</code> when to override the
+ * creation of the subsections.
+ *
+ * @param settings The dialog settings object instance to save the widget values to. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
+ */
+ public final void saveWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(settings);
+ // Get the parent section for the control dialog settings.
+ IDialogSettings parentSection = doGetParentSection(settings);
+ Assert.isNotNull(parentSection);
+ // Store the settings of the control within it's own section.
+ IDialogSettings section = parentSection.getSection(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
+ if (section == null) {
+ section = parentSection.addNewSection(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
+ }
+ // now, call the hook for actually writing the single properties to the dialog settings.
+ doSaveWidgetValues(section, idPrefix);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Hook to save the widget values finally plain to the given dialog settings. This method should
+ * not fragment the given dialog settings any further.
+ *
+ * @param settings The dialog settings to save the widget values to. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @param idPrefix The prefix to use for every dialog settings slot keys. If <code>null</code>, the dialog settings slot keys are not to prefix.
+ */
+ public void doSaveWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(settings);
+ }
diff --git a/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/ b/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/
index c1e5310fc..943db816a 100644
--- a/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/
+++ b/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/controls/
@@ -1,244 +1,253 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
- * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
- * available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StackLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group;
-import org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls.interfaces.IWizardConfigurationPanel;
-import org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit;
- * Base control to deal with wizard or property page controls
- * which should share the same UI space.
- */
-public class BaseWizardConfigurationPanelControl extends BaseDialogPageControl {
- private final Map<String, IWizardConfigurationPanel> configurationPanels = new Hashtable<String, IWizardConfigurationPanel>();
- private boolean isGroup;
- private Composite panel;
- private StackLayout panelLayout;
- private IWizardConfigurationPanel activeConfigurationPanel = null;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param parentPage The parent dialog page this control is embedded in.
- * Might be <code>null</code> if the control is not associated with a page.
- */
- public BaseWizardConfigurationPanelControl(IDialogPage parentPage) {
- super(parentPage);
- clear();
- setPanelIsGroup(false);
- }
- /**
- * Sets if or if not the controls panel is a <code>Group</code>.
- *
- * @param isGroup <code>True</code> if the controls panel is a group, <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
- public void setPanelIsGroup(boolean isGroup) {
- this.isGroup = isGroup;
- }
- /**
- * Returns if or if not the controls panel is a <code>Group</code>.
- *
- * @return <code>True</code> if the controls panel is a group, <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isPanelIsGroup() {
- return isGroup;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the controls panel.
- *
- * @return The controls panel or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public Composite getPanel() {
- return panel;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the label text to set for the group (if the panel is a group).
- *
- * @return The label text to apply or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public String getGroupLabel() {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * To be called from the embedding control to setup the controls UI elements.
- *
- * @param parent The parent control. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @param toolkit The form toolkit. Must not be <code>null</code>.
- */
- public void setupPanel(Composite parent, String[] configurationPanelKeys, FormToolkit toolkit) {
- Assert.isNotNull(parent);
- Assert.isNotNull(toolkit);
- setFormToolkit(toolkit);
- if (isPanelIsGroup()) {
- panel = new Group(parent, SWT.NONE);
- if (getGroupLabel() != null) ((Group)panel).setText(getGroupLabel());
- } else {
- panel = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- }
- Assert.isNotNull(panel);
- panel.setFont(parent.getFont());
- panel.setBackground(parent.getBackground());
- panelLayout = new StackLayout();
- panel.setLayout(panelLayout);
- setupConfigurationPanels(panel, configurationPanelKeys, toolkit);
- }
- /**
- * Removes all configuration panels.
- */
- public void clear() {
- configurationPanels.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a unsorted list of all registered wizard configuration
- * panel id's.
- *
- * @return A list of registered wizard configuration panel id's.
- */
- public String[] getConfigurationPanelIds() {
- return configurationPanels.keySet().toArray(new String[configurationPanels.keySet().size()]);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the wizard configuration panel instance registered for the given configuration panel key.
- *
- * @param key The key to get the wizard configuration panel for. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @return The wizard configuration panel instance or <code>null</code> if the key is unknown.
- */
- public IWizardConfigurationPanel getConfigurationPanel(String key) {
- if (key == null) return null;
- return configurationPanels.get(key);
- }
- /**
- * Adds the given wizard configuration panel under the given configuration panel key to the
- * list of known panels. If the given configuration panel is <code>null</code>, any configuration
- * panel stored under the given key is removed from the list of known panels.
- *
- * @param key The key to get the wizard configuration panel for. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @param panel The wizard configuration panel instance or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public void addConfigurationPanel(String key, IWizardConfigurationPanel panel) {
- if (key == null) return;
- if (panel != null) {
- configurationPanels.put(key, panel);
- } else {
- configurationPanels.remove(key);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Setup the wizard configuration panels for being presented to the user. This method is called by the
- * controls <code>doSetupPanel(...)</code> and initialize all possible wizard configuration panels to show.
- * The default implementation iterates over the given list of configuration panel keys and calls
- * <code>setupPanel(...)</code> for each of them.
- *
- * @param parent The parent composite to use for the wizard configuration panels. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- * @param configurationPanelKeys The list of configuration panels to initialize. Might be <code>null</code> or empty!
- * @param toolkit The form toolkit. Must not be <code>null</code>.
- */
- public void setupConfigurationPanels(Composite parent, String[] configurationPanelKeys, FormToolkit toolkit) {
- Assert.isNotNull(parent);
- Assert.isNotNull(toolkit);
- if (configurationPanelKeys != null) {
- for (int i = 0; i < configurationPanelKeys.length; i++) {
- IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getConfigurationPanel(configurationPanelKeys[i]);
- if (configPanel != null) configPanel.setupPanel(parent, toolkit);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Make the wizard configuration panel registered under the given configuration panel key the
- * most top configuration panel. If no configuration panel is registered under the given key,
- * nothing will happen.
- *
- * @param key The key to get the wizard configuration panel for. Must not be <code>null</code>!
- */
- public void showConfigurationPanel(String key) {
- if (key == null) return;
- IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getConfigurationPanel(key);
- if (configPanel != null && configPanel.getControl() != null) {
- activeConfigurationPanel = configPanel;
- panelLayout.topControl = configPanel.getControl();
- panel.layout();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the currently active configuration panel.
- *
- * @return The active configuration panel or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public IWizardConfigurationPanel getActiveConfigurationPanel() {
- return activeConfigurationPanel;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls.BaseControl#doSaveWidgetValues(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings, java.lang.String)
- */
- @Override
- public void doSaveWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
- super.doSaveWidgetValues(settings, idPrefix);
- if (settings != null) {
- for (String key : configurationPanels.keySet()) {
- IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getConfigurationPanel(key);
- if (configPanel != null) {
- IDialogSettings configPanelSettings = settings.getSection(key);
- if (configPanelSettings == null) configPanelSettings = settings.addNewSection(key);
- configPanel.doSaveWidgetValues(configPanelSettings, idPrefix);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls.BaseControl#doRestoreWidgetValues(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings, java.lang.String)
- */
- @Override
- public void doRestoreWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
- super.doRestoreWidgetValues(settings, idPrefix);
- if (settings != null) {
- for (String key : configurationPanels.keySet()) {
- IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getConfigurationPanel(key);
- if (configPanel != null) {
- IDialogSettings configPanelSettings = settings.getSection(key);
- if (configPanelSettings == null) configPanelSettings = settings.addNewSection(key);
- configPanel.doRestoreWidgetValues(configPanelSettings, idPrefix);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
+ * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
+ * available at
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StackLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group;
+import org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls.interfaces.IWizardConfigurationPanel;
+import org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit;
+ * Base control to deal with wizard or property page controls
+ * which should share the same UI space.
+ */
+public class BaseWizardConfigurationPanelControl extends BaseDialogPageControl {
+ private final Map<String, IWizardConfigurationPanel> configurationPanels = new Hashtable<String, IWizardConfigurationPanel>();
+ private boolean isGroup;
+ private Composite panel;
+ private StackLayout panelLayout;
+ private String activeConfigurationPanelKey = null;
+ private IWizardConfigurationPanel activeConfigurationPanel = null;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param parentPage The parent dialog page this control is embedded in.
+ * Might be <code>null</code> if the control is not associated with a page.
+ */
+ public BaseWizardConfigurationPanelControl(IDialogPage parentPage) {
+ super(parentPage);
+ clear();
+ setPanelIsGroup(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets if or if not the controls panel is a <code>Group</code>.
+ *
+ * @param isGroup <code>True</code> if the controls panel is a group, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ */
+ public void setPanelIsGroup(boolean isGroup) {
+ this.isGroup = isGroup;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns if or if not the controls panel is a <code>Group</code>.
+ *
+ * @return <code>True</code> if the controls panel is a group, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean isPanelIsGroup() {
+ return isGroup;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the controls panel.
+ *
+ * @return The controls panel or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public Composite getPanel() {
+ return panel;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the label text to set for the group (if the panel is a group).
+ *
+ * @return The label text to apply or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public String getGroupLabel() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * To be called from the embedding control to setup the controls UI elements.
+ *
+ * @param parent The parent control. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @param toolkit The form toolkit. Must not be <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public void setupPanel(Composite parent, String[] configurationPanelKeys, FormToolkit toolkit) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(parent);
+ Assert.isNotNull(toolkit);
+ setFormToolkit(toolkit);
+ if (isPanelIsGroup()) {
+ panel = new Group(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ if (getGroupLabel() != null) ((Group)panel).setText(getGroupLabel());
+ } else {
+ panel = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ }
+ Assert.isNotNull(panel);
+ panel.setFont(parent.getFont());
+ panel.setBackground(parent.getBackground());
+ panelLayout = new StackLayout();
+ panel.setLayout(panelLayout);
+ setupConfigurationPanels(panel, configurationPanelKeys, toolkit);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes all configuration panels.
+ */
+ public void clear() {
+ configurationPanels.clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a unsorted list of all registered wizard configuration
+ * panel id's.
+ *
+ * @return A list of registered wizard configuration panel id's.
+ */
+ public String[] getConfigurationPanelIds() {
+ return configurationPanels.keySet().toArray(new String[configurationPanels.keySet().size()]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the wizard configuration panel instance registered for the given configuration panel key.
+ *
+ * @param key The key to get the wizard configuration panel for. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @return The wizard configuration panel instance or <code>null</code> if the key is unknown.
+ */
+ public IWizardConfigurationPanel getConfigurationPanel(String key) {
+ if (key == null) return null;
+ return configurationPanels.get(key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the given wizard configuration panel under the given configuration panel key to the
+ * list of known panels. If the given configuration panel is <code>null</code>, any configuration
+ * panel stored under the given key is removed from the list of known panels.
+ *
+ * @param key The key to get the wizard configuration panel for. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @param panel The wizard configuration panel instance or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public void addConfigurationPanel(String key, IWizardConfigurationPanel panel) {
+ if (key == null) return;
+ if (panel != null) {
+ configurationPanels.put(key, panel);
+ } else {
+ configurationPanels.remove(key);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Setup the wizard configuration panels for being presented to the user. This method is called by the
+ * controls <code>doSetupPanel(...)</code> and initialize all possible wizard configuration panels to show.
+ * The default implementation iterates over the given list of configuration panel keys and calls
+ * <code>setupPanel(...)</code> for each of them.
+ *
+ * @param parent The parent composite to use for the wizard configuration panels. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ * @param configurationPanelKeys The list of configuration panels to initialize. Might be <code>null</code> or empty!
+ * @param toolkit The form toolkit. Must not be <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public void setupConfigurationPanels(Composite parent, String[] configurationPanelKeys, FormToolkit toolkit) {
+ Assert.isNotNull(parent);
+ Assert.isNotNull(toolkit);
+ if (configurationPanelKeys != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < configurationPanelKeys.length; i++) {
+ IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getConfigurationPanel(configurationPanelKeys[i]);
+ if (configPanel != null) configPanel.setupPanel(parent, toolkit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make the wizard configuration panel registered under the given configuration panel key the
+ * most top configuration panel. If no configuration panel is registered under the given key,
+ * nothing will happen.
+ *
+ * @param key The key to get the wizard configuration panel for. Must not be <code>null</code>!
+ */
+ public void showConfigurationPanel(String key) {
+ if (key == null) return;
+ IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getConfigurationPanel(key);
+ if (configPanel != null && configPanel.getControl() != null) {
+ activeConfigurationPanel = configPanel;
+ activeConfigurationPanelKey = key;
+ panelLayout.topControl = configPanel.getControl();
+ panel.layout();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the currently active configuration panel.
+ *
+ * @return The active configuration panel or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public IWizardConfigurationPanel getActiveConfigurationPanel() {
+ return activeConfigurationPanel;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the currently active configuration panel key.
+ *
+ * @return The active configuration panel key or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public String getActiveConfigurationPanelKey() {
+ return activeConfigurationPanelKey;
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls.BaseControl#doSaveWidgetValues(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings, java.lang.String)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void doSaveWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
+ super.doSaveWidgetValues(settings, idPrefix);
+ if (settings != null) {
+ IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getActiveConfigurationPanel();
+ if (configPanel != null) {
+ IDialogSettings configPanelSettings = settings.getSection(activeConfigurationPanelKey);
+ if (configPanelSettings == null) configPanelSettings = settings.addNewSection(activeConfigurationPanelKey);
+ configPanel.doSaveWidgetValues(configPanelSettings, idPrefix);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.controls.BaseControl#doRestoreWidgetValues(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings, java.lang.String)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void doRestoreWidgetValues(IDialogSettings settings, String idPrefix) {
+ super.doRestoreWidgetValues(settings, idPrefix);
+ if (settings != null) {
+ for (String key : configurationPanels.keySet()) {
+ IWizardConfigurationPanel configPanel = getConfigurationPanel(key);
+ if (configPanel != null) {
+ IDialogSettings configPanelSettings = settings.getSection(key);
+ if (configPanelSettings == null) configPanelSettings = settings.addNewSection(key);
+ configPanel.doRestoreWidgetValues(configPanelSettings, idPrefix);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/wizards/ b/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/wizards/
index 404eb9289..07add9061 100644
--- a/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/wizards/
+++ b/target_explorer/plugins/org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui/src/org/eclipse/tcf/te/ui/wizards/
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
- * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
- * available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.wizards;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard;
-import org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.activator.UIPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWizard;
- * An abstract wizard implementation.
- * <p>
- * This wizard implementation is adding dialog settings management.
- */
-public abstract class AbstractWizard extends Wizard implements IWorkbenchWizard {
- // A marker to remember if the dialog settings got
- // initialized for this wizard
- private boolean dialogSettingsInitialized = false;
- // The workbench instance passed to the wizard via IWorkbenchWizard#init.
- private IWorkbench workbench = null;
- // The selection passed to the wizard via IWorkbenchWizard#init.
- private IStructuredSelection selection = null;
- /**
- * Initialize the dialog settings and associate them with the wizard.
- */
- private final void initializeDialogSettings() {
- // Get the root dialog settings
- IDialogSettings rootSettings = getRootDialogSettings();
- // Get the wizards dialog settings section
- IDialogSettings section = rootSettings.getSection(getWizardSectionName());
- if (section == null) {
- // The section does not exist -> create it
- section = rootSettings.addNewSection(getWizardSectionName());
- }
- // Push the section to the wizard
- setDialogSettings(section);
- // Mark the dialog settings initialized
- dialogSettingsInitialized = true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the root dialog settings.
- * <p>
- * Typically, this are the dialog settings of the parent bundle. The
- * default implementation returns the dialog settings of the bundle
- * &quot;<code>org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui</code>&quot;. Overwrite to return
- * different root dialog settings.
- *
- * @return The root dialog settings.
- */
- protected IDialogSettings getRootDialogSettings() {
- return UIPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the name of the wizards associated dialog settings
- * section.
- * <p>
- * The default implementation returns the simple name of the
- * implementation class.
- *
- * @return The name of the wizards dialog settings section.
- */
- protected String getWizardSectionName() {
- return getClass().getSimpleName();
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard#getDialogSettings()
- */
- @Override
- public IDialogSettings getDialogSettings() {
- if (!dialogSettingsInitialized) {
- initializeDialogSettings();
- }
- return super.getDialogSettings();
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWizard#init(org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench, org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection)
- */
- @Override
- public void init(IWorkbench workbench, IStructuredSelection selection) {
- this.workbench = workbench;
- this.selection = selection;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the workbench instance.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:</b> The workbench instance is set via {@link IWorkbenchWizard#init(IWorkbench, IStructuredSelection)}.
- *
- * @return The workbench instance or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public final IWorkbench getWorkbench() {
- return workbench;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the selection.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:</b> The selection is set via {@link IWorkbenchWizard#init(IWorkbench, IStructuredSelection)}.
- *
- * @return The selection or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public final IStructuredSelection getSelection() {
- return selection;
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
+ * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
+ * available at
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.wizards;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard;
+import org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui.activator.UIPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWizard;
+ * An abstract wizard implementation.
+ * <p>
+ * This wizard implementation is adding dialog settings management.
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractWizard extends Wizard implements IWorkbenchWizard {
+ // A marker to remember if the dialog settings got
+ // initialized for this wizard
+ private boolean dialogSettingsInitialized = false;
+ // The workbench instance passed to the wizard via IWorkbenchWizard#init.
+ private IWorkbench workbench = null;
+ // The selection passed to the wizard via IWorkbenchWizard#init.
+ private IStructuredSelection selection = null;
+ /**
+ * Initialize the dialog settings and associate them with the wizard.
+ */
+ private final void initializeDialogSettings() {
+ // Get the root dialog settings
+ IDialogSettings rootSettings = getRootDialogSettings();
+ // Get the wizards dialog settings section
+ IDialogSettings section = rootSettings.getSection(getWizardSectionName());
+ if (section == null) {
+ // The section does not exist -> create it
+ section = rootSettings.addNewSection(getWizardSectionName());
+ }
+ // Push the section to the wizard
+ setDialogSettings(section);
+ // Mark the dialog settings initialized
+ dialogSettingsInitialized = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the root dialog settings.
+ * <p>
+ * Typically, this are the dialog settings of the parent bundle. The
+ * default implementation returns the dialog settings of the bundle
+ * &quot;<code>org.eclipse.tcf.te.ui</code>&quot;. Overwrite to return
+ * different root dialog settings.
+ *
+ * @return The root dialog settings.
+ */
+ protected IDialogSettings getRootDialogSettings() {
+ return UIPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of the wizards associated dialog settings
+ * section.
+ * <p>
+ * The default implementation returns the simple name of the
+ * implementation class.
+ *
+ * @return The name of the wizards dialog settings section.
+ */
+ protected String getWizardSectionName() {
+ return getClass().getName();
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard#getDialogSettings()
+ */
+ @Override
+ public IDialogSettings getDialogSettings() {
+ if (!dialogSettingsInitialized) {
+ initializeDialogSettings();
+ }
+ return super.getDialogSettings();
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWizard#init(org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench, org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void init(IWorkbench workbench, IStructuredSelection selection) {
+ this.workbench = workbench;
+ this.selection = selection;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the workbench instance.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Note:</b> The workbench instance is set via {@link IWorkbenchWizard#init(IWorkbench, IStructuredSelection)}.
+ *
+ * @return The workbench instance or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public final IWorkbench getWorkbench() {
+ return workbench;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the selection.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Note:</b> The selection is set via {@link IWorkbenchWizard#init(IWorkbench, IStructuredSelection)}.
+ *
+ * @return The selection or <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public final IStructuredSelection getSelection() {
+ return selection;
+ }

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